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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default Wrestling History Today - Aug 28th

    On this day in history in ....

    1986 - Wahoo McDaniel defeats Tully Blanchard for the NWA National Heavyweight Title in Los Angeles, California. Wahoo would be the final National champion, as he would lose a title unification match to U.S. Champion Nikita Koloff one month later.

    1989 - WWF held their Summerslam Pay-per-view at the Meadowlands in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Here are the results:
    - The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) defeated The Hart Foundation when Blanchard pinned Hart after Anderson came off the top rope and hit Hart while the referee was distracted.
    - Dusty Rhodes, in his first WWF PPV match, defeated The Honky Tonk Man with the Bionic Elbow after Jimmy Hart accidentally hit Honky with his guitar. This was also the debut of the infamous "polka dot" outfit for Rhodes.
    - Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig defeated Red Rooster Terry Taylor with the Perfectplex.
    - Rick Martel & The Rougeau Brothers defeated Tito Santana & The Rockers when Martel pinned Marty Jannetty with a clothesline as Jannetty had Raymond rolled up for a cover.
    - The Ultimate Warrior defeated Rick Rude to win the WWF Intercontinental Title with a back suplex and splash after Roddy Piper distracted Rude by coming to ringside, lifting his kilt and mooning him.
    - Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Demolition defeated Andre The Giant, Akeem & Big Bossman when Smash pinned Akeem after Duggan hit Akeem with his 2/4..
    - Hercules Hernandez defeated Greg Valentine via disqualification. Valentine pinned Hercules with his feet on the ropes, but Ronnie Garvin, the guest ring announcer, announced that Valentine was disqualified for cheating and Hercules was the winner, then knocked out Valentine.
    - Ted DiBiase defeated Jimmy Snuka via countout when Snuka was chasing Virgil at ringside. After the match, Snuka gave Virgil the Superfly Splash while DiBiase escaped.
    - Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake, with Elizabeth, defeated Randy Savage & Zeus, with Sherri Martel, when Hogan pinned Zeus after he was hit with Martel's loaded pocketbook. After the match, Elizabeth cut off the (fake) ponytail of Martel.

    1994 - Shawn Michaels & Diesel defeat The Headshrinkers for the WWF World Tag Team Title in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Headshrinkers would be the final tag team champions managed/advised by Captain Lou Albano.

    1995 - PG-13 defeat Terry Gordy & Tracey Smothers in a tournament final for the USWA Tag Team Title in Memphis, Tennessee, stating their ninth reign as champs. The belts had been stripped off of previous champions the Heavenly Bodies after a controversial match with PG-13 on August 21st.

    2000 - Kevin Nash defeats Booker T for the WCW World Heavyweight Title in Las Cruces, New Mexico, starting his fifth and final WCW World Title reign.

    2002 - WWE announced that Vince McMahon and Linda McMahon would not receive bonuses for 2002 due to a downturn in performance caused by declining ratings and lower pay-per-view purchases. A Reuters story reported Vince McMahon was paid $900,000 and Linda McMahon was paid $675,000 in bonuses last year. Instead, Vince McMahon continued to draw his $1 Million salary and Linda McMahon will draw $750,000 for the year.

    2002 - WWE ran Uncasville, CT with a Smackdown taping at the Mohegan Sun Casino Arena. Ron Lemieux filed the following live report:

    They said it was sold out but there were spotty empty seats. It seats 10,000, so I would guesstimate 9,000.

    Dark Match- Mike Awesome over Slyk Wagner Brown.

    Velocity - Billy & Chuck over Bob Holly & Randy Orton

    Jaime Noble beat Funaki

    Mark Henry over Albert (as bad as it sounds)

    Chavo Guerrero beat Hurricane.

    Smackdown - Stephanie came out to open the show and talked about Brock being exclusive to Smackdown. She made light of Raw's #1 contender's match and then said they would determine the #1 contender tonight with a series of matches and whoever was left in the end would be the #1 contender. It wasn't an elimination type tourney but a gauntlet style.
    In other words, 2 wrestlers were matched up. Whoever won would face someone else, etc.

    The first 2 men in it were Eddie Guerrero and Edge. Eddie won with a frog splash after using a chair.......In the back Matt Hardy begged Steph to let him face Eddie next. She said no and gave the bout to Rikishi........D-Von Dudley over John Cena. Batista came out after and attacked Dudley.......Rey Misterio beat Rico with a 619 and the hurricanrana.......Bob Holly asked Steph if he could face the Rikishi - Eddie winner but Dawn Marie came and told Steph she had an important phone call. .......

    Steph's on the phone with someone in the hotel connected to the casino that is on the Raw team but wants to jump.
    Matt Hardy comes in and hangs the phone up on Steph but not before she has Dawn Marie bring this person papers to sign........ Rikishi beats Guerrero with a savate kick to move on in the series. Chris Benoit hits the ring the he and Eddie double on Rikishi until Edge makes the save.......Steph gives Benoit the shot against Rikishi......Shannon Moore over Tajiri with hurricane, Noble, and Nidia at ringside.......Benoit beats Rikishi with crossface.......Interview with Angle in the back first talking about beating Misterio at SS but then saying Steph told him he'll face Benoit in final match to determine #1 contender.......

    By the way, when Hardy hung the phone up on Steph earlier, she was so mad she told him he would face Brock Lesnar in a non
    title bout........So, Brock beat Hardy with the F-5........

    Dawn Marie brought the papers back signed and Steph said the Benoit-Angle match just got turned into a triple threat match with her new signee......So Benoit and Angle make their entrances and then Steph comes out on the ramp and intro's her new Smackdown guy, much to all of our chagrin it's the Undertaker.

    So since Rock and Austin are gone, it will still be the old boy network as Taker will run Smack and Triple H, Raw. Too bad
    because if the brass would listen to the pop Edge got (a Rock like one tonight) they could have given him the ball until they turn Angle.
    Taker of course wins the match after giving Benoit the last ride. Good bout though especially the last few minutes. Made me sick though to watch Angle have Taker in the ankle lock the same time Benoit had Taker in the cossface and he doesn't submit....... (when Stephanie announced Undertaker as now being on Smackdown and he came out, the place went ballistic.)

    Misterio got a huge pop as well tonight.

