NWA Anarchy TV Report by Ca$hFlowX

Episode 151

January 5, 2009

151 is an awesome number and serves as awesome Mini-wakan up here in South Dakota.

WRESTLING: (n.) ’res-ling A sport of contest in which two individuals face off in unarmed combat.

ANARCHY: (n.) an-ar-key (1) A state of lawlessness due to absence of authority. (2) A complete lack of order.

What happens when you mix the two together? NWA-Anarchy!

- Welcome to NWA Anarchy, this is PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING~! This week on NWA Anarchy Wrestling, our beloved color commentator John Johnson has excused himself to eliminate a major hemorrhoid from Hunter's posterior. With Fright Night 2008 complete, all roads head in to Season's Beatings, NWA Anarchy's annual celebration of Christmas. This week, up for dibs is the first round of the Young Lion's Division Tournament to crown a new #1 contender to the inaugural champion Slim J, and the New Wave defending the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Titles against the Dynamic Duo.

- NWA Anarchy Owner Jerry Palmer believes Melissa Coates made the right decision to leave the womanizing Brody Lee Chase. He introduces the all new and improved Melissa, who smiles to the NWA Arena faithful. She will miss the next TV taping to wrestle on an all women's show in New Jersey. This prompts a "Brodie sucks" chants. Palmer apologizes to Coates for not being able to wrestle, so he schedules a match on December 6.

- Slim J Was crowned the first Young Lion's Champion at Fright Night 2008. Hunter announces that a tournament will be held to crown a #1 contender. Participants include: "Code Pink" Adrian Hawkins, Chip Day, Bo Newsome, Caleb Conley, Kyle Matthews, Andrew Alexander, and Hayden Young. Next week: Day vs. Young. This week: Conley vs. Hawkins.

1. "Code Pink" Adrian Hawkins pinned Caleb "Sex" Conley to advance to the semifinals of the Young Lion's Cup #1 Contender Tournament.

After commercial, Hawkins immediately launches a premeditated attack. "The Wizard of Aaaaaaaahs" Andrew Alexander joins the lonely Hunter on commentary. They laugh at the ridiculous proclamation of Hawkins's self-anointment as a veteran. Late in the match, Hawkins counters Conley with a top rope Sunset flip powerbomb and ends the match with the Mach 5.

- Backstage, Kyle Matthews and Bo Newsome admire Hawkins's dominance. Alexander informs Kyle & Newsome that he will be facing one of them. That's when "the Dragon" Dan Wilson & "the Son of Satan" Azreal enter the scene. He announces Azreal's entry and officially proclaims their ultimate destruction. Wilson lets out his blood curdling scream much to the amusement of the babyface contingent. The only thing left on their mind was to calculate the effect of Wilson's chronic halitosis on global warming. Then, Alan Funk offers his advice and breaks out into Hogan rant. What else would you expect from someone who has 6 plates in his head? Next up, Jeremy Vain pregnant doges at Mr. Rob Adonis for not being the #1 contenders to the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Champions the New Wave. Obviously, the Very Touchable One is devising a dastardly scheme to secure a title shot. Judging from the look on Mr. Adonis's face, he trying to figure out what the clueless Vain will come up with next.

2. "The 7 Figured Deal" Ace Rockwell pinned "Mohawk" Michael Mosley.

Mosley put a strong showing here. Rockwell brings his much adversary down to his size with a quick foot stomp and a lesson in professional wrestling. Mosley slyly gains the advantage with an eye rake and focuses his attack on Rockwell's back. Mosley spills to the floor after Rockwell eludes the Yakuza kick. Rockwell fires away, lands the Stinger splash and almost wins with a bulldog. Despite Mosley continuing to overpower Rockwell, the 7 Figured Deal ends this with the Ace's High.

- After commercial, Agent/Attorney Jeff G. Bailey unmasks the Butcher of Pyongyang on Rockwell. Kimo nails referee Wes Grissom and unleashes a barrage of chops to his mid-section. Rockwell makes the save by clotheslining Kimo to the floor. Several referees and Rockwell aid Grissom, who is bleeding from the mouth. This prompts Palmer to scorn Bailey & Kimo. Palmer suspends Kimo for 30 days and if it happens again, it'll be forever. Then, Palmer suspends Bailey for 30 days. Good riddance. To the back, Palmer checks on Grissom's condition while he awaits an ambulance.

3. The New Wave (Derrick Driver & Steven Walters) defeated The Dynamic Duo ("the Dark Knight" Chad Parham & "Boy Wonder" Seth Delay) via DQ to retain the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Titles.

