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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Royal Rumble' LIVE Coverage 2010


    30-Man Royal Rumble Match
    RAW: John Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, MVP, Chris Masters, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Big Show, Evan Bourne, Carlito

    SmackDown: Batista, Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, C.M. Punk, The Great Khali, Kane, R-Truth,

    ECW: Shelton Benjamin, Yoshi Tatsu, William Regal, Zack Ryder

    WWE Championship Match
    Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

    ECW Championship Match
    Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson

    World Title Match
    The Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio

    Women's Champion Match

    Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James



    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    WWE PPV Royal Rumble
    Sunday 31st January 2010

    The Royal Rumble opened with a video package focusing on the Rumble match, the WWE Title bout and the World Title match.

    ECW Title Match
    Ezekiel Jackson vs. Christian

    Savannah was the ring announcer, since it was an ECW match. Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and Matt Striker are the announce team, and will be calling all the matches. Jackson was accompanied by William Regal.

    Christian circled Jackson at the start, then they locked up and Jackson shoved him to the mat. Christian grabbed a waistlock, but Jackson powered out of it and took Christian down to the mat. Christian threw a slap at Jackson as Jackson trash talked him. Jackson chased Christian out of the ring and back in, and Christian hit some shots on Jackson as he re-entered, then dropkicked him off the apron and to the floor. Christian hit a springboard dive out of the ring onto Jackson. Christian leapfrogged Jackson as he got back in the ring, then ducked under him and hit a slap. Christian went for a whip, but Jackson blocked it and slammed Christian.

    Jackson missed an elbowdrop, but hit Christian with some forearm shots and worked him over in a corner. Jackson whipped Christian back and forth between corners. Christian grabbed an arm for a Killswitch attempt, but Jackson elbowed it away. Jackson went for a press slam, Christian floated over it and tripped Jackson into the ropes. Christian choked Jackson against the middle rope, then slid out of the ring for a right hand. Christian went to the second rope, but Jackson yanked him down to the mat. Christian rolled to the floor, and William Regal went at him, but the referee stopped him and sent Regal to the back.

    Jackson grabbed Christian on the floor and threw him into the ring steps. Jackson rolled Christian back into the ring and stomped him. Jackson put Christian in a head vice, then lifted Christian off the mat by the head and threw him to the mat for a two count. Jackson hit a delayed vertical suplex, but Christian kicked out at two. Jackson stretched Christian between the middle and top rope and hit a forearm to the chest, then a shot to the back. Christian threw a kick to the gut and went for a sunset flip, but Christian picked him up by the throat and threw him to the mat with a chokeslam for a two count. Jackson stood on Christian's throat, then put him in a chinlock. Christian elbowed out, and hit a few right hands. Christian ducked a chop by Jackson, but Jackson blasted him with a clothesline to the back of the head.

    Ezekiel used a reverse full nelson on Christian, then put him on the top rope for a superplex. Christian fought it off and sent Jackson off the ropes. Christian hit a flying reverse elbow off the top rope, but Jackson got to his feet. Christian avoided a charge and hit a middle rope dropkick for a two count. Christian went for the Killswitch, but Jackson fought it off. Jackson went for a slam, but Christian floated over and hit a sloppy reverse DDT. Christian went for a top rope headbutt, but Ezekiel moved out of the way and hit a clothesline for two. Ezekiel went for a uranage, but Christian reversed into a Killswitch, but Jackson shoved it off. Jackson hit a backbreaker for a two count. Jackson missed a clothesline in a corner and Christian hit a pendulum kick and followed with a Tornado DDT for a two count.

    Jackson got to his feet and blasted Christian with a clothesline for a two count. Christian tried for another Killswitch, but Jackson lifted Christian, who floated over and applied a sleeperhold. Jackson pulled Christian forward and put him over his shoulder. Jackson rammed Christian into the turnbuckles twice in a powerslam position, but then Christian floated behind him and hit the Killswitch for the pin at the 12-minute mark.

    Winner: Christian.

