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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Wrestlemania 24 LIVE COVERAGE 2008

    Wrestlemania 24
    LIVE Coverage

    March 30th, 2008

    WWE Championship - Triple Threat Match
    Randy Orton (c) vs. Triple H vs. John Cena.

    World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Edge (c) vs. The Undertaker.

    "Money in the Bank" Ladder Match
    (Winner earns a shot at a WWE World Title)
    WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Carlito vs. WWE U.S. Champion MVP vs. CM Punk vs. WWE Tag Team Champion John Morrison.

    Floyd "Money" Mayweather vs. The Big Show.

    Career Threatening Match
    Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels.

    ECW Championship
    Chavo Guerrero (c) vs Winner of Battle Royal

    BunnyMania Lumberjack Match
    Master of Ceremonies: Snoop Dogg
    Maria & Ashley Massaro vs. WWE Women's Champion Beth Phoenix & Melina.

    Raw vs. Smackdown: Which is the superior brand in WWE?
    Umaga (Raw) vs. Batista (Smackdown).

    Belfast Brawl
    JBL vs. Finlay.

    (Click for larger image)

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    24-Man Battle Royale

    The Battle Royale is being broadcast on WWE.com, but is not being shown as the pre-show for the PPV. They had all the wrestlers come out to the same generic music, and had their names read off as they came down the aisle. Joey Styles and Tazz called the action. I am sure I will miss a few eliminations, as they are using a pretty small screen on WWE.com to show the action.

    As soon as the bell rang, Festus went nuts and attacked everyone. Deuce was eliminated by a Festus kick, then Domino was tossed out by Festus with a hiptoss. Great Khali tossed out Hacksaw Duggan, to a chorus of boos. Stevie Richards was eliminated by a double jumping knee by Elijah Burke. Kane grabbed Burke and tossed him over the top rope. Miz was eliminated by a Jamie Noble head scissors.

    Mark Henry backdropped Shannon Moore and Jimmy Yang at the same time. Trevor Murdoch eliminated Jesse Festus tossed out Murdoch by dodging a charge. Festus was eliminated by Lance Cade. Brian Kendrick used a flying bodypress and took himself and Lance Cade over the top and out of the match.

    Mark Henry launched Kofi Kingston over the top rope to eliminate him. Chuck Palumbo tossed out Jamie Noble, who stood on the bodies of wrestlers on the floor to avoid elimination, only to be kicked back down (and out) by Palumbo. Khali then eliminated Palumbo. Everyone remaining in the ring teamed up to eliminate Khali.

    Snitsky tossed out Hardcore Holly, and I believe Mark Henry tossed out Tommy Dreamer, although it was hard to tell from the angle they were using. It came down to Kane, Mark Henry and Snistky. Henry eliminated Snitsky, and we were down to two. Henry pressed Kane over his head, but Kane floated over and hit a kick to the head to send Henry over the top rope. Kane is the winner.

    Winner: Kane.

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage!
    WWE: 'Wrestlemania 24' PPV
    Sunday 30th March, 2008
    Location: The Citrus Bowl, Orlando, Florida
    J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler
    Micheal Cole and Jonathon Coachman
    Tazz and Joey Styles

    A camera view over the crowd of the Citrus Bowl is shown and looks packed to capacity.

    Lilian Garcia welcomes us to Wrestkemania 24.

    Lilian introduces 5 times grammy award winner Jon England to sing the American anthem.

    A video package of HHH, Edge, Flair, Michaels, Cena and others all say their feelings on Wrestlemania. They show sneaks of what has happened in the last year since Wrestlemania 23. Tonight is the ending of a years journey. Tonight is Wrestlemania!!!!!!

    Fireworks explode to open Wrestlemania 24 with WWE in HD! First time I have seen it in HD and it looks good.

    J.R welcomes us to Wrestlemania 24.

    Lilian Garcia is in ring and says the opening match is a Belfast Brawl.

    JBL's music hits and out he comes in his limo with hardly any reaction from the crowd.

    A video package of how McMahon put Hornswoggle in his steel cage match and then how JBL entered the ring and destroyed Hornswoggle with Finlay helpless. JBL stands in the middle of the ring as they show another video package where JBL will not apologise to McMahon for what he did and says that Hornswoggle is actually Finlays son. Back to JBL in the ring standing and waiting for Finlay.

    Finlays music hits and out comes the Belfast brawler with Hornswoggle who looks fired up. They head to the ring as the crowd cheers them on. It is a long walk to the ring as Finlay jumps on the apron and JBL knees him back ... and here we go.

    JBL vs Finlay w/ Hornswoggle
    Belfast Brawl

    They brawled on the floor, with JBL throwing right hands. Finlay reversed a whip and sent JBL into the ring steps, then into the ring, and the bell ran to officially start the match. Finlay hit a sit-down splash and a series of rights. Finlay went under the ring and pulled out trash cans, lids and kendo sticks. JBL grabbed a can and blasted Finlay with it. JBL then used a trash can lid and a cookie sheet to blast Finlay. JBL hit a short-arm clothesline, then threw a section of ring steps into the ring. JBL kicked Finlay in the head, then went for a piledriver on the ring steps, but Finlay backdropped him off.

