Welcome to PWI live coverage from Impact Championship Wrestling at the Queensborough Elks Lodge in Rego Park, New York City.

AJ Risk vs. Justin Toxic vs. BSK vs. Joey Janella

They actually had "tag team" ring announcing with the announcers tagging in and out for each competitior's announcement. Uh...OK!

All four competitors began shoving each other at the bell. Risk hit a solash in the corner on Janella, then got a two count off a shining wizard. They went back and forth with some cool spots, includingg a moonsault by Janella on all three. Risk ducked a Toxic charge and Toxic took a bump over the top to the floor. There were some cool dives to the floor. Janella slammed Toxic and hit a top rope moonsault, scoring the pin. Fun, fast paced match.

Your winner, Joey Janella!

Danny DeManto (with his valet Tina) hit the ring and clobbered Toxic with a chair to the head, then nailed a nasty looking powerbomb. He took the mic and asked the fans if they liked the match and Janella. He said that when pieces of garbage like Janella, he knocks them out. He said that tonight he's in the main event against the Amazing Red. He said backstage, Red was kissing Tina's rear end. He brought out an Amazing Red action figure and started talking to it, saying that he knows Red doesn't get TV time anymore in TNA because he's not a Jersey Shore guy, but not to worry because tonight will be the last match of his career. He then said he was going to rip Red's head off his shoulders, ripped the head off the figure with his mouth and spit it into the crowd. Good mic work.

Sami Callihan vs. Quiet Storm

Callihan came out with a mic saying he was the hardest hitting wrestler in the world and he was going to kick Quiet Storm's ass. Callihan shoved the referee out of the ring as he announced Storm. They began exchanging stiff forearm strikes in the middle of the ring. Callihan missed a charge in the corner, then Storm missed one. Storm caught Callihan with a big clothesline but was cut off with a chop. They continued the beating with lots of stiff chops and punches. Storm caught Callihan and tossed him with a double arm suplex. Callihan went to the floor. Storm tried to suplex him back into the ring but Storm halted it and kicked him in the head.

Callihan drilled Storm with a series of kicks to the chest for a two count. He tore at Storm's face and ripped at it. Callihan began slapping Storm in the face and chopping him. He ducked a Storm clothesline but was caught with a knee. Storm went for a running charge but was nailed with a leaping elbow. The referee began counting both men down. Storm nailed a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. He called for the Storm Cradle Driver. Callihan blocked it but was caught with a big suplex. Storm went for his finisher again but it was blocked. Callihan nailed several kicks but was caught in a rear salto suplex for a two count. Good match. Storm went for it again but was caught with a forward roll into a pin.

Your winner, Sami Callihan!

Prince Nana came to the ring with his Nana Corp. of Papadon, Xavier and Pinky Sanchez. Nana started ripping on the crowd and pointing out fat people. He said that his limo driver just called to say that Christopher Daniels is stuck in traffic on the BQE. He said it was because all the stinky New Yorkers drive like Chinese people. He said that they are going to wait and they will have to put Daniels and Xavier's ICW Tag Team belts at a later time. Daniels came out in street clothes and wasn't happy they didn't want to wrestle. Nana then handed Stephen DeAngelis a card and said they were going to have a match. DeAngelis announced Daniels and Xavier vs. Sanchez and Papadon. Daniels looked like he was confused and didn't know what the hell was going on. They rang the bell, so I guess it's an official match.

Sanchez was taken "out" by Xavier and then pinned. Holy Hogan-Nash, folks. The storyline here was that Daniels wasn't happy with the situation.

A quick update, Colt Cabana is NOT on the show as the promotion canceled his booking a few days ago. The promotion advertised him all week, which completely lame.

Bandido Jr. vs. Devon Moore

Moore hit the ring and nailed Bandido with a bunch of punches, then backdropped him. Bandido powdered out of the ring. They battled out of the ring. Bandido crotched Moore as they returned to the ring, then worked him over. He nailed a snap suplex but only received a one count. He controlled Moore on the mat. Bandido drilled him with several kicks and a dropkick. Bandido went to the top but was caught with a superkick. Moore nailed a Hollywood Star Press for a two count, then drilled Bandido with a big boot to the face for a two count. He drilled him with an enziguri.