    2002 - NWA: TNA ran their weekly Wednesday night PPV. Buck Woodward filed the following PPV report:

    The August 28th edition of NWA: Total Nonstop Action (taped 8/21) started with footage of Brian Lawler arriving, and Goldylocks trying to find out what Jeff Jarrett did to upset him. As he was about to tell her, Jeff Jarrett ambushed him, beating him down and saying he didn't know what was bothering Lawler, but he was sick of being attacked from behind. Jarrett pounded Lawler until security pulled him off.

    The first match was Kid Kash vs. The Amazing Red. They traded arm wringers and hammerlocks, each reversing the other. Kash landed on his feet off a Red monkeyflip. They continued to trade holds, leg trips and counters, and stalemated. Kash shoved Red, and Red responded with a slap. Kash and Red traded armdrags and hiptosses, and stalemated again. Kash commented on Red's size, and Red called Kash an old man. Kash teased Red on a test of strength, and slapped Red after giving him the finger. Red faked a handshake and started punching Kash. Kash was backdropped to the apron, and Red elbowed him to the floor. Red hit a somersault senton over the top rope, but Kash took advantage on the floor, whipping Red into the rails and throwing a chair at his head. Kash continued the advantage in the ring, applying a Boston Crab, then lifting Red and slamming him down. Kash dropped an elbow for a two count. Red came back with a spinkick for a two count. Red ran into an elbow, then ran into a second rope clothesline. Kash hit a gutwrench powerbomb, and slapped Red across the back. Red hit a sunsetflip for a two count, then a drop kick. Red hit a reverse side slam from the second rope, and worked over Kash with punches. Kash backdropped Red to the apron, and Red hit an elbow and went to the top rope. Kash joined him, and hit a press slam, while standing on the top rope, driving Red to the mat. Kash crawled over for a two count. They traded slaps on the mat, then Red hit a series of kicks in the corner. Red missed a charge, got hung in the corner, and Kash hit a slingshot legdrop for a two count. Kash kicked away a backdrop, then walked up the ropes to deliver a bodypress for a two count. Kash hit a double leg fisherman's style neckbreaker (the Bankruptcy) and got the pin on Red.

    Red offered to shake Kash's hand after the match, but Kash clotheslined him. The Maximos hit the ring, and Kash tried to fight them off, but the SAT gave him the Spanish Fly to lay him out.

    The TNA Girls danced.

    Goldylocks interviewed Sonny Siaki, who was referring to himself in the third person again, as well as trading verbal barbs with Goldy. Siaki put himself over, and showed no concern over facing Monty Brown.

    Sonny Siaki vs. Monty Brown was next. Brown took the mic, and promised to get revenge on Jeff Jarrett for involving himself in his world title match last week. Brown and Siaki locked up, and Brown backed him into the corner. Brown hit some rights and chops, and tossed Siaki over the top rope to the floor. Outside, Brown missed a charge and ran into the guardrail. Siaki whipped Brown into the rail and chopped him. Brown reversed a whip and sent Siaki into the rail and chopped him, then rammed him into the rail again. The fans on one side chanted "over here" and Brown whipped him into that rail, then stomped and pounded him. Brown got a two count after getting back in. Brown got another two with a side slam. Brown hit a back elbow for a two count, but Siaki got his foot on the ropes. Brown hooked the leg, but Siaki kicked out. Brown chopped Siaki and hit a running splash in the corner. Brown hit a double underhook suplex for a two count. Brown hit a vertical suplex for two. Brown continued his assault on Siaki, then applied a rear chinlock. Siaki fought up, but was laid out with a clothesline. Brown went for a backdrop, but Siaki grabbed him with a DDT. Siaki hit a series of stomps, and a clothesline for a two count. Brown stopped a whip and hit a vertical suplex. They exchanged punches, and Brown hit a double underhook suplex. Brown almost lost the handle on a powerslam, held on to it, then turned it into a uranage (the Alphalution). Jeff Jarrett came to ringside, distracting Brown and the referee. Siaki hit a low blow and rolled up Brown for the pin.

    The Bullet and Bob Armstrong appeared on the stage, and Jarrett backed up to ringside, where Brown started pounding him with right hands. Brian Lawler appeared in the crowd, and started choking Jarrett with his belt. Security broke up the brawl, as Lawler screamed that he wanted Jarrett.

    Goldylocks interviewed Slash and Kobain. Slash introduced Kobain as his brother, saying "the thrill of suicide is what he lives for". Both gave very gothic interviews.

    The four team elimination match was next, with the winner getting into the Tag Team Gauntlet For the Gold. The participants are The Backseat Boys, Slash & Kobain, The Hot Shots, and Chris Harris & James Storm. Johnny Kashmere started with Cassidy O'Reilly hitting a spinebuster. O'Reilly tagged Trent Acid, so Acid and Kashmere had to wrestle each other. They exchanged some moves, then high fived each other, danced arounf, and dropkicked Slash off the ring apron. Things turned into a brawl, with the Backseat Boys unleashing a ton of double teams on the Hot Shots. O'Reilly and Acid moonsaulted onto the floor, where Slash, Kobain, Storm and Harris were fighting. Kashmere hit a somersault senton from the top to the pile. Chase Stevens hit a shooting star press from the top onto the pile, barely completing the flip. The brawl continued on the floor, then Chase Stevens worked over Acid in the ring with punches. Slash tagged himself in off of Chase, without Acid realizing it. Slash grabbed Acid in the Slash N' Burn neckbreaker and pinned Acid. The Backseat Boys are eliminated.

    Slash and Kobain hit a backbreaker/kneedrop on Stevens. Stevens came back, and Kobain tagged in Harris. Stevens and O'Reilly worked over Harris, and sandwiched him with a double dropkick to the head, but Storm broke up the cover. Harris and O'Reilly traded chops, and O'Reilly raked the eyes. Harris ducked a clothesline and hit a chop. O'Reilly hit a backbreaker and went for a moonsault but Harris got the knees up. Harris tagged Kobain, who was tagged by Storm as he fought O'Reilly. Storm pinned O'Reilly with a swinging reverse DDT. The Hotshots are eliminated.

