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Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1

    Default Profesional Wrestling's Grossest Dudes

    You might think your college roommate was bad, but all the hand sanitizer and breath mints in the world couldn't help these guys. Enjoy this list of the most gnarly and disgusting fellas ever seen inside the squared circle, and then get ready for your delousing.

    Duke "The Dumpster" Droese

    While he isn't anywhere near as disgusting as some of the other wrestlers on this list, Duke "The Dumpster" Droese earns his spot based on his gimmick alone. The wrestling garbage man lugged a trash can to the ring with him before each match, a foreign object that more often than not ended up bouncing off someone's skull, going on to inspire Frank Reynolds' "Trash Man" on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Eventually, after years of pulling double duty, the sanitation workers' union demanded that Droese either cease moonlighting as a wrestler or give up his route.

    Dr. Isaac Yankem, DDS

    The man you know as Kane wasn't always the Big Red Machine - he was originally known as Dr. Isaac Yankem, DDS. The whole thing was totally, outrageously wacky though, because the dentist's name could be abbreivated as I. Yankem, which sounds suspiciously similar to "I yank them," meaning teeth! It's a pun, you see! And on top of that, his were in terrible shape! Crazy! While others saw irony, however, we saw only tragedy in the story of a man so committed to the dental hygiene of others that his own teeth and gums went neglected.

    Natural Disasters

    Earthquake and Typhoon's tag team name didn't just refer to their respective aliases, but also to the fact that these husky gentlemen were absolute trainwrecks of humanity. With their greasy hair, ponderous paunches and generous display of leg flesh, the Natural Disasters looked like your two least favorite Assistant Scoutmasters.

    Mark Henry

    The World's Strongest Man isn't really that gross - he's just a big, massive dude. But when he started wearing red gear to the ring, things took a decidedly yucky turn. While his old black outfit helped blend with the shadows to cover up Henry's bait and tackle, his new look, combined with high definition television, leaves no part of the grappler's anatomy to the imagination.

    King Kong Bundy

    One in a long line of fat idiots that Hulk Hogan beat up in the 1980s, King Kong Bundy had lumps and bulges in completely unprecedented places, a face only Bobby Heenan could love and was built like a dumpster at a liposuction clinic.

    Mick Foley

    There's a-lot that's gross about Hardcore Legend Mick Foley. In addition to his awesomely terrible head of hair and self-professed big flat ass, Mick Foley had three distinct personalities and gimmicks, each one grosser than the last. First up is Cactus Jack, a dirty, grungy brawler that looked like he could have been Chuckie Manson's handyman. Then came Dude Love, a filthy hippie who looked like Wavy Gravy after a particularly aggressive dumpster diving session. Finally came Mankind, who wore a sweaty, stinky facemask, and was fond of shoving a sweatier, stinkier sock into his opponents' mouths.

    The Moondogs

    Like any hillbilly family, the Moondogs boasted an abundance of members, each with a profoundly stupid name. With their big beefy hairy bodies, shaggy hair, scraggly beards and rope belts, the Moondogs were gross even before they started gnawing on the same animal bones they used to brain their opponents.

    The Blue Meanie

    It's highly debatable whether men should ever wear shirts that expose bare midriffs, but even those who come down on the creepy side of that argument would have to agree that there's nothing good about the Blue Meanie's look. With his near 300 pound frame, painted face, bad Manic Panic dye-job and jiggly gut, the Blue Meanie looks like a guy who got lost on his way to The Gathering of the Juggalos.

    The Nasty Boys

    The Nasty Boys lived up to their name and then some with spiky, greasy mullets, painted leather, missing teeth and a sloppy in-ring style that isn't far off from garbage wrestling. And as if their stiff punches weren't bad enough, the Nasty Boys would shove their opponents' faces into their fleshy, sweaty armpits. Without a doubt, Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs would have no choice but to call Janet "Ms. Jackson."

    Necro Butcher

    Most often seen covered in blood and picking thumbtacks, glass and shattered flourescent light tubes out of his body, the Necro Butcher is probably best known for his appearance in The Wrestler. If you thought the hardcore wrestling on display in that film was gross, you clearly aren't ready for one of Necro's live performances though, as the grizzled mountain main is known for doing truly awful, disgusting things to his body. Also, in Ring of Honor he comes out to Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down," which is more disconcerting than gross, but still

    Captain Lou Albano

    Captain Lou Albano is a wrestling legend, but he was also a complete mess. Though he began his wrestling career as a fit grappler, by the time he switched gears to focus on managerial duties, he had become a heavyset gentlemen with wild hair and an even wilder beard. His facial hair was kept in check by a series of rubber bands, several of which also festooned his face courtesy of some DIY safety pin piercings.

    The Wild Samoans

    One tag team that benefited from the management of Captain Lou were the Wild Samoans. Inside the ring, the Samoans were more racist than gross, but it was an entirely different story during their interviews. While Albano did the talking, Afa and Sika picked their noses and ate raw fish, making them the Andrew Zimmern of their day.

    George "The Animal" Steele

    It's been covered elsewhere, but George "The Animal" Steele was one hairy bastard. His gratuitous body hair wasn't the only disgusting thing about Steele, however, as he also possessed a tongue that made him look like he just ate a green bagel from three St. Patrick's Days ago.

