Welcome to the ROH On HDNet Report here on PWInsider.com! I apologize for the report going up so late this week, I had some technical difficulties on my end that got in the way, but it's up and it's ON!

We open with a video package looking back on the Davey Richards-Shane Hagadorn split that happened back in August.

Cue the opening, and then we head to the ring for our opening match...

Eddie Edwards Ten Minute Hunt

Eddie (who is still accompanied by Shane Hagadorn) welcomes us to the Ten Minute Hunt, and he says he's come out here for weeks doing this and nobody has been a true challenge to him, so he's out here begging and pleading for anyone who thinks they can be a true challenge to him, that they can come out to the ring and see if they can be the one to survive the hunt.

Jim Cornette comes out to the ring and says that he's not here for a shot at the title, he's here for a shot at talking some sense into Eddie. He says that Eddie has allowed Hagadorn to set up tin cans for him to knock down and artificially inflate his record, and that's bad for Eddie and the title, and Eddie can't let this happen. Cornette asks him if he's serious about being a true hunter and...wait, Hagadorn interrupts, saying he let Cornette have his say out of respect, but doesn't think Cornette has any right to get into Hagadorn's business because it has nothing to do with him. Hagadorn says that the champion does what he tells him to do and wrestles who he tells him to wrestle. Eddie now interrupts Hagadorn and says to let him do the talking. Eddie tells Cornette that he doesn't know who he thinks he's talking to, but he's the one and only TV Champion in ROH history, and if Cornette has someone he thinks can beat him, then send him out. He then tells Hagadorn that this is the way it's going to be and if he doesn't like that, then head to the back and start packing Eddie's bags and let Eddie do the heavy lifting. Cornette says to hit the challenger's music...

TV Title Match: Eddie Edwards vs Kenny King

Before the match, we see a recap of Titus and King ending Delirious' career, and then we head back to the ring and we have the first match in the RETURN OF EDDIE EDWARDS! Eddie with a wristlock to start, but Kenny gets to the ropes for the break. They tie up again and Eddie goes to a hammerlock and King slips out and hiptosses Eddie. King off the ropes and a fast paced exchange takes place, Eddie ducks a spinkick, King ducks a dropkick, they try to dropkick each other and miss, and it ends in a stalemate. King gets a side headlock but Eddie escapes and takes King down with a top wristlock. Eddie changes it up to a front facelock but King takes Eddie to the corner and rams a knee to the gut and then peppers Eddie with rights. Eddie reverses a whip into the corner and King leapfrogs over Eddie, but a boot in the face puts King flat on the mat. Eddie unloads with chops in the corner and then chokes King with his boot, King reverses a whip into the ropes but Eddie comes back with a schoolboy rollup for 2 and then converts that right into the Achilles Lock, but King quickly makes the ropes. They wind up brawling on the apron and fighting over a vertical suplex, and King picks up Eddie and then just drops him hard on the apron with a gourdbuster with an audible THUD. That looked really nasty. King tosses Eddie back into the ring and stomps away at Eddie, then takes him to the corner and rams a series of shoulders to the midsection, snapmaring Eddie out of the corner and covering for 2. King chokes Eddie on the second rope and then traps Eddie in an abdominal stretch. I know the abdominal stretch doesn't look that painful, but take it from me, if applied properly, it is EXCRUCIATING. Eddie hiptosses out and comes off the ropes, but King catches him and hits the Side Effect for 2. King goes up top but Eddie nails him with a leaping enziguiri, and then Eddie follows him up and hits a superplex. Eddie tries a charge in the corner, King gets the elbow up, but Eddie takes him out with a pair of clotheslines. King goes to the apron and tries to slingshot in, but Eddie with another leaping enziguiri sends King to the floor, and Eddie follows out with a dive through the ropes that takes both King and Titus out. Eddie rolls King back in and goes up top, but takes too long and King nails him, but Eddie shoves him off and hits a missile dropkick. Eddie tries another charge in the corner, King gets the boot up and goes up top, but Eddie with another leaping enziguiri and the backpack chinbreaker for 2. Crowd starts a loud Eddie chant as he slams King and goes up top yet again for a double stomp, but King moves and then nails Eddie in the back with the Shotgun Knees and goes for the Coronation, Eddie escapes but King immediately knocks him silly with a leaping spinkick for 2. King goes for a vertical suplex and Eddie slips out the back and goes for a second rope Codebreaker, but King catches him and delivers a cyclone backbreaker and a springboard Blockbuster, and only gets 2. King goes up top but Eddie runs up and smacks him in the face (not a leaping enziguiri as I would have thought) and then gets up top with King, and King tries to go for a top rope Royal Flush, but Eddie reverses it to a top rope Frankensteiner and immediately gets the Achilles Lock and King taps..

