Teddy Long came out and announced the card and said fans could text message what kind of match stipulations they wanted in the main event.

1. Fit Finlay w/Hornswoggle beat Carlito w/ new hair style. Carlito actually looks better.

2. Great Khali beat Evan Bourne. Went about three minutes and not much to it. Bourne barely did anything.

3. Kennedy beat Mike Knox. No microphone came down from the ceiling which Kennedy disapproved of.

4. Miz and Morrision beat Jesse and Festus. Great comedy from the Miz and Festus is just awesome when he gets to wrestle.

5. Matt Hardy beat MVP and Shelton Benjamin in a triple threat match. Benjamin is from the nearby area and got a smattering of cheers. Hardy was beloved.

6. Michelle Mccool and Cherry beat Victoria and Maryse. Mccool made Maryse tap out to a ridiculous ankle hold that no one expected. Maryse has such great heel charisma. Victoria got an atomic wedgie.

7. Mark Henry w/ Tony Atlas beat Tommy Dreamer. Lots of time spent on a wristlock on Dreamer. After the splash Dreamer lay in the ring forever.

8. Jeff Hardy beat Edge in the No-DQ main event where the fans "texted" their "vote". The only match of the night the fans were into. Fun match that spilled all over the arena.
Jason Owen