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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation TNA PPV 'Lockdown' LIVE Coverage! 2009

    On Sunday, April 19, 2009, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling presents "Lockdown" live and exclusively on Pay-Per-View from the Liacouras Center at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!


    Hardcore Legend Mick Foley vs. (c) "The Icon" Sting

    Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Booker T, Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash) vs. Team Jarrett (Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe & ???)

    Team 3D vs. (c) Beer Money, Inc

    Black Machismo vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed vs. Kiyoshi vs. (c) Suicide

    Taylor Wilde vs. Angelina Love vs. (c) Awesome Kong

    ODB vs. Madison Rayne vs. Daffney vs. Sojo Bolt

    The Latin American Xchange vs. No Limit vs. (c) The Motor City Machineguns


    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    Sunday, April 19th, | Philadelphia

    We are live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Jeremy Borash welcomes everyone to Lockdown. Jeremy shows us footage of Danny Bonaduce arriving on his motorcycle. We are reminded that Danny Bonaduce will be facing Eric Young. Jeremy reminds us of the other matches on the pay per view.

    We see a video package for the Sting/Mick Foley match.

    Lauren is in the back with Danny Bonaduce. She asks him about his motivation to get inside the six sides of steel. Danny says that they are in his home town and he will do his best tonight. He says that he is going to win. Danny mentions that he has Johnny Fairplay’s tooth around his neck on a chain. Danny says that he has been training for the match and he says that he is terrified to get inside the cage. He will do his best tonight and he says that he expects to bleed.

    We see the video package of Eric’s appearance on Danny Bonaduce’s radio show.

    PreShow Match:

    Danny Bonaduce vs Eric Young

    Before the match even starts, Bonaduce goes after one of the fans in the front row and that fan is escorted out of the arena.

    Bonaduce has nunchuks with him in the cage and then he kicks Eric down after tossing them in the air. Young with a drop kick followed by forearms to the back. Young presses Bonaduce over his head and he sends Danny into the cage. Young with kicks to Bonaduce. Young suplexes Danny into the cage twice and then drives him to the mat. Young with a forearm to Bonaduce and then he charges into boots from Danny. Bonaduce with a boot to Young and then he goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a swanton for a two count. Young punches Bonaduce and then he hits a power bomb. Young goes up top for a moonsault and he misses. Bonaduce has the nunchuks and he tries to hit Eric with them. Eric avoids them and he gets the three count with an inside cradle.

    Winner: Eric Young

    After the match
    they shake hands but Bonaduce hits Young from behind and then he chokes him with the nunchuks. Rhino enters the cage and he hits a GORE on Bonaduce.

    Lauren and Jeremy are at ringside while Bonaduce leaves the cage.

    We go to the Lethal Lockdown Match video package.

    Jeremy Borash mentions the TNA Lockdown fanfest and we see footage from the event. Jeremy brings out TNA President Dixie Carter. Jeremy asks Dixie about meeting the fans and she says that is what makes TNA so special. She thanks the fans for their support. Jeremy talks about the last three months. Dixie thanks the fans for breaking records on television.

    We go to a video package for the Tag Team Title Match.

    Lauren and Jeremy are inside the six sides of steel and we see the top of the cage for the Lethal Lockdown match.

    This concludes the preshow and it is time for Lockdown to begin.

    The Show

    We start off tonight’s show with footage of A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels arriving at the building. Then we see the Main Event Mafia arrive at the building together. Is Team Jarrett on the same page?

    Team 3D are at the Art Museum and Ray talks about thirteen years of kicking ass and getting their ass kicked. He says that this is the city that they got their start in and this is where they were born. He calls this the most violent and hardcore city in the world. He tells Beer Money that he would not want to be in their shoes tonight. They will fight throughout the arena and maybe into the streets in Philadelphia. Ray says that he hopes the fans take a shot at Beer Money. They vow to win the TNA Tag Titles and that they are the most dominant tag team in the world. Devon says that he hopes that they are ready and have done all of their training to get into shape for tonight. When the dust clears, there will be no more arguments. The only thing to be said is that Team 3D is the greatest tag team in the business. They will walk out victorious and they testify.

