Los Perros del Mal held a press conference announcing their first show on Sunday at Sala de Armas de Magdalena Mixhuca in Mexico City which will be going head-to-head with a big EMLL show at Arena Mexico and it was officially announced that Olimpico, Rayman, Esther y Rossy Moreno, Martha Villalobos, & Ayako Hamada would be joining the promotion. Perro Aguayo Jr. said that he thinks that the first show will be a success and that he wants it to be fan friendly hence the lower ticket prices to show that they are open to doing what they have to do to ensure their fans would be happy. Perrito said that the top talent on the independent scene like Dr. Wagner Jr., Cibernetico, L.A. Par-K, & Intocable would be working the PdM shows because they can be true independents and their rights would be fully recognized by the promotion unlike the other ones in Mexico. Perrito also clarified the rumors that the PdM promotional offices were the actual property of EMLL President Paco Alonso saying that they aren’t Paco’s but he didn’t care that he rented them and that he was even going to let him use his talent but plans changed although he will still have those offices for a year. Perrito then sent a message to EMLL that they can try to run direct competition against him but they really need to worry about their fans leaving them to go the PdM shows for better entertainment and that if they want a war it can be arranged. The press conference closed in a heated way as Dr. Wagner Jr. & Cibernetico almost got in a brawl and Wagner decided to walk out.

The EMLL producers have said in the press that they would follow the PdM promotion and that they would be loading up cards in towns where PdM will be holding shows because Perro Aguayo Jr. betrayed them not the other way around and that this war was started by him first. This is interesting because EMLL has pretty much gone out of the way for years not to really acknowledge AAA but they are openly talking about PdM so 2009 should be an interesting year to see what comes out of this promotion and who they eventually align with either AAA or EMLL.

Cibernetico stated after the PdM press conference that working for PdM is very important for his career right now because he has only known how one promotion does their business and was considered normal to him but has become abnormal lately so he would like to go back to a more normal style promotion that actually takes care of their wrestlers. Ciber said that if the fans want to boo him he would understand but he wants them to know that if they support him he would give his usual 100%. Ciber was asked about his rivalry with AAA and said that he is still on good terms with the true powers that be in AAA not with the cancer that is trying to take control and that he wouldn’t rule out a return but only if they killed off the cancer. Ciber said though that he has a new rival in Dr. Wagner Jr. who loves to run his mouth so he would transfer his hate from the cancer over to him and would silence his critics. Ciber said that EMLL approached him with an offer to come to work for them but he said that he was never interested although he has lots of respect for their promotion and that he is part of a new movement now with PdM that supercedes any other traditional promotion.

Dr. Wagner Jr. stated after the PdM press conference that EMLL will suffer because of this new promotion and they are in a crisis because the fighters have won and EMLL has lost this battle. Wagner said that he doesn’t care that EMLL has vetoed him because he is a freelancer and that him not working for them is their loss not his so he doesn’t really care.

Averno announced yesterday that his faction is no longer known as La Jauria del Terror but they are now known as Los Hijos del Averno but he made it abundantly clear that he isn’t or doesn’t want to be the leader. Averno said that no one not even Mistico, Shocker, Hijo del Fantasma, or whoever else gets put in front of them will come out on top and the fans will be crying because their heroes would always be defeated. Averno said that the name may have changed but their quality will stay the same and that they would soon rule EMLL.

Sangre Azteca announced on Tuesday that he is no longer a member of Los Guerreros del Atlantida leaving pretty much just Atlantis, Rey Bucanero, & Ultimo Guerrero as the only full members of the faction. Azteca said that it isn’t possible for the Guerreros to be successful when UG doesn’t know whom he wants to team with on a regular basis or Bucanero who doesn’t know whether he wants to be a tecnico or a rudo along with Atlantis who says that he is a rudo but continues to show love for the kids and says that he represents them. Azteca said that he tried to talk them and that they wouldn’t listen to them so he had to abandon them so his career could flourish because right now he is alone but is ready to start a new rudo faction that would compete with the newly formed Los Hijos del Averno. Azteca then said that he will now have to get new gear and would undergo some changes in his attire but the name would stay the same along with his style in general.


