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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation TNA PPV 'Against All Odds' LIVE Coverage! 2008


    TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Kurt Angle(c) vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage
    with Samoa Joe as Special Enforcer

    TNA World Tag Team Championship Match
    AJ Styles & Tomko(c) vs. BG James & "Bullet" Bob Armstrong

    TNA Women's Championship Match
    Awesome Kong(c) vs. O.D.B.

    Barbed Wire Massacre 2
    "The Monster" Abyss vs. Judas Mesias

    Hardcore Street Fight
    Team 3D & Johnny Devine vs. "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal & The Motor City Machine Guns

    Case vs. Case Match
    "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. "Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams

    Robert Roode vs. Booker T

    Peyton Banks vs. Traci Brooks

    Drinking Championship
    "Cowboy" James Storm vs. "Showtime" Eric Young

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    TNA Against All Odds PPV
    Sunday, February 10, | Orlando, Florida


    Total Nonstop Action Wrestling moves out of Orlando one more time for a pay per view and this time they debut in South Carolina at the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, South Carolina. After months of anticipation, by someone, I really hope, we get to see one of the three briefcases from the Feast or Fired Match used as BG James teams with his father, Bullet Bob Armstrong, to face the TNA Tag Team Champions A.J. Styles and Tomko. With all of the problems between A.J. and Tomko, will this be the time that we see the titles change hands? The other two briefcases that have already been determined will be on the line again as Petey Williams will face Scott Steiner in a Winner Takes Both Briefcases Match. Kurt Angle will defend the TNA Heavyweight Title against Christian Cage so the tables are turned from last year when Christian was the man with the Heavyweight Title. We could also be witnessing the end of the X Division tonight as Team 3D continues their attempts to terrorize the X Division. Now that they have the X Division title in their stable, do they really want to eliminate the division tonight? The TNA Women’s Title is also being defended tonight as Awesome Kong gets her first pay per view defense and it will be against ODB. Booker T will try to get some revenge tonight against the man who struck his wife, Robert Roode.


    The show went on the air with Jeremy Borash introducing the Marine Corp who brought out the Marine and United States flags, flanked by Bob Armstrong and BG James. Morning Star recording artist Joe Struski then sang the national anthem. The building looked full based on the early camera shots.

    They went into the usual well done opening video package.

    They returned live to the building with BG James and Bob Armstrong walking to the ring with a number of Marines filing behind them marching. BG said that in honor of all the fighting men and women, they had "three words for 'em....God bless America." TNA shot off a ton of pyro.

    TNA Tag Team champs AJ Styles & Tomko vs. BG James & Bob Armstrong

    The champs made their way to the ring. Styles took the mic and said while it might not be the time and place, he wanted to know why Tomo hasn't called him back in three weeks. He said that Tomko wanted to be his own man and that was fine, but then he went and aligned himself with Christian Cage, so Styles wanted some answers right now. Tomko said they were about to fight the best wrestling family of all time and the Armstrongs were backed up by the Marines, so Styles needed to get his head in the game and worry about the match. He told AJ if he didn't, they were about to lose their belts. At least they explained why these two would work together after the recent storyline developments.

    They had Jeremy Borash do the big-time fight introductions for the title bout.

    Styles and BG locked up but AJ sidestepped him and laughed. AJ grabbed a side headlock on BG. AJ began showboating, so BG cracked him with a right hand. BG and Armstrong worked over Styles. Styles got in Armstrong's face, so Bob paintbrushed him and Styles fell on his rear.

    Tomko tagged in. BG wanted in but Armstrong told his son it would be OK. Tomko got the better of Bob, who tagged out to BG. BG laid in several kicks and got a two count. BG and Armstrong began tagging in and out as they controlled the match. Styles tagged in and got a quick two count on Armstrong. They showed a shot of Kurt Angle watching a monitor of this match in the back as Karen Angle tried to get him to stop watching so she could talk to him.

    Styles continued to work over Armstrong. Tomko tagged in and cinched in a side chinlock. The crowd rallied Armstrong. He fought to his feet and used several elbows and a right hand to break the hold. Tomko cut him off and mocked BG by holding Armstrong's hand out for a mock tag. Tomko set up Armstrong in the corner but Armstrong ducked a running boot and Tomko crotched himself.