    Finlay hit a kick to the head, then blasted JBL with the cookie sheet twice. Finlay then held the metal pan against JBL's head and punched it. Finlay went for the first cover of the match and got a two count. Finlay hit a right hand, but JBL responded with a boot to the face, then stomped Finlay's hand. JBL threw a series of punches in the corner, then kicked Finlay in the head. JBL grabbed the shillelagh, but Hornswoggle ran in and hit JBL with a kendo stick. JBL was distracted by the shot, and that allowed Finlay to pick up the shillelagh and blast JBL with it. JBL fell to the floor, but Finlay rolled him back in. Finlay put the trash can on JBL's head, then stomped it. Finlay went under the ring and pulled out a table. Finlay propped the table in a corner, then went to whip JBL into it. JBL reversed the whip, and Finlay got thrown into a corner without a table. Finlay charged out and blasted JBL with a clothesline. JBL rolled to the floor, and grabbed Hornswoggle. Finlay jumped out of the ring and bounced JBL's head off the Raw announce table over and over. They went back into the ring, but JBL rolled out the other side.

    Finlay dove through the ropes for a tope, but JBL blasted him with a trash can lid. JBL rolled Finlay into the ring for a two count. JBL picked up a trash can and threw it out of the ring, nailing Hornswoggle on the floor with it. JBL picked up another can and blasted Finlay with it. JBL went for a Clothesline From Hell, but Finlay picked up a can and blasted him with it. Finlay hit a rolling Samoan Drop for a two count, then threw JBL into the table in the corner. Finlay picked up the ringsteps to hit JBL, but JBL grabbed a kendo stick and blasted Finlay in the leg with it. JBL then hit a Clothesline From Hell to get the win at the ten minute mark.

    Winner: JBL

    JBL celebrates his win as Hornswoggle looks on at Finlay in the ring.

    Kim Kardashian is backstage who announces up next is the Money in the Bank money match. Kennedy comes out and says he will be the only person to win 2 consequative MITBs in a row.

    WWE Tag Team champion John Morrison makes his way out to the ring in the style only he can in some ugly ass coat. Two ladders are set up in the aisle on the way to the ring.

    Carlitos music hits and out comes the fuzzball and makes his way to the ring.

    They show the case hanging above the middle of the ring.

    Shelton benjamin music hits and makes his way to the ring.

    CM Punks music hits and the crowd erupts as he makes his way to the ring.

    Kennedy screams and out he comes and makes his way to the ring.

    US champion MVPs clock starts ticking with the crowd booing and wishing it was a terrorist bomb to blow him up. Out he comes, his fireworks go off and makes his way to the ring.

    Intercontinental champion Y2Js music hits and out he comes to the crowd cheering as he makes his way to the ring.

    Here we go ......

    Money In The Bank
    Ken Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Chris Jericho vs. Carlito vs. MVP vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison.

    At the bell, everyone ran out of the ring for ladders, except MVP. As guys tried to get back in with ladders, MVP would knock them out of the ring. Finally, Jericho got in, and both men had ladders in their hands. Jericho and MVP jousted, with Jericho getting the better of it. MVP rolled out, and Morrison came in and hit Jericho with it. Morrison then took a ladder and moonsaulted off the top rope, hitting Punk, Carlito, MVP and Benjamin with the ladder on the floor. Kennedy and Jericho squared off in the ring, and Jericho catapulted Kennedy into a ladder. Kennedy jumped onto the ladder and climbed up for the briefcase. Morrison came off the top rope onto the ladder, throwing another ladder at Jericho. Morrison and Kennedy slugged it out on the ladder. Benjamin set up another ladder and climbed up next to them, but was knocked down. Kennedy went to superplex Morrison off the ladder, and Benjamin climbed up his ladder and gave Kennedy a sunset flip powerbomb, sending both men to the mat.

    Benjamin climbed the ladder, but Carlito tipped it over. Benjamin landed on the top rope on his feet and tipped the ladder into Carlito. Benjamin then tried to jump onto the ladder, but it collapsed. Punk climbed a ladder, but Kennedy pulled him down. Punk knocked him out of the ring, then tried to climb again. Benjamin tried to stop him, but Punk gave him a GTS. Kennedy gave Punk a rolling Samoan Drop onto a ladder. Carlito tried to climb up, but MVP knocked him down, then gave Kennedy a running kick. MVP missed a running kick on Carlito, and Carlito hit MVP with a ladder shot to the leg. Carlito went to climb a ladder, but Benjamin pulled him down. Benjamin hit Carlito with a spinkick. Benjamin went to climb the ladder, but Kennedy and Carlito tipped the ladder. Benjamin went head over heels off the ladder, crashing through a ladder that was bridged at ringside.