    We have the opening video package that focuses on the TNA title match.

    Black Machismo vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed vs. Kiyoshi vs. (c) Suicide

    (The rules of the match are that it is a standard match with pinfalls and submissions until there are two men left. At that point, it is a race to escape the cage. The first man to get to the floor is the TNA X Division Champion)

    Suicide with a drop kick to Bashir as the bell rings. Kiyoshi with a kick to Suciide but Suicide with a kick of his own. Creed and Lethal work over Bashir. Kiyoshi works on Suicide’s shoulder. Lethal with a hip toss into a cartwheel and drop kick to Kiyoshi. Suicide with a leg drop to Lethal but Creed breaks up the cover. Bashir punches Creed and chops him. Creed wit a boot to Bashir and a kick for a near fall. Suicide with a reverse atomic drop to Kiyoshi but Kiyoshi with a clothesline for a near fall. Suicide with a clothesline to Kiyoshi and then he punches Bashir. Creed with a drop kick to Bashir.

    Lethal and Creed work on Bashir in the corner and then Lethal presses Bashir over his head as Creed hits a bulldog. Lethal wit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker to Suicide and then Creed with a side Russian leg sweep and a drop kick to Suicide. Lethal and Creed turn their attention to Kiyoshi. Lethal with an enzuigiri and then Creed with a TKO and Lethal with an elbow drop from the top to eliminate Kiyoshi.

    Kiyoshi is Eliminated

    Bashir goes after Creed while Suicide runs Lethal into the cage. Creed with the somersault clothesline to Bashir. Lethal and Creed work on Bashir and they hit a double flapjack for a two count. Lethal gets Suicide up and Creed hits a cross body for a near fall. Lethal works on Suicide and Creed works on Bashir. Suicide and Bashir take care of Lethal and Creed and then Bashir with a clothesline to Suicide. Creed falls victim to the WMDDT.

    Consequences Creed is Eliminated

    Bashir with chops and punches followed by kicks. Lethal hits Lethal Combination on Bashir but Suicide goes after Lethal. Suicide with kicks and then he hits a series of clotheslines in the corner on Lethal. Suicide gets Lethal up but Lethal with a crucifix for a two count. Lethal with a rollup for a two count. Suicide with a clothesline that flips Lethal and Lethal lands hard but Suicide can only get a two count. Lethal with a kick to Suicide and then he tries for a moonsault but Suicide moves. Suicide hits Suicide Solution on Lethal and then Suicide is sent into the cage and Bashir gets the pinfall on Lethal.

    Jay Lethal is Eliminated

    We are down to Bashir and Suicide and they need to get to the floor to win. Bashir is sent into the cage door and the door opens but Suicide keeps him in the cage. Suicide climbs the cage and Bashir stops him and tries to bring him back into the cage. They fight on the top turnbuckle and Bashir slams Suicide’s head into the cage. Bashir hits a super belly-to-back suplex and both men are down.

    Bashir tries for the WMDDT but Suicide blocks it. Suicide sends Bashir into the turnbuckles and then Suicide climbs the cage and gets to the top. Bashir goes up and he punches Suicide and Suicide hangs on the top of the cage. The fight on the top of the cage and they exchange punches with each man trying to stay on top. Bashir almost falls off the cage a few times and he stays up. Suicide with a head butt and Bashir goes to the floor. Kiyoshi has come to the cage one more time and security stops him. Suicide with a splash onto the security and Kiyoshi to win the match.

    Winner: Suicide

    Lauren is in the back with Christopher Daniels and A.J. Styles. She asks if Team Jarrett is on the same page. A.J. says that him and Daniels are on the same page. They have been together before, but not on this level. Tonight is about showing that they belong. Lauren asks Daniels what happened to bring him back. Daniels says that it is good to be home. What happened between Jeff and him stays between the two of them. Daniels says that that he is a man reborn.