    BG tagged in and cleaned house on Tomko, who went to the floor. AJ hit the ring but BG cut him off with a several punches and a kneedrop. Tomko returned and held BG for AJ to take a shot. Styles hit a springboard forearm off the ropes but BG escaped and Tomko ate the forearm. BG nailed AJ with a pumphandle slam for a two count with Styles getting his shoulder up at the last second.

    Tomko attacked Armstrong on the floor, so BG made the save. When BG returned to the ring, Styles nailed a springboard dropkick to his knees. Styles and Tomko nailed the Tornadoplex and scored the pin.

    Winner: and still TNA Tag Team champions AJ Styles and Tomko!

    After the match
    Kip James hit the ring immediately after the finish. He and Bob checked on BG's knee. The cameras focused on James holding his knee and showing close-ups of him in agony. Several referees helped him out.

    They went backstage where Jeremy Borash was with TNA champion Kurt Angle and his wife Karen Angle. Karen was screaming at Kurt that she's done everything he's asked and doesn't know what else she has to do. She said that all he cares about it the TNA belt and who's screwing who behind his back. She demanded to know when the hell they were going to have time together and when the last time he did anything romantic. Angle told her now wasn't the time to be pulling this and told her to go take some midol and take her friend PMS with her. She told Angle one day he's going to "realize it" (what exactly?) and it'll be too late. She stormed off.

    Mike Tenay and Don West reviewed the remainder of the live card.

    They aired a video feature on the women's grudge match.

    Traci Brooks vs. Payton Banks

    Anyone ever notice that Brooks' music sounds like Aerosmith's Rag Doll? They girls go nose to nose at the bell and Banks slaps her. Brooks speared her in a corner and worked her over with stomps, then smothered Banks with her boot. Banks tried to escape but was dragged back into the ring.

    Banks turned it around with a rake of the eyes, then yanked Brooks to the mat by her hair. Payton then strangled her. Brooks nailed another spear. They went to the floor and brawled around ringside. Brooks whipped her into the rail, then chopped her several times. Brooks was tripped into the steel steps. Payton unleashed a number of forearms, then sent Brooks into the railing.

    Banks tossed Brooks back into the ring. She stomped at Brooks, then worked her over with a series of rights. The crowd chanted for Traci. Brooks mounted a comeback. She and Banks threw stiff kicks at each other. Banks began working over Brooks' back in the corner, nailing her with a kick and a double knee in the corner for a two count.

    Brooks fought her way to her feet. Banks went for a piledriver but was backdropped over. Brooks nailed several chops and kicks. Brooks nailed a clothesline for a two count, but Banks got her shoulder up. Brooks went to the top rope, but Banks cut her off, shaking the ropes.

    Banks charged Brooks in the corner, but missed. Brooks rolled her up and scored the pin.

    Winner: Traci Brooks!

    After the match
    Banks attacks Brooks with a Northern Lariat from behind as she celebrated. She tried to leave the ring but Brooks went after her. Banks finally escaped.

    They aired a promo video for Petey Williams vs. Scott Steiner

    The returning Scott Hudson interviewed both. Williams said he was as tired of all the talk about the briefcases and put himself over as a totally natural bodybuilder. Steiner said he had more matches defending the World title than Petey has had matches. He said that had a surprise for Williams if Williams crossed him tonight. Steiner walked off and Williams said tonight was his night.

    Scott Steiner vs. Petey Williams with the winner getting title shots for the TNA and X-Division title

    They both posed in the ring with Petey copying Steiner's trademark poses before the bell. They locked up and Steiner shoved Williams backwards. Williams grabbed a waistlock from behind into a side headlock but Steiner shoved him off. Williams went for a dropkick and charged, but got caught with a hiptoss. Williams retreated to the floor. Steiner followed, so Williams hopped back in the ring and did situps to play mental games.

    The crowd did the dueling chants. Steiner got the better of Williams, who kept mocking Steiner to try and get inside his head. Williams nailed a spinkick for a two count. Steiner caught him with a big suplex. He tied up Williams upside down in the corner, then pulled back on Williams with a chinlock as he stood outside the ring.

    Steiner clotheslined Williams, then dropped an elbow. He nailed a belly-to-belly superplex off the top. He make an arrogant cover, then pulled up Petey. He carried Petey to the top and nailed a Fallaway Slam. He repeated the arrogant cover and pulled him up.