    Slash went to work on Storm, beating him down and hitting a whirly bird powerbomb for a two count. Kobain tagged in, and tossed Storm to the floor, then hit a somersault senton off the top. Slash tossed his partner and Storm back in the ring. Slash tagged in and hit an elbow on Storm. Ron Harris & Brian Lee came to ringside, and complained about not being in the match. Storm hit an enzugiri and tagged Harris. Harris hit a Thesz press on Slash, and a bulldog on Kobain, taking on both men. All four men got involved, and Storm hit a superkick on Slash. Kobain went for a tornado DDT, but Storm placed him on the apron and superkicked him to the floor. Slash hit a stunner on Storm, but Harris broke it up. Slash went for the neckbreaker on Harris, who blocked it and hit a swinging uranage for the pin. Storm and Harris get to wrestle in the Gauntlet for the Gold.

    Brian Lee and Ron Harris ran in and attacked Chris Harris & James Storm. The other teams ran back in, and a huge brawl ensued with Ron Harris & Brian Lee tossing everyone over the top rope, which is the way you eliminate teams in the Guantlet. The announcers put over that Lee & R. Harris deserved to be in the Gauntlet.

    Jeff Jarrett confronted Bob Armstrong (calling him Bullet) telling him he needed to get some order in TNA. Jarrett promised to reveal who was under the mask, beat him, then come back for Armstrong. Armstrong wouldn't back down from Jarrett.

    Miss TNA Bruce vs. April Hunter was next. Bruce took the mic, saying all the men wanted to be with him, and all the women wanted to be him. He said April Hunter had accepted his open challenge for the Miss TNA crown. They got nose to nose, and Bruce shoved her back. April hit a forearm and chop, and followed with a Japanese armdrag and a clothesline. April hit a chop and a headscissors. Bruce went to the apron, and yanked April throat first across the top rope. Bruce stomped April, tossed her by the hair, and rammed her face into the mat. Bruce slammed her, and delivered a long vertical suplex. Bruce rammed her into the top turnbuckle and stomped her. Bruce snapmared her and slugged her, then tossed her by the hair again. April reversed a whip, but Bruce got a sunset flip off the middle rope for a two count. April went for a back suplex, but Bruce flipped over and stomped her. Bruce hit a powerbomb for the three count. Bruce remains Miss TNA.

    After the match, Bruce went to unzip April's top, but Slyk Wagner Brown (called "Silk" Wagner Brown) came out to make the save and send Bruce to the floor.

    Goldylocks interviewed Jimmy Yang & Jorge Estrada. They both said if Siaki crawled back to them, they didn't want him back in the Elvises. Siaki interrupted, and said if you take your vitamins and say your prayers, you will lose your hair. Yang and Estrada looked at Siaki, confused.

    The SAT, Jose & Joel Maximo, vs. Jorge Estrada & Jimmy Yang, was next.

    Joel started off with Estrada, trading holds, and counters, with neither getting an advantage, although both scored several two counts. Joel hit a kick to the leg, and applied a side headlock. Joel hit a rana, but Estrada brushed away a dropkick and hit a powerslam. The Elvises sent the Maximos to the floor, then hit simultaneous moonsaults on them. Joel was rolled back in for a two count. Estrada hit a slam and a Quebrada for a two count. Yang tagged in and hit an inside leg lariat for a two count. Yang hit a dropkick, walked up Joel in the corner, and pounded him with fists. Estrada came in with a slingshot elbow on Joel for a two count. Estrada ran into a boot, and Joel hit a springboard enzugiri, and a dropkick from the top to the back. Jose tagged in, and hit some rights. Joel tagged back in, and the SAT hit an assisted moonsault on Estrada for a two count. Jose came back in, but Estrada crotched him in the corner and hit a neckbreaker, then tagged Yang. Yang hit a vertical suplex, and kept the handle to deliver a neckbreaker before covering for two. Yang applied a headscissors. Estrada tagged in and pounded Jose on the mat, then covered for a two count. Jose battled up, but Estrada elbowed him back down. Yang gave Jose a neckbreaker over the top rope. Yang applied a front facelock. Mike Tenay pointed out that the SAT took a 17 hour bus ride to Nashville for their first TNA match, but earned a spot on the roster as a result, and are now flown to the shows. Estrada tagged in with a slingshot senton for a two count on Jose. Estrada hit a reverse elbow for another two count. Estrada slammed him, and went to the top rope. Jose kicked Estrada, crotching him on the top, then joined him on the top. Estrada hit a hiptoss into a neckbreaker from the top on Jose (the "All Shook Up"). Yang and Joel tagged in. Joel hit a running forearm, ran into a Yang boot, but hit an overhead double arm suplex. Jose monkeyflipped Estrada into a Joel spear. Yang dropkicked both men, and took them down with a clothesline and spinkick. Yang hit a neckbreaker on Joel for a two count, but Jose slammed him and hit a top rope legdrop. Estrada broke it up, DDT'd Jose and hit a springboard twisting senton, but Joel broke it up. Joel hit a German suplex and a Dragon suplex on Estrada for two count. Joel held onto the full nelson on Estrada, and Jose dropkicked him from the top. Yang hit a spinning leg lariat on Jose. Yang went to the top, but was crotched. The SAT were going for Spanish Fly, but Sonny Siaki ran in and crotched both Maximos on the top. Siaki left. Yang missed Yang Time on Jose, but hit a Fisherman's Buster for the win. Siaki smiled from the stage, then left.

    The TNA Girls danced.

    Goldylocks came to the ring to interview Brian Lawler. Lawler came out, and Goldylocks asked him what the issue is with Jarrett. Lawler commented on Goldylocks clothes, saying she must have thought this was a place to be a "floozy". He said this was a wrestling ring, and it was no place for a piece of trash like her. He ordered her out. Goldylocks smirked and walked away. Lawler called for silence from the crowd. Lawler said he was giving Jeff Jarrett five seconds to get in the ring. Jarrett didn't come out. Lawler said he wasn't surprised he didn't come out. He was about to tell us what Jarrett did, when he was interrupted by Ron Killings. Killings commented that Lawler thought he wasn't hear because of his concussion. Lawler told Killings he did not mean to hit him with a chair last week. Killings said there was no room for accidents. Lawler tried to make peace with Killings, but Killings promised that Lawler would find out what "The Truth" is all about. Lawler pleaded with Killings as he walked away. Lawler said that his problem with Jarrett had to do with his girlfriend, who was sitting at ringside. There was a "fan" with a camera sitting next to her, and she claimed the fan was taking pictures of her. Lawler shoved the photographer down, then walked out with his girlfriend. So we still don't know what Jarrett did, just that it had something to do with his girlfriend.

