Welcome to the ECW Lives (well, the letters do, at least) edition of ECW on Sci Fi!

Extreme Expose and the Miz made their way to the ring as Joey Styles and Tazz reminded everyone about the "statement" Big Daddy V made last week on ECW. The Miz said Cyber Sunday was a fan's dream come true by being able to vote who would be able to challenge ECW champion CM Punk. Miz began running down V and John Morrison, before proclaiming the "Mizfits will overflow the voting" to bring the Miz into the PPV as Punk's challenger.

Miz said they had another piece of business to attend to and says that Kelly Kelly went out on a date with Balls Mahoney last week when she was forbidden to do so. Miz said that she violated her contract and said that he could fire Eric, er Kelly. He said that's not going to fire her but he's going to make her life miserable week after week after week. He's going to make her join the creative team?

John Morrison heads to the ring. He insults Miz, but admitted they both don't want V to make it it to Cyber Sunday. Morrison then said Miz needs to realize that no ECW fan would ever vote for Miz. Well, none of them are watching ECW in 2007, either. Morrison said that the fans would vote for him because it was his destiny to challenge Punk. Morrison then turned his attention to Kelly asking why she's wasting her time with Miz when Morrison has something that no one else has to their credit, beating CM Punk. He tells Kelly that she obviously wants to spend a night with him and when she does, she'll scream her name. Kelly Kelly, the exhibitionist, slapped Morrison.

Balls Mahoney hit the ring to his theme music to defend the honor of the lovely Ms. Elizabeth. He went after Morrison, but Miz attacked him from behind. Morrison and Miz disposed of Mahoney, then Morrison attacked Miz and tossed him (well, he tried, but Miz was dead weight) over the top rope. Miz finally fell to the mat. Morrison's music hit but ECW champion CM Punk hit the ring out of nowhere and nailed Morrison with a leg lariat. Morrison was knocked to the floor as Punk challenged him to get back in the ring. The crowd saw Punk as a star. I enjoyed the first segment for what it was.

Joey and Tazz plugged Kane vs. Big Daddy V was next.

WWE plugged The Undertaker's 15-0 DVD. That's a Wal-Mart exclusive but my guess is the WWE website will sell it as well.

John Morrison and The Miz were face to face, nose to nose, cliche to cliche backstage. Armando popped up and told them to learn to get along because they were teaming against CM Punk and Balls Mahoney later tonight. Morrison said they could handle them. Miz said that Morrison was to listen to him tonight. They started arguing over who was in charge of their team. They had some good intensity while they were arguing. This hasn't been a bad show at all so far.

Big Daddy V (with Matt Striker) vs. Kane

I am really surprised they are giving this away so soon, but when you need to prop up the ratings, Kane is the right guy to use towards that goal. Personally, I'd like to see them send Ric Flair over here, but that's just me. Scott Armstrong is the referee.

Kane went right after V with rights and rebounded off the ropes with a clothesline, but V didn't go down. V took over and took Kane right to the mat, then tried to smother Kane by stepping on him, Andre the Giant style. V screamed at Kane to fight him. He began chopping him in the corner. Kane escaped a splash in the corner and began hitting some offense, but was cut down with a sidewalk slam. Kane was sent to the floor. V followed and threw Kane into the ring steps. They returned to the ring as they went to commercial.

When we returned, V was smothering Kane with a sleeper. Kane finally fought back and hit a flying clothesline of sorts off the ropes. Mark Henry hit the ring and attacked Kane for the DQ, which makes no sense. The Great Khali then came to the ring, signaling we were in wrestling hell. (credit my friend Charlie). All three monsters beat up Kane who made a save for himself.

We get the Smackdown rebound.

CM Punk and Balls Mahoney were backstage. Balls thanked Punk for helping him earlier. punk said that unlike the other two, they had no reason not to get along and said let's get through tonight. He then asked Balls what he did on his date with Kelly Kelly. I really can't believe they didn't do date vignettes. Mahoney just cackled and had a sick look on his face as he smiled. Punk said that was disturbing and Balls quipped, "That's what she said." Balls walked off, leaving a befuddled and frightened Punk.

They announce a Monster Mash Battle Royal next week with all the monsters.

Nunzio vs. Elijah Burke

Nunzio got right in Burke's face, blaming him for their loss last week since Burke abandoned him. Nunzio got some early offense, including two dropkicks before Burke took over dropping Nunzio across the top turnbuckle face-first. Burke dragged Nunzio over the apron and began nailing him with forearm splashes. Burke hit a catapult, snapping Nunzio's throat under the ropes. Burke did a running charge through the ropes, snapping Nunzio against the ropes as he flew through. Burke got a two count. Burke teased the Outer Limits elbow but instead slid outside the ring and continued beating down Nunzio. This is the best Burke has looked in some time. Burke locked in a version of the Cobra Clutch but Nunzio fought his way out. Nunzio escaped a charge in the corner and hit the Sicilian Slice. Nunzio came off the ropes with a series of forearms. Nunzio came off the ropes but was caught with a combination clothesline and legsweep. Burke drilled Nunzio with the Elijah Express and scored the pin.

Your winner, in a good match, Elijah Burke!

Backstage, The Great Khali was arguing with his manager. They didn't even try to explain it.

When we returned, Matt Striker was telling Big Daddy V that he had Kane right where he wanted him. V said that in the Monster Mash Battle Royal, he'll prove he's the dominant force.

ECW champion CM Punk & Balls Mahoney vs. John Morrison & The Miz

Punk and Miz started out with Miz trying to work on Punk's sore ribs. The crowd chanted for Balls, so Punk tagged him in briefly. The babyfaces worked over Miz and went for some early covers. Miz and Morrison took control. They worked over Balls, who started to mount a comeback, but was taken down by Morrison. Balls finally clotheslines Miz and makes his way to Punk for the hot tag. Punk drills Morrison with a running knee strike in the corner, then a DDT. Miz gets one for his troubles, then nails a springboard clothesline on Morrison. Miz broke up the pin. He shot Punk into Morrison and then clunked heads. Miz went to clothesline Punk but got his partner. Balls tossed Miz out of the ring. Punk nailed Morrison with the GTS and scored the pin. OK tag.

Your winners, CM Punk and Balls Mahoney!

Hey, um, whatever happened to Stevie Richards and Tommy Dreamer, anyway?