    Steiner went to the floor and retrieved the Feast or Fired briefcases. He wedged them in opposite sides of the ring. Why would he risk being DQ's and losing his title shots? Referee Slick Johnson tried to stop Steiner, giving Williams the chance to knock Steiner into one of the cases for a two count. Why wasn't Williams DQ'd?

    Williams nailed a hurancanrana for another two. He went for the Canadian Destroyer but Steiner blocked it and slammed Williams backwards on the mat. Steiner went for the cover but Petey kicked up. Petey rolled up Scott for a two count, then nailed a dropkick. He went to the top and nailed a flying bodypress, but Steiner kicked up at the last second.

    Petey locked the Steiner Recliner in on Scott. Steiner got to his feet and ran Williams backwards into the corner. Williams refused to let go. Steiner went for a over the shoulder powerslam, but Williams escaped and turned it into a Tornado DDT for a two count. Steiner lowblowed Williams.

    Williams came back with several punches and a mule kick. He sent Steiner into the other briefcase. Petey hit a missile dropkick and called for the Canadian Destroyer. A large African-American woman came down to the apron and began doing poses. Williams posed back, allowing Steiner to lay him out and get the pin. Check the main page for details on the newest TNA Knockout.

    Winner: Scott Steiner!

    They went backstage to Kurt Angle and Jeremy Borash. Angle complained that Karen Angle walked out on him before the most important match of his life and didn't know what to do. Borash said he was going to release a book about how to get the broads and would give Angle a few tips. He told Kurt he had to treat Karen properly and showed him a few things, including how to hold her hand. Angle said he needed something better. Jeremy said, "What's Thursday?" Angle said, "Impact." That was classic. Borash told him it was Valentine's Day and suggested the Angles renew their vows on Impact. Borash told Kurt that on Thursday, he needed to look right into Karen's eyes and tell her "I love you." AJ walked in on the "I love you", looked confused and walked out as Kurt and Borash tried to explain.

    They aired a video feature on the Drinking championship.

    Eric Young vs. James Storm

    Storm attacked Young as he was with fans at ringside. Young came back with a Thesz Press. Storm was clotheslined to the floor. Young nailed a bodypress to the floor. Young whipped him into the railing. He tossed Storm into the ring. Jackie Moore tripped Young, so he chased her around the ring, allowing Storm to take him out. Young fought back but Storm caught him with a kick to the head, sending Young to the floor.

    Storm removed the padding on the concrete, then hiptossed him onto it. That was a lot more brutal than most fans will realize. Storm worked over Young on the floor. He teased a suplex, but Young blocked it. Young then suplex him on the concrete. Storm was bleeding slightly from the mouth. The crowd chanted TNA.

    Young was cut off as he returned to the ring and Storm nailed a DDT. Mike Tenay and Don West plugged that tonight was the first time there would ever be a PPV emanating from two cities due to the South Carolina Athletic Commission not allowing them to have Barbed Wire Massacre 2. They said it would be in Orlando and that Jim Cornette and Crystal would be on hand.

    Storm continued to work over Young. Young finally caught Storm with a powerbomb. He clotheslined Storm as Moore distracted the referee. Storm tossed Young into the corner. Young took the Flair flop over the turnbuckles, then caught Storm with a shoulderblock. Storm cut him off and went to the top rope. Storm went for a swanton but missed.

    Young nailed a moonsault off the top for a two count. Young put Storm in the corner. Jackie hit the ring but Young picked her up for a Fireman's Carry. He used her as a battering ram to Storm's joy department. Young fell over onto Moore and Young hit them both with a Death Valley Driver for a two count.

    Young positioned Storm in a corner but Storm turned it into a sunset flip powerbomb off the top. Jackie Moore tossed Storm a beer bottle and distracted the referee. Storm prepared to nail Young with it, but Rhino hit the ring from the crowd and gored him. From a storyline perspective, the return makes total sense.

    Young covered Storm for the three count.

    Winner: Eric Young!

    After the match
    Rhino took the mic and returned to the ring. He said he had a lot to say, but tonight wasn't the time or place. He said Thursday at Impact might be the time and place. He said that one thing was for sure and that was he was back to kick some ass.