    They showed footage from last week, when Jeff Jarrett brawled with The Bullet, and found out it was not Bob Armstrong.

    Jeff Jarrett vs. The Bullet was next. Jarrett stomped The Bullet as he came out, and took the fight to the floor. Jarrett was in total control of the brawl on the floor, ramming him into the rails and hitting him with chairs as they moved into the crowd. Jarrett went to the announce table and stated he still wanted his title shot, then went back to beating on the Bullet. In the ring, Bullet came back with some punches and a kneedrop. Bullet hit a reverse atomic drop, then went for a pumphandle slam, but Jarrett floated over him and hit a low blow. Jarrett pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and cuffed Bullet to the top rope. Jarrett took the mic and a chair, and said he was going to knock him out, then pull off the mask. Bob Armstrong ran out and hit some rights, but the referee stopped him. Jarrett hit Armstrong with the chair, and tossed the referee. Jarrett started to punch the now bleeding Armstrong, while the handcuffed Bullet could only watch. Jarrett hit Armstrong with the chair again, while the fans chanted "one more time". Jarrett took the mic and said he was now going to find out the Bullet was, but security came in and stopped him, and they cut right away to Tenay and Don West for the hardsell for next week's X-Division special.

    Highlights of last week's Best of Three between Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles was shown.

    The main event was up, a Triple Ladder match for the X-Division championship with Low Ki vs. Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles.

    Low Ki and Lynn started punching it out, while Styles went for one of the ladders at ringside. Lynn and Low Ki slid outside, Styles hit Lynn with the ladder, but Low Ki ducked and kicked the ladder into Styles. Low Ki pounded Styles in the ring, and hit a flying forearm. Styles hit kicks and punches, but missed an enzugiri, and Low Ki kicked him in the face. Lynn pulled Low Ki to the ropes for a legdrop, but Low Ki moved and kicked Lynn. Low Ki hit a springboard kick on Styles. Low Ki tried to suplex, Lynn, who floated over, ducked a kick and hit a spinning backbreaker. Lynn forearmed Low Ki, then went after Styles in the corner. Lynn hit a backdrop on Styles, and snapmared Low Ki and applied a surfboard. Styles bulldogged Ki out of it and kicked him on the mat. Lynn kicked Styles, and hit a vertical suplex. Lynn put Styles in a Boston Crab, but Low Ki kicked Lynn in the chest three times. Low Ki stomped Lynn, then kicked him in the chest. Ki slammed Lynn, then went after Styles, hitting a flip kick in the corner. Low Ki whipped Lynn into the corner. Low Ki went for a Ki Krusher on Styles, but instead of dropping, rammed him into Lynn. Low Ki grabbed a ladder, but Styles hit a baseball slide, sending it into Low Ki. All three men were on the floor, and Styles bridged the ladder between the guard rail and the ring apron. Low Ki hit a chop on Styles, but Styles responded with a kick. Styles hit a Hot Shot on Lynn into the ring apron. Styles and Low Ki battled on top of the bridged ladder, trading headbutts. Lynn joined them, and drove Ki and Styles face first into the ladder as he jumped off. Lynn brought the ladder into the ring. Styles grabbed at the ladder from the floor, and Lynn kicked it into Styles. Lynn set up the ladder, but Low Ki kicked Lynn off it and hit some chops. Low Ki collapsed the ladder, and Styles attacked him from behind. Styles hit a series of forearms and knees on Low Ki, but he tuned right into a forearm from Lynn. All three men exchanged shots, then Lynn and Styles hiptossed Low Ki into the ladder. Lynn decked Styles, then set a ladder in the corner. Lynn whipped Styles into the ladder, Styles flipped off it, and went for a DDT, but Lynn hit a released Northern Lights, tossing Styles into the ladder. Low Ki hit a kick to the face on Lynn, and went for a cover, but there are no pinfalls. Low Ki went for the Tidal Wave cartwheel kick, but Lynn blocked it and went for a powerbomb, but Low Ki reversed it into a rana, and Lynn went flying into the ladder. Styles rammed the ladder into Low Ki, then set it up. Low Ki and Styles fought up the ladder, but Ki knocked Styles back and Styles was hung upside down in the ladder. Low Ki unleashed kicks to the chest and head, and Styles finally fell off the ladder. Low Ki climbed up, but Lynn stopped him, and gave Low Ki a back suplex off the ladder. Styles hit a forearm on Low Ki, then kicked Lynn. Styles went to climb the ladder, but Low Ki stopped him. They fought on the ladder, but as Low Ki fell off, he dragged Styles down with him. Lynn started to climb the ladder, but Styles and Ki tipped it over, and Lynn hit the top turnbuckle. Low Ki grabbed a second ladder and placed it at ringside. Styles kicked Low Ki as he came in. Low Ki blocked a suplex and kicked Styles. Styles hit the moonsault into a reverse DDT on Low Ki. Lynn punched Styles in the corner, and grabbed a waistlock. Low Ki went for a springboard kick on Styles, but Styles ducked, and Lynn caught Low Ki and powerbombed him. Styles tossed in the second ladder, hitting Lynn in the head. Low Ki slid a third ladder in. Lynn and Styles battled in a corner, while Low Ki set up the ladder and started climbing up. Styles clotheslined Lynn. Styles and Low Ki battled atop the three ladders, and Low Ki put Styles in the Dragon Cutch while lying across the ladders. Lynn climbed up and punched Low Ki's hold off. Lynn was on the middle ladder, with Styles and Low Ki on ladders on either side of him. Lynn shoved the ladders. Low Ki balanced himself with one foot on the top rope, and pushed off, balancing his ladder again. Styles tried to do the same, missed, and crashed to the floor. Lynn and Low Ki then battled on the middle ladder, and Lynn grabbed Low Ki in a piledriver off the ladder to the mat. Lynn then climbed back up the ladder to grab the belt and end the show.