    Queen of the Cage Match
    Madison Rayne vs Sojournor Bolt vs ODB vs Daffney

    Daffney and Madison fight while ODB and Bolt brawl on the other side of the cage. Bolt chokes ODB in the ropes while Cody Deener watches. Daffney with a Northern Lights suplex to Madison but Bolt breaks up the cover. Bolt and Rayne push each other and Daffney gets a rollup on Bolt. Bolt and Rayne work over ODB and ODB with a double clothesline and then Daffney gets on ODB’s back and she cannot last eight seconds as ODB with a snap mare. Bolt and Rayne continue to work together on ODB. Bolt holds ODB while Rayne punches and kicks ODB. Bolt and Rayne catapult ODB into the cage. Daffney joins in the attack on ODB and then Madison attacks Daffney from behind. Bolt joins in the attack on Daffney. Daffney hits a cross body on Bolt and Rayne.

    Daffney pulls Bolt off ODB and Daffney with a swinging neck breaker to Bolt. Daffney with a European uppercut to Rayne and then she kicks Rayne in the corner. Daffney goes to the turnbuckles but she misses an elbow drop when Rayne moves out of the way. Deener gives ODB something to drink while she watches the action. ODB gets a second wind and she clotheslines Bolt and Rayne. ODB with an Irish whip to Rayne and then she does the same to Bolt and she hits a splash into the corner. ODB with the fallaway slam on Bolt and then she kips up.

    ODB with a spinning side slam to Rayne for a near fall. Bolt with a kick to ODB and then she gets a near fall but Daffney breaks up the cover. Daffney with the Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza on Bolt but Rayne breaks up the cover. Rayne and Daffney each drive the other into the mat after grabbing the hair. ODB with another drink and then she waits for Bolt to turn around and she spits the drink in Bolt’s face. ODB with a power slam on Bolt for the three count.

    Winner: ODB

    While Don and Mike talk about the rest of the pay per view, we are sent to the garage where Jeff Jarrett has just arrived and it is only 37 minutes into the pay per view.

    IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Title Match
    Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) vs LAX (Homicide and Hernandez) versus Team No Limit (Naito and Yujiro)

    This match will be conducted under Tornado Tag Rules and all six men will be in the ring.

    Naito with a cross body to Shelley while Hernandez and Sabin battle and Homicide faces Yujiro. Naito goes up top again but Shelley stops him and Naito is in the Tree of Woe. Shelley with a series of baseball slides to Naito. Yujiro gets Homicide up but Homicide escapes the hold and Homicide hits a back elbow. Shelley chokes Naito with his boot. Homicide with a shoulder tackle but Yujiro stays up. Homicide tries for a cross body but Yujiro catches him and hits a power slam for a near fall.

    Hernandez pushes Sabin away and Sabin with a punch to Hernandez. Sabin with an enzuigiri to Sabin followed by an Octopus and then he tries for a sunset flip. Hernandez does not go down and Sabin with a few chops. Hernandez blocks Sabin into the cage. Shelley chops Hernandez and then he tries for a suplex and Hernandez does not go over. Hernandez with a delayed vertical suplex to Shelley and Sabin kicks Hernandez to get his partner out of the hold. Sabin and Shelley try for a double suplex on Hernandez but Hernandez blocks it and hits a double suplex of his own. Naito and Yujiro work on Sabin and Shelley with a number of double team maneuvers. LAX work over Naito and they hit a number of double team moves.

    Hernandez with a catapult to Yujiro and Homicide hits the senton onto the back for a near fall. Homicide and Shelley fight on the top rope and Homicide with a head butt. Sabin crotches Homicide and then Sabin with a drop kick off Shelley’s back and Homicide goes hard into the cage. Sabin and Shelley with flying forearms to Hernandez in the corner followed by a series of kicks. They put Homicide on Hernandez’s shoulders and then they hit the Missile drop kick into a Flatline on both members of LAX. Sabin with a tornado DDT on Homicide for a two count because Yujiro breaks up the cover. The members of the Machine Guns and No Limit work over Hernandez in the corner and then Shelley misses Hernandez. No Limit and LAX hit moves in the corner on Shelley.