Jeremy Vain joins Hunter on commentary and pregnant doges about the pretty boys holding the straps. Vain reminisces of previous encounters by asking Hunter did he receive a great deal at Lens' Crafters. After commercial, Parham delivers his patented delayed vertical suplex. Walters delivers an unorthodox maneuver to escape Delay and makes the lukewarm tag to Driver. After the Dynamic Duo's shenanigans backfire, the New Wave set up to finish Delay, but Mr. Adonis makes his way from the announcer's table to shove Driver off the top rope. Vain enters the fray to beatdown the tag champs. Parham confronts Vain & Mr. Adonis which allows the New Wave to send both tag teams rolling to the floor.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.nwaanarchy.net/tv.html


APW AFTERSHOCK for the week of 1/30


John Carnage defeated Matt Mercer

Dustin Michaels defeated BJ Hancock

Aaron Lee defeated Don Matthews by DQ

JT Talent & Adryan Hawkins defeated Shadow Jackson & Donovan Sweet

North Georgia Champion Chris King defeated Mike Posey

Skirra Corvus defeated Kyle Matthews

Slim J defeated Southern States Champion Seth Delay in a non title match

NWA Main Event – Episode 42 by Larry Goodman

Airing on January 17, 2009 in Nashville on ION

Taped January 15, 2009 in Nashville at the Nick Gulas Arena

The show was dedicated to Cousin Junior aka Moondog Cujo (Lanny Kean), who died of a heart attack on January 12 at the age of 48.

Jason James opened up hyping the Portland show with Jerry Lawler. As a preview, James introduced classic footage from Memphis Wrestling featuring Jerry Lawler.

Jerry “The King” Lawler runs the gauntlet to regain the USWA Unified Title from Master of Pain (a pre-Undertaker Mark Calaway). Some background: These matches took place on April 24, 1989 at the Memphis Mid-South Coliseum. The so-called Unified Title – a unification of the AWA, CWA and World Class titles - had already fragmented. Lawler had beaten Curt Hennig in May 1988 to unify the AWA and CWA titles. But shortly after Lawler defeated Kerry Von Erich (December 1988 at SuperClash III in Chicago) to bring the World Class title into the fold, the AWA ceased to recognize Lawler as their champion Calaway had come into Memphis from World Class where he wrestled under the name Big Red. Calaway’s stay in CWA was brief. By early 1990, he had moved on to WCW as “Mean” Mark Callous. Lance Russell isn’t in this footage because he was with WCW at the time, leaving Dave Brown as the lone announcer at the desk during this segment.

The deal was Lawler had to beat three opponents to get the shot at Pain. First match was against Senshi Samurai. Lawler was 38 at this point. I had forgotten how agile he was his younger days. They did this awesome ref bump where Lawler leapfrogged Samurai and immediately collided with Jerry Calhoun. Tojo Yamamoto tried to hit Lawler with his kendo stick and hit Samurai instead. Match #2 was over in 7 seconds. Mr. Devastation turned his back on Lawler when the bell rang, and Lawler suplexed him for the pin. Lawler celebrated by sprinting circles in the ring. The final roadblock was more substantial – P. Y. Chu-Hi (Phil Hickerson) with Gossett in his corner. Gossett took a punch in the nose from Lawler, but managed to throw a chain to Chu-Hi. Calhoun wrestled the chain away from Chu-Hi and tossed it to Lawler, who KOed Chu-Hi for the 1-2-3. Gossett’s outside interference once again went awry in the title match. At this stage, Calaway was obviously very athletic with a great physique, but green and not at all special looking without the gimmick. Pain ordered Gossett to hold up a chair so he could smash Lawler’s head into it. You know who got rammed into the chair. Gossett was oblivious as Lawler made the pin. Lawler was attacked by Gossett. That was a sight to behold. Lawler was preparing to to dish out the payback when he got waylaid by Pain. All of Gossett’s minions hit the ring and and gave Lawler a groin shot into the post. Tracy Smothers and Jeff Jarrett were among those making the save.

Next up: Moondog Cujo’s final match at the Nashville Fairgrounds from the Lawler 35 show: Moondogs vs. Brian Christopher & Doug Gilbert. Match aired without commentary. JIP as they were brawling all over the building. A shovel was brought into play with Christopher and Gilbert both getting whacked on the head. Christopher and Gilbert made the comeback. Both Moondogs got kabonged with the shovel. Christopher pinned the unknown Moondog with the Hip Hop Drop.

I reviewed these matches in my live report on the 1/15 USA/NWA Main Event show, so I’ll try to keep it brief.