    Jerry Lynn is the new X-Division champion.

    Next Week: X-Division special featuring new interviews with Low Ki, Jerry Lynn, and AJ Styles, and the best of the X Division matches, including Ki, Lynn, Styles, Red, The Flying Elvises, and The SAT.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Continued ..

    2009 - WWE broadcast Smackdown. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We are live on tape from Phoenix, Arizona and your announcers are Jim ‘BBQ Iguana’ Ross and Todd ‘Can I say Shaqalicious’ Grisham.

    We see the steel cage above the ring and Justin Roberts introduces the only Straight Edge Champion in history, CM Punk.

    Punk comes to the ring and he tells everyone that he told them so. He said that he would beat Jeff Hardy at Summerslam and for the benefit of the drunks in the crowd, we see footage from the match. Punk says that he never felt more alive than right now. He tells the weak people that they have probably never felt this way. Punk says that he feels every ache and pain from each table, ladder, and chair that Jeff used to try to keep Punk from getting his title back. Punk says the pain makes him feel alive. Punk says that he hasn’t taken a thing for it, unlike the fans and Jeff Hardy. Punk talks about how the fans double up on the extra strength medication when they have a toothache. Punk says that if they felt the way he did, they would be on a morphine drip. Punk then figures that some of them are already on one. Punk says that he was celebrating his superiority over the fans and Jeff Hardy when he was robbed by the evil incarnate himself, the Undertaker.

    We see footage of Taker’s return to the ring and the choke slam on CM Punk after the match.

    Punk says that after all he has been through, he is being forced to compete in a steel cage match. He says that is unfair as we look up at the cage. Punk says that it is bordering on a conspiracy by the higher ups because they fear what they cannot understand. Punk says that he is a pioneer and he makes sacrifices. He is the role model that this world needs. Punk says that he will prove tonight that he is better than Jeff Hardy one more time.

    Speaking of Jeff Hardy, he comes to the ring and he has something to say. Jeff tells Punk that he hopes he enjoys his reign as the Straight Edge World Champion because it ends tonight. Hardy talks about Punk’s high horse of self righteousness. Tonight there are three words that are more important to Hardy and those are steel cage match.

    Punk asks Hardy how intoxicated he is and wonders what Hardy put in his body to get the guts to stand with him in the ring. Punk asks Hardy if he is going to take painkillers to dull the pain of his reality. Punk says that he is sick of the fans booing him. He is sick of seeing children cheering for Jeff Hardy. Punk says that he is fed up with everyone including Hardy. Punk says that one of them doesn’t belong here any more so Punk asks Hardy to take a risk. Punk suggests that the loser get thrown out of WWE. Punk points out that if he loses the fans will never have to listen to the truth. Hardy likes the idea. Punk reminds Hardy that it proves that his lifestyle, skills, and drug free judgment is better than Jeff. Punk says that the fan’s enabler will not be there for them any more.

    Hardy says that it is risky and crazy, but he is on.

    Teddy Long comes out and he tells the playas that it is official. Teddy says that since they are in agreement, they will get what they want. Teddy says the loser of the match will no longer be in the WWE. Teddy talks about what is in store for the winner. The winner will have to defend the title at Breaking Point where the main event matches will be a submission match. The winner will face The Undertaker.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Undertaker will be back next week. WWE will be back in the Phoenix area for Wrestlemania 26 (The real 25th Anniversary).

    Match Number One: John Morrison and Matt Hardy versus The Hart Dynasty with Natalya

    Hardy and Kidd start things off and Kidd with a waist lock but Hardy works on the arm. Matt with a short arm clothesline and Morrison is tagged in. Hardy with a side Russian leg sweep while Morrison with a leg sweep followed by a leg drop. Morrison with a front face lock and Hardy is tagged in and they hit a double back elbow and double fist drop. Matt with a front face lock followed by a forearm to the back. Natalya distracts Matt and that allows Kidd to take advantage. Smith tags in and he punches and kicks Hardy. Smith with a snap mare into a reverse chin lock. Smith tries for a neck breaker but Hardy with an inverted DDT. Morrison tags in and he drops Smith on the top rope and then hits a drop kick and clothesline. Morrison with a leg lariat and then he poses because he can. Morrison with a shooting star press but Kidd breaks it up. Matt throws Kidd out of the ring and then Hardy with a clothesline from the apron. Morrison sends Smith into the turnbuckles and Smith blocks the springboard spin kick. Morrison with a kick followed by the split legged corkscrew moonsault for the three count.
    Winners: Matt Hardy and John Morrison

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and did you know that if you are younger than Vince, you probably watched Smackdown.

    Melina and Maria are in the back and Melina says she needs to get ready for her match. Maria wants everyone to be happy for her. Melina says that she saw Dolph with another woman after Summerslam. Melina says that she does not want to be the one to tell her. Maria tells Melina that she is jealous of her. Dolph walks by as Melina leaves. Dolph asks what is going on and Maria asks Dolph about the woman he was with on Sunday after Summerslam. Dolph says that it was his sister Kristin.

    Match Number Two: Drew McIntyre versus R Truth

    McIntyre attacks Truth as he enters the ring and then McIntyre with knees and a double underhook modified DDT.

    McIntyre gets on the mic and he apologizes for ruining their little party. McIntyre says the fans like seeing someone rapping and dancing to the ring, but the party is over.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Drew McIntyre showing that he is not a fan of rap.

    Michelle McCool comes to the announce table and she is on crutches. Michelle says that she knows that everyone paid good money to watch her wrestle, but after Melina’s attack she has an injured knee. Michelle blames it on Melina and for ruining everyone’s night. Michelle says that she has everything under control and everyone can trust her. Michelle brings out Melina’s opponent, Layla.

    Match Number Two . . . We Really Mean It: Layla versus Melina

    They lock up and Layla with a punch and wrist lock. Melina with a kick and reversal. Melina with a version of a Thesz Press but Melina appears to have hurt her leg. Layla takes advantage of that and she works on the leg. Layla with a very creative clip for a near fall. Layla with forearms but Melina with the Banshee Leg Drop for the three count.
    Winner: Melina

    After the match, Melina goes to the announce table and she pushes Michelle back into her chair and Michelle is down.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time to take a look back at the Summerslam festivities and the ‘celebrities’ who rubbed elbows with WWE superstars.