    Jericho, Carlito and Kennedy all climbed the ladder, but MVP knocked it over. Morrison then blasted MVP out of the ring, then climbed a ladder. Jericho climbed up to fight him, then applied a Walls Of Jericho across the top of the ladder. Kennedy set up another ladder and climbed up. Jericho dumped Morrison, then fought Kennedy on top of the ladders. Punk and Carlito both springboarded from opposite sides of the ring and onto the ladders. Punk and Kennedy came crashing off one ladder. Carlito pulled Jericho off the other ladder with a Backstabber, and both men rolled to the floor.

    MVP got into the ring and realized everyone was laid out by him. MVP climbed up the ladder, and went for the briefcase. Matt Hardy emerged from the crowd, to a monster pop. Hardy climbed up the ladder and blasted MVP with punches. Hardy gave MVP a Twist of Fate off the ladder to the mat. The place as going nuts for Hardy. Hardy ran back out through the crowd. Jericho and Carlito started fighting, and two ladders got tangled together. Morrison tried to climb the tangled ladder, but Jericho and Carlito tipped him off it and he fell to the floor. Jericho climbed the ladder, but Carlito sit apple in his face. Kennedy knocked Carlito off the ladder and he landed back first on a ladder that was propped in a corner. Kennedy went to climb up, but Punk knocked him down with a ladder. Jericho gave Punk a Codebreaker with a ladder.

    Jericho climbed the ladder, but Punk struggled up it, shaking the ladder. Jericho kicked Punk in the head, yelling "stay down". Punk climbed up and punched it out with Jericho. Punk tripped Jericho and tied him in a Tree of Woe in the ladder. Punk climbed up and grabbed the briefcase at the 15 minute mark.

    Winner: CM Punk.

    Punk celebrates sitting on top of the ladder as the crowd go nuts. Jericho lies on the mat holding his leg with refs talking to him as Punk continues to hold the case high celebrating his win which seems like a long time.

    They show John Cena getting ready for his match then go to Cena meditating for his match and then go to Triple H getting ready for his match tonight.

    They switch to J.R and King in the arena who introduce a video package from last nights Hall of Fame ceremony. If you have not seen the ceremony yet, dopwnload it ASAP, it was a great night and show and is definately a must for all wrestling fans.

    We go back to the arena and Lilian introduces Howard Finkle who then introduces the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2008. Out come all the great superstars, families and ofcourse the unforgettable diva.

    Jack and Jerry Briscoe

    Gordon Solie (family)

    Rocky Johnson

    High Chief Peter Maivia (Family)

    Eddie Graham (Family)

    The HOT Mae Young (God love her - hope she is still on wwe when she is 100)

    Ric Flair (family)

    Todd Grisham is backstage and introduces Snoop Dogg and asks how he is enjoying WM and he says he loves it, he loves seeing the present and past wrestlers and ofcourse the bunnies. Snoop says he loves hanging out with Charlie Brown due to them enjoying the same food etc. Then Santino comes out and starts to annoy Snoop and Snoop rings a bell and then Chasrlie attacks Santino. Then out comes Mick Foley and Snoop asks him how is his fizzle or some damn thing lol. Mick says Fizzle or something lol but then brings out socko which has some bling on it.

    They show Freddie Prinze Jr in the crowd. Woopee

    Lilian Garcia is in ring and introduces the next match which is the RAW vs Smackdown match, She introduces Regal and Long in the ring.

    Batistas music hits and out he comes, dances, jumps, hops, squats, shoots, explodes and off to the ring he gos all hypwd up as the crowd gos nuts. Batista enters the ring and more bigger fireworks go off.

    Umangas music hits lol and out he comes screaming and makes his way to the ring.

    Here we go ....

    RAW vs Smackdown
    Batista vs Umaga

    They started slugging it out at the bell, and Umaga shoved Batista to the mat. Umaga went for a charge in the corner, but Batista moved out of the way and knocked Umaga to the floor with a shoulderblock. Batista hit some shots as Umaga got on the apron, but Umaga hit a thrust to the throat. Umaga went for a backdrop, but Batista kicked it away. Umaga returned fire with a spin kick. Batista rolled to the apron and Umaga hit a front kick that knocked Batista to the floor. Umaga rolled Batista back into the ring and hit a splash to the back for a two count. Umaga whipped Batista hard into the turnbuckles twice. Batista threw some punches, but Umaga took him down with another thrust into the throat.

