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  1. #1
    BANG! bad_meetz_evil's Avatar
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    Default RAW House Show Results - 15th Jan 2006 (Roanoke, Virginia)

    The arena was about 60% full but the crowd was hot all night!

    The night started with Ring Announcer Justin Roberts (I believe that’s his name) coming to the ring and thanking us for coming to the event. A woman than sang the national anthem and it was off to our first match…

    Match 1: Gregory Helms vs. “The 500 Pound Love Machine” Viscera
    Big Vis came out to a good pop. In the beginning there was a game of cat and mouse as Helms ran from Vis! Helms got in a few chops and finally got Vis down to 1 knee. Vis fiought back and went for the splash but Helms gets out of the way! Helms gose to DDT Viscera but he blocks it. As Helms was on his back Big Vis hits the splash followed by his finisher The Sex Drive ( Double Handed chokeslam pin)
    Winner: Viscera

    Coach then comes out and recaps this week in WWE. He says Kurt Angle isn’t here tonight because the Raw superstars don’t want a Smackdown! Champ in their locker room. Coach goes on to tell us about the two main events for tonight and then leaves!

    Match 2: Shelton Benjamin vs. Val Venis
    Before the match Shelton dedicates this match to his Momma! Also Val gives his towel to a lady at ringside. Both men get in some offense. Shelton got showered with Momma’s Boy chants. At one point Val went for the Money Shot but Shelton got up and went to the corner before Val left the top rope. With Shelton in the corner Val ran at him full force only to hit the turnbuckle. Shelton quickly school boyed him with his feet on the ropes for the win!
    Winner: Shelton Benjamin

    Match 3: Chris Cage and Mike Mizanin vs. Gene Snitsky and Tyson Tomko
    Cage and The Miz came down to the ring in matching black jean shorts with high socks. Most of the match was dominated by Snitsky and Tomko who hit power moves on Chris Cage. Finally Miz got the hot tag and took it to Tomko, before Snitsky retured for the double team moves. As Tomko held The Miz for Snitsky’s boot to the face, the Miz ducked and Tomko was hit. Cage pulled Snitsky out of the ring and The Miz pinned Tomko for the victory!
    Winners: Chris Cage and Mike Mizanin

    Match 4: Kane vs. Chris Masters
    Masters got a nice pop, but when Kane came out he got a bigger pop. This was a good back and forth match. Both men hit many powerful moves. Masters went to put Kane in the Masterlock but Kane reversed it into a full nelson slam. Masters regained control of the match but he walked into Kane’s big boot. Kane followed up with a Chokeslam for the win.
    Winner: Kane

    Match 5: Shawn Michaels vs. Carlito
    HBK got a freaking huge ovation. Carlito decided to leave the match as the ref was counting him out. Carlito made it back in when the ref was at 9. This was a very good match that saw many high spots. In the end Carlito hit the Complete Shot for only a 2 count. HBK fought back and picked up the win with the Sweet Chin Music!
    Winner: Shawn Michaels

    We then took a 15 minute intermission, which include the T-Shirt gun!

    Back to the action…

    Trish Stratus, w/ Mickie James vs. Victoria
    Bummer, Torrie nor Candice were at ringside. Trish came out alone but Mickie came out after. Pretty good match, Mickie interfered twice. The second interference cost Victoria the match as she was focused on Mickie, and Trish hit the Chick Kick for the victory. After the match Mickie hugged Trish and they left together.
    Winner and still champ: Trish Stratus

    Match 8: No Disqualification Match
    Triple H vs. The Big Show
    The match began and Triple H ran from The Big Show. Big Show hit multiple head butts on Triple H and he also gave him a vicious military press. Triple H fought back giving Show a DDT and then whacked him with a steel chair. Triple H hit the Pedigree for a 2 count. Big Show retaliated and hit Triple H with the chair. Show then took the stairs and tried to hit Triple H. Triple H struck Show with the chair, and then gave him a chair shot as he was lying face down on the steel stairs. Triple H pinned Show for the victory. After the match Show needed the ref’s help to get up and go backstage.
    Winner: Triple H

    John Cena vs. Edge w/ Lita
    Edge came out first with Lita who was wearing a neckbrace from the FU she received on Raw. Edge cut a promo telling us how he used to be called Mr. Money in the Bank but now he is called The Champ. Lita then spoke but got cut of by John Cena’s entrance music and an INSANE POP FROM THE CROWD. The match stared and Cena was dominating, but his momentum slowed as Lita tripped him up. The ref caught Lita getting involved and ejected her from ringside. Edge followed the ref out of the ring and argued with him. Cena followed and both men fought around the ringside area. Cena attempted the FU but Edge escaped, and accidentally knocked out the ref with his foot. Lita came back to ringside only to get Speared off the apron by Edge as he went for Cena. Edge went to hit Cena with the title but Cena drop toe holded him into it. As the ref came too, Lita low blowed Cena giving him the DQ victory.
    Winner: John Cena by DQ, and still champ Edge

    After the match Cena hits the FU on Edge. Lita helps Edge to the back as Cena thanks the crowd for coming. Cena then made his way around the front row to shake hands and take pictures with the fans as the crowd left.

    Overall a great show with many solid matches! I hope to see the WWE back soon.

    With that said here are the biggest pops of the night and the most heat.

    Biggest pops
    1. John Cena
    2. HBK
    3. Triple H / Kane (Pretty close to me)

    Biggest Heat
    1. Edge / Lita
    2. Gregory Helms
    3. Chris Masters

  2. #2
    I am... McLovin!! Bad Boy's Avatar
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    Muscat, Oman
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    sounds good , Cena always win but by DQ . whats the use ?

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
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    Nice job, thankyou for the results.

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