    We go backstage with Teddy Long and Tiffany. He congratulates her on the ECW Title match when Cryme Tyme walk in. They say only one of them is allowed in the Rumble match this year and ask for Long's help. They want him to give them someone's spot in the Rumble match. Teddy says he can't. They say they talked someone into giving them their other spot and in comes The Great Khali. Khali doesn't seem sure about this. Ranjin Singh comes in and says Khali says no dice, home slice. Teddy says Cryme Tyme look like fools with their "pants on the ground." This leads to everyone singing the pants on the ground song. The Miz walks in and says 5 years now, nobody will remember what they're doing but they will remember him winning his first Royal Rumble. Teddy announces that also tonight, The Miz will defend his US Title against MVP. Next.


    We go backstage with Randy Orton. Cody Rhodes walks up and says what Orton said last week, didn't just go over his head. Cody tells Orton he's there for him. Cody says he wishes he could say the same thing for Ted DiBiase. Cody says Ted hasn't been the same since The Marine 2 came out. Cody says all Ted is talking about is winning the Rumble match and then going to WrestleMania to beat Orton for the WWE Title. This pisses Orton off. Cody walks off, leaving Orton in deep thought.

    WWE United States Title Match
    MVP vs. The Miz

    Miz went on the attack at the bell with punches and kicks, but MVP came back with a clothesline for a one count. MVP hit some knees to the midsection and a vertical suplex for another quick cover. Miz kicked a charging MVP, but MVP responded with a backdrop. Miz tried to run out of the ring, but MVP hit a back suplex. Miz rolled to the floor, but MVP went after him and dropped him throat first across the security wall. MVP rolled Miz into the ring, but Miz kicked MVP on the apron, then knocked him into the announce table on the floor.

    Miz stomped MVP on the outside and rolled MVP into the ring. Miz hit a legdrop, then drove a knee into MVP's back. Miz hit some shoulderblocks in the corner, then the between-the-rope clothesline. Miz went to the top rope, and hit a double axhandle for a two count. Miz put MVP in a chinlock, MVP fought up, and Miz went for a backdrop, only to have MVP kick it away. MVP hit a flapjack, then a clothesline and a chop. MVP hit a facebuster on a knee, and called for the Ballin' elbowdrop. He hit it, then went for the Playmaker, but Miz shoved it off. Miz ran right into MVP's kick, and MVP got a two count. Miz rolled to the apron, and went MVP went after him, Miz yanked him throat first across the top rope. Miz went for a kneelift, but MVP avoided it and hit a shoulder block.

    MVP went for a running kick, but Miz ducked it and went for a Skull Crushing Finale, but MVP blocked it and turned it into a Victory Roll for two. MVP got more two counts with a jackknife and a backslide. Miz rolled to the floor. MVP went after him and threw him back into the ring. As MVP got back in, Miz grabbed him and rolled him into a small package for a three count at the seven minute mark.

    Winner: The Miz.

    After the match
    The Miz jumped up and started trash talking MVP, face to face. MVP grabbed Miz and gave him a Playmaker before leaving.

    Chris Jericho approached Big Show.

    Show said Jericho is jealous that he and Miz have more chemistry than he and Jericho had. Jericho said he wasn't jealous, and Miz was only using him for his own purposes. Show said Jericho did the same thing. Jericho said he and Show were the best tag team ever. Jericho said he knew Show would be on his side tonight. Show said if he had to, he would throw Jericho and Miz out of the ring. R-Truth entered, saying if Show didn't eliminate Jericho, he would.

    Jericho said if R-Truth wanted to get a piece of him, he had to go through Big Show. Jericho looked behind him, and Show was gone. Truth told Jericho he had to go solo tonight.


    Ted DiBiase approached Randy Orton and said he was there for him tonight. Orton asked where Cody was, and DiBiase said he didn't know, and that all Cody has been talking about is winning the Rumble. Orton said he was about to go beat Sheamus, and he doesn't need Cody or Ted to do it.

    WWE Title Match
    Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

    They reviewed the events leading to this match as Sheamus came to the ring. Orton came out second, to a more positive reaction, while they showed how he laid out Sheamus on Raw last week.

    Then they did the "big match" introductions for both men. Jerry Lawler pointed out the differences in skin color between the two Caucasians. Seriously. The two men had a staredown at the bell, with chants starting up for Orton.

    They locked up and Orton grabbed a side headlock. They collided on a shoulderblock as Sheamus shoved him off, then Orton blasted him with a standing dropkick. They locked up again, and Orton backed Sheamus into the ropes. Orton hit a forearm, but Sheamus came back with a double axhandle, then hit an armbreaker. Orton rolled to the floor, and Sheamus followed, laying him out on the floor with a forearm uppercut. Sheamus slammed Orton's arm into the steel ringsteps. Back in the ring, Sheamus applied an armbar on the injured arm. Sheamus picked up Orton for a slam, but Orton floated out of it and hit a chopblock to the leg.