(1) NWA Mid-America Television Champion Shawn Shultz beat “The Internet’s Favorite Wrestler” White Tiger in 4:33. Solo commentary by Jason James. This was a little more competitive than I anticipated. Tiger’s wrestling didn’t look bad. His selling was suspect at points. The guy is definitely working on his game. It didn’t hurt that he had a quality opponent to carry it. Finish came after Tiger tried to cap his comeback with a moonsault. It missed and Shultz put him away with the DDT.

(2) Shane Smalls & Larry Cooter beat The Lucky Charms (Chris Cain & Dyron Flynn) in 8:02. NWA Main Event promoter Mike Porter joined James for the remainder of the show. Porter said Lucky Charms had contacted Kellogg’s about getting their pictures on the cereal box. My finger gets itchy on the remote every time I see Flynn on the screen. His presence makes this show look a mockery of pro wrestling. The lamest stomps you would ever want to see. Smalls couldn’t do a thing with him. Cain’s striking looked really good in this match. Porter said they had seating capacity for 1000 in Portland,and he was sure some of their competitors had called the fire marshall on them. Flynn gave Cooter a low blow right in front of Jamie Ferrari to start the heat. Porter said Ferrari might need corrective lens. Smalls was beating the hell out of Charms once it went four way. The finish was Smalls hitting the Last Rites on Flynn, while Cooter chased Cain around the outside of the ring. Not a bad concept but it called for a second camera or a wider shot with the hard camera.

Shane Smalls cut a promo on Yoshi Kwan for Portland. Smalls said this wasn’t WCW and Kwan wouldn’t have Harley Race in his corner. Smalls said Kwan could bring his nerve holds and he would bring his pro wrestling expertise.

(3) In a match for the NWA Mid-America Heavyweight Championship: Steve-O (with Dominique) beat Champion “Playboy” Scott Hayes via DQ in 10:20. JIP. Steve-O took advantage of a missed springboard back elbow and focused his attack on the back of Hayes. Nothing wrong with Steve-O work here. James predicted a sell out in Portland. They played off the finish of last week’s main event. They did the same spot where Hayes catches Steve-O with attempt to use brass knucks by hitting a back suplex. Last week, Daniels got the knucks and hit O when Jamie Ferrari wasn’t looking. This time, Hayes got the knucks and Jamie Ferrari saw him hit O. Good match.

Steve-O promo (with Dominique). O said Hayes was going to be off defending the title in another territory, so his opponent in Portland would be Pat Tanaka. O gave Tanaka credit for being a former AWA tag team champion, but he said this wasn’t the AWA (or the 1980s), this was the NWA and he was one half of one of the best teams running, so Tanaka better bring his A, B and C game to Portland because he was going to need every bit of it. The Moondog match was their standard stuff except moving more slowly than I remember. Cujo did not look healthy.

The show closed with Jeff Daniels (with Dominique) saying the NWA thought they had him right where they wanted him by putting him in with Lawler.

Let me tell you something, Kingfish. This is the NWA and I’m the man that makes things happen around here. Tennessee belongs to me, Lawler. So January 24th, Portland, Tennessee, you shine the crown, you lace them boots, and you walk that aisle, because standing across from you is 230 pounds of one mad man. They don’t call me the Crippler for nothin’. Jerry Lawler, somebody’s gonna get hurt.

Random Thoughts: As an infomercial for the Portland show with Lawler, this was pretty good. They couldn’t have pushed it much harder. There were times when the graphic for Portland obscured the wrestling action. The Memphis footage was the centerpiece, a trip back in time. It was interesting seeing a very young Undertaker again, as well as Gossett and a younger, sprier Lawler. O vs. Tanaka and Smalls vs. Kwan made the card a little more interesting. The Moondog match was their standard stuff except moving more slowly than I remember. Cujo did not look healthy. For an episodic TV wrestling show, there wasn’t much to it. NWA ME appears to be in a major holding pattern until the move the tapings to their new digs starting February 7.

NWA Main Event/ Power Slam Pro Wrestling
February 6, 2009
99 WALLACE ROAD (just off Harding Place, across from Hooters).
Nashville, TN






the debut of FEEL GOOD FARGO (the one they don't talk about at family reunions).





99 WALLACE ROAD (just off Harding Place, across from Hooters).

The "Nature Boy" Ric Flair will manage his son's Reid and David as they wrestle for the MACW Tag Team Title's at NWA Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling:

"Night Of Champions"
Saturday, February 21st, 2009
Cheraw High School
Cheraw, SC
8 PM Bell Time
Doors open at 6 PM !!!

Also scheduled to appear: Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell, "The Rock n' Roll Express" Ricky Morton, "The Midnight Express" Bobby Eaton, Rikki Nelson, plus many other MACW Superstars !!