    We see footage from the Intercontinental Title match at Summerslam.

    Match Number Three: Rey Mysterio versus Kane

    Kane with a kick and forearms. Kane continues to kick Rey near the ropes. Kane with a slam and elbow drop. Kane with a punch in the corner and the referee admonishes him. Rey with kicks and punches but he cannot avoid a clothesline and Kane gets a near fall. Kane with a side slam for a near fall. Kane with a body scissors but Rey with elbows and Kane responds with punches. Kane with a snap mare and drop kick to Rey. Kane with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot from Rey. Rey with a head scissors that sends Kane into the turnbuckles. Rey with a springboard seated splash followed by a tornado DDT for a near fall. Rey comes off the top turnbuckle but Kane with a vintage uppercut for a near fall. Kane catches Rey on a cross body attempt. Kane then sends Rey off on a DDT attempt. Kane charges but Rey with a drop kick to the knee and Kane is sent into the ropes. Rey is grabbed by the throat and then Rey sends Kane into the ropes. Kane goes tot eh floor and Rey comes off the apron but Kane moves and then Kane with a boot to the face. Kane sends Rey into the ring post twice, but the referee told him not to do it and the referee calls for the bell.
    Winner: Rey Mysterio by disqualification

    After the match, Khali comes to the ring and he is followed by Runjin Singh. Khali blocks a punch and then Khali tries for the Punjabi Plunge but Kane goes to the floor. Singh hits Kane with the kendo stick but Kane shakes it off. Khali is able to inflict some pain on Kane as they go to the back.

    Dolph Ziggler comes out and he hits the leaping inverted DDT.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and did you know that they are recycling did you knows about their website?

    We see highlights of MVP and Mark Henry getting their title match at Breaking Point.

    Chris Jericho is on the mic and he says that everyone is looking at the most powerful team in sports today. He says that you don’t win all the time, but you win when you have to. Jericho points out that Floyd Mayweather helped Porter and Henry cheat on Monday night. He says that Porter and Henry will not win at Breaking Point and they will suffer the same fate as Cryme Tyme. Jericho says that they are men of honor and principle. They are men of honesty.

    Match Number Four: Chris Jericho with Big Show versus Shad with JTG

    Shad runs Jericho into the corner and Shad with forearms and kicks. Shad with an Irish whip and then he hits a leaping back elbow into the corner. Shad with a knee lift. Jericho with kicks but Shad with a press slam. Jericho tries for a cross body but Shad catches him and hits a power slam for a near fall but Jericho is pulled out of the ring by Show. JTG attacks Show from behind and Shad joins in.

    Teddy Long’s music plays and he tells the playas at ringside that they are going to have a tag match.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the match has restarted and JTG with a sliding punch to Jericho. JTG follows that with a back breaker for a near fall. JTG with a punch but he misses a charge when Jericho drops down. Show checks on JTG while the referee is with Shad and Jericho. Show with a chop to JTG. Show tags in and he slams JTG. Show works on the leg. Jericho tags back in and he has JTG in a chin lock. Jericho misses a charge into the corner and Shad tags in and he hits clotheslines. Shad with a big boot to Jericho. Show makes the blind tag as Shad hits a side slam. Show with a punch and he gets the three count.
    Winners: Big Show and Chris Jericho

    We see the building where Plaxico Burress became a legend for the Giants and then we see the return of Taker on Summerslam.

    Jeff Hardy is putting the finishing touches on his makeup and Matt wishes him luck against Punk. Matt points out that Jeff has always been a gambler and he respects Jeff. Matt tells Jeff that he will win. Jeff talks about living in the moment.

    Time for cage lowering music because the main event is next. We go to commercial.

    Match Number Five: Jeff Hardy versus CM Punk in a Steel Cage Match where the loser is gone from WWE

    Punk attacks Hardy from behind while Hardy comes to the ring. Punk sends Hardy into the outside of the cage. Punk with a catapult into the cage and Hardy is down. Punk has his shoulder and arm taped up. Punk with a hip toss on the floor followed by a suplex. Punk rolls Hardy into the cage and the door closes and the match begins.

    Punk climbs the cage, but Hardy pulls Punk down. Punk with a kick and snap mare followed by a kick to the back. Punk goes up to the top of the cage again and Hardy pulls him back in. Punk with a kick and suplex. Punk tries a third corner to escape the cage, but hasn’t tried the door yet. Hardy pulls Punk back in one more time but they fight on the top rope and Punk sends Hardy into the top of the cage. Punk gets a near fall. Punk with a snap leg drop but Hardy holds on to Punk’s leg. Punk with punches to Hardy but Hardy punches and kicks Punk. Hardy misses a cross body when Punk ducks and Hardy rolls into the wall of the cage. Punk tries to send Hardy into the cage but Jeff blocks it and he sends Punk into the cage. Hardy with a reverse atomic drop for a near fall. Hardy with Whisper in the Wind and both men are down. Hardy gets a near fall. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Hardy is at the top of the cage but Punk grabs his leg. Hardy with a cross body for a near fall. The cage door is opened but Punk keeps Jeff in the cage. Punk with a catapult but Hardy grabs the cage and he climbs to the top but Punk follows and brings Jeff back inside. They are on the top rope again and Hardy is on top again. Punk with a superplex attempt but Hardy crotches Punk on the top rope. Punk falls to the mat and Hardy with a Swanton. Jeff crawls to make the cover but Punk can kick out. Punk climbs the turnbuckles while Hardy goes for the door. Punk sees Hardy going for the door but Punk brings Hardy back inside the unforgiving steel structure again. Hardy with a mule kick and both men are down again. Hardy with a cross body that sends Punk against the cage. We go to commercial.

    We are back and now it is Punk’s turn to crawl out of the door. Punk has his hands on the floor but that does not count. Hardy pulls Punk back inside. Hardy with punches and Punk with a head butt. We have boo/yay moments and then Punk gets Hardy up for the Go to Sleep but Hardy counters with a backslide for a near fall. Punk with a double underhook into a back breaker for a near fall. Punk gets Hardy up for the Go To Sleep but Hardy counters with a Twist of Fate and the fans try to give Hardy the energy to climb out of the cage. Hardy slowly climbs the turnbuckles and he goes up top. Hardy has one leg over the side of the cage but Punk is able to grab the other leg. Hardy punches Punk and Hardy is now over the cage but Punk holds on to Hardy’s neck and Punk hits a superplex and both men are down.