    Orton went to work on Sheamus' leg, stomping it and dropping a knee on it. Orton hit a kneedrop for a one count. Orton stomped Sheamus in the side of the head, then applied a spinning toe hold. Sheamus kicked off the move, and got to his feet limping. Sheamus tossed Orton shoulder first into the ringpost, then did it a second time. Sheamus rammed Orton into the corner with a shoulderblock, then hit a second. Sheamus went for a third, but Orton kicked him in the head, then stomped his leg. Orton went to the floor and slammed Sheamus' leg across the ring apron. Orton then whipped his leg against the ring post. Sheamus fell to the floor, as Orton got back in.

    Orton tossed Sheamus back into the ring, and kicked him in the ribs. Sheamus fought back with a punch to the gut and a cross armbreaker for a two count. Sheamus applied an armbar, and Orton tried to get out of it with body blows. Sheamus switched to an overhead wristlock, and Orton punched out of it. They traded punches, with the crowd cheering each shot. Sheamus got the better of it, so Orton kicked him in the gut and hit a forearm uppercut. Orton went for a whip, but Sheamus reversed it and hit a backbreaker for a two count.

    Sheamus went for a Crucifix Bomb, but Orton slid out of it, kicked Sheamus in the knee, and then kicked him in the head, sending him to the floor. Sheamus got on the apron, and Orton grabbed him for the elevated DDT. Orton hit the move, but Sheamus grabbed the ropes at the two count. Orton measured Sheamus for a punt, but Sheamus rolled out of the ring and to the floor. Orton went after Sheamus and hit an uppercut, but Sheamus ran Orton into the ringpost twice and tossed him back in the ring. Cody Rhodes came out and hit Sheamus on the floor. The referee started arguing with Rhodes, while Sheamus got back in the ring. Orton hit Sheamus with an RKO and covered him, but the referee disqualified Orton for Rhodes hitting Sheamus at the 14-minute mark.

    Winner via disqualification: Sheamus.

    After the match
    Cody Rhodes got in the ring and was apologetic for costing Randy the match. The fans were chanting for an RKO. Rhodes kept apologizing. Orton slugged Rhodes, and then started ramming his head into the mat, saying "You screwed everything up!" over and over. Ted DiBiase came out to try and calm things down, and Orton slugged him as well. Orton stomped both men, saying "You're both done". DiBiase and Rhodes were still trying to apologize. Sheamus was getting back up. Orton stopped his attack, and turned as Sheamus blasted him with a pump kick. Sheamus walked off, then Rhodes & DiBiase left together. Orton was left laying in the ring.

    A video on the events leading to Women's Title match was shown.

    WWE Women's Title Match
    Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool

    No Layla with McCool as she made her entrance. McCool got on the mic and said James was nowhere to be seen. Layla made some fat jokes, then out came "Piggy James", aka Layla in the fat suit from Smackdown. As Layla was coming out, the real Mickie James ran out. She gave Layla a Thesz Press on the floor and threw her into the security wall. The bell then rang for the match. Layla got on the apron and distracted Mickie. Michelle charged for a kick, but Mickie moved and McCool kicked Layla off the apron. Mickie hit Michelle with a DDT and pinned her.

    Winner and new Women's Champion: Mickie James.

    After the match
    Mickie knocked Layla on top of Michelle.

    The babyface Divas came out with a big sheet cake, and the rubbed it in the faces of Michelle and Layla, and then walked off.

    The showed a video of the events leading to the World Title match.

    World Heavyweight Title Match
    Rey Mysterio vs. The Undertaker

    They said Mysterio was weighing in at 175, while Undertaker is close to 300 pounds. Rey threw some kicks at Undertaker's legs at the bell, then hit some punches in a corner. Undertaker grabbed Rey and just flung him over the top rope and to the floor. Rey got on the apron and Undertaker approached him. Rey hit a shoulderblock from the apron and some punches. Rey went for a springboard, but Undertaker punched him in mid-jump and sent him to the floor. Undertaker went outside and pounded Rey, then put him in the ring apron. Undertaker went for the ring apron legdrop, but Rey rolled out of the way. Taker landed on his feet, hit Rey, pulled him back across the apron and hit the legdrop.

