Tottenham favourite Jonathan Woodgate has launched a scathing attack on want-away Dimitar Berbatov.

Berbatov is seemingly certain to join Manchester United before Monday's transfer window slams shut, a move that the Bulgaria international has been desperate to make throughout the summer.

With the forward constantly seeking to leave for Old Trafford, Spurs boss Juande Ramos has been forced to leave Berbatov out of his plans, saying that the 27-year-old - who was dropped altogether for Tottenham's home defeat to Sunderland last weekend - was far from focused on helping his White Hart Lane colleague.

Not surprisingly, former Real Madrid star Woodgate has found Berbatov's attitude hard to swallow.

"What he's done doesn't give out a great message to the supporters, if I'm honest," he told The Sun newspaper.

"The boys are working twice as hard for each other. If it was me, I would do it differently.

"I would work hard for the club up until I actually left. I'd still be playing until I was leaving.

"Even if I didn't want to be somewhere I would still give 100 per cent because that's the way I was brought up."

The on-off Berabatov transfer saga seems to be edging ever nearer to a conclusion even though, in recent weeks, United have refused to up their offer of US$50miilion in order to match Tottenham's US$60million valuation.

Despite the apparent impasse, Red Devils chief executive David Gill has once again spoken to Spurs officials during the last two days and a final compromise looks to be on the cards.