    Umaga applied a nervehold, then slammed Batista. Umaga went to the second rope, but missed a diving headbutt. Batista lifted Umaga for a slam, but fell under the weight and Umaga got a two count. Umaga hit a kick to the back, then went back to the nervehold. Batista elbowed out, but Umaga hit a headbutt and a Samoan Drop for a two count. There's fans in the front rows chanting "U-U-Umaga". Batista blocked a whip and hit some punches. Batista hit a boot to the face, and the crowd actually booed Batista. Umaga grabbed Batista and went for the Samoan Spike, but Batista blocked it and threw Umaga into the corner. Umaga went over the turnbuckles and hit the ringpost. Batista hit a spinebuster, and there was a pop, so Batista still has his fans. Batista hit a Batista Bomb, falling backwards as he delivered it due to Umaga's size, and got the pin at the eight minute mark.

    Winner: Batista

    Batista leaves the ring and runs up the ramp toeards the back, turns and salutes the crowd while holding his back.

    Back to J.R and King who speak about Mayweather and Big Show being a NODQ match.

    We see Mayweather smiling and laughing with his posse.

    They show the stats of Mayweather and Big Show. Big Show destroys him in everything.

    Back to Tazz and Michael Cole who also discuss the Mayweather and Show match. Then they talk about the 24 man battle royal earlier and they show footage of the match. They show the end with Kane beating Mark Henry to win the match. Watch him get screwed again .. maybe.

    Estrada is in the ring and announces the next match that is for the ECW championship.

    Chavos music hits and out comes the ECW champion Chavo who might lose tonight for going to the Impact tapings when asked not to. Chavo makes his way to the ring holding his title high and finally gets in the ring.

    Kanes music hits with fire buring and the arena turing red. Chavo waiting for Kane but Kane is already in the ring.

    Here we go .....

    ECW Championship
    Kane vs Chavo (c)

    Kane hits Chavo and Chavo gos down and Kane jumps on Chavo for the 3 count lol NEW ECW CHAMPION - KANE. lol Don't mess with McMahon I am curious if that was meant to happen lol

    Winner: KANE

    Kane celebrates his win.

    An ad for Wrestlemania with Carlito getting killed by a seagull .. seems about right.

    Raven Samone is in the ring She is there for Make a Wish foundation. They show 50 kids form 50 states in the crowd.

    Back to J.R and King who introduce the next match which is Flair vs Michaels. They go to a video package highlighting Flairs career and then to how it came about that he would lose at any match he lost and then to how he and Michaels got to the ring tonight.

    Flair is backstage and woooos. He is asked what his game plan is tonight and he says it is to be the man woooooo.

    Lilian Garcia is in ring and announces that if Flair loses he must retire.

    Mr Wrestlemania Shawn Michaels music hits and out he comes being a sexy boy, not a boy toy .... and makes his way to the ring.

    Woooooooo! Flairs music hits and out comes the man styling and profiling only he can.

    Here we go ...

    If Ric Flair loses, he must retire.
    Rick Flair vs Shawn Michaels

    They reached to lock up, the Flair combed his hair back and let out a "Whoo"! They locked up, then Flair shoved Michaels into the ropes and Michaels hit a shoulderblock. Flair grabbed a headlock and switched into a hammerlock. They traded reversals, then went into some mat wrestling. Michaels elbowed out of a hammerlock, and Flair hit a hiptoss. Flair strutted and let out a "Whoo!" They stared each other down, then locked up again. They went into a corner and Michels shoved Flair. Flair shoved back and said "Old Yeller, huh?" Michaels slapped Flair. Flair had some blood come from his mouth. Michaels said "You can leave now". Flair said "First blood, brother". They traded punches and chops in a corner, then Michaels went for a backdrop, but Flair kicked it away. Flair hit a backdrop and delivered a kneedrop to Michaels' head. Michaels came back with a back elbow as Flair charged in at him.

    Michaels went to the top rope, but Flair slammed Michaels off the top rope. There's a switch. Flair went to the top rope, and Michaels went to slam him off, but Flair punched him away. Flair hit a top rope bodypress for a two count. Michaels grabbed a headlock, but Flair hit a shinbuster. Flair went for a figure four, but Michaels kicked him away. Flair fell through the ropes and to the floor. Michaels hit a baseball slide kick. Michaels went for an Asai moonsault, but Flair moved and Michaels crashed through the Raw announce table at ringside.

    Michaels managed to crawl back into the ring, and Flair whipped him into a corner. Flair whipped him into the opposite corner, then hit a back suplex. Michaels kicked out at two. Flair punched Michaels in his ribs, which Michaels was now favoring. Flair hit a double underhook suplex for a two count. Flair stomped the ribs. Flair hit a few chops, and Michaels tried to punch back, but Flair hit a delayed vertical suplex, to a pop, for a two count. Flair tried for another two count. They traded punches and chops, and Michaels started to get the better of it. Flair shoved Michaels into the ropes and went for a backdrop, but Michaels hit a neckbreaker. Michaels backdropped Flair over the top rope and to the floor. Michaels went to the top rope and barely moonsaulted a standing Flair on the floor. Flair and Michaels crawled back into the ring at a nine count.