    Undertaker got back in the ring and went for a chokeslam, but Rey turned it into a rana and sent Undertaker into the ropes. Rey went for a 619, but Taker caught it. Undertaker went for a tombstone, but Rey kicked Undertaker repeatedly to escape it. Undertaker hit Rey and went for a legdrop, but Rey moved. Rey went for a springboard bodypress, but Taker kicked him with a big boot. Rey rolled to the floor. Undertaker went outside and hit him with a big boot and a few more kicks. Undertaker missed one running kick and got his leg wrapped around the ringpost. Rey slid into the ring then hit a baseball slide kick into the hung up leg, crushing it against the ringpost.

    Rey went for a jump off the apron into a rana on the floor, but Undertaker caught it. Undertaker went for a powerbomb, but Rey grabbed the ropes and pulled himself free and onto the apron. Rey then hit Undertaker with an Asai moonsault. Rey got back in the ring, then went for a baseball slide kick on Undertaker on the floor. Undertaker, who had a bloody nose, side stepped it, grabbed Rey by the throat, and tossed him into the security wall. Undertaker rolled Rey into the ring and got a two count, then a series of short-arm shoulderblocks. Undertaker lifted Rey by his arm in a wrist lock and threw him across the top rope. Undertaker rubbed his forearm in Rey's face.

    Undertaker pounded Mysterio in a corner, then hit a side slam for a two count. Undertaker picked up Rey from the mat, and Mysterio threw a punched of leg kicks, but Taker decked him with one punch. Undertaker, who had a lot of blood on his nose and mouth, went after Rey again, and Rey hit a jawbreaker. Rey kicked a charging Taker, then a spinning DDT. Undertaker sat up, but Rey dropkicked him back down, then hit a springboard legdrop for a two count. Rey hit some shots, then bounced off the ropes and was decked by Undertaker with a clothesline. Undertaker went for a Last Ride, but Rey floated over it and tripped Undertaker into the ropes. Rey hit a 619, but Taker stood up as it hit him, stumbling. Rey hit a springboard dropkick to Undertaker's back, sending him into the opposite set of ropes. Mysterio hit a second 619, then went for a springboard, but Undertaker caught him and hit a Last Ride powerbomb for the pin at the 12-minute mark.

    Winner: The Undertaker.

    We go backstage where Shawn Michaels is.

    Kane walks up and tells HBK his obsession with his brother is ridiculous. Kane points out he's eliminated more stars in one match than anyone. Kane walks off and in comes Triple H.

    He wishes Shawn good luck tonight. HBK apologizes and says he hopes the best man wins out there. DX shake hands and Triple H goes to walk off. Shawn grips his hand and says Undertaker and him are meant to be. Triple H says he knows this, which is why he knows Shawn will find another way for the match besides winning tonight.

    30-Man Royal Rumble Match

    Number one is Dolph Ziggler.

    Number two is Evan Bourne.

    Bourne and Ziggler trash talked at the start, then stared at the Wrestlemania sign. Bourne hit some kicks to the leg, then went for a whip. Ziggler reversed, but Bourne hit a rana and a spinkick. Ziggler fought back with punches, then dropkicked Bourne. Bourne came back with a double knee driver. Bourne used a rana to send Ziggler over the top rope, but Ziggler stopped himself. Ziggler hit Bourne with a Zig Zag. Ziggler tossed Bourne out, but he landed on the apron and kicked Ziggler. Bourne hit Air Bourne on Ziggler.

    Number three is CM Punk

    Punk hit Bourne with a clothesline and elbow, then missed a spinkick. Bourne hit a kick, then charged Punk. Punk moved and Bourne collided with Ziggler. Punk threw out Ziggler, then Bourne.

    Dolph Ziggler and Evan Bourne are eliminated.

    Punk got on the mic and said this would be a historic night for the Straight Edge Society. He said more men would be eliminated, or they could be "saved" if they want.

    Number four is JTG.

    JTG went on the attack, hitting a clothesline and dropkick. JTG got up on the ropes to punch Punk in a corner, but Punk dumped him to the floor.

    JTG is eliminated.

    Punk continued his promo, saying not everyone can win the Rumble, and not everyone can be saved.