    Homicide catapults Shelley into Hernandez and Hernandez hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Homicide goes up top while Hernandez has Yujiro on the top rope and Homicide hits a senton but Homicide can only get a two count. Hernandez catches Sabin and he tries for a power bomb but Sabin fights off and he tries for a sunset flip. Hernandez does not go down and Hernandez picks up Sabin and then he tosses him into the cage and Sabin goes down awkwardly. Hernandez sets for a border toss of Shelley into the cage. Naito with a snap power slam to Homicide and then No Limit work on Hernandez. No Limit with a double press slam for a two count. Yujiro with a DDT onto Hernandez for a near fall. Yujiro slams Sabin to the mat and then he goes up top but misses a diving head butt. Naito with a slam to Sabin and then he tries for a Phoenix Splash but he misses too. Sabin and Shelley go up top as Yujiro is in the center of the ring. They hit a splash and leg drop combination but Hernandez breaks up the cover.

    Hernandez with a head and arm suplex to Shelley. Naito takes down Hernandez while Homicide hits a missile drop kick on Naito. Yujrio has Homicide on the turnbuckles but Hernandez gets Yujiro on his shoulder and Homicide hits an Ace Cutter. Shelley and Sabin incapacitate Hernandez and then Naito is on the turnbuckles and they set for the Sliced Bread #2 and power bomb combination for the three count.

    Winners: Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley

    Lauren is in the back with Abyss and she reminds Abyss that Matt Morgan said that he will hurt him. Abyss thanks Lauren for caring and he calls her the greatest girlfriend ever. He says that he gave Dr. Stevie his word and tonight’s match is about survival. He talks about being abused as a child, when he was deemed mentally unfit. He will take everything that Matt has to dish out until there is nothing else for Matt to give. After that, he will take out all of his frustrations on Matt. Abyss says that Dr. Stevie says that it is good to take everything from the inside and let it out. Tonight he is going to let it all out.

    Doomsday Chamber of Blood Match
    Abyss vs Matt Morgan

    Abyss punches the chair in Morgan’s face and then he punches Morgan in the corner. Morgan with knees to Abyss and then he runs into a clothesline. Abyss with a splash in the corner and then Morgan falls into the corner. Abyss with a running butt splash and Morgan is down. Morgan with an elbow and punches to Abyss. Morgan with a boot to Abyss’s head. Abyss with a side slam to Morgan and then he looks at the chair. Abyss grabs the chair but he gets hit in the head with a bicycle kick into the chair. Morgan grabs the chair and then he climbs to the top of the cage and he throws the chair to the floor and the crowd does not approve. Morgan with a kick to Abyss and then he punches Abyss. Abyss is now bleeding so he is eligible to be pinned. Morgan throws Abyss into the cage and he gets a two count.

    Morgan with elbows to Abyss in the corner followed by a splash. Morgan with a drop kick to Abyss for a near fall. Morgan punches Abyss as he works on the head. Morgan gets his black bag and opens it. Morgan reveals a bag of glass. Morgan tries to drive Abyss’s head into the glass. Morgan grabs a piece of glass and he tries to drive it into Abyss’s head but Morgan takes too long and Abyss stops Morgan. Abyss punches Morgan and then Abyss hits a shoulder tackle on Morgan. Abyss sends Morgan into the cage but Morgan does not bleed. Abyss with a choke slam and he covers Morgan but because Morgan did not bleed yet, the ref refuses to make the count.

    Morgan with a knee to Abyss’s midsection. Morgan goes up top and Morgan hits a cross body on the referee when Abyss moves out of the way. Abyss gets a piece of glass and he jams it into Morgan’s forehead. Morgan is now bleeding so he is eligible to be pinned. Abyss and Morgan exchange punches and Abyss with a black hole slam but we have no referee who is conscious. A new referee gets in the ring but it takes too long and Morgan is able to kick out. Abyss opens the cage door and he leaves the ring to get the chair.

