One of the worst stereotypes there is about Hollywood is that when it comes to women the preference is always younger and prettier. Actresses hit a certain magic age and suddenly studios have no interest in sharing their gifts with the film-loving masses. And apparently even the fictional women of the movie world aren't immune to those preferences.

Variety is reporting that with the new Tomb Raider reboot video game now in stores, featuring a 21-year-old version of famed heroine Lara Croft (played by Angelina Jolie in the actions films Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life), the studios are now aiming to do the same thing with the long in-development reboot of the movie franchise. According to the trade, Crystal Dynamics is working closely with GK Films and is looking to generate something like Batman Begins or Casino Royale for the video game character.

Speaking with the site, , Crystal Dynamics head Darrell Gallagher said of working with GK Films “They are working from this new take that we’ve given them. It’s a good partnership. We’re seeing the challenges through the same lens.” He continued, "“It was important for both of us to have a cohesive version of the franchise. We didn’t want to see a film version that was a continuation of the old Tomb Raider films.”

The last we heard about the reboot was all the way back in May 2011 when Iron Man scribes Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby were hired to handle the screenplay, but Variety makes no mention of either one of them. So if the project is without a writer or a director, who would you like to see take a crack at it?