Tickets are available at:
J&K Grill in Cheraw, S.C. 99 Powe St, Cheraw, SC Tel: (843) 537-3056.
Stroud and Save in Chesterfield, S.C.
Cheraw High School Office 649 Chesterfield Hwy. Cheraw, SC Tel: (843) 921-1000.
Also at the door the day of the event!

$75 Flair Super Ticket (includes a front row reserved ringside seat, an 8x10
personally autographed Ric Flair picture and meet with Ric Flair !!)
$20 Ringside (excludes front row)
$12 General Admission

For all MACW upcoming events and news go to www.midatlanticwrestling.com

NWA Impact Zone Wrestling
January 13, 2009
The Sets
Tempe, AZ Lucha Reigns & Mike G beat Skull & Bones while NWA-IZW
Tag Team champions Lawrence Tyler & Payed Daily provided commentary.

Sergio Vega beat Jay Garland with his feet on the ropes.

Johnny Manson pinned Awesome Andy.

IZW Impulse champion The Great Ryan Lynch and Peter
Goodman erupted in a brawl before the match got started;

Lynch and Nick The Fury DeMichael attacked Goodman
until Human Tornado made the save.

Antonio Mestre defeated Tony Kozina.

Hawaiian Lion defeated Dean Radford a Pittsburgh Steel chain match.

For more information on NWA IZW, go to:

January 24, 2009
Abbotsford Arts Centre
Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

Scott Steele d. Kid Extreme with a roll-up

Kenny Lush d. Tony Baroni with the 100 Mile Driver

MANTHER & The Divine Prophet d. Mikey D & Ray Brooks with a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo to Brooks

"Dastardly" Danni Deeds d. Red Money with the Dastardly Denogonizer

Cole Bishop d. Octagon with the Bishop Bomb
*Post-match El Phantasmo prevented Bishop from doing further damage to Octagan

Nicole Matthews retained the ECCW Supergirls title against Veronika Matthews when referee Robert Mitchell ruled the bout a no-contest following run-ins from Kenny Lush and Scotty Mac (and copious interference from The Natural)

Jamie Diaz d. Todd Quality with his Scissors Kick to earn a spot in the 2009 Pacific Cup tournament. Bubba and Junior came out for the save when Jamie again put his hands on his mother, who tried to stop Jamie from pillmanizing Quality's ankle.

Volt Vegas d. Callos

In the main event, Lumberjack Bubba & Junior d. Chill Town of Scotty Mac & Azeem, pinning Azeem after their catapult/big boot combination. Chill Town seemingly had the match won earlier after several chain shots to Bubba and a Smac superkick, but acting commissioner Mike Democrat restarted the match.

For more information on NWA ECCW, go to:

January 30, 2009
Bridgeview Hall
Surrey, BC

Friday, January 30th, 2009 marked the first ECCW show of 2009 at the Bridgeview Hall in Surrey - but even more importantly, it now marks the crowning of a new NWA/ECCW heavyweight champion! Memphis defeated double titleholder Scotty Mac to win the NWA/ECCW heavyweight title for the second time in a brutal Texas Death Match that went all over - and OUTSIDE - the Bridgeview Hall, and was chaos from start to finish! Memphis drew first blood, literally, splitting Scotty open with a vicious chairshot for one fall.. with Scotty evening it up by taking Memphis outside the Bridgeview Hall and DDTing him on top of a metal dumpster! Neither men could get back into the ring before the count of ten by NWA representative Mike Sweetser, with Chill Town members Azeem The Dream and Nicole Matthews making sure Memphis couldn't return to the ring, only to be eventually ran from the ringside area by Memphis' brother MR2! The brawl continued, with Memphis back suplexing
Scotty off the Bridgeview Hall stage through a table! As Memphis was about to return to the ring, he was interrupted once again by Sid Sylum shattering Scotty's 2008 Wrestler of the Year award over his skull! Scotty executed a German suplex on the floor for not only one pinfall, but two, as both Scotty's and Memphis' shoulders were on the crowd! The race was on to see who could make it back inside, but as Scotty was about to re-enter the ring, Memphis' girl Jessica struck Scotty in the back of the head with her crutches, payback for Sylum's Tombstone that cost Memphis the NWA/ECCW heavyweight title two months before! Memphis followed up with a leaping enzuigiri and dove back into the ring, beating the ten-count to become the two-time NWA/ECCW heavyweight champion! Memphis, MR2 and Synn celebrated the victory, with the new champion thanking the fans in Surrey and all over ECCW for their support in his finest hour!