    Mike Tenay sent the show over to Orlando. Crystal was with Jim Cornette. Cornette said that when Abyss asked for this match, Mesias accepted, so Cornette booked it. He said that after the match was advertised, the South Carolina Commission refused to allow it to take place in the State of South Carolina. Cornette said that when TNA advertises something, they follow through (Pacman Jones says hi, TNA). Cornette put over the dangerous nature of the barbed wire match and cut one hell of a promo.

    They aired a video feature on the Knockout championship match.

    TNA Knockouts champion Awesome Kong vs. ODB

    They faced off at the bell and Kong shoved her. ODB shoved her back and tols Kong to kiss her rear. They grabbed each other by the hair. ODB attempted a slam. Kong cut her off with a running charge.

    ODB went to the floor, where Raeesa got in her face. ODB told her to speak English and returned to the ring. Kong cut off ODB's offense and hit a running splash in the corner. She pulled ODB up by her hair, then tossed her to the floor. Kong drags her around ringside, throwing ODB into the railing. Kong shoved her back into the ring.

    Kong stalked ODB from behind and worked her over with kicks. Kong set her up for a powerbomb but ODB battled her off. Kong dropped ODB in the corner. She grabbed Kong for the Dirty Dozen but Kong avoided it. ODB ducked the spinning backfist and went for a tornado DDT, but was shoved off.

    ODB ducked a clothesline. ODB went for a Thesz Press but was caught and slammed on the mat. ODB escaped a powerbomb attempt. She nailed several dropkicks. Kong staggered but didn't go down. ODB hit the Thesz Press off the ropes, but Kong kicked up. ODB went for a bodyslam but couldn't get her.

    Kong clotheslined ODB down, then nailed the Impant Buster for a two count. Kong went to the ropes but ODB attacked her in the corner. She worked over Kong and slammed her out of the corner. She made the cover but only got a two count. ODB went to her flask for liquid courage.

    She nailed Kong with several shots. Raeesa got on the apron, but ODB nailed her. That allowed Kong to hit the spinning backfist and the Awesomebomb for the three count.

    Winner: and still TNA Knockouts champ, Awesome Kong!

    In Orlando, Jim Mitchell cut a promo backstage. He said he was going to send Judas Mesias into the Barbed Wire Massacre to destroy Abyss. He told Abyss that when the barbed wire tears and cuts him, "Mommy won't be there to save you." He said that when Abyss looks at Mitchell, knowing he can't take anymore, that's when Mitchell is going to tell Judas to send him straight to hell.

    They aired a video feature on the Barbed Wire Match

    Judas Mesias vs. Abyss - Barbed Wire Massacre Match

    We went to the Impact Zone, where Jim Cornette introduced the match. There are no ring ropes and several barbed wire boards around ringside. Mike Tenay said that Abyss had defeated Sabu in the first-ever Barbed Wire Massacre. Actually I was there and Sabu got the pin after sandwiching Abyss between two barbed wire boards and hitting the Arabian Facebuster.

    They locked up with neither man getting the advantage early. Abyss tried to drag Mesias to the barbed wire but he put his foot up. He reversed the waistlock, but Abyss elbowed him away. Abyss tried to pick up and drop Mesias on the barbed wire, but Mesias escaped and dropkicked Abyss' arm into the wire.

    Abyss came back and dropped Mesias chest-first into the wire. Abyss unloaded with a series of rights. Abyss missed a running charge and was hit with a drop toehold into the barbed wire. Mesias unloaded with a series of stomps. He charged Abyss but was caught with a kick.

    Abyss went under the ring and retrieved a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire. Abyss placed it on Mesias and went to hit a running sitting splash on Mesias, who turned the chair sideways so Abyss crotched himself on it. Mesias nailed Abyss with a (soft) chairshot to the head. Since this was taped, they slipped in a number of replays smoothly. Abyss was busted open.

    Mesias began biting at Abyss' bloody face. They brawled on the floor. Mesias was tossed into the steel steps at ringside. Abyss bridged a barbed wire board between the railing and the ring. A second was slipped into the ring. Abyss teased a powerbomb onto the outside board but Jim Mitchell attacked him from behind. Abyss grabbed Mitchell for a chokeslam on the floor but Mesias laid him out, then tossed his "half-brother" into the ring.