Moore went to the top rope but was cut off by Bandido. Bandido nailed a top rope hurancanrana for a two count. He nailed a Lungblower for a two count. They battled on the top rope. Moore got the better of him with several headbutts, then nailed a shooting star press for the pin.

Your winner, Devon Moore!

After the match, Bandido tried to attack Moore but was laid out with a superkick.

ICW Tag Team champions Xavier & Christopher Daniels vs. "Heaven and Hell" Azrieal and The Grimm Reefer vs. The Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz - Elimination Match.

Reefer took the mic and said they were looking for revenge. DRS came out and announced themselves as the Tag Team champions of the Universe. This brought out ICW Tag Team champions Xavier and Christopher Daniels came out. Daniels said that he didn't care how many belts DRS bought at Toys R Us, they can never call themselves champions because they lost to Daniels and Xavier. This set up a Three-Way for the title.

Daniels and KC Blade started the match. Daniels shoved him and caught him with a headlock. Blade shoved him off into the ropes. Daniels tried to shoulderblock him down but Blade didn't budge. Daniels tried again and again, no movement. Blade caught him with a knee to the gut and raked Daniels' back. Daniels ducked a clothesline attempt and drilled Blade with a series of forearms. Blade came back with a clothesline. Daniels drilled him with kicks to the legs and a dropkick. Blade powdered out of the ring and tagged out ton Azrieal.

Azrieal and Daniels went back and forth, culminating in Daniels being caught in flying head scissors. He cut off Azrieal and tagged out to Xavier. Xavier drilled him with a great dropkick in the corner. Azrieal came back with a hiptoss and an armbar. Reefer tagged in and controlled Xavier. Xavier tagged out to EC Negro. Necro whipped Reefer into the ropes but was caught with a kick to the face. Reefer charged and was backdropped onto the apron. Daniels went after him but was tossed into the ring. Reefer hit a missile dropkick on both.

Negro whipped Reefer into Daniels. who clotheslined him down. KC Blade tagged in and cinched in a rear chinlock. He whipped Azrieal into the ropes and caught him with a knee to the gut. Daniels tagged in and rode Azrieal on the mat, cinching in a chinlock. Azrieal made a comeback and nailed a double clothesline on Negro and Daniels. Reefer made the hot tag and locked Daniels in the Crippler Crossface. Xavier broke up the hold.

All six began brawling in the ring. Azrieal ducked down and Blade bumped over the ropes to the floor. Azrieal hit a nice tope through the ropes on him. Daniels and Xavier began over Daniels. Xavier went to use a foreign object but nailed Daniels by accident. DRS covered Daniels and he and Xavier were eliminated.

The match continued DRS hit a tornado DDT on Reefer as he was on Negro's shoulders. It looked nasty. They covered him but Azrieal broke it up. Reefer rolled to the outside as DRS worked on Azrieal, who mounted a comeback. He drilled Blade with a stiff dropkick in the corner and captured Blade with a small package for the pin.

Your winners and new ICW Tag Team champions, Azrieal and Grim Reefer!

DRS attacked and laid out the new champs, then walked out with the belts.

After intermission, a woman came out and showed off a towel.

Eddie Kingston & Monster Mack vs. Ricky Reyes & Joel Maximo (with Julius Smokes)

Smokes did some of his trademark promo work and said that win lose or draw, he has problems with that "African Booty Scratcher" Prince Nana and that they wanted Kingston and Mack on their side against Nana Corp. Mack said that you don't go into a fight without knowing who your partners are, so they should face off and test each other out.

MaximHeo and Kingston started out. They went back and forth. Mack tagged in and he and Maximo tried to outpower each other. Maximo nailed him with an enziguiri kick and brought Mack into their corner. Reyes and Maximo worked over Mack, who made a comeback. Mack didn't sell some hard chop and overpowered Reyes. He tagged in Kingston who snapmared Reyes over and covered him for a two count.