The aftermath was apparent immediately, as Scotty Mac was taken to a nearby hospital in Surrey to receive 15 stitches in his head to close the wound suffered at the hands of Memphis' vicious chairshot in the Texas Death Match. While Scotty is licking his wounds, the 2008 Wrestler of the Year - and 2008 Most Hated Wrestler of the Year - will more than likely be thinking of future wounds, to be suffered at the hands of Moondog Manson, who now has Scotty and his NWA Canadian heavyweight title square in his sights! NWA representative Mike Sweetser forced Dropkick Murphy to face Manson in Surrey as punishment for his involvement in the attack on Sweetser back in November, and the ECCW Hardcore champion looked to exact some revenge on the Chill Town member! Murphy was able to score the win by disqualification after Manson struck him with a chair, but Manson wasn't going for the victory - he wanted to hurt Chill Town! As he had done earlier in the night during
the awards ceremony, Manson demanded a shot at Scotty Mac's NWA Canadian heavyweight title - but this time, he screamed that if he didn't get the title shot, he'd take a defenseless Murphy's head off with his barbed wire baseball bat! Scotty reluctantly agreed to the match to save his Chill Town stablemate's hide, and in the near future, we will see Moondog Manson challenging Scotty Mac for the NWA Canadian heavyweight championship!

Kyle O'Reilly and El Phantasmo have waited a long time to finally get at each other in an ECCW ring, which was made evident during the 2008 ECCW awards ceremony, where the two fought after Phantasmo won the 2008 Most Popular Wrestler of the Year award, and after Phantasmo made fun of O'Reilly for finishing after him in the 2008 Wrestler of the Year standings. That bad blood, and all the bad blood from the last six months, finally boiled over as the two men went at it in Surrey in a classic encounter! In the end, it was Phantasmo's cunning that outdid O'Reilly's ability, as a faked leg injury suckered O'Reilly into a quick rollup for the three-count! However, the victory was not without controversy, as the referee missed the fact that O'Reilly's foot was entangled in the ropes during the final pinfall, a fact O'Reilly was screaming in the backstage area as he searched for his former friend to exact revenge for the defeat! The situation between the two
former friends Kyle O'Reilly and El Phantasmo is not over, and a rematch is certainly in the cards in the very near future!

The saga of Pop Culture and their bogus NWA championships took a new turn in Surrey. After Cole Bishop scored a decisive victory over the surprising winner of the 2008 Most Improved Wrestler of the Year award, "Southern Comfort" Ray Brooks, Ice announced that not only was he now recognizing Bishop as the new "NWA X-Treme F'N Champion", but that he had been in talks with the National Wrestling Alliance to have both that title and his "NWA Pacific junior heavyweight title" officially recognized by the NWA! Not only that, but he had a third championship to unveil to the crowd in Surrey.. but when the "Larger Than Life Superstar" lifted the veil on his display, the belt wasn't there, but a barbed wire wreath with a burned out photo of Ice dead-center... put there by the man that came to the ring next, the seven-foot Cremator, with a razor-sharp sickle in hand! Cremator dispatched Bishop in short order, and finally cornered his nemesis in the corner, saying
that since ECCW would not give him a chance at revenge, he would take it himself! NWA representative Mike Sweetser sprinted to the ring to stop Cremator from maiming Ice with the sickle, conceding to him his revenge - next time in Surrey, any match he wants! Cremator quickly had the instrument of his revenge in mind - a Circle of Death barbed wire match! Sweetser reluctantly agreed, with one condition - Cremator could not touch Ice until the match took place, or the match would be cancelled! Sweetser also announced that doing so would be doubly difficult for Cremator, as next Saturday night at the Russian Community Centre in Vancouver, Cremator and Ice would be *partners* in the first-ever ECCW Wild Card Match!

The 2008 ECCW awards ceremony was a gala affair, as the best and brightest of ECCW for the past year were recognized, as voted by the fans of ECCW. Congratulations to the following winners!

2008 ECCW Wrestler of the Year: Scotty Mac
2008 ECCW Tag Team of the Year: Nelson Creed & Kenny Lush
2008 ECCW SuperGirl of the Year: Nicole Matthews
2008 ECCW Newcomer of the Year: "Dastardly" Danni Deeds
2008 ECCW Comeback of the Year: Kenny Lush
2008 ECCW Manager of the Year: The Natural
2008 Most Popular of the Year: El Phantasmo
2008 Most Hated of the Year: Scotty Mac
2008 Most Improved of the Year: "Southern Comfort" Ray Brooks
2008 ECCW Referee of the Year: "Insane" Bill Coltrane
2008 ECCW Feud of the Year: Kyle O'Reilly vs. Billy Suede
2008 ECCW Match of the Year: TLC 3