    They traded chops, as JR noted that if Michaels had hit the bullseye with the moonsault, Flair wouldn't have been able to get back in the ring. Michaels hit a flying forearm and kipped up. Michaels hit a reverse atomic drop, then a second. Flair did a reverse Flair flop. Michaels slammed Flair, then went to the top rope and hit a flying elbowdrop. Michaels set up for a superkick, stomping in the corner. Michaels went for it, then stopped short and just stared at Flair. Flair grabbed Michaels by the leg, tripped him to the mat and applied a figure four leglock. Michaels struggled in the hold, then managed to reverse it. Both men got to their feet, and Michaels chopped Flair. They went to the mat, and Michaels tried for a bridge, but couldn't get it. Flair backdropped Michaels, but Michaels turned it into a sunset flip for a two count.

    Michaels chopped Flair, but Flair reversed a whip and sent Michaels into the corner. Flair then hit a chopblock to the back of the leg. Flair went for the figure four again, but Michaels grabbed a small package for a two count. Michaels went for an enzugiri, but Flair ducked it and applied the figure four leglock. Michaels tried to inch towards the ropes, but Flair inched them back into the center of the ring. Michaels rolled the figure four, but Flair rolled it back. Michaels finally made the ropes to break the hold. Flair stomped Michaels' leg near the ropes. Flair let out a "Whoo!", then walked into a superkick by Michaels. Michaels crawled onto Flair, but Flair got a shoulder up at the two count, to a pop.

    Michaels struggled to his feet, and measured for one more superkick. Flair wasn't getting up off the mat. Michaels screamed for him to get up, then prepared for the kick again, stomping in the corner. Flair wasn't getting up. Michaels went to pull Flair up off the mat, and Flair hit a low blow mule kick, out of view of the referee. The crowd popped for it. Flair covered Michaels for a two count. Flair went to grab Michaels, but Michaels tripped Flair and applied his inverted figure four. Flair screamed in pain, struggled and made the ropes. Michaels pulled Flair back toward the center of the ring, and a turnbuckle cover came off in Flair's hand. As the referee took the cover away, Flair poked Michaels in the eyes. Flair rolled up Michaels with a handful of tights for a two count.

    Flair and Michaels exchanged chops, with Flair getting the better of it. Flair hit several shots, then Michels snapped off a superkick, decking Flair. Michaels lined up for another superkick, and looked like he was going to cry. Flair got to his feet, and gestured for Michaels to bring it on. Michaels said "I'm sorry, I love you." and nailed Flair with a superkick for the pin at the twenty one minute mark.

    Winner: Shawn Michaels.

    Michaels puts his arm over Falir and kisses his forehead. Michaels sits on the side of the apron with his head own and then slowly makes his way to the back looking miserable. Flair lies in the middle opf the ring as they replay the words Michaels said before the last kick - I'm sorry, I love you. Flair sits up in the ring with the crowd cheering and Falir begins to cry as he stands in the middle of the ring. The crowd to their feet saluting the legend as Flair leaves the ring to hug his family at ringside. Falir begins to leave while saluting the crowd as he walks towards the back. One final time Flair turns and salutes the crowd before leaving for the back ... the end of an era.

    Todd Grisham is backstage and says how the Undertaker is going for 16 and 0 tonight. Edge comes in and he says we saw a career end and more importantly tonight we will see history made again when he beats Undertaker. He begins a story about seeing his hero Hulk Hogan in Canada when he lost and his innocence was lost that day and how people can always count on the dead man but tonight that changes and there is probably a kid in the crowd tonight waiting for Undertaker to win but Edge will crush his innocence when he defeats Undertaker tonight.

    In the arena fireworks explode. King calls it a half time show.

    Lilian Garcia is in the ring and introduces the Playboy lumberjack match.

    All the lovely divas come out and stand at the top of the ramp as Lilian introduces Snoop Dogg who is Master of Ceremonies. Snoop comes out dancing and then gets in his pimped out mercedes golf cart and drives to the ring with the ladies following.

    Maria and Ashley come out and make their way to the ring.

    Melinas music hits and out she comes with Womens champion Beth Phoenix and Santino. They make their way to the ring.

    Here we go ....

    Playboy Bunnymania Lumberjack Match
    Maria & Ashley vs Beth Phoenix & Melina.

    Ashley started off with Phoenix, then tagged in Maria for a double hiptoss. Melina tagged in and Maria tossed her to the floor. Melina was shoved back in and Maria hit a reverse splash in the corner. Maria gave Melina a Bronco Buster. Maria pulled Melina out of the corner for a two count. Ashley tagged in and did a headscissors and a clothesline. Ashley, very slowly, set up and hit a facebuster. Melina shoved Ashley into a punch by Phoenix. Ashley was thrown to the floor and the heel Divas beat her up and tossed her in. Phoenix tagged in and Melina catapulted Ashley into a bearhug by Phoenix. Melina tagged back in and Phoenix tossed Melina into a moonsault onto Ashley. Maria broke up the pin. Maria got a tag as Beth Phoenix tagged in. The lights went out in the stadium. Unfortunately, they didn't stay off. They got spotlights on the ring, and Maria was going at it with Phoenix. Maria hit Phoenix with a bulldog. There was a brawl at ringside, and Maria was left along with Phoenix in the ring. Maria had a cover, but Santino reached in to break it up. Jerry Lawler went over and decked Santino with a right hand. In the ring, Phoenix hit Maria with a fisherman's buster to get the pin at the five minute mark.