    Dr. Stevie comes to the ring and he takes the chair. Abyss tries to plead his case but Morgan with the Carbon Footprint for a two count. Abyss leaves the cage again and he wants the chair. Stevie tells Abyss no and holds the chair from him. Abyss goes under the ring and he finds a bag so he does not need a chair. Stevie tells Abyss not to do it. Abyss opens the bag and it is full of thumbtacks. Stevie takes off his jacket and he enters the cage. Stevie slaps and hits Abyss. Morgan with a low blow while Abyss argues with Stevie. Morgan with a spinebuster onto the thumbtacks for the three count.

    Winner: Matt Morgan

    Jeremy Borash is with Jeff Jarrett and he asks Jeff which side of Jeff Jarrett will we see tonight. Jeff wants to know what side Jeremy is talking about. He has heard the comments from Styles and Daniels. He tells Styles and Daniels to worry about themselves. Where were they over the last six months. Does Jeff Jarrett need to worry about himself more than he has in the past. Jeremy wants to know what Jarrett means and he says that means that he will do the right thing. Jarrett opens the door and Samoa Joe is there and he tells Jarrett ‘no tricks’.

    TNA Knockouts Title Match
    Awesome Kong vs. Angelina Love vs. Taylor Wilde

    Angelina Love makes her way to the cage first with Velvet Sky as her escort. Out next is Taylor Wilde followed by Knockouts Champion Awesome Kong with Raesha Saed at her side. Kong enters the cage and she's ready to fight. The bell rings and Angelina starts climbing the cage. Kong brings her down and goes to work with big shots in the corner.

    Taylor comes over now and works over Angelina. Kong comes up and slams Taylor down on the mat. Kong goes back to work on Angelina now. Kong lifts her for the Awesome Bomb but Angelina fights out of it. Taylor and Angelina both dropkick Kong and they do a bit of double teaming. 2 count by Angelina and then a 2 count by Taylor. They come face to face and argue in the ring. Roll up and 2 count by Taylor. Taylor and Angelina go back and forth now. Kong catches Taylor off the ropes and throws her into the cage wall. Angelina tries taking down Kong but can't. Kong lifts Angelina and throws her by her neck down to the mat. Kong hits the big swing move on Angelina and stands on her head now.

    Kong is on a roll now and she drops Angelina with another chokeslam. Kong goes to the top rope and jumps for a big somersault splash but Angelina moves out of the way. Impressive seeing Kong doing a move like that. Angelina gets a 2 count on Kong. Angelina puts Kong's hair through the cage wall and they tie her braids to the cage. Saed chases Velvet around the cage as Angelina taunts Kong. Angelina turns around and Taylor nails a crossbody off the top for a 2 count. Another 2 by Taylor. Kong is still tied to the cage by her braids as Taylor wears down Angelina. Taylor goes to check on Kong but she kicks her back into Angelina. Angelina catches Taylor and pins her for the win and the Knockouts Championship.

    Winner: Angelina Love

    We go to Lauren and Team 3D who are out in the lobby area with a bunch of fans. Team 3D are having beers. They talk about being back home in Philly and the crowd is crazy. Devon says after they win tonight, they're going to have a cheesesteak. Bubba gets the crowd hyped up and welcomes Beer Money to their backyard, to Hardcore Heaven and to Killadelphia. They have a toast and we go to promos.

    Philly Street Fight for the IWGP and TNA Tag Team Titles
    Team 3D vs. Beer Money

    Tenay runs down the match as the TNA Tag Team Champions Beer Money come to the ring. Out next is Team 3D, the IWGP Tag Team Champions. Both titles are on the line in this match. Team 3D get a pretty nice pop from the Philly crowd. They make their entrance through the crowd and when everyone finally sees them, they get the pop.

    The bell rings and all four men start brawling. Roode works on Bubba in the corner with big kicks and Storm works on Devon. They miss a double team move and Devon clotheslines both of them. Ray throws Storm and Roode both out of the cage to the floor. Team 3D get a big pop from the crowd as they go to the floor to brawl.