The awards ceremony was not without its own newsworthy events. After winning the ECCW Manager of the Year award, The Natural was quick to defuse any sort of tension between Chill Town and The Church of the Divine Prophecy, as The Divine Prophet finished second-place in a number of awards this year. Nicole Matthews was pleasantly shocked that the same fans that had booed her mercilessly all year had recognized her as SuperGirl of the Year - much to the chagrin of her arch-nemesis Veronika Vice, who was similarly shocked that the same fans had snubbed her in favor of the hated SuperGirls champion! Veronika made sure she wasn't the only one shocked, as she dropped a bombshell to Nicole and her main squeeze Sid Sylum - one of them had not been faithful to the other, and very soon, she would announce exactly which one it was!

The wars from the SLAM Academy have spilled over into the main ECCW ring, as SLAM Academy graduate "Dastardly" Danni Deeds tangled once again with current SLAM Academy graduate Volt Vegas, and once again, Vegas was unable to solve the puzzle of Danni Deeds, as Deeds again scored the victory! Vegas challenged Deeds to another rematch, which Deeds accepted, on one condition - if Vegas lost to Deeds again, Vegas would receive another "honor" - he would be named the new ECCW Extreme Jobber champion!

The 2008 Tag Team of the Year, Nelson Creed & Kenny Lush, had no idea which two members of the Church of the Divine Prophecy they would defend the NWA/ECCW tag team championship against in Surrey, which ended up being Matt Classic & MANTHER - but when you face any members of the Church, you face all of them, as The Divine Prophet and his disciple Mike Dempsey were also involved in the match, giving Lush and Creed the victory by disqualification. The champions were angered at the turn of events, and followed up by executing their famed catapult/Flatliner combination on all four members of the Church!

It's a shame when a family feud spills into the wrestling ring, but that's exactly what we have with "Untouchable" Jamie Diaz and his mother, with a six-man tag team encounter not settling things, as Lumberjack Bubba, Junior & Mother Diaz defeated Jamie and his new friend Tony Baroni, with the matriarch of the Diaz family again pinning her son after Bubba and Junior combined with a catapult/big boot combination on Jamie! After the match, Mother Diaz again tried to make peace with her son, only for Tony Baroni to attack her from behind, allowing Jamie to deliver a vicious scissors kick to his own mother! Bubba and Junior prevented any further damage, but the damage may have split the Diaz family beyond repair!

In other action from a packed house in Surrey, Callos defeated Scott Steel.

For more information on NWA ECCW, go to:

February 7, 2009
Russian Community Centre
Vancouver, BC

NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Title Match
"Brilliant" Billy Suede defends against his former ally Artemis Spencer,

NWA ECCW SuperGirls Championship Match
Nicole Matthews defends against arch-rival Veronika Vice, with Chill Town executive consultant The Natural banned from ringside!

Sid Sylum vs. Kenny Lush, with Nicole Matthews at Special Referee

In addition, there will be two qualifying matches for the 2009 ECCW Pacific Cup tournament, and the first-ever ECCW Wild Card Match, which will see Ice and Cremator on the same team!

Tickets are on sale now here on ECCW.com! Don't miss it!

For more information on NWA ECCW, go to:

EPW Perth
January 24, 2009
Great Aussie Bash
Queens Park Rec Centre
Queens Park, Australia

Main Event
Davis Storm & Richter defeated The European Union

Jay Taylor defeated Devlin Reeves

Shane Haste & Alex Kingston defeated Dan Moore & Chase Griffin

Ferguson Block defeated Gary Schmidt

Sebastian Sander defeated Jose Del Santo

AZ Vegara defeated Kiel Steria

For more information on EPW Perth, go to:

NWA Pro/ Empire Wrestling Federation
January 23, 2009
Knights of Columbus
Covina, CA

EWF Cruiserweight Champion Jeremy Jaeger defeated Vintage Dragon to retain his title

"Zero Gravity" Chris Kadillak defeated Mondo Vega

NWA Heritage Champion Ryan Taylor defeated Damien Slater to retain his title

EWF Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks defeated Anchors Away to retain their titles

Cyanide pinned "Overnight Celebrity" Roger Ruiz

EWF Heavyweight Champion Black Metal defeated Vizzion, Jason Watts & Brandon Gatson in a Fatal 4-Way Match to retain his title

Liger Rivera pinned TJ Perkins in a Loser Leaves Town Match

For more information on EWF, go to:

For more information on NWA Pro, go to:

Brew City Wrestling, an affiliate of the National Wrestling Alliance returns to Christina's II Banquet Hall, 409 Delafield St. in Waukesha, WI. on Friday, February 20. Bell time is set for 7:30pm, doors open at 6:30pm and tickets are $15.