    Punk climbs the cage this time and he gets to the top of the cage. Hardy joins Punk on top and Hardy tries to keep Punk inside. Punk with a thumb to the eyes and then he pushes Hardy back into the ring and Punk hits the floor.
    Winner: CM Punk

    After the match, Punk goes up the ramp and waves goodbye to Jeff Hardy.

    Jeff is in the ring and he realizes that he has just ended his time in WWE. The fans give Jeff a deserved ovation and Jeff reciprocates. Jeff gets on the mic and he says that he is sorry if he let anyone down. He says that he is sorry that you will be seeing CM Punk instead of him on Smackdown. Jeff says that it has been one hell of a ride. Jeff thanks everyone and he says that this is not goodbye forever. It is just goodbye for now. Jeff says that if the time is right, he will see everyone in the future. He thanks everyone one more time. He says that at least there is a Hardy on the show and Matt is on his side. Jeff leaves the ring . . . for the final time?

    CM Punk comes out and hits Hardy from behind with the title belt.

    2010 - A planned TV taping in Charlotte, NC for MTV2 is canceled by Lucha Libre USA as the promotion is dropped from the network after just seven episodes and a preview special. The event goes on as planned as a live event, featuring the debut of David and Reid Flair, as well as Petey Williams. While the promotion has continued to run shows and tape TV (and has told those working for the company that they will return to MTV2), there has been no sign of another national outlet running the series.

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    Continued ..

    2010 - Smashing Pumpkins' lead singer Billy Corgan, a longtime wrestling fan who did angles for the original ECW and has provided music for TNA in recent years, was involved in an angle where AAA heels invaded the Pumpkins' concert in Mexico City. La Legion Extranjera invaded the concert which was being taped for various MTV networks with Alex Koslov leading the attack on lead singer Billy Corgan on stage. Koslov, Hernandez and Decnis showed up got on the mic and Koslov told Corgan that his music is horrible. They demanded that the Pumpkins stop their concert which Corgan brushed off so they attacked him. Hernandez had him ready for a Border Toss Extreme Tiger, El Mesias, & La Parka Jr. showed up to make the save. This was quite the spectacle. The entire scene continues to air on an MTV World Stage episode that is rotation on cable network Palladium.

    2010 - CMT did a behind the scenes special and "world premiere" showing of Taylor Swift's new music video "Mine". The special featured TNA founder Jeff Jarrett, his three daughters (Jaclyn, Joslyn and Jeryn), and Kyra Angle, the daughter of Karen and Kurt Angle. The video was shot in Maine with Jaclyn Jarrett, playing the role of a young Taylor Swift. She is the middle daughter of Jeff Jarrett and his late wife Jill, who lost her battle with breast cancer in May 2007. I am told that during Jill's battle with cancer, Swift befriended the Jarretts and has remained very close with them.

    2010 - Ring of Honor ran the Big Bang Internet PPV in Charlotte, NC. Larry Goodman filed the following live report from the event:

    Ring of Honor ran the Metrolina Expo Center in Charlotte drawing 450.

    <> If the in-ring product was the deciding factor in such things, ROH would be doing far better at the gate than that. It was an excellent show – well-paced, clever, entertaining – and the execution in the ring was top notch. Crowd was rocking all night long.

    The presentation was basic but totally professional. The crucial things. like lighting and sound were done right. I think it was a different hall than the one NWA Charlotte used at Metrolina last year. The show started right on time and ran just a little over 3 hours.

    Jim Cornette was pumping his first as they played “Locomotive Breath” to start the show.

    (1) El Generico beat Erick Stevens (with Prince Nana) in 8:22. Crowd was blazing hot. Generico was over like crazy. Stevens is in great shape, but there was something different about him with the extra weight. Now, he looks like a roided up Ben Stiller. Generico did all his signature spots and won it with the brainbuster.

    (2) Steve Corino beat Bobby Dempsey. Match went around 10 minutes. Match got over on the strength of Corino’s comedy. He was hilarious, so the match was fine even though the crowd never gave Dempsey a ghost of a chance. After Dempsey bumped ref Paul Turner, Corino went for the chain. Dempsey blocked it, but Corino kicked him low and pinned him with a lariat.

    (3) Necro Butcher (with Prince Nana) beat Grizzly Redwood in 7:24. Freak show match. The people were into seeing Butcher destroy Redwood and he did. When Redwood delivered on a slingshot sunset powerbomb to the floor, it looked like he might have a chance. Butcher, however, shut the door with an uppercut to the chops and the tiger driver.

    (4) ROH TV Champion Eddie Edwards pinned Colt Cabana in a non-title match at 11:43. The crowd was split, but it was clear that they loved both of them. Very entertaining. Cabana did all his wacky stuff. Finish saw Cabana go for the Butt Butt, Edwards countered with a picture perfect O’Connor Roll. Postmatch, they shook hands, which got a great pop. Edwards pointed at the emblem on the mat and said “here” and got a strong “ROH” chant in response.

    (5) Bravado Brothers & Cedric Alexander beat Caleb Konley & Man Scout & Marker Dillinger. Crowd was mellow coming off the intermission but really picked up toward the finish. One of the Bravado Brothers pinned Konley after a combo German suplex deal.

    (6) (1) Roderick Strong beat (3) Kevin Steen (with Steve Corino) in a Pick Six Challenge in 15 minutes. Crowd sensed a juicy story unfolding and settled in for the ride. Steen was nothing but dirty, filthy pond scum. It was great. Corino distracted allowing Steen to go for the chain. Cabana stopped Steen from using it and brawled with Corino. Steen kicked Strong low and was again poised to use the chain, when Generico blew past him with a hilo dive onto Corino. Strong hit the double knee gutbuster on a flustered Steen and pinned him with a superkick.