EMLL 12/1 – Arena Puebla
1. Akira & King Jaguar vs. Fuerza Chicana & Sigma
2. Black Tiger/Lestat/Tigre Rojo vs. Ares/Espiritu Maligno/Siki Osama
3. Dark Angel/India Sioux/Lluvia beat Princesa Sugei/Raven Hiroka/Rosa Negra
4. Los Hijos del Averno (Averno/Damian el Terrible/Mephisto) defeated Mascara Dorada/La Sombra/Toscano
5. Mistico/Shocker/Volador Jr. beat Atlantis/Negro Casas/Ultimo Guerrero

EMLL 12/2 – Arena Mexico
1. Angel Azteca Jr./Angel de Oro/Metalico beat Artillero/Polvora/Super Comando
2. Dark Angel/Lady Apache/Sahori defeated Amapola/Princesa Sugei/Raven Hiroka
3. Dragon Rojo/Shigeo Okumura (subbing for Ephesto)/Sangre Azteca beat Mascara Dorada/Mascara Purpura/Valiente
4. Caballera contra Caballera: Mictlan defeated Loco Max
5. Hector Garza/Hijo del Fantasma/Mistico beat Los Hijos del Averno (Averno/Hijo del Texano/Mephisto) by DQ when the entire faction including Terrible & Ephesto ripped up Mistico’s mask.

Independent 11/29 – Salon Medina de Ciudad Campeche
1. Estigma & Fear Factor beat Enigma Maya & Moncho Cachondo
2. Lumberjack Strap Match: Angel Apocaliptico & Apolo Sureno Jr. defeated Mecanico Infernal & Rey Serpiente by DQ.
3. Coloso & Pasion Cristal beat Angel Celestial & Espiritu Maya
4. Octagon & Silver King defeated Cuervo & Espiritu
5. Steel Cage Match: Cibernetico &El Mesias beat Chessman & Zorro when Mesias left Zorro in the cage.

Independent 11/30 – Arena Azteca Budokan de Neza
1. Galactico & Skayderman beat Maquina de la Muerte & El Toro
2. Arkanos/Elemento/Okawa defeated Espiral Negro/Principe Siniestro/Rey Lobo
3. AAA Mixed Tag Titles: Oriental & Cinthia Moreno beat Gran y Fabi Apache to retain their titles.
4. Abismo Negro/Alan Stone/Silver King defeated Nicho el Millionario/Super Crazy/Sean Waltman after X-Fly attacked Nicho before Zumbido would also show up for the fun. X-Fly & Zumbido then challenged Nicho & Crazy to a hair match for the next show in this building in January.
5. Hardcore Steel Cage: Histeria & Psicosis beat Crazy Boy & Ultimo Gladiador

Independent 11/30 – Arena Tigre Padilla de Monclova
1. El Colombiano & Cyber Gata beat Blue Ice & Goliath
2. Los Diablos I y II defeated Erick el Rojo & El Hechicero
3. Dralion & Nightmare beat Erick el Rojo & Skam 13
4. Loser of the fall loses his hair or mask: Super Parka & Volador Jr. defeated Misterioso & Misterioso II when Volador Jr. pinned Misterioso who was shaved.

IWRG 11/30 – Arena Naucalpan
1. Shuriken beat Imperio Azteca
2. Los Gemelos Fantastico I y II defeated King Drago & Nemesis
3. Judas el Traidor/Mazada/Tetshuda beat Goleador/Jack/Pendulo
4. Super Libre w/no referee inside the ring: Black Terry/Cerebro Negro/Dr. Cerebro defeated Los Oficiales (AK-47/Fierro/911)
5. Pendulo (subbing for Dr. Wagner Jr.)/Scorpio Jr./Tinieblas beat Head Hunter I/Mascara Ano Dos Mil/Veneno by DQ when MA2K fouled Scorp.