Mack and Kingston cut the ring off on Reyes and continued beating on him, focusing on the leg. Kingston continued the assault, choking out Reyes. Maximo tagged in and cleaned house on Kingston, nailing a moonsault for a two count. Mack went to the top rope but was cut off by Reyes and Mack hit a double superplex. The fans chanted, "Holy sh**" Reyes continued working over Mack but was caught and powerslammed down. Reyes tagged in and caught Kingston in a Dragon Sleeper but Kingston kneed him to escape.

Kingston and Reyes went back and forth. Mack came from behind and drilled Reyes with a lariat. Kingston dropped the elbow and made the cover.

Your winners, Monster Mack & Eddie Kingston!

After the match, Kingston did some mic work to set up shaking hands with Smokes.

Pinky Sanchez vs. Rich Swann

Sanchez did some grandstanding early. Swann got tired of it and went after Sanchez. They ended up chasing each other around the ring. Sanchez begged off when they returned to the ring. Swann finally began chopping away at him. Sanchez caught Swann and crotched him on the ropes. Sanchez drilled him with kicks to the gut. Sanchez worked over Swann's leg. Swann made a comeback with a big dropkick. Swann drilled him with a sitdown Michinoku Driver. Swann went for his standing leaping shooting star but Sanchez got his knees up. Sanchez caught him with a DDT for the pin.

Your winner, Pinky Sanchez!

Dan Maff vs. Papadon.

If Maff loses, he must join Nana Corp. If Papadon, Nana has to be Maff's b**ch for a month. All of Nana Corp. came to the ring. Maff said that he realized that he needed some new friends and out came Mack, Kingston, Reyes and Maximo came out and there was a huge brawl. Everyone powdered out. Maff worked over Papadon and knocked him out of the ring, then hit a dive on him. They battled around the ring.

Back in the ring, they went back and forth. Papadon clobbered Maff with a clothesline but he kicked out at two. Papadon slammed Maff and then nailed a top rope headbutt. Maff clobbered Papadon and whipped him into the turnbuckles. He went for a cannonball in the corner but Papadon moved out of the way. Papadon came off the ropes with a back elbow. He went for a clothesline but Maff kicked him in the gut, nailed him with a foreign object and scored the pin.

Your winner, Dan Maff!

After the match, Maff cornered Prince Nana in the corner and snapped him across the ring, flipping him. The other babyfaces surrounded the ring as Maff went to nail Nana with a Burning Hammer but Eddie Kingston nailed him, turning heel. Monsta Mack did as well and they, and Nana Corp. beat down Maff in the ring. Chris Daniels turned babyface to make the save for Nana. The babyfaces made a comeback and ran off Nana Corp. Maff pressed Sanchez over his head into the aisle, wiping out Nana Corp. Fun stuff here.

Homicide vs. Jon Moxley

They have some good back and forth wrestling to kick it off. Moxley went to the floor. Homicide went for a sliding kick but missed. Moxley worked him over on the floor. Moxley charged but Homicide backdropped him into the crowd and threw a chair in his face. They began brawling through the crowds. They wiped out a table full of DVDs while brawling. Moxley locked a figure four on Homicide on the floor. They battled back and forth. Homicide slammed Moxley on a table.

Back in the ring, Moxley superplexed Homicide into the ring for a two count. Moxley began working on Homicide's shoulder and arm. He choked Homicide's thoat with the middle rope. Homicide made a comeback with a hangman's neckbreaker. He nailed Moxley with a tornado DDT for a two count. Moxley came back to work over Homicide and lock him in a STF. Homicide battled his way to the ropes and finally made it to them.

Moxley went for a clothesline but Homicide ducked and nailed one. Homicide went for a lariat but was caught with a stunner. Moxley went to the ropes but Homicide crotched him and made a comeback with several lariats and scored the pin.

Your winner, Homicide!