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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Dayton, OH
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    Default Raw House Results - 13th Jan 2006

    I just got back from RAW LIVE about 15 minutes ago and still can barley hear. Here are the restults.

    Val Venis b. Gregory Helms: Helms missed the Shinning Wizard, and Venis hit him with a half nelson slam for the 1...2...3!

    Coach came out and read down the card, explaining that since Angle won the World Title, he wasn't welcome here on RAW. He said that HHH will take on the Big Show- NO DQ, both HBK and Kane will be in action tonight, and the main event was Edge defending his newly won WWE Championship against John Cena.

    Shelton Benjmain b. Viscera: Shelton started off by saying that his mom was the reason his losing streak was over, and Viscera need to pay him $500 for the purse he broke on his head at NYR. Shelton got the pin with his feet on the rope after Viscera missed a charging strike.

    Chris Cage and Miz b. Tomko & Snitsky: Miz pinned Tomko after Snitsky acidentley booted Tomko and then Cage took Snitsky over the top rope. After the match, they teased heat between Tomko and Snitsky.

    Women's Championship: Trish Stratus b. Victoria: Right when the bell was rung, Mickie James' theme hit and she ran down to the ring to hug Trish. Victoria dominated must of the match, and Trish got the pin, when she got out of the Widow's Peak and nailed the Chick Kick. Mickie wanted a hug from Trish, but she wouldn't. Mickie was sad, and then wanted a hand shake, which Trish did after the fans cheered her on to.

    Shawn Michaels b. Carlito:This match was hilarious, with Carlito and HBK both coming out with some funny bits. HBK got the pin, after Carlito hit him with a neckbraker (not his finisher), and went out to get an apple, he got back into the ring and was hit with some Sweet Chin Music. One of the funniest part was when HBK threw his shirt into the audience and a man caught it, and HBK made him give it to the kid next to him.


    Kane b. Chris Masters: Masters was in street clothes, and said the reason was that he didn't want to spend another minute in Dayton OH. Kane came out, and after a short back and forth match, hit a chokeslam on the Masterpiece and got the pin.

    NO DQ: HHH b. Big Show: Triple H hit the Pedigree early in the match, that lead only to a two count. HHH threw a steel chair, and the ring steps into the ring, and tried another Pedigree onto the steps, but Show back bodydroped him. Show picked up the steps, as HHH picked up the chair. Show ran towards HHH, who hit him in the legs with the chair, and his face hit the steps he was carrying. One more chair shot by the Game, and this one was over.

    WWE Championship: John Cena b. Edge via DQ: Edge came out and cut a promo on beating Cena, saying "You used to call me Money in the Bank, now I am the Bank". Cena came out to thunderous appaluse. Edge tried a couple of times to get himself counted out, but Cena stopped him. Cena had Edge up for the F-U late in the match, but Edge got down, and through Cena into the ref. Edge got out and picked up the belt, and went for a shot, but Cena tripped him and locked in the STFU until he had tapped, but there was still no ref. Cena tried to revive the ref, and then got a big boot from Edge. Edge exposed a turnbuckle, and slammed him into it, and covered for the longest 2 count ever. Cena got back the momentum with his "5 moves of death" and had him up again for the F-U, but Edge low blowed him and the ref called for the bell.

    After the match, Edge set Cena up for the Spear, but Cena countered and hit his F-U and the crowd went home happy. (Except for me)

    Biggest Pop:
    1. Cena
    2. HBK
    3. HHH
    4. Kane
    5. Big Show

    Biggest Heat:
    1. Edge
    2. Gregory Helms (got Huge Heat for some reason)
    3. Coach
    4. Carlito
    5. Tomko and Snitsky
    Last edited by Unforgotten_one; 01-14-2006 at 04:45 AM.

  2. #2
    On the bench!
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Rep Power


    Thanks for that, its nice to see Gregory helms get some heat

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