    Team 3D control Beer Money as they fight through the crowd and TNA has it on split screen. The crowd is all into Team 3D as they beat Beer Money around the arena. It's Devon & Roode and then Bubba & Storm. Storm smashes Ray's head into the top of the steps and they fight up near one of the luxury boxes. Bubba and Storm fight it out towards the concessions area as a big ECW chant breaks out. Devon brings Storm back into the crowd area as Bubba and Roode go at it on the steps. Bubba drops Roode on his crotch over the hand rail. Storm takes control of Devon in the crowd now.

    Devon digs into the forehead of Storm. They all meet in the crowd and Team 3D is still in control. They head back to the ring area. Storm spits beer in Devon's face and throws him into the fan barrier. Storm grabs the cage door and smacks Ray in the head with it. Beer Money set up the steel steps outside the ring and bring out a table. Devon is thrown into the steps. They set the table up next to the steps. They both get on the steps and hit the Beer Money Suplex on Devon through the table. A big "holy sh##" chant breaks out. They go back in the ring now and work on Bubba Ray. Devon is still laid out on the floor. They rub Bubba's busted open head into the cage wall. Bubba manages to clothesline both Storm and Roode and slam Roode. Ray climbs to the top rope but Storm meets him. Storm falls on the ropes. Roode gets up and meets Bubba on the top now. Bubba grabs him and hits a big Bubba Bomb off the top rope.

    Bubba only gets a 2 count. Storm hits Bubba with something and they go to work on him. Devon finally comes back in and takes Storm out. Bubba manages to drop Roode again for a 2 count. Team 3D hits the top rope clothesline on Storm but only gets a 2 count. Bubba slams Roode and Devon comes off the top with the headbutt. Devon goes to get the tables now after a moment with the crowd. Beer Money get to their feet and hit Bubba with a suplex while he's setting up the table. They take Devon and throw him into the cage. The crowd chants for fire now. Beer Money with a close 2 count on Devon. They both miss moves off the top rope but Roode hits a spinebuster and neckbreaker on Team 3D. Team 3D catch Roode in the 3D through the table to retain the IWGP Titles and win the TNA World Titles.

    Winners and New TNA Tag Team Champions: Team 3D

    We go backstage and Borash is with Kurt Angle. Steiner, Nash and Booker are in the room. Angle puts over each member of The Main Event Mafia and says they are strong. Kurt says tonight they will have three opponents who are younger and faster than them - AJ, Joe and Daniels. Angle says the Mafia knows something that they dont - you win with your head and not with your heart. Angle walks off as we go to promos.

    Lethal Lockdown Match
    Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash and Booker T vs. Jeff Jarrett, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles

    We go to the arena and Kurt Angle is introduced first to make his way to the ring. Out next is Christopher Daniels. They will go at it for five minutes until the next man comes out.

    The bell rings and Daniels gets the advantage first, sending Angle to the mat. Daniels works over Angle. Angle gets to his feet and starts working over Daniels. They go back and forth before going to the mat. Daniels works on the leg of Angle. Back on their feet and more back and forth action. Daniels still has a side headlock on. Angle sends Daniels head first into the corner and then the cage wall. Angle misses two clotheslines and Daniels rocks him. Dropkick off the ropes by Daniels now. Angle runs into a boot. Daniels counters a move and stomps on Angle's chest from the corner. Daniels puts Angle on the corner and smacks him. Big DVD off the top by Daniels. Daniels uses the cage but Angle counters and hits a suplex.

    Daniels locks on the koji clutch as the clock counts down and Booker T makes his way to the ring. Angle is locked in the hold and it looks like he's tapping out as Booker poses and takes his time to get to the ring. Booker finally rushes and breaks the hold. Booker starts working over Daniels. Booker misses a big kick and Daniels nails a dropkick. Daniels with shoulder thrusts in the corner now. Booker and Angle double team to knock Daniels now. Daniels is in trouble now as Angle is back to his feet. The clock starts counting down again and the next man out is AJ Styles. Styles rushes the ring and lets loose on Angle and Booker, taking them down. AJ throws Booker into Daniels boot. More double teaming on Angle by Daniels and AJ. AJ stomps on Booker now and takes him to the corner. Daniels and AJ slam Booker and Angle with suplexes. Daniels with a big clothesline on Angle. The clock counts down again and the next man out is Scott Steiner.