    Number five is the Great Khali.

    Punk tried to convince Khali that he could "save him." Punk tied to get Khali to pledge to the Straight Edge lifestyle. Khali chopped him instead. Khali put Punk in the head vice.

    Number six is Beth Phoenix.

    Phoenix got in the ring and faced off with Khali, who had thrown Punk to the mat. Khali picked up Phoenix and put her on the ring apron. Khali told her to leave. Phoenix grabbed Khali and kissed him, at the same time pulling him over the top rope. Khali fell to the floor.

    The Great Khali is eliminated.

    Phoenix gave Punk a clothesline, then went to throw him over the top rope. Punk slid out of her attempt and gave Phoenix the GTS.

    Number seven is Zack Ryder.

    Punk threw the unconscious Phoenix out of the ring.

    Beth Phoenix is eliminated.

    As Ryder got in the ring, Punk got on the mic and said Ryder had potential. Punk then hit Ryder with the mic. Punk pounded Ryder, and there was a slight "CM Punk" chant. Punk threw Ryder over the top rope.

    Zack Ryder is eliminated.

    Punk got back on the mic, saying he is better than everyone.

    Number eight is Triple H.

    Triple H and Punk stood face to face, then Triple H blasted him with right hands and a facebuster to the knee. Punk battled back, but Triple H gave him a spinebuster.

    Number nine is Drew McIntyre.

    McIntyre took his time coming down, watching Triple H pound Punk. Triple H dared McIntyre to get in the ring. Triple H gave McIntyre a jumping knee. Triple H went for a Pedigree on Punk, but Punk blocked it and went for a GTS. Triple H blocked the GTS and threw Punk out of the ring.

    CM Punk is eliminated.

    McIntyre worked over Triple H with punches and the brawled in a corner.

    Number ten is Ted DiBiase.

    DiBiase ran right into a Triple H clothesline. Triple H clotheslined McIntyre, then DiBiase powerslammed Triple H. McIntyre and DiBiase double teamed Triple H.

    Number eleven is John Morrison.

    Morrison went right after DiBiase, hitting a leg lariat, then tackled McIntyre and pounded him on the mat. Morrison gave McIntyre a DDT, but DiBiase attacked Morrison and stomped him. DiBiase went for Dream Street, but Morrison gave him a Pele Kick. Morrison gave McIntyre Starship Pain. Triple H clotheslined Morrison.

    Number twelve is Kane.

    Triple H punched DiBiase in a corner. Kane went to the top rope and clotheslined Triple H. Kane punched everyone in the ring, and clotheslined DiBiase in a corner, then gave him a side slam. Kane hit a double choekslam on Morrison and McIntyre, then gave HHH a big boot. Kane punched DiBiase as he jumped off the ropes and tried to eliminate him. Kane chokeslammed Triple H when he went after Kane.

    Number thirteen is Cody Rhodes.

    Rhodes stopped Kane from eliminating DiBiase, and Legacy stomped Kane. Rhodes gave DiBiase a legsweep. Rhodes gave McIntyre a clotheslined. Rhodes backdropped Morrison to the apron. Morrison went to springboard in, but Rhodes dropkicked him in mid-air. Legacy went back to work on Kane, but Triple H broke it up. McIntyre worked over Morrison, until Kane attacked him. HHH tossed Cody out, but he held onto the ropes.

    Number fourteen in MVP.

    As MVP walked out, Miz ran up behind him and blasted him with the U.S. Title belt. Miz walked off, leaving MVP unconscious in the aisle.Morrison hit McIntyre with a Flying Chuck Kick as he was about to DDT Kane. MVP was helped to the back by referees, so I guess he is out.

    MVP is eliminated due to being unable to compete.

    Number fifteen is Carlito.

    Carlito took turns hitting everyone in the ring, but Legacy grabbed him and whipped him into the ropes. Carlito hit Legacy with a double springboard elbow. McIntyre whipped Carlito into Morrison, and Carlito monkeyflipped him. Carlito gave Triple H a Backstabber, then gave one to McIntyre, then one to DiBiase.

    Number sixteen is The Miz.

    Miz grabbed Carlito from behind and hit the Skull Crushing Finale. MVP ran back out, tackled Miz and the two flipped over the top rope and to the floor, where they brawled.

    Miz is eliminated, and if MVP wasn't before, he is now!