Making his BCW debut is "Mr. 450" Hammett.
Here is a taste of the newest member of the BCW roster.

Brew City Wrestling Tag Team Championship
The Skullkrushers (C)
American History Next Best friends, Now bitter enemies!
TC Washington
Chris Black

Open Invitation Match!
"Mr. 450" Hammett -vs-????????

NWA-WI Tag Team Championship
The McCoy's (C)-vs-
Steve Anthony & Tony Scarpone-vs-
Darin & "Superstar" Steve

Return Match From Rise To Honor V
"The Asian Assassin" Bao Nguyen-vs-"Cadillac" Nick Colucci

More matches announced soon!!

NWA Southwest/ PWF
January 24, 2009
PWF Wrestleplex
Amarillo, TX

First match: ".50 Caliber Sex Pistol" Cody Jones vs. "Sexy" Shawn Sanders
winner: Shawn Sanders

Second match: "The Natural" Shawn Mills vs. Mark Wilson
winner: Mark Wilson by d.q.

Third match: Bones vs. Biohaxxxard
winner: Biohaxxxard

Semi-main event: "Southern Pitbull" Rufus Lee Wilkins vs. Joey "The Mastiff" Armstrong
winner: Pitbull

Main event: Canadian Sex Pistols Cody Jones & Shawn Mills vs. "The Hooligan" Austin Riley & Chuey "Chicano Assassin" Martinez
winner: Austin & Chuey

For more information on PWF, go to:

For more information on NWA Southwest, go to:

Brew City Wrestling, an affiliate of the National Wrestling Alliance has a TV deal with Time Warner Cable. Our first tapings will take place on February 20.

This is very exciting news for BCW and their wrestling fans. For right now, the 1/2 hour shows will be played twice a week on Ch. 14 in West Allis and in Waukesha. We'll have more news on this as we get closer to the 20th.

So come and be a part of Wisconsin wrestling history as Brew City Wrestling starts 2009 with a HUGE TV taping. Bring your signs for your favorite or not so favorite BCW stars.

Frankie DeFalco
Brew City Wrestling

NWA ON-FIRE storms into MAINE for three MAJOR BLOCKBUSTER TV EVENTS Next Week !!!





vs. MISS ALISHA and SONNY ROSELLI..... Also slated to appear: NWA Tag Team

Champions "The Samoan Warriors", The New Playas Club, "Giant" Pharaoh, "Juicy" Justin Corino,

"Boston Bad Boy" Jason Rumble & more!!



MEXICO, MAINE will see

a trivial 8-MAN, 4-TEAM TAG CHAMPIONSHIP SCRAMBLE for the coveted NWA

TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP with the "Samoan Warriors" vs. The Logan Brothers

vs. Latin Hit Squad vs. The New Playas Club.... Also slated to appear: NWA Champion

Danny "Terry Funk" Inferno, "Big" Rick Fuller, "The Giant" Pharaoh, "The Great" Apollo,

"Juicy" Justin Corino, Baby Hughie with Kactus & many more!!




"Chaos and Destruction" as NWA Champion Danny "Terry Funk" Inferno teams with "Giant Pharaoh"

vs. "Big" Rick Fuller and "The Great" Apollo.... Also slated to appear: "Juicy" Justin Corino, "Boston Bad

Boy" Jason Rumble, "Golden Boy" Bobby Robinson, Baby Hughie with Kactus & more!!



RESULTS & PHOTOS at our Interactive Forum: www.NWAOnFire.com/forum

ALL CARDS and TALENT subject to change.





by Carlos Fernandez for NWA ON-FIRE.

The card has been announced for MCPW Chainsaw Cup 2009, taking place on Saturday, March 14th in Roscommon, MI. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR ONLY $8 on www.MCPWRESTLING.com/store.htm

Here is the info:

The 2008 Michigan Promotion of the Year
Mr. Chainsaw Productions Wrestling presents...

Saturday. March 14th, 2009
Roscommon CRAF Center
606 Lake Street. Roscommon, MI.

CRAF Center: 1-(989)-275-4975
J&M's Country Corners: 1-(231)-587-8115
MCPW Line: 1-(231)-384-2865
or Purchase on: www.MCPWrestling.com/Store.htm


The Participants in the MCPW Chainsaw Cup 2009 are:
Christin Able
Adam Renolds
Brian Skyline
Vin Gerard
Jonny Lawless
Jeff King

Non-Tournament matches include
The Osirian Portal vs. Main Street Youth
MCPW Commissioner Mikey Zeroe vs. Gary the Freak

Visit www.MCPWrestling.com for more info!