    Mitchell handed Mesias a small piece of barbed wire. He raked it across Abyss' arm. He rakes it across Abyss' other arm. Both arms were bloody as hell. He battered Abyss with punches. Mesias charged Abyss, who cut him off with a kick. Mesias fought off an attempted chokeslam into the barbed wire, but Abyss sent him up and down into the barbed wire, chest-first.

    Abyss tossed another barbed wire board into the ring. Mesias caught him outside. Abyss caught him and chokeslammed him off the apron through the board that was bridged. Abyss chased Mitchell into the ring. He caught Mitchell and nailed him with the Black Hole Slam.

    Mesias attacked Abyss but was caught with the Black Hole Slam for a two count. Mesias came back and tried to whip Abyss into a barbed wire board in the corner. Abyss stopped short when he nearly ran into the referee. Mesias used that moment to spear Abyss into the board.

    Mesias and Abyss exchanged blows on their knees. Mesias got the better of the exchange. Abyss came back with a Black Hole Slam into the barbed wire for the pin.

    Winner: Abyss!

    Back in South Carolina, Scott Hudson asked Robert Roode is he regretted his actions and what happened last month with Sharmell. Roode said that he never wanted it to happen, but Booker did. He said that Booker was responsible for what happened to Sharmell. He said he tried to be a gentleman and apologize, but Booker wouldn't accept, so be it. He said that tonight he takes his apologizes back tonight. Roode said he was sick and tired of Booker. He said he hates everything about Booker especially his "horse-faced skanky wife." He said that he was going to shatter Booker's jaw tonight and prove it pays to be rude. He closed with, "I know you can dig that....b***h."

    They aired a Booker vs. Roode feature

    Jeremy Borash caught up with Booker T in his locker room. Booker said that in 30 seconds, Roode will belong to him

    Robert Roode vs. Booker T

    Booker and Roode went right after each other. Booker got the better early, nailing a series of punches and kicks. Booker worked over Roode in the corner. He took control with chops in the corner, then whipped Roode into the corner, nailing another clothesline. Roode went to the floor. Booker followed, continuing to unleash chops.

    Booker picked up and dropped Roode across the guard rail. He nailed a short-arm clothesline on the floor. Booker tossed Roode back into the ring, but Roode caught him with a stomp as Booker followed. Roode rammed Booker into the turnbuckle and began kicking and chopping him.

    Booker came back, cutting Roode off with a reverse kick. Booker nailed several knee strikes to the head. Payton Banks got in the ring and Booker nearly hit her before he realized who she was. That allowed Roode to attack Booker from behind. Roode whipped him into the ropes and cut him off with a knee to the gut.

    Roode hit the running neck snap. He nailed several rights. Booker ducked a clothesline and went for the Bookend but Roode escaped. Roode hit a dropkick and locked on a side chinlock. The crowd rallied Booker to his feet and finally tossed Roode off.

    Booker nailed a kick to the jaw of Roode. Roode missed a punch and was hit with a spinkick. Booker nailed a flying forearm and then a spinebuster. Booker did the Spinaroonie, but Roode shot him to the floor to cut off the momentum. Booker grabbed Roode's legs and pulled him to the ringpost, smacking Roode's knee. Booker got back inside the ring and worked over his leg.

    Roode tried to cut off Booker but failed. Booker nailed a series of kick variations. Roode was backdropped to the floor. Roode was tossed into the guard rail on the floor. Roode escaped up the ramp towards the back with Payton. Booker followed. Booker caught up with Roode in the back and they brawled. Roode yelled at Banks to get the car.

    The referee counted both out, which the building hated.

    After the match
    The cameras followed them brawling in the back and outside. Roode tried to get in the car but Booker cut him off and they battled around the car. Roode yanked Banks out of the car and drove off. Booker said it wasn't over.

    They aired a video feature on Samoa Joe.

    Backstage, Kurt Angle told Karen that he's been neglecting her, so after he defeats Christian Cage, he wants them to renew vows on Impact. She loved the idea. Angle said he thought of the idea all by himself. Karen off to make plans. Kurt said now that Karen was taken care of, he could take care of Christian Cage. He said that this would be Cage's last shot and when he was done, Cage was going to have to abide by Angle's rules, because it's his kingdom. Angle then warned Samoa Joe to stay out of his way tonight.

    They aired a video feature on the Hardcore Street Fight.