    Legacy almost eliminated Triple H, but Kane broke it up. McIntyre almost eliminated Morrison, Triple H almost eliminated Carlito.

    Number seventeen is Matt Hardy.

    Hardy gave McIntyre a Twist Of Fate, and Cody Rhodes a Side Effect. Matt got on the second rope, but Kane shoved him to the floor.

    Matt Hardy is eliminated.

    Triple H came up behind Kane and pushed him over the top rope.

    Kane is eliminated,

    Triple H went on a spinebuster spree, then was about to Pedigree Rhodes, when McIntyre chop blocked his leg.

    Number eighteen is Shawn Michaels.

    Shawn backdropped Carlito from the ring.

    Carlito is eliminated.

    Shawn gave Legacy reverse atomic drops, then tossed out Cody Rhodes, then Ted DiBiase.

    Cody Rhodes is eliminated.

    Ted DiBiase is eliminated.

    John Morrison missed a springboard kick on Michaels, and Michaels tossed him out.

    John Morrison is eliminated.

    DX double teamed McIntyre and clotheslined him from the ring.

    Drew McIntyre is eliminated.

    DX stood face to face.

    Number nineteen is John Cena.

    John Cena charged the ring, hit a double shoulderblock on DX, then picked up Triple H and swung his legs into Shawn while hitting a suplex. Cena gave DX a double Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena tried to eliminate Michaels, but Triple H stopped him, and gave Cena a Pedigree. Shawn then superkicked Triple H out of th e ring.

    Triple H is eliminated,

    Number twenty is Shelton Benjamin.

    Benjamin went after Cena and Michaels, hitting Paydirt on Michaels. Benjamin went for it on Cena, but Cena blocked it and tossed Benjamin from the ring.

    Shelton Benjamin is eliminated.

    Michaels gave Cena a back suplex.

    Number twenty-one is Yoshi Tatsu.

    Tatsu gave Michaels a spinkick, then hit Cena with a series of kicks. Tatsu gave Michaels a rolling mare and a kick, but missed Cena with a kick. Cena clotheslined Tatsu and tossed him out.

    Yoshi Tatsi is eliminated.

    Michaels pounded Cena, who came back with a bulldog. Cena worked over Michaels with punches in a corner.

    Number twenty-two is Big Show.

    Show actually jogged to the ring. Show hit headbutts on Michaels and Cena. Show went to throw Michaels over the top rope, but Michaels held onto Show's neck to avoid being eliminated. Michaels got back in and Cena almost dumped him, but Michaels skinned the cat, trying to grab Show in a headscissors. Show tossed Michaels off, into the ring. Show chokeed Michaels with his boot.

    Number twenty-three is Mark Henry.

    Big Show stared down Henry, as Michaels and Cena were laid out. Henry and Show went chest-to-chest and Show shoved him. Henry started to lift Show, but Show stopped him with a right hand. Cena punched SHow and hit a shoulder block. Henry headbutted Show, then Cena hit another shoulderblock. Henry slammed Big Show. Cena went to lift Henry in a fireman's carry, but collapsed.

    Number twenty-four is Chris Masters.

    Show speared Henry. Michaels and Masters went at it, with Masters hitting a press slam. Masters then went for a Masterlock on Big Show, and Show snap mared Masters over the top rope and to the floor.

    Chris Masters is eliminated.

    Mark Henry went to eliminate Big Show.

    Number twenty-five is R-Truth.

    Truth got behind the Show and Henry pile and pushed them over the top rope.

    Big Show and Mark Henry are eliminated.

    R-Truth went back and forth, taking down Michaels and Cena with his trademark moves. Truth almost had Michaels off, but he fought back in.

    Number twenty-six is Jack Swagger.

    Swagger clotheslined Truth and hit a V-Bomb on Cena. Swagger then hit one on Michaels as well, then suplexed Cena. Swagger suplexed Michaels, then rammed Truth into a corner and powerslammed him. Michaels chopped Swagger, but Swagger came back with a clothesline. Michaels went over the top rope, but held on.

    Number twenty-seven is Kofi Kingston.

    Kingston gave Swagger a top rope bodypress, a dropkick and a Boom drop. Kofi charged Swagger and Swagger lifted him, but Kofi used a bodyscissors to pull Swagger over the ropes and drop him to the floor.