12/5 – Arena Mexico
1. Molotov & Sensei vs. Caligula & Messala
2. Bam Bam/Pequeno Olimpico/Ultimo Dragoncito vs. Mini Mr. Aguila/Pequeno Black Warrior/Pequeno Violencia
3. Hijo del Fantasma/La Mascara/Valiente vs. Dragon Rojo/Misterioso II/Virus
4. Maximo/Shocker/Toscano vs. Negro Casas/Mr. Niebla/Sangre Azteca
5. Hector Garza/Marco Corleone/Mistico vs. Los Guerreros del Atlantida (Atlantis/Rey Bucanero/Ultimo Guerrero)

12/7 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Impostor vs. Evola
2. Torneo Cibernetico de la Muerte – Participants: Quazar/Samurai/Thunder Boy/Virgo/Azazel/Milenio/Neon/Relampago Azul
3. Hijo del Fantasma/Marco Corleone/La Mascara vs. Damian el Terrible/Hijo del Lizmark/Hijo del Texano
4. Shocker vs. Mr. Niebla

12/7 – Arena Mexico (Going head to head with the Perros del Mal show)
1. Hijo del Faraon & Tony Rivera vs. Apocalipsis & Hooligan
2. Nino de Acero/Pequeno Ninja/Pequeno Olimpico vs. Pequeno Black Warrior/Pequeno Damian 666/Pequeno Halloween
3. Mascara Dorada/Maximo/Valiente vs. Felino/Heavy Metal/Sangre Azteca
4. NWA Welterweight Title: La Sombra (c) vs. Ephesto
5. Blue Panther/Dos Caras Jr./Toscano vs. Black Warrior/Misterioso II/Ultimo Guerrero
6. CMLL Tag Titles: Hector Garza & Mistico (c) vs. Los Sicarios del Infierno (Averno & Mephisto)

12/8 – Arena Puebla
1. Blue Center/Legionario/SWAT vs. Aguila Guerrera/Ares/Mr. Rafaga
2. Bam Bam/Nino de Acero/Pequeno Ninja vs. Pequeno Black Warrior/Pequeno Damian 666/Pequeno Violencia
3. Maximo/Stuka Jr./Valiente vs. Black Warrior/Dragon Rojo/Sangre Azteca
4. Dos Caras Jr./Marco Corleone/Toscano vs. Atlantis/Mr. Niebla/Ultimo Guerrero
5. CMLL Welterweight Title: Mistico (c) vs. Negro Casas

12/9 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Plata vs. Frayle de la Muerte
2. Silueta vs. Magnifica
3. Nube Roja vs. Exterminador
4. Magnum vs. Infierno
5. Hijo del Fantasma & Valiente vs. Misterioso II & Sangre Azteca
6. Hector Garza & Volador Jr. vs. Damian el Terrible & Hijo del Texano

12/14 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Angel Azteca Jr. & Hijo del Faraon vs. Caligula & Messala
2. Dark Angel/Lady Apache/Princesa Blanca vs. Amapola/Princesa Sugei/Raven Hiroka
3. Bam Bam/Tzuki/Ultimo Dragoncito vs. Pequeno Black Warrior/Pequeno Violencia/Pierrothito
4. Hijo del Fantasma/Maximo/La Sombra vs. Heavy Metal/Misterioso II/Sangre Azteca
5. Hector Garza/Mistico/Shocker vs. Atlantis/Mr. Niebla/Rey Bucanero


12/5 – Plaza de Toros Monumental de Torreon
1. ?
2. ??
3. AAA Mixed Tag Titles: Oriental & Cinthia Moreno (c) vs. Diabolico & La Diabolica
4. Aero Star & Argenis vs. Pimpinela Escarlata & Sexy Libra
5. Crazy Boy & Ultimo Gladiador vs. Histeria & Psicosis
6. Gronda II/La Parka Jr./Luchador Sorpresa vs. Electroshock/Rellik/Zorro