    Scott Hudson interviewed Team 3D and Johnny Devine. Brother Ray asked if the Machineguns and Jay Lethal have given the match any thought. He asked if any of them have the will or heart to win a hardcore street fight. He said that they give Lethal credit for having guts and heart. He said that he wishes he could say the same about the Machineguns. He said they don't look or act like pro wrestling and don't respect the wrestling business. Ray said that might be why they don't respect the Machineguns. He said that win, lose or draw, 3D goes down as one of the greatest teams in the history of wrestling but the Machineguns will go down as just another flash in the pan and their 15 minutes of fame are almost up.

    X-Division champ Johnny Devine & Team 3D vs. Jay Lethal & the Motor City Machineguns - Hardcore Street Fight

    All six brawl in the aisle and around the ring. There was far too much early to cover. Machineguns hit a double suplex. They stole the famous Tommy Dreamer "Use My Sign" moment with Lethal nailing Bubba with a fan's sign that hid a yellow road sign.

    A ton of weapons - trash cans, chairs, sticks, even a kitchen sink, etc. got tossed into the ring. Team Lethal worked over their opponents with trash cans. They went for pins in triplicate but Team 3D and Devine kicked up. Sabin nailed the Dudleys with the sink. Devine choked out Lethal on the floor.

    The Machineguns locked on sleepers but the Dudleys hit stereo electric chairs. Ray drilled Sabin with a trash can lid. They continued to lay out Team Lethal and Bubba hit a sitdown powerbomb on an inflatable doll for good measure. They smashed a keyboard over Lethal's head. Devine suplexed Lethal onto a trash can for a two count and argued with the referee over the kickout.

    Devine and DeVon held Lethal for Bubba to cane, but the Machineguns made the save. The guns hit a series of double-team moves on Devon for a two count. Bubba cut them off with clotheslines from behind. They nailed Sabin with the 3D. Alex Shelley fought them off but was drilled with it as well. Lethal hit a springboard dropkick on Devon, but Bubba nailed him with a clothesline. Lethal took a crazy spinning bump off the move.

    Bubba began working over Lethal with rights. They showed Socal Val playing the Miss Elizabeth role yelling for them to stop. She got on the apron. Bubba grabbed her by the hair and teased using a cheese grater on her. Lethal made the save and put the cheese grater to Bubba's groin. he checked on Val then hit a top rope hurancanrana onto Bubba. He covered Bubba but someone pulled the referee out.

    Lethal hit a running dive to the floor on Devon. He came back to hit a springboard clothesline on Bubba for another two count. It's obvious from the promo and the way this has been laid out, the match is all about making Lethal a star. Lethal superkicked Devon for a two count. Bubba caught him with a full nelson sitout powerbomb but Lethal kicked out.

    Team 3D pulled in a table. They went after Lethal, who backdropped Devon out of the ring and hit an enziguiri on Bubba. Lethal ducked a shot with the road sign from Devine, drilled him with it, then came off the top with a flying elbow through the table for the pin

    Winners: The Motor City Machineguns & Jay Lethal!

    Lethal celebrated with Socal Val and Sonjay Dutt.

    Scott Hudson interviewed Christian Cage. Cage said that the cards have fallen into place and everyone knows where they stands, but the only thing that matters is the World title. Cage said that Samoa Joe, himself and Kurt Angle don't get along. Cage said he just wants Joe to come to the ring and do his job tonight. He says that Joe yaps about how he wants a title shot and Joe does deserve one, but not tonight. Cage said that tonight belongs to Cage and his peeps. He said that he was going to take the title tonight.

    TNA champ Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage with Samoa Joe as the Enforcer outside the ring

    They did some back and forth wrestling to start the match. It was solid. Angle hit a backdrop suplex for a near fall, but Cage rolled over into a side headlock. They went back and forth. Cage sidestepped Angle, who hit his shoulder on the ringpost. Cage jumped off the top rope to the floor on Angle.

    Angle took back over on Cage as Joe left his seat at ringside. Joe smothered Cage against the ropes and Joe jumped on the apron to make sure Angle listened to the five count. Angle nailed a series of right hands.. Cage charged him but was caught with a belly-to-belly suplex over the top to the floor.

    Angle stalked around ringside looking for a chair. Joe stopped him from using it. Angle shoved Joe, so Joe shoved him on his rear. Cage recovered and attacked Angle, chopping him. Angle picked up Cage with a fireman's carry, then slammed him backwards into the ringpost, although the move didn't hit the way they planned. The announcers tried to cover that.

