
The following report is from the newest addition to the web team, and host of our new official radio show "Combat Fighter Zone," Luis Cruz.

I recently caught up with UFC ring card girl Amber Miller (of the Amber & Rachelle duo, now Rachelle & Jenny). Word got out that she has apparently left the UFC organization to pursue work elsewhere.

Amber informed me that she is in talks with another promotion already, but can not go into specifics until the deal is finalized and all of the legalities are out of the way.

Amber is working with a new manager now, the same representation of former UFC Light Heavyweight champion Tito Ortiz, to help her in her future negotiations and career moves.

We should have more details on where you can expect Amber in the future, here at within the next few days. She has agreed to come back on CFZ Radio (which will be debuting again here shortly at to discuss the whole situation of what happened. It will be an open mic and uncensored interview for Amber, so it should be great, stay tuned!