    Jack Swagger is eliminated.

    R-Truth and Kofi went at it, with Truth backdropping him from the ring. Kofi held on, grabbed Truth with a headscissors, and pulled him out of the ring.

    R-Truth is eliminated.

    Number twenty-eight is Chris Jericho.

    Jericho laid out Kingston, but Cena hit Jericho with an Attitude Adjustment. Michaels gave Cena a DDT. Michaels went to the top rope and dropped an elbow on Jericho. Michaels stomped for Sweet Chin Music, but Kofi hit him with Trouble In Paradise. Cena picked up Kofi in a fireman's carry and tossed him out.

    Kofi Kinston is eliminated.

    Jericho gave Cena a Codebreaker.

    Number twenty-nine is Edge.

    Jericho stared at Edge, getting angry. Jericho charged Edge, but missed a clothesline. Edge gave Jericho a spear, then Michaels, then Cena. Edge threw Jericho over the top rope.

    Chris Jericho is eliminated.

    Michaels went for Edge, and Edge gave him a reverse facebuster. Cena went for Edge, and Edge gave him a reverse DDT. Edge went to eliminate Michaels.

    Number thirty is Batista.

    The final four are Cena, Michaels, Edge and Batista.

    Batista gave Edge a spinebuster, gave Michaels a powerslam and gave Cena a spinebuster. Edge gave Batista a spear, then Cena gave Edge an Attitude Adjustment. Michaels gave Cena a reverse atomic drop, then one for Batista. Michaels slammed Cena, then Batista. Michaels gave Cena a top rope elbowdrop. Michaels gave Batista an enzugiri. Michaels went to the top rope and dropped an elbow on Batista. Michaels stomped for a superkick, and gave it to Cena, then gave one to Batista. Edge charged Michaels, and they both went over the top rope. They fought on the apron, and Michaels superkicked Edge back into the ring. Batista charged Michaels, and he tried to hold on, but fell to the floor.

    Shawn Michaels is eliminated.

    Michaels threw the referee to the floor that told him he was eliminated. He got back in the ring, but referee Charles Robinson got in to stop him. Michaels superkicked Robinson. Michaels was finally convinced to leave the ring. Michaels was screaming as he left.

    Back in the ring, Batista kicked Cena and went for a Batista Bomb, but Cena backdropped him. Batista went for a clothesline, but Cena ducked and pulled down the top rope. Batista went over the top rope and to the floor.

    Batista is eliminated.

    Edge was measuring Cena for a spear. Cena got up slowly, seemingly knowing it was coming. Cena dodged the spear, and kicked Edge in the chest. Cena then charged Edge, but Edge sidestepped him and tossed Cena out of the ring.

    John Cena is eliminated.

    Winner: Edge.

    After the match
    Edge did the ceremonial pointing at the Wrestlemania sign, as fireworks went off. That ended the show.

    (For you that were playing along at home, William Regal, with no explanation, was taken out of the Rumble).

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Mid-carder Coruptyed's Avatar
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    i wonder who the surprise entrants are going to be?
    The One, The Legend, The Icon


  4. #4
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ Same here! I'm not really excited for the card except Sheamus Vs Orton and the Rumble.

  5. #5
    The Eating Machine! Kenpachi Zaraki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coruptyed View Post
    i wonder who the surprise entrants are going to be?
    Edge might be 1

    If Kenpachi used his Bankai, Armageddon, Ragnarok, and every other form of the apocalypse would march from the depths of hell with their demonic legions of death.... then take one look at him and turn tail and run.

  6. #6
    Mid-carder Coruptyed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smartmark View Post
    ^^ Same here! I'm not really excited for the card except Sheamus Vs Orton and the Rumble.
    even then orton will be carrying that match
    The One, The Legend, The Icon


  7. #7
    ....Cow! Notorious Cow's Avatar
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    sure will.

    He's A Killer!


  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Oh well, the end of Legacy as we know it with Cody and Ted scheming against each other ... now if only DX will end.

  9. #9
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    wow I was so sure Chrsitian was losing tonight
    I choose to remember the wrestler that made me interested in wrestling and not what he became.

    However it may have ended, Rest In Peace

  10. #10
    Main Eventer Kage's Avatar
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    I honestly thought Christian was gonna lose. And I totally called the ending to the Orton/Sheamus match!!

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