source: Bleacher Report

Why Do The Fans Hate The PG WWE Think about it: No blood, no sex, no profanity and fewer off-the-wall gimmicks. The things that made the Attitude Era great no longer exist in the PG environment.However, it's not as if we haven't seen great moments since the WWE turned PG.
These are the 10 best feuds of the PG Era.

10. Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston
I originally didn't include this, and had Orton versus the McMahon family at one. However, I then realized that was before the WWE turned PG. So, I have this instead.Kofi had interfered in Orton's WWE Championship match at Bragging Rights. On Raw, Orton attacked Kofi and pushed him off the stage. Later that night, Kofi destroyed Randy's new NASCAR stock car. Kofi would also have his MSG moment with the boom drop through a table. This, however, would be halted after Orton was unhappy with Kofi botching a punt. Orton destroyed Kingston from there on out.

9. Randy Orton vs. John Cena
The biggest rivalry in pro wrestling today: John Cena vs. Randy Orton.The history between these two started when Orton punted Cena's father. He then would put John Cena out of action for months when Cena tore his pectoral muscle. This stuff, however, was before the PG Era.What wasn't was the final encounter of the two in 2009. At SummerSlam 2009, Brett DiBiase attacked the referee when Cena had Orton in the STF. Orton would then defeat Cena.After having a Hell in a Cell Match, these two had an epic I Quit Match at Breaking Point. If Cena won, he won the WWE Championship. If Orton won, Cena was off Raw for good. Of course Cena won, after Orton tapped to the STF that was applied with handcuffs.

8. Triple H vs. Sheamus
This all started after Triple H pinned Sheamus in Raw's 2010 Elimination Chamber, costing Sheamus his WWE Championship.
The following night on Raw, Sheamus attacked "The Game," setting up a match a WrestleMania 26. And while Triple H won at the "Grandest Stage of Them All," Sheamus would get the last laugh.The following month at Extreme Rules, Sheamus would put Triple H out of action. He was out until just a couple weeks ago when he challenged The Undertaker to a WrestleMania match and would get his revenge against Sheamus this past Monday night on Raw.

7. Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
This feud was formed from legitimate real-life heat from 1997's Montreal Screwjob. While I don't need to rehash the details of the incident, I will rehash this feud from 2010.After "burying the hatchet" with Shawn Michaels live on Raw, Bret Hart looked to do the same with Vince McMahon. McMahon tricked Hart, thinking they had finally putting the past behind them. And then, McMahon kicked Hart in the gut.In the following weeks, McMahon proclaimed that Hart would never be seen in the WWE again, until he finally allowed it to happen. When Hart saw Vince next, he attacked him, only for Batista to jump in. He beat "The Hitman" down, and McMahon then spit in his face.they continued to go back and fourth until the awful WrestleMania conclusion. This is, however, for feuds and not the matches themselves.

6. Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio
This began with Chris Jericho stealing Rey Mysterio's Intercontinental Championship and his mask in a match at Extreme Rules in 2009.In the following weeks, they would both sneak attack each other. Jericho acted as a kid in the front row, with the always odd head rub deal. Mysterio would rub heads with Jericho, who was donning Mysterio gear, and attacked him. The following week, Mysterio attacked Jericho during a match.This set up Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio: Title vs. Mask. And as he always does with his mask on the line, Mysterio won.

5. Shawn Michaels vs. JBL
Shawn Michaels had run out of money to feed his family. It just so happened that JBL had a lot of what he needed.The Heartbreak Kid was offered to become JBL's lackey. His mission was to make JBL the world champion before WrestleMania. Michaels accepted.
HBK laid down for JBL during a No. 1 Contender's Match. He would also superkick John Cena during his World Championship match against JBL, nearly costing Cena his title.Michaels got more unhappy by the week. He finally requested a match, where if he won, he'd be paid in full and be free from JBL's orders.He beat JBL and went onto challenge The Undertaker's streak at WrestleMania 25.

4. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
At the Elimination Chamber, Rey Mysterio would pin CM Punk.The following SmackDown, Mysterio introduced his family to the WWE Universe on his daughter's birthday, but CM Punk had other plans.He wasted no time in calling out Mysterio to fight. When Mysterio claimed he wasn't going to fight in front of his family, Punk called him a coward and challenged him to a WrestleMania match.Mysterio would accept and leave the ring. However, Punk wasn't done yet. He sang happy birthday to Rey's daughter as she cried while walking to the back.Mysterio won the 'Mania match and ended up shaving CM Punk's head a month later at Extreme Rules.

3. Batista vs. John Cena
Batista had a promised WWE Championship Match after attacking Bret Hart. He would use it after John Cena had been through a grueling Elimination Chamber. He, of course, beat John Cena.Batista would cut the best promo in his career on the following Raw, as can be seen above. In the weeks prior to WrestleMania, Batista dominated Cena week after week.At WrestleMania Cena overcame the odds, as always, and regained his WWE Championship. Batista would use his rematch clause at Extreme Rules in an epic "I Quit" match. Cena, once again, would win after "The Animal" verbally submitted.The next night, Batista would sit in the middle of the ring in a wheelchair and quit the WWE.

2. Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk
CM Punk cashed in his second Money in the Bank briefcase after Jeff Hardy had just won the World Heavyweight Championship in a ladder match.
Soon, the two would clash. CM Punk, in his slow churning heel turn, pointed out his straight-edge way of life and the fact that Hardy had failed multiple drug tests. This made him better than Jeff Hardy.
The two had numerous matches, until CM Punk regained his championship and forced Jeff Hardy to leave the WWE.

1. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
After checking the dates, the feud literally happened during the WWE's switch to PG. So technically, half was TV-14 and the other half was PG, but I've decided to include it anyway.

Chris Jericho had invited Shawn Michaels to The Highlight Reel to explain why he retired Ric Flair. It quickly got physical and Jericho sent HBK's head through the Jeri-Tron.

Michaels then decided that he was going to retire, until Jericho interrupted. HBK dodged an elbow, and it hit his wife instead. Michaels knew he wasn't retiring after that.

This led to an Unsanctioned match at Unforgiven 2008, where Shawn Michaels emerged victorious.