'Home Alone' Funnyman to Play Christina Ricci's Father in NBC Comedy

Daniel Stern will co-star in Dick Wolf's "Girlfriend in a Coma" and play the grandfather to "iCarly's" Miranda Cosgrove.

Daniel Stern is heading to the small screen.

Home Alone's bumbling burglar has been tapped to join NBC's Girlfriend in a Coma, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

From Nurse Jackie's Liz Brixius and Law & Order: SVU/Chicago Fire's Dick Wolf, the comedy centers on Karen (Christina Ricci), who wakes up from a coma after nearly two decades to find out she has a 17-year-old daughter (iCarly's Miranda Cosgrove) from a pregnancy she was unaware of when her life was put on hold.

Stern will play Tom McNeil, Karen's father, a salt-of-the-earth electrician. He's warm, easygoing and urges his high-strung wife to keep calm after learning their daughter has awakened from her coma and is returning home. He's a forthcoming man who is upfront with his daughter about what's was going on after she fell into the coma.

In addition to the Home Alone franchise, Stern's big-screen credits include City Slickers and Whip It in addition to small-screen roles on Workaholics, Monk and Family Guy. He's repped by APA and CESD.

The single-camera comedy from Universal Television and Wolf Films is based on the book by Douglas Coupland, with Wolf, Brixius, Danielle Gelber and Peter Jankowski on board to executive produce. Brixius will pen the pilot.