    Steiner comes in with big clotheslines and a suplex to Daniels off the top. Steiner takes AJ to the top and nails the infamous Frankensteiner. Steiner drops AJ again and hits a big elbow. The Mafia is in control now. Steiner with more big clotheslines and elbow drops. The clock starts ticking again as the next man out is Samoa Joe. Joe's music plays but he doesn't come out. We see a split screen. Joe is backstage in the dark talking to someone, getting some last minute instructions for the match or some crap they say. Joe finally comes out and hits the ring. Joe with a big suplex as soon as he enters the ring. Joe hits a bunch of different suplexes on the MEM members. Could that be a Taz reference? Joe with a Senton on Angle as he continues to own.

    The next man out is Kevin Nash. Joe meets him on the floor and they brawl. Joe is taken out. Nash goes in the ring and the Mafia owns for a minute. The next man out is Jeff Jarrett. He comes in ready to fight. The top of the cage is lowered as Lethal Lockdown is announced. The top of the cage is filled with weapons.

    TNA is showing 6 different camera angles here and it's kind of dumb looking. Jarrett starts smacking Steiner in the head with a trash can lid about 20 times. Jarrett cracks Steiner with a crutch now. Angle busts through the top of the cage and is up top. AJ Styles comes through and meets him up there. They face off on top of the cage and start going at it. Angle tries to suplex AJ but can't. Angle wobbles on the edge of the cage as AJ rocks him with rights. AJ tries to dump Angle over the top of the cage but Angle hangs on and fights back. Angle kicks AJ low as everyone else brawls in the ring. AJ is down on the cage as Angle comes back into the cage. Angle hits the Angle Slam on Jarrett. Styles comes crashing through the top of the cage and lands on Booker and Steiner and others, falling hard. Joe drops Steiner with a trash can. Joe takes Steiner to the top and hits the muscle buster. Booker drops Joe with a big kick. AJ gets to his feet and goes at it with Booker. Jarrett goes to swing the chair at Booker but it hits AJ and lays him out. 2 count by Booker. Joe grabs Jarrett against the cage. Angle comes from behind and hits the Angle Slam on Joe for a 2 count.

    Daniels drops Angle with a suplex for a 2 count. Jarrett grabs his guitar as AJ and Booker are wobbling infront of him. Jarrett swings the guitar and rocks Booker. AJ covers Booker for the pinfall and the win.

    Winners: Team Jarrett

    After the match
    the lights go out. A motorcycle is heard revving up as music plays. Out comes former WWE star Bobby Lashley to a huge pop! Lashley raises his hands in the air and acknowledges Kurt Angle. Angle smiles from the ring. A huge unexpected moment.

    We go backstage with Lauren and Sting. Sting cuts a promo on Foley and talks about Philadelphia, saying anything goes in Philly. Jeremy Borash is also backstage with Mick Foley. Foley is in his Cactus Jack persona and says Mick couldn't make it tonight. He talks about ripping Sting apart in Philadelphia and tells him good luck.

    TNA World Title Match
    Sting vs. Mick Foley

    We see Foley heading to the ring as we go to a promo. Cactus Jack makes his way to the arena with a barbed wire bat in hand. The TNA World Champion Sting is out next to a pretty nice pop from the crowd. Sting enters the ring and Jeremy Borash begins the formal introductions

    The cage is shut, the bell rings and they get ready to go. The crowd starts popping. Cactus starts hitting himself in the face to intimidate Sting or something. Cactus drops Sting with a clothesline and starts stomping him. Cactus has busted himself open. Cactus with more stomps. He climbs the cage and Sting comes behind him. They fight on the top rope and Sting knocks Foley back to the mat. Sting starts kicking on Foley now, backing him into the ropes. Sting smashes Foley's face into the cage wall. Foley gets to his feet and fights back with right hands. Sting goes back to the mat after a big right hand and Foley with more kicks.

