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  1. #1

    Default Complete EVOLVE 6 Results from New Jersey

    EVOLVE returned to Union City, New Jersey. Ongoing results:

    *Silas Young defeated Drake Younger with a Dumpster Roll into a springboard moonsault to hand Younger his first loss. Younger was visibly frustrated as he made his exit.

    *-AR Fox defeated Tony Nees, Rich Swann and Scott Reed in a four way match. There was one really scary part,when Fox went for some kind of shooting star move to the outside, but undershot and crashed hard on the floor. Fortunately he was okay and able to finish the match.

    -Before the next match, "Larry" came out and took a seat at ringside with a couple of girls

    *Bobby Fish defeated Kyle O'Reilly in an incredibly stiff match that was more MMA fight than wrestling match, as they were killing each other with kicks and submissions. Fish cut a postmatch promo saying he knew he could do it and gives a shoutout to his girls at home.

    *Up In Smoke defeated the Super Smash Bros when Cloudy pinned Player Uno with Code Red, then cut a postmatch promo saying they're 4-0 and 2011 will be their year.

    *Jon Moxley defeated Homicide under relaxed rules when he got Homicide in a crossface chickenwing and the ref stopped the match. Homicide was mad he lost and attacked the ref and then brutally assaulted Moxley. It had to be seen to be believed, Homicide tore Moxley up with a fork, a scalpel, and the ring bell and hammer, and Moxley refused to fight back and kept mocking Homicide for losing and telling him he was going to be suspended. The assault went on for at least ten minutes, basically until Homicide got tired of beating him up.

    *After intermission, Larry Dallas announced he would now be sponsoring wrestlers, and introduced the new backstage interviewer (didn't recognize her) and also his first charge, Chuck Taylor.

    *Ricochet defeated Adam Cole. Crowd was not into this match at all.

    (-Johnny Gargano pinned Jimmy Jacobs by reversing the Contra Code to a rollup for the clean win. Larry Dallas came in and introduced Gargano as his second wrestler. Jimmy told Larry he doesn't belong in wrestling, so Larry offered Reby Sky to Jimmy, but Jimmy expressed his reluctance to risk his health by being with her. She smacked him, so he spanked her

    *In the main event, Austin Aries defeated Chuck Taylor with the Last Chancery. Taylor seemed to visibly dislocate his shoulder and had a lump sticking out for the rest of the match. Aries put Taylor over for his guts and told him he got an education tonight.

    Last edited by Travicity; 11-21-2010 at 05:36 AM.

  2. #2
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