    Back in the ring, Cage and Angle exchanged chops. Angle powerbombed Cage into one of the corners for a two count. He cinched on leg scissors around Cage's mid-section. Cage finally mounted a comeback, nailing a flapjack on Angle. Cage floated up and over Angle, then rolled him up for a two count.

    Cage ascended to the top rope. Angle went for a suplex but Cage had him scouted and knocked him off the ropes. Cage hit a frog splash for a two count. Angle came back to run Cage into the corner. He went for the Olympic Slam but Cage turned it into an Lucha style armdrag.

    They battled on the apron outside the ring. Angle teased a German suplex off the apron. Cage held on for dear life before letting it go. Angle got an ankle lock while they were in the ropes and pulled him into the ring. Cage broke it with a forward roll but Angle grabbed it again. Angle went for the Olympic Slam, but Cage turned it into a sunset flip attempt. Angle countered that into another ankle lock, but Cage hit a forward roll for a two. Cage went for the Unprettier but Angle turned it into an Olympic Slam for a two count. The crowd chanted TNA.

    Angle missed a moonsault off the top. Cage went to the top but was caught by Angle with a superplex variation for another near fall. Really good match. Angle began berating Cage and slapped him. Cage nailed the Unprettier but Angle kicked out.

    The referee was bumped as Cage put an ankle lock on Angle. Joe got inside the ring to call for the fall. Angle got to the ropes, where Karen grabbed his hands. Cage dragged Angle back to the ring's center, with Karen being pulled in. Cage grabbed her and Joe teased stopping him, then tossed his hands up to say, "Whatever you want." Karne shoved Cage and slapped him. Cage grabbed her in the corner. Angle saw it and charged but Cage moved and Kurt splashed his wife in the corner. Cage rolled up Angle, who kicked out.

    Cage and Angle nailed a double clothesline in the center of the ring. Joe carried Karen Angle out of the ring and put her in a chair. AJ Styles hit the ringside area and tried to nail a springboard move but Joe yanked him down in mid-flight and tossed Styles into the crowd. Joe battled with AJ in the crowd, dragging him out.

    Angle grabbed a chair at ringside and tried to nail Cage, who ducked. Cage got the chair, but Angle lowblowed him. Angle nailed Cage in the back with the chair. Tomko hit the ring and grabbed the chair from Kurt. He teased laying out Angle, then hit grabbed Cage and drilled him with a F-5 variation. Angle looked shocked. Tomko walked out. Angle scored the pin.

    Winner: and still TNA champion Kurt Angle!

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Main Eventer
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    LOL, seems like AJ and Karen are in a relationship I knew it all along.

  4. #4
    Mid-carder Coruptyed's Avatar
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    wow i lost a little respect from tna when Mike Tenay and Don West said this

    " plugged that tonight was the first time there would ever be a PPV emanating from two cities due to the South Carolina Athletic Commission not allowing them to have Barbed Wire Massacre 2. They said it would be in Orlando and that Jim Cornette and Crystal would be on hand."

    come on dont feed us bs, dont try to sell it as live...... but other then that its an alright ppv so far.
    Last edited by Coruptyed; 02-11-2008 at 03:25 AM.
    The One, The Legend, The Icon


  5. #5
    Mid-carder Coruptyed's Avatar
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    the barbed wire massacre match was not played out very well at all. blood when there clearly should have been, leaning on the barbed wire with no pain, and abyss gets blood but apparently judas mesias doesnt have any after landing on the barbed wire what 5 times...
    The One, The Legend, The Icon


  6. #6
    Latino Heat
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    steiner vs william???

  7. #7
    Mid-carder Coruptyed's Avatar
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    the tag team match was awesome... i must say
    The One, The Legend, The Icon


  8. #8
    WOOOOO! Flair Country's Avatar
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    Kurt Angle retains after an awesome match and a run-in by Tomko. Tomko turned his back on Christian!

  9. #9
    Danger zone Punisher's Avatar
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    ugh i want cage to win!

    gfx credit: Role Model

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  10. #10
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    Not a great PPV, but not a bad one either. The Tomko turn seems kind of stupid and I don't have faith in Russo to make it work.

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