Source: ROH Message boards


a) Shorty McIntyre, Sean Schultz & Sigmund over Andy "Right Leg" Ridge and 2 Color Unspecified Ninjas

b) Mickey Nichols over Samson

Kevin Thorne is in the house; attendance as of 7:25pm is no more than 300.

1) "Spyder" Nate Webb over Flash Flanagan via Arachnid Kick

Attendance creeping towards the 400 mark.

2) Claudio Castagnoli over "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson and Kenny Omega when he pinned Omega; Bison Smith attacked Danielson post-match and left.

Dingo is in the house.

3) Chris Hero over Jay Briscoe via Rolling Elbow

Return Date is October 10, 2009.

4) ROH World Tag Team Title Match
Kevin Steen & El Generico (C) over Kenny King & Rhett "Addicted to Love" Titus when Generico pinned Titus, who was not the legal man. The American Wolves attacked the champs post-match.


5) Bison Smith over Silas Young

6) Roderick Strong & Brent Albright over The American Wolves of Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards w/ Larry Sweeney thanks to Generico causing a distraction and Strong pinning Edwards.

7) Jimmy Jacobs over Delirious in a No DQ Match when Jacobs DDT'd Delirious through a table from the top rope and locked on End Time.

8) Dream Tag Team Match
Tyler Black & Jerry Lynn over ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness & Austin Aries in just over 20 minutes...when Lynn pinned Nigel with his Cradle Piledriver. Lots of nearfalls late, with Nigel hitting Black with a belt shot, but Black kicked out. Nigel hitting Tower of London, but Black kicked out.