Winner: Eddie Edwards

I LOVED THIS MATCH, not only because it was a fantastic match, but also because it finally set Eddie Edwards back on the right track after months of this Ten Minute Hunt crap. The crowd seems to appreciate it too, as they loudly chant Eddie's name.

We take a look back at the extremely violent Double Chain match from Glory By Honor IX, culminating in Kevin Steen stealing El Generico's mask. Kevin Steen and El Generico have both been given an opportunity to pick one another's opponents for the next two weeks, and tonight, El Generico will face Davey Richards.

We go to a recap of Tyler Black talking about how he was planning on leaving ROH and taking the ROH World Title with him, and Roderick Strong's subsequent victory over Tyler for said title.

Speaking of Tyler, he's in action right now...

Tyler Black vs Mike Sydal

Crowd is giving Tyler a big You Sold Out chant, which you've never heard a lot out of the ROH crowd like you did at ECW. ROH fans have traditionally been a lot more respectful to ROH stars who move on to WWE or TNA, but I guess they feel a little differently about Tyler to say the least. Anyway, Tyler circles Sydal before ducking behind him and taking him down with a waistlock. He lets Sydal back to his feet and Sydal gets a pair of dropkicks to the knees of Tyler, but Tyler presses him way in the air and then runs him over with a running shoulderblock. Tyler with a slam and the clappy stomp to the head, and Sydal tries to fire back with a couple of rights, but Tyler nails him and then hiptosses him clear across the ring. Tyler chokes Sydal in the corner with his boot and then hangs him in the Tree Of Woe and comes in with the Chris Sabin delayed dropkick in the corner and pulls Sydal out to the middle of the ring for a 2 count. Tyler with a dropkick for 2 and then a springboard clothesline for 2. Tyler is visibly frustrated at Sydal's resiliency, and he goes for a powerbomb but Sydal rolls over the top of Tyler and gets a sunset flip for 2. Sydal with a dropkick and an enziguiri for 2 and he goes up top, but Tyler catches him, hits an F5 and God's Last Gift, and that's all she wrote.

Winner: Tyler Black

This is one of the weird things about this show, because you have situations where guys like Tyler Black (and Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness before him) end up on ROH TV weeks or months after they actually finished up with the company.

We go backstage to Kyle Durden, who is with Steve Corino and Kevin Steen, and Corino asks Durden how many dumb ideas he sees in wrestling on a weekly basis. Durden says "countless", and Corino agrees and says you don't see dumb things in ROH, because the Pick Your Poison gimmikc is a great idea. Steen says he chose Davey Richards because he put Generico's mask on and started thinking as if he were in Generico's shoes: he first realized that his mother should have never given birth to him, and Kevin Steen can hurt him like no other. The person right after him, who's inflicted tons of punishment on him and injured his knee is Davey Richards. Corino says it doesn't matter who Steen faces next week because whoever it is will never be able to beat him.

We take another look at the Davey Richards interview where Davey announced that he's staying in ROH and gunning for the ROH World Title, and that leads us right into our main event...

