WWE RAW 14th June 2010 Review

Opening Segment / Ending Segment with NXT Rookies

I was looking forward to the NXT Rookies/WWE Management storyline progressing. I hate the idea that Bryan's left because he has morals. WWE could've made a better excuse for the Danielson firing. I also felt that Wade did amazing as the leader of this NXT group and I'm wondering who it was in the limo.. Could it have been Daniel? . I'm looking forward to next weeks RAW & The PPV This week. Looks Great!

R Truth vs John Morrison vs Zack Ryder vs The Miz

The correct man has the belt again! I can't stand R-Truth. Everytime he shouts "What's Up?", I just have to shout "Fuck off!" Truth just annoys me beyond a joke. I'm really glad Miz is the new US champion. I loved the spot where Miz got powerbombed on the mat outside. I'm also happy to see Ryder (The most underrated guy in WWE IMO) as a part of this match. He didn't stand a chance, but at least he's being featured in a championship match.

Chris Jericho vs Evan Bourne

This is just pathetic. Jericho is a man who should be in the Fatal Fourway match; Not jobbing to Bourne. Lame. Jericho deserved to win this and the fact that Lawler even mentioned that Jericho hasn't won a match in ages just takes the piss. It's great that Jericho at least beat the crap out of Bourne after the match. Shame Jericho isn't in the F4W main event.

William Regal vs Santino Marella

Regal deserves so much more..... Regal definitely shouldn't be wrestling Marella. Put him as a pro on NXT Again pleasee.

Sheamus and Edge vs Randy Orton and John Cena

I liked this match. Sheamus and Edge seemed to own Orton and Cena several times, working on Orton's shoulder and working on Cenas body hard. I was enjoying the match until the lights turned off and Bret Hart was shown in a limo being attacked. My guess is that Daniel was driving the limo...

Overall, this RAW was amazing. I liked 3 of the matches & thought that all 3 NXT invasions were great, especially the ending. I loved RAW this week.