    "Playboy" Buddy Rose

    Wrestling journeyman Buddy Rose was known as "Playboy," not because of his gigantic knockers, but presumably on account of his success with the ladies. We, along with everyone one else in the history of ever, find that hard to believe, as despite Rose's claims to be a "slim, trim 217 pounds," he was known to balloon up to a heaving pile of manflesh weighing in excess of 3 bills.

    Giant Haystacks

    American fans remember as Loch Ness from his run in WCW, but worldwide Martin Ruane is best known as Giant Haystacks. A 6 foot 11 inch monster, weighing 670 pounds at his heaviest, Haystacks was an uncomfortably large, terrifyingly hirsute man whose movest largely consisted of dropping his considerable bulk on his opponents.


    Initially, Gene Snitsky was just a big heavy-breathing weirdo, but he took a darker turn after inadvertently causing Lita to miscarry Kane's baby (it was kind of a weird time for wrestling). Whether violence against an imaginary fetus is gross, repugnant, murderous or just a way to get out of a bad storyline is still up in the air, but I think we can all agree that Snitsky's completely shaved head (including eyebrows), acne-ridden skin and yellow teeth were profoundly nasty.


    As a general rule, we think that any fat man in a loincloth is pretty gross, and Kamala is no exception. But as if his heaving bosoms and cavernous belly-button weren't enough to curl your lip in disgust, consider the fact that the character also ate live chickens. In truth, Kamala was the big racist Ozzy Osbourne of wrestling.


    What would professional wrestling look like without the exploitation of the overweight, dimwitted and toothless? We'll never know for sure, but it certainly wouldn't involve Ralphus. Back when Chris Jericho still liked to make us laugh, he recruited the WCW truck driver as his bodyguard/valet/assistant/freakshow and outfitted him in a too-short shirt and a pair of too-low pants.


    Rikishi had been kicking around professional wrestling for a while before he blew up huge in the late 1990s. The reason for his sudden success? People loved watching the scantily clad, overweight Samoan's post-match jiggly gyrations. As if enough attention wasn't already being drawn to his dimpled posterior, one of Rikishi's most popular moves involved backing that ass up right into his unlucky victim's faces.

    Adrian Adonis

    Adrian Adonis was never a slim guy, but by the mid-1980s he had ballooned up to legitimate fatman-levels. Given the disgusting competition here though, simply being obsese isn't enough to garner a spot on this list. What made Adonis truly gross was his "Adorable" gimmick, which involved making himself look like a woman dressed as a man dressed as Mimi Bobeck from The Drew Carey Show.

    Big Daddy V

    Even back in his Men on a Mission days, Nelson Frazier, Jr. was kind of a gross guy, courtesy of his shockingly mountainous physique. Things got worse, however, when he became Viscera, the World's Largest Love Machine, sporting a set of the World's Largest Pajamas. What shot him into the stratosphere of grossitude, however, was his WWE run as Big Daddy V, during which he ditched the shirt and exposed his bizarrely tattooed breasticles to the harsh light of day.

    Haystacks Calhoun

    What is it with humongous wrestlers using "Haystacks" as a nom de guerre? Over a decade before Giant Haystacks hit the scene, Haystacks Calhoun was horrifying onlookers with his tremendous bulk. Though some reports have him being as short as 5 foot 11 inches, Calhoun maintained a fighting weight between 600 and 640 pounds. Calhoun was said to be an accomplished grappler, but the majority of his moves involved simply smothering opponents with his abundance of overall-covered flesh.

    The Boogeyman

    You would probably expect a character called the Boogeyman to look grotesque, and Marty Wright certainly fit the bill with his painted face, missing teeth and bizarre entrance. What really sold the performance, however, were the worms. After every victorious outing, the Boogeyman would chew up a handful of worms and spit them into the mouth of his dazed opponent. But while there are cultures across the world that view worms as a delicacy, there's absolutely nothing to explain the time the Boogeyman bit a humongous mole off of Jillian Hall's face.

    Bastion Booger

    Like a lot of overweight wrestlers, Mike Shaw used his appearance to his advantage, becoming the complete and utter grotesquerie known as Bastion Booger. Dressed in filthy-looking tights and straps that served to accentuate his already noticeable bust, the rotund wrestler dropped his enormous rump onto countless WWE opponents in the early 1990s. Hell, even his name was gross.

    Abdullah the Butcher

    Abdullah the Butcher isn't just one of the grossest wrestlers in history, he's one of the grossest looking people ever. Combining a naturally grotesque body with the scars and wounds from decades of hardcore wrestling matches, Abbie has been horrifying men, women and children for over five decades. Visit him at his Atlanta-based House of Ribs and Chinese Food, and you can get a look at the giant blading scars left in his bald head. Just make sure there aren't any forks lying around.


  2. #2
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Mick Foley should not have been on that list.

    But I agree on most of the other tough.

  3. #3
    Main Eventer
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    Jun 2007
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    This is a list of gross and not freaks right? Because I was going to say Goldust should be there but then opted not to.

  4. #4
    The Eating Machine! Kenpachi Zaraki's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smartmark View Post
    Mick Foley should not have been on that list.

    But I agree on most of the other tough.
    Foley should definitely be there. He was the first name that came into my mind when I saw this thread tbh. Where's Tommy Dreamer?

    If Kenpachi used his Bankai, Armageddon, Ragnarok, and every other form of the apocalypse would march from the depths of hell with their demonic legions of death.... then take one look at him and turn tail and run.

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