Pick Your Poison Match: El Generico vs Davey Richards

The crowd immediately shows why it's difficult to present anyone wrestling Davey Richards as a sympathetic babyface, because Davey's going to get cheered no matter who he's in the ring against. Handshake to start and they circle each other, Davey takes a kick at Generico's leg, but then Generico responds with a slap to the face so Davey takes Generico down with a double leg and hooks the heel. Davey steps over Generico's foot and turns it into a modified STF and then floats forward into a headlock, and Generico reverses to a hammerlock. Richards escapes that and shoots in a fireman's carry takeover and turns that into a side headlock. Davey sends Generico into the ropes and catches him coming back in an abdominal stretch which he rolls through into a guillotine and gets a 2 count and then it's back to the headlock. Generico shoves Davey off into the ropes and gets a series of armdrags and then it turns into a chop exchange with Generico getting the upper hand. Generico with a stiff boot right into Davey's face and a leg lariat, and Generico continues his surprising momentum with a side backbreaker. Generico stomps away at Davey in the corner and Davey fires himself up and starts firing back, but Generico goes to the eyes. Davey reverses a whip into the corner but Generico gets the boot up and goes to the second rope, but Davey grabs Generico's ankle and pulls him off into the Alarm Clock, and Davey is finally in control. Davey gets an Indian Deathlock but Generico gets the ropes for the break and backs off into the corner, but Davey with a swift spinkick to the gut and covers for 2. Davey with a knee snap and then gets a bridging ankle hook, and Generico is able to escape but Davey continues the assault, firing a stiff kick to Generico's ribs and then taking his head off with a running lariat that gets him a 2 count. Davey gets a chinlock with a knee in the back (and that, by the way, is the right way to do a chinlock), but Generico toughs it out and gets to his feet, fighting free of Davey and they start going toe to toe until Davey goes for the handspring enziguiri but Generico sees it coming and dropkicks him coming off the ropes. Davey bails to the floor so Generico with a somersault dive over the top onto Davey and both men are out on the floor. Generico recovers first and rolls Davey back into the ring and comes off the top with a nice flying bodypress for 2. Generico goes for a back suplex and Davey nearly fights free, but Generico regains his grip and hits a Blue Thunder Driver for 2. Davey fires some forearms at Generico and then an enziguiri and German Suplex for 2. Davey sets Generico on the top rope and goes up for a superplex, and it turns into Davey and Generico exchanging blows on the top rope until Davey gets the upper hand and just starts pounding on Generico with repeated forearms and a headbutt before finally hitting the superplex, but Generico fires up and they go toe to toe again. Generico goes off the ropes and Davey hits the Alarm Clock, but Generico returns the favor with a Yakuza Kick, half and half suplex, and then goes for a brainbuster but Richards reverses to a brainbuster of his own for 2. Davey sets Generico back on the ropes and goes for a back suplex but Generico slips out underneath Davey and comes up behind him and gets a HALF AND HALF SUPLEX OFF THE TOP! Generico covers but Davey grabs the bottom rope to break the count. Great spot there. Davey tries to bail out to the apron but Generico grabs him and tries to pull him up to the top rope for the top rope brainbuster, but Davey blocks and hits a Dragon Screw Legwhip through the ropes. Davey goes up top but Generico pops up and nails Davey then goes for the brainbuster, but Davey escapes and goes for a powerbomb out of the corner, Generico rolls over the top for a sunset flip, but Davey rolls through and gets an ankle lock, but Generico rolls forward and the momentum sends Davey out of the ring. Davey lands on his feet and comes right back in and tries a charge but Generico moves and Davey hits the ringpost, Generico goes for a German suplex but Davey rolls forward with a victory roll and converts that right into an ankle lock, then picks Generico's other leg and gets the Texas Cloverleaf and Generico finally taps.

Winner: Davey Richards

AWESOME MATCH! This is the kind of match that Ring Of Honor is all about and was easily the best TV main event ROH has had in months. Richards and Generico shake after the match and Davey heads back to the locker room to wrap us up.

This week's episode of ROH was absolutely awesome, far and away the best episode they've done in a long time. I hope that this is indicative of what we're going to be seeing out of the Delirious creative regime because it was that good. Edwards-King and Davey-Generico were both amazing matches that got plenty of time to build, and I liked the angle with Eddie giving up the Ten Minute Hunt, which I've gone on record several times as saying I thought it was a garbage angle that made Eddie look bad. The wrestling was the focus, the angles and interviews were kept to a minimum, and this reminded me more of classic ROH than anything Adam Pearce did during his entire tenure as booker. I loved this episode, please give me more!