    (7) In the Tag Team Wars match, Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli with Shane Hagadorn) defeated Briscoe Brothers and All Night Express (Rhett Titus & Kenny King) and Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis & Jon Davis) in Tag Team Wars to retain the titles in a total time of 28:28. Crowd was hot to see Briscoes kick ass. Story was Kings’ craftiness in using the rules to their advantage. First fall was four corners survival. Kings tagged in both Briscoes to force them a face off. Kings strategy backfired when both of them were tagged in and the others teams ran away. It ended with Titus pinning Davis after an All-Night Express combo move to eliminate DCFC at 18:31. Second fall was Texas Tornado rules. Jay bled like crazy - a crimson mask worthy of a Hollywood horror flick. Meanwhile, the other teams took turns beating on Mark. Kings were killing Mark with double teams but he kicked out of everything they could throw at him. It was slightly miraculous. The cooperation between Kings and All Night Express disintegrated. Briscoes destroyed all four of them. Jay pinned Titus after the Doomsday Device. Hero immediately clocked Jay with the rolling elbow to win the match. Crowd felt robbed by the finish, just like it was supposed to happen. Fans chanted “that was awesome” (it was ) and “thank you Briscoes”.

    Cornette did mic work designed to get more heat on Black for refusing to do a title match. It worked. He said the match was signed as non-title before Black’s extracurricular activities came to light and called Richards/Black from Toronto the best match he had seen since Flair/Steamboat in 89. Black said he was feeling frisky, but it was a swerve. Black said he was leaving this shithole and taking the belt with him. Black’s heel stuff was well played. .

    (8) Davey Richards beat ROH Champion Tyler Black via submission in a non-title match in 26:39. A war of attrition. It was the match the ROH fans expect. Incredible effort and athleticism. They could have done half as much and sold it twice as long. .Any other crowd in this area of the country would have been thrilled with much less. Fans were virtually 100% behind Richards. All kinds of anti-WWE crap directed at Black. One sign read “Tyler the NXT jobber”. Richards was taking it to Black had the champion begging off. Black scraped his side and was bleeding a bit. Once that got cranking, both were going a mile a minute. Richards seems to only have the one gear. At one point, they got into a furious exchange of strikes, Black hit a reverse huracanrana and Richards came right back with a brainbuster, and the place exploded. Richards repeatedly popped up on Black’s big moves. Richards was using leg submissions but Black showed no effect from them. Black kicked out of the DR Driver and his own finisher before tapping out to the Cloverleaf.

    Richards said Black could tell his new co-workers that if they wanted real competition they should come down when ROH was in Charlotte.

    NOTES: ROH announced a return date at Metrolina Expo for January 15, 2011…Many people were commenting on their way out that they would be back in January…In attendance were NWA Executive Director Bob Trobich and Kirby Mack.

    2011 - CHIKARA ran Easton, PA. Joshua Higham filed the following live report:

    As Irene made its way to Pennsylvania, Chikara presented the loaded supershow, instead of two shows. A one-night tournament: the 9th annual Young Lions Cup.

    Results from @chikarapro.

    YLC First Round:

    Green Ant defeated Kobald, Will O the Wisp II, and Robbie Eagles, eliminating all three himself.

    YLC First Round:

    Jakob Hammermeier defeated Obariyon (who replaced Wil Maximo), Chase Owens, and Greg Iron. Owens eliminated Obariyon, and Hammermeier defeated Owens and Iron.

    Matt Jackson defeated Johnny Gargano with a 450 splash.

    YLC First Round:

    Archibald Peck defeated Mat Fitchett, Milo Shizo, and MK McKinnan. Peck eliminated Fitchett, McKinnan eliminated Shizo, then Peck defeated McKinnan.

    YLC First Round:

    Tadasuke defeated Mark Andrews, Sean South, and Nick Jackson. Jackson pinned South, and Tadasuke eliminated the other two.

    12 Large Summit:

    Hallowicked pinned Sara Del Rey with La Magistral to get to 4 points.

    12 Large Summit:

    Fire Ant defeated Vin Gerard to get to 4 points.

    YLC Semifinal:

    Green Ant rolls up Jakob Hammermeier for the pin. Tursas attacked Green Ant prior to the match.

    YLC Semifinal:

    Tadasuke defeated Archibald Peck.

    Ultramantis Black pins Pinkie Sanchez with a Praying Mantis Bomb and again challenges Ares.

    Icarus pins Claudio Castagnoli with a handful of tights and his feet on the ropes to get to 4 points.

    The Young Bucks defeat The Batiri (Obariyon and Kodama) after More Bang for Your Buck. The Young Bucks earn their first point, and The Batiri loses theirs.

    YLC Finals:

    Tadasuke defeated Green Ant to become the 15th Young Lions Cup champion.


    The scheduled matches that were cancelled or postponed include: the Countdown Showdown, 12 Large Summit trios match (Eddie Kingston, Mike Quackenbush, and Fire Ant vs. Icarus, Vin Gerard, and Claudio Castagnoli), and the 12 Large Summit match involving Ultramantis Black and Jigsaw.

    Eddie Kingston, Fire Ant, and Green Ant will be heading to Osaka Pro soon. Maybe Green Ant will return with the Young Lions Cup? Or will Tadasuke join Kotoge and Harada when they return in October?

    Updated 12 Large Summit Standings:

    Block A:

    Hallowicked: 4 pts with 2 matches left.

    Sara Del Rey: 4 pts with 2 matches left.

    Mike Quackenbush: 4 pts with 2 matches left.

    Icarus: 4 pts with 2 matches left.

    Claudio Castagnoli: 2 pts with 1 match left.

    Ophidian: 0 pts with 3 matches left.

    Claudio Castagnoli is effectively eliminated from the 12 Large Summit, since every match would have to end in a draw for him to enter into at least a tie at the top of Block A. If anyone but Ophidian wins a match, Claudio is out of contention officially.

    Block B:

    Eddie Kingston: 6 pts with 2 matches left.

    Fire Ant: 4 pts with 2 matches left.

    Vin Gerard: 2 pts with 3 matches left.

    Ultramantis Black: 2 pts with 3 matches left.

    Jigsaw: 0 pts with 3 matches left.

    Brodie Lee: 0 pts with 3 matches left.

    A win by Eddie Kingston will guarantee him finishing with at least a tie at Block B.

    Chikara returns to action in Brockton, MA, and New York City, making their Manhattan debut, in September.

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