    Winners: Beth Phoenix & Melina.

    Beth Phoenix, Melina and Santino celebrate in the ring. Snoop Dogg gets in the ring and clothesline Santino and Snoop kisses Maria. Santino gets dargged to the back by refs as Snoop, Maria and Ashley leave the ring.

    UOWForums will have diva caps of this match up ASAP!!!!!

    J.R introduces a video package for tonights triple threat match for the WWE title between WWE champion Randy Orton, Cena and Triple H.

    A college band is on the entrance ramp as well as ummm dancing girls. John Cena comes out and I could swear no one knew lol. lol the band was playing his music .. go figure, I couldn't tell. Cena gets in the ring, takes off his shirt and gets ready. Yeah, that entrance kind of sucked ass ... The crowd boos Cena as he stands in the ring and then ....

    Triple Hs music hits and the crowd cheers. Out comes the King of kings and stands atop the ramp, drinks and squirts his germs everywhere. Then makes his way to the ring looking very serious. Finally he gets to the ring and squirts more germs into the crowd. Triple H climbs corners and then 30 mins later gets in the middle of the ring.

    Randy Ortons music hits, comes out, wonders what took so long and makes his way to the ring with title in arm.

    When all are finally in the ring together Lilian begins to introduce all the superstars and their stats.

    Here we go ......

    WWE Championship
    Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H vs Cena

    Orton grabbed the belt at the bell and hit Triple H with it, since it is a no DQ match. Orton and Cena then went at it briefly, but Triple H got back in as Cena was tossed out. Triple H took Orton to the floor and bounced his head off an announce table. Triple H applied a sleeper on Orton. Cena came in and lifted both men for an FU, but Triple H slid off and hit Cena in the gut with a kick. Orton gave Triple H a side backbreaker. Orton went back and forth, stomping both opponents. Orton hit Cena with a kneedrop for a two count, then gave Triple H a kneedrop for a two count. Orton went to the top rope, but Cena met him there and went for a superplex. Triple H pulled Cena off the ropes onto his shoulders and Orton gave Cena a flying bodypress. Cena rolled through the bodypress, and put Orton in FU position. Orton floated out of it and into a sunset flip for two. Triple H nailed Cena with a clothesline, then Orton nailed Triple H with a clothesline.

    Orton set up Triple H and Cena and hit a double DDT. Orton covered Cena for a two count, then covered Triple H for a two count. Looks like some of the lights are coming back on now. Orton measured both men for RKO's. Orton went for it on Cena, but Cena shoved Orton off, and Orton landed on Triple H. Cena gave Orton the Throwback, then hit a top rope Rocker Dropper on him. Cena went to put Orton in the STFU, but Orton crawled out of the ring. Cena chased Orton around the ring, and Orton suckered Cena into a shove into the ringpost. Orton got back into the ring, and Triple H ambushed him. Triple H put Orton's leg across the middle rope and drove his knee into it. Triple H yanked on Orton's leg. Cena dove in, but Triple H dodged him. Orton hit Triple H with an RKO, and Triple H rolled to the floor. Cena grabbed an STFU on Orton. Orton struggled towards the ropes and Triple H pulled Cena to the floor and threw him into the ringsteps.

    Triple H got into the ring and put Orton in an Indian Deathlock. Cena came in and hit Triple H to break up the hold. Cena whipped Triple H across the ring and Triple H floated over the top rope and to the floor. Cena put Orton in an STFU, but Triple H got in and kicked Cena. Cena wouldn't break the hold, so Triple H had to pry his arms off. Triple H put Cena in a Crippler Crossface. Cena struggled to the ropes, finally making the bottom rope to force a break. Cena and Triple H got up and exchanged punches. Fans were solidly behind Triple H. Cena hit a shoulderblock and a clothesline, then a back suplex into a powerbomb. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop. Cena went for the FU, but Triple H floated out and set up for a Pedigree. Cena tripped and went for an STFU, but Triple H rolled over and kicked Cena away.

    Triple H hit a facebuster on the knee, a clothesline, and a spinebuster. Triple H hit Orton in the leg with a chopblock as he got on the apron. Triple H turned back to Cena, and Cena lifted him for an FU. Triple H blocked it and hit Cena with a Pedigree. Orton ran in and kicked Triple H in the head, then covered Cena for the pin at the fourteen minute mark.

    Winner: Randy Orton.

    Orton celebrates in the ring holding the title high. Triple H and Cena lieing in the ring as Orton leaves and heads to the back. Orton turns and salutes the crowd.