Also, check out the new blogs on www.MySpace.com/MCPWrestling for news on MICK FOLEY coming to MCPW!!!

NJPW “BLACK CAT MEMORIAL”, 1/30/09 (Samurai! TV)
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,300 Fans

1. Wataru Inoue, Ryusuke Taguchi & Prince Devitt beat Jado, Gedo & Tomohiro Ishii (11:04) when Devitt used a cradle on Gedo.
2. Yujiro & Tetsuya Naito vs. Milano Collection AT & Taichi Ishikari went to a draw (20:00) when the time limit expired.
3. Tiger Mask & Koji Kanemoto beat Jushin Thunder Liger & AKIRA (11:24) when Tiger used a chickenwing facelock on AKIRA.
4. Togi Makabe, Toru Yano, Takashi Iizuka & Tomoaki Honma beat Riki Choshu, Mitsuhide Hirasawa, Kazuchika Okada & Nobuo Yoshihashi (8:21) when Honma used a diving headbutt on Hirasawa.
5. Masahiro Chono & Manabu Nakanishi beat Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson (11:21) when Nakanishi used an Argentine backbreaker on Anderson.
6. Shinsuke Nakamura & Hirooki Goto beat Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yuji Nagata (21:38) when Goto used the Shouten on Nagata.

NJPW, 1/31/09 (SXW)
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,600 Fans - No Vacancy

1. AKIRA beat Nobuo Yoshihashi (9:34) with a Musasabi press.
2. Jado & Gedo beat Milano Collection AT & Taichi Ishikari (11:40) when Gedo pinned Ishikari.
3. Takashi Iizuka, Giant Bernard, Karl Anderson & Tomoaki Honma beat Manabu Nakanishi, Koji Kanemoto, Mitsuhide Hirasawa & Kazuchika Okada (15:25) when Anderson used the Gun Stun on Okada.
4. Riki Choshu, Masahiro Chono & Wataru Inoue beat Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii (12:02) when Ishii was DQ’d.
5. Hirooki Goto & Jushin Thunder Liger beat Yuji Nagata & Tiger Mask (11:50) when Liger used a cradle on Tiger.
6. Shinsuke Nakamura, Ryusuke Taguchi & Prince Devitt beat Hiroshi Tanahashi, Yujiro & Tetsuya Naito (25:25) when Nakamura used the Landslide on Yujiro.

NJPW, 2/1/09
Tomi Fureai Gymnasium
1,200 Fans - Super No Vacancy

Yujiro & Tetsuya Naito beat Koji Kanemoto & Nobuo Yoshihashi (14:41) when Yujiro used a crab hold on Yoshihashi.
2. Takashi Iizuka, Jado & Gedo beat Ryusuke Taguchi, Prince Devitt & Mitsuhide Hirasawa (13:02) when Iizuka used a sleeper hold on Hirasawa.
3. Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson beat Milano Collection AT & Taichi Ishikari (10:04) when Anderson used the Gun Stun on Ishikari.
4. Manabu Nakanishi & Wataru Inoue vs. Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii went to a draw (14:47) when Inoue & Ishii were counted out.
5. Riki Choshu & Masahiro Chono beat Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma (10:04) when Chono used an STF on Honma.
6. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Yuji Nagata & Tiger Mask beat Shinsuke Nakamura, Jushin Thunder Liger & AKIRA (17:36) when Tanahashi used the High Fly Flow on AKIRA.

NWA Impact Zone Wrestling
January 27, 2009
The Sets
Tempe, AZ

Sergio Vega defeated Antonio Mestre with a roll-up.

Johnny Manson pinned Tyson Tyler.

NWA-IZW Tag Team champions Lawrence Tyler & Payed Daily dominated Fly Boy Jr. & Psycho to retain the titles.

Miracle Mike James and Lucha Reigns wrestled to a no contest in a match to determine the #1 contenders for the tag titles after the Tyler Empire jumped both men; after the match, the 602 Wrecking Crew returned and ejected the champions from the ring.

After intermission, Erica D'Erico proclaimed herself the new IZW Women's champion.

IZW Impulse champion The Great Ryan Lynch (with Nick The Fury DeMichael) beat Jay Garland to retain while Tommy Drake served as guest ring announcer.

In a match for the vacant IZW title and NWA Arizona title, GQ Gallo and Derick Neikirk wrestled to a split decision when IZW senior referee Jesse Aranki witnessed Gallo tap out while IZW Head referee Ryan Castellucci counted a pinfall on Neikirk simultaneously.

For more information on NWA IZW, go to: