The IndieGoGo project for Diamond Dallas Page to help Scott Hall turn his life around has reached its financial goal. Fans have now raised $80,859 of the $80,000 needed for Hall to undergo hip replacement surgery, physical therapy, dental work and to help with his medical expenses. They raised over $3,000 in about three hours on Sunday afternoon to finally reach their goal. There are still 21 days left to donate money.

The campaign was launched by Page who will continue to help Hall and special rewards are being offered to those who donate.

For those wondering why they should donate and why Scott is broke, DDP answers those questions in the audio below. Hall has been through several divorces. For those unaware, divorces cost a TON of money and the ex-wives usually wind up taking over half of the husbands income. Check it out below:


– Scott Hall tweeted the following after reaching his goal of $80,000: “Happy St.Patrick’s Day Twitter World.My goal today, enjoy the the simple things; and work on my tan. I am overwhelmed by the support of my old friends and look forward to making contact with new friends that I have yet to meet. Thank you all I am very humbled by your support. Wrestling fans are the best. I don’t no what to say. This is a moment I will never forget. Thank you all”

– DDP aslso tweeted the following: “words cant express our thanks/gratitude 4helping @SCOTTHALLNWO reach this goal. ur generosity/support’s truly appreciated. THANK YOU ALL! #WeWILLRebuildHim @SCOTTHALLNWO thank you ALL!!!!! #RazorForLife