    Ad for Backlash on April 27th.

    They show the Big Show heading towards the ring.

    A video package showing the lead up to Mayweather vs Big Show.

    Lilian Garcia introduces Mayweather and Big Show. This is a NODQ match, with only a submission, pinfall or knockout to win the game.

    Big Shows music hits and out he comes making his way to the ring.

    Mayweather comes out with money beginning to fall into the arena. With his posse behind him he makes his way to the ring with fireworks going off. Mayweather enters the ring with gloves and sunglasses on.

    This is going to be a fiasco ...

    Floyd Mayweather vs Big Show

    At the bell, Floyd circled the ring and dodged Big Show as he came towards him. Floyd hit a series of shots to Show's midsection while Show swung in the air two feet above Mayweather's head. Floyd hit a jab to Show's head. They repeated the sequence, with Show moving in and Floyd hitting some jabs to the face before Show backed up. Floyd had one of his second's get on the apron and give him a large goblet to drink from. Big Show knocked him off the apron, then grabbed the second, yanked him in the ring, and blasted him with a chop to the chest.

    Floyd went for a punch, Show caught it, put Floyd's hand on the mat and went to stomp it, but Mayweather pulled his hand away. Show grabbed Floyd by the throat and lifted him up, but Mayweather hit him with a punch or two, then jumped on his back and tried to choke him down. Show teased snap maring him over the top rope, but didn't. Mayweather kept his choke on, and the fans booed as Show predictably went down on one knee. Show got back to his feet and broke free. Show put Floyd on the mat and stomped on the forearm of Mayweather. Floyd sold it like he had his arm broken. Floyd's posse protested what Show was doing.

    Show put Floyd in a corner and chopped him hard on the chest. The crowd chanted "One More Time". Show stood on Floyd's back. Floyd tried kicking Show in the gut. Show gave Mayweather a side slam, and the crowd popped. Show legdropped Floyd's arm, then stood on his stomach. Floyd tried to battle back with punches to the gut, but Show headbutted him down. Show hit an elbowdrop. Show called for one more, and the crowd was behind him. Floyd's seconds pulled him out of the ring before Show could hit the move. Floyd's posse took Mayweather up the aisle, but Show gave chase and started knocking everyone down. Show grabbed Floyd and dragged him back to the ring by his throat. Show hit a knee to the gut and threw Floyd back into the ring.

    One of Mayweather's handlers came into the ring and Show decked him. Show lifted Mayweather for a chokeslam, but another handler came in and hit Show with a chair. Show no sold it, and gave the handler a chokeslam. Mayweather picked up the chair and hit Show a few times with it. Show got back up and grabbed Mayweather by the throat. Mayweather hit a few more chairshots. Mayweather went to one of his downed handlers and pulled a set of brass knucks from a chain around his neck. Mayweather nailed Show with the brass knucks. Show started to get up on the bottom rope a bit, but was unable to get up for the 10 count, ending the match at the twelve minute mark. The crowd groaned.

    Winner via knockout: Floyd Mayweather.

    Mayweather celebrates his win.

    Ad for Wrestlemania 25 in Texas in 2009.

    Kim Kardashian is in ring to announce the Citrus Bowl set a new record with 74,635 people in attendance. Fireworks explode.

    A video package for the Undertakers 15 - 0 winning streak at Wrestlemania which leads on to a video package with how it lead up to tonights match between World Heavyweight champion Edge vs The Undertaker.

    Edges music hits and out he comes, he waits for his woman to come out and they kiss and she rolls to the back as Edge makes his way to the ring.

    Here we go ...

    World Heavyweight Championship
    Edge (c) vs Undertaker

    They faced off at the bell, and Undertaker made a throat-slashing gesture. Edge went right at him with punches, but Taker reversed a whip into the corner and hit a clothesline. Taker clotheslined Edge over the top rope and to the floor. Undertaker chased him back into the ring, and Edge tried to stop him on the apron, but Taker yanked him throat first across the top rope. Back in the ring, Undertaker hit a clothesline for a two count. Taker hit a short-arm shoulderblock, then went to the top rope for the Old School ropewalk. Edge yanked Taker down, but Taker held on and armdragged Edge. Taker hit a headbutt in the corner and choked Edge. Undertaker hit a jumping knee in the corner, but his momentum took him over the top rope and he fell to the floor.

    Taker got on the ring apron, and Edge hit a shoulderblock that sent Taker off the apron and into the security wall. Edge hit Taker with a baseball slide kick, then went after him and rammed him back first into the ring apron. Edge took Undertaker up on the apron, then gave him a neckbreaker across the top rope. Taker fell back to the floor and Edge posed in the ring. Edge hit a headbutt to the back, then a series of shots in the corner before hitting a shoulderblock to the ribs. Edge dropped a pair of elbows to the gut, then kicked Taker repeatedly. Taker fire back with a punch and headbutt, then lifted Edge for a slam, but his back gave out and Edge fell on top for a two count.

