On Saturday night, Full Impact Pro Wrestling returned to Crystal River for their 2011 debut as well as what appeared to be their swan song for their run in Florida. This show was supposed to be headlined by a battle for the FIP World Heavyweight Title with Jon Moxley defending the title against Sami Callihan in a rematch from the finals of the 2010 Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup. Due to travel issues, neither man would be able to appear. The other wrestlers on the show did their best to provide the people of Crystal River a quality show without the World Champion on the card.

Here are the quick results for the show:

Johnny Vandal defeated The Hornet
Lince Dorado defeated Mike Cruz
Caleb Konley defeated Chris Jones
Blain Rage defeated Maxwell Chicago
Chris Gray defeated Sugar Dunkerton
Craig Classic defeated AR Fox to retain the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title
Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis and Kory Chavis) defeated The Flatliners (Matt Burns and Asylum) to retain the FIP Tag Titles

Here is a more detailed look at the show:

The show started with an announcement that the announced main event of Jon Moxley versus Sami Callihan would not be taking place because of travel issues for both men.

Match Number One: Johnny Vandal defeated The Hornet

Both men try to get an advantage by working on the arm with neither man being able to control the other. Vandal goes to the floor to regroup but Hornet hits a suicide dive onto Vandal. Hornet’s advantage is very short because Vandal takes over when the action returns to the ring. After an exchange of chops and forearms by both men, Vandal takes over and after connecting with a running double knee to the chest in the corner, he shows a swagger for the people of Crystal River. Hornet thought he got the win with a fisherman’s suplex and bridge, but Vandal got his foot on the rope. Hornet missed a splash from the top turnbuckle and that allowed Vandal to hit a TKO for the three count.

Match Number Two: Lince Dorado defeated Mike Cruz

Dorado and Cruz both exchange near falls early in the match. After each wrestler tried for drop kicks at the same time, they appeared to have mutual respect. However, the handshake turned into a kick from Cruz. Dorado resorts to some high impact moves to take control of the match and he hits a suicide dive onto Cruz. Cruz is able to get a few near falls on Dorado, including after a German suplex and bridge. Dorado hit a handspring back elbow for a near fall but Cruz responded with a kick from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Cruz got crotched on the top turnbuckle and then Dorado hit a rana and a shooting star press for the three count.

Match Number Three: Caleb Konley defeated Chris Jones

Konley was impressed with what he did early in the match. Konley tried to wear down Jones with a series of strikes. Jones took advantage of his high risk style with a series of head scissors. Jones got too dependent on the head scissors and Konley turned a third attempt into a back breaker. Konley tried to wear down Jones with some power moves and a body scissors. Konley then turned it into a camel clutch but Jones refused to tap. Jones was able to escape and he gained control of the match after a tornado DDT. Konley got the victory with the Homewrecker.

Before the next match, Ron Niemi, who accompanied Blain Rage to the ring, addressed the people of Crystal River and insulted the fans. He called Rage, 911 Incorporated’s biggest monster. Niemi threatened to leave if the fans called him ‘Pee Wee’.

Match Number Four: Blain Rage (with Ron Niemi) defeated Maxwell Chicago

Before locking up, Maxwell got the crowd to start chanting ‘Pee Wee’ to the disappointment of Niemi. Blain used his physical advantage over Maxwell to wear him down. Blain tried to get Maxwell to submit to the Muta Lock, but Maxwell fought through the pain and Blain turned it into a front face lock. Maxwell was able to recover but he could not sustain enough to gain control of the match. Blain got the three count after hitting a Kudo Driver.

After the match, Niemi got on the mic and he insulted the fans for the way they treated Rage during his match. Then he talked about Ralph Mosca who was in the crowd. Niemi wanted Mosca to enter the ring and then he proceeded to insult Mosca and his family, who was in the crowd. Rage attacked Mosca, but Ralph was able to fight off Rage and he hit an inverted power bomb on Rage. Mosca challenged Niemi to a hardcore match as we went to an intermission.

Match Number Five: Chris Gray (with Ron Niemi and Blain Rage) defeated Sugar Dunkerton

Gray was not going to be overshadowed by Dunkerton’s use of a basketball, so he brought a soccer ball to the ring. After arguing about the virtue of their favorite sports, Dunkerton showed why basketball is more popular in the United States than soccer. Dunkerton dribbled Gray’s head on the mat and Gray went to the floor to regroup. Gray had Dunkerton in a side head lock but Sugar was able to escape and he found a suitable replacement for Gray who was not fully paying attention. Gray gave his soccer ball a side head lock until he realized what had happened. Gray tried to get Dunkerton to tap out to the Cobra Clutch, but Sugar was able to fight out of the hold. Sugar hit a trapped arm suplex and then he tried for a sunset flip but Gray dropped down and Rage provided extra leverage for Gray to get the three count.

Match Number Six: Craig Classic defeated AR Fox to retain the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title

Classic started things off by working on Fox’s leg while Fox worked on Classic’s arm and shoulder. Fox forced Classic to the floor after a drop kick and leg lariat. Classic returned to the ring and hit a suicide dive onto Fox. Classic worked over Fox in the tree of woe after crotching Fox on the turnbuckles. Fox got a near fall on Classic and that turned a switch on Classic and he put Fox in the ankle lock and then he tried for a diving head butt from the top turnbuckle, but he missed. Fox got a near fall with a Michinoku Driver. Fox went up top for a splash but he landed on Classic’s knees and then Classic responded with three German suplexes but Fox was able to get his foot on the rope and the match continued. Fox with a few neck breakers and then he went up top and hit a leg drop on Classic but he missed another splash and Classic got the win after a brainbuster and Death Valley Driver.

Match Number Seven: Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis and Kory Chavis) defeated the Flatliners (Asylum and Matt Burns) to retain the FIP Tag Team Titles

The two teams faced off before the match started and things were even in the early part of the match. Davis and Asylum exchanged shoulder tackles with nobody gaining control until Davis could take Asylum down. The challengers were able to control things when Chavis entered the match for the first time and even claimed that Chavis pulled Burns’ hair, which was a problem since he had none. Chavis and Asylum exchanged punches and chops. Davis broke up a pinfall attempt after a neck breaker and side slam combination by the challengers. Davis finally made the tag and he cleaned house. After a while, the challengers were able to wear down Davis and he was unable to tag in Chavis. When Davis was able to get to his corner, Chavis had been pulled off the apron by Burns. After hitting a spinebuster and power slam, Davis was finally able to tag in Chavis. Chavis was almost pinned after he was given a wheelbarrow suplex after being driven into the knees. After some confusion in the ring where the referee lost some control of the match, we saw Davis and Asylum fighting on the turnbuckles while Chavis and Burns were in the ring. Davis sent Asylum to the floor with an enzuigiri and then Dark City hits Project Mayhem for the victory.