    Foley climbs the cage again but Sting meets him again. They fight it out and Sting drives Foley down to the mat. 2 count by Sting. Sting tries to use the cage again but Foley stops him. Foley with more right hands now in the corner on Sting. Foley with a chokehold. Foley climbs the cage again but Sting grabs him by the leg and pulls him down. Foley's foot gets stuck and Sting goes to work. Sting works on the leg of Foley now. Foley gets up and tries to climb infront of Sting's face. Sting knocks him back down to the mat. Foley hits a big clothesline and now Sting is down. Foley stomps on Sting's head now. Lots of stomps and punches in this match.

    Foley looks to be in pain as he hits a swinging neckbreaker on Sting for a close 2 count. Foley tries to climb again but can't because of his knee. Foley hits the double arm DDT on Sting. Another 2 count for Foley. Foley tries for the Scorpion Death Lock but Sting fights it. Foley turns it over but the hold is broken. Foley screams for the ref to open the cage door. Hebner says he can't, that's not how you win. Foley shoves Hebner down to the mat. Foley made the rule to lock the door. Foley snaps. He runs in the ring and dropkicks a camera man on the outside of the cage, sending him back. Foley tries escaping through the camera hole in the cage. Sting pulls Foley back and locks the Death Lock. Foley's body is hanging out of the camera hole. He tells the camera man to hand him the barbed wire bat and he does. The hold is broken and Foley has the bat. Sting turns around and stops when he sees the bat.

    Sting takes Foley down and starts climbing the cage. Foley comes from behind with the bat and hits Sting twice, sending him to the mat. One shot to each knee. Sting hits a drop toe hold and Foley falls onto the bat and cuts his hand open. Sting grabs the bat now and hits Foley in the gut with it. Another shot by Sting with the bat. Sting keeps hitting Foley with the barbed wire bat. Foley catches a shot right in the eyes and hits a low blow on Sting. Foley grabs the bat and clotheslines Sting with it. Foley drops the bat on Sting again. Sting is now busted open. Foley pulls a sock out of his pants and wraps barbed wire around it. Foley punches Sting in the face with it. Foley takes the barbed wire bat and rams it into Sting in the corner.

    Foley tries to climb the cage and makes it to the top and almost over. Sting gets up and rushes to the top of the cage. Both men are going over at the same time. Foley drops to the floor and hits it before Sting to win the match and the TNA World Title.

    Winner and New TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Mick Foley

    Foley celebrates in the ring as we cut to a TNA Sacrifice promo and the pay-per-view goes off the air.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    (S)WINNING! Swinny's Avatar
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    Not a bad PPV so far, the three way tag match, and the Knockouts title match was good. Angelina didn't look good though, and it definitely looked like the ending was improvised, I don't think she had any idea where she was. Hope she's alright.

  4. #4
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    So it was Bobby Lashley not Taz

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    (S)WINNING! Swinny's Avatar
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    Yeah, I definitely didn't see Lashley coming. I didn't expect it to be Taz, but I didn't think of Lashley. I was never a big fan of his, but I think he could definitely help out TNA, so it should work out well.

  6. #6
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    Last edited by gguru; 04-20-2009 at 03:42 AM. Reason: got the answer

  7. #7
    Main Eventer Kage's Avatar
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    Wow Foley beat Sting, Im shocked.

  8. #8
    The Eating Machine! Kenpachi Zaraki's Avatar
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    What the fuck is wrong with these ppl!!!!!!!!! The tag title match was made for Beer Money n Foley shit dont even get me started. Bobby Crapley :o

    If Kenpachi used his Bankai, Armageddon, Ragnarok, and every other form of the apocalypse would march from the depths of hell with their demonic legions of death.... then take one look at him and turn tail and run.

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