    Edge hit some punches and a standing dropkick. Edge went to the top rope, but Undertaker shoved him off and sent Edge falling down hard to the floor. Undertaker hit the ropes and launched over the top rope into a tope, blasting Edge on the floor. Undertaker put Edge in the ring, he head hanging off the ring apron, and kicked him in the head. Undertaker dropped a legdrop across Edge's chest on the apron, then pulled him into the ring for a two count. Undertaker set up for a Last Ride powerbomb, but his back gave on him and he couldn't lift Edge. Edge hit a kick to the head for a two count. Edge took Undertaker to the floor, then dropped him back first across the security wall. Undertaker landed in the front row.

    Edge rolled Undertaker into the ring for a two count. Edge pounded Taker's back and applied a single leg crab. Edge drove his knee into Undertaker's back. Undertaker managed to turn the hold and roll up Edge for a two count, but Edge got back on top and tied up his legs, but Taker managed to kick him away. Edge hit some shots to the back, but Taker returned fire with punches. They traded shots, with the crowd cheering Taker's punches and booing Edge's. They went back and forth, with Taker finally getting the better of it. Taker hit two avalanches in the corner, then hit Snake-Eyes. Undertaker set up for the running boot to the face, but Edge countered with a dropkick.

    Edge went to the second rope, but jumped into an Undertaker choke. Edge kicked Taker to escape it. Edge went for a clothesline, Undertaker ducked and grabbed the chokeslam again, but Edge countered it mid-move and hit an Implant DDT for a two count. Edge went for a spear, but Undertaker blocked it with a knee to the head. Undertaker hit a chokeslam for a two count. Undertaker went for the Old School ropewalk, but Edge crotched Taker in the corner. Edge delivered a superplex and crawled onto Undertaker for a two count. Edge pounded Undertaker in a corner, but Taker pulled Edge out in position for the Last Ride powerbomb. Edge floated out of it and hit a neckbreaker for a two count.

    Edge went for a backdrop, but Undertaker kicked it away. Undertaker picked up Edge and hit the Last Ride powerbomb. Undertaker covered Edge, but Edge kicked out at two. Undertaker called for the Tombstone. Undertaker lifted Edge, but Edge floated over and hit a reverse facebuster, driving Taker down on the back of his head, for a two count. Edge went for a whip, but Undertaker reversed it and hit a kick. Undertaker went for Old School again, this time hitting the top rope forearm to the back of the head. Undertaker went for a running kick, but Edge moved and Taker kicked the referee, knocking him down. Edge gave Undertaker a reverse DDT, then punched him on the mat. Edge yelled "It ends, Deadman". Undertaker reached up from the mat and grabbed Edge by the throat. Edge kicked Undertaker between the legs to block it.

    Edge went to ringside and grabbed a television camera, Edge got in the ring and blasted Undertaker with it. Edge went to revive the referee, who rolled off the apron and to the floor. Undertaker sat up in the ring. Edge called for a tombstone and picked up the Undertaker, but Undertaker reversed it and nailed Edge with the tombstone piledriver. Referee Charles Robinson, who had a long way to run, came down the aisle and into the ring. Edge kicked out at the two count. Undertaker looked stunned. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins ran down. Taker met them at the apron and knocked one off, then chokeslammed the other one on top of him at ringside. Edge hit Undertaker with a spear, but Taker kicked out at two. Edge went for another spear, but Undertaker caught him in the gogoplata (or, as I call it, the Bloody Shin Choke or, if you're Michael Cole "That submission maneuver"). Edge struggled, then tapped out at the twenty five minute mark.

    Winner and new World Champion: The Undertaker.

    Fireworks go off as Undertaker kneels in the ring with his title.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next WWE Live Coverage 'Backlash'! No spoilers in the shoutbox please. Please visit other forums of our community - URL=http://www.uouforums.com]Universe Of Unknown[/URL] + Universe Of Celebrity - You will not be dissapointed!

  3. #3
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    can't wait for coverage

  4. #4
    Ring Crew
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    ): i cant watch it on tv so im sad looks like a good card all i gotta say is go undertaker . *prays to god theres a real live working video .

  5. #5
    Ring Crew
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    cant wait!

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thekingofwins View Post
    ): i cant watch it on tv so im sad looks like a good card all i gotta say is go undertaker . *prays to god theres a real live working video .
    Even though I think Undertaker will win, they certainly made it seem he might lose. I would rather see someone other than Edge destroy his record though. Edge might even get disqualified to retain the title, we all know he likes to do that.

  7. #7
    Ring Crew
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    will it be streamed live here?

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Streams will be posted in media and if possible, a stream will be available here.

  9. #9
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Wow, ive missed a few weeks .. Hornswoggle isnt a McMahon

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
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    I hope Edge DQs himself, that way both sides are happy. Undertaker keeps his streak and Edge retains the title

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