
Midway has confirmed another wrestler for their upcoming TNA iMPACT!, and he's a doozy. Hailing from the "Deep Blue Sea," Shark Boy is exactly what he sounds like -- a grown man dressed up a tight, shiny shark costume. And in case the fin on his head didn't give it away, he also has "Shark Boy" written on his chest.

The announcement ties in nicely with Discovery Channel's popular "Shark Week," and we imagine our resident shark-lover Hamza Aziz will be pre-ordering TNA iMPACT! immediately. Shark Boy is one of 19 announced wrestlers; Midway promises to reveal six more TNA superstars in the coming week, and have hinted at the possibility of downloadable character content post-release.

We've played the game twice in its development, and even not being familiar with the TNA wrestling franchise, found that it was a slick looking and fun arcade-style brawler. Check out our early first look of TNA iMPACT!, and our more recent hands-on from Midway's Las Vegas showcase earlier in the year

Hit the jump for wrestler roster confirmed so far, and let us know if you're planning on being Shark Boy for Halloween like we are.

* Abyss
* AJ Styles
* Alex Shelley
* Booker T
* Chris Sabin
* Christian Cage
* Homicide
* Rhino
* Sting
* Shark Boy
* Eric Young
* Hernandez
* Jay Lethal
* Kurt Angle
* Christopher Daniels
* Samoa Joe
* Jeff Jarrett
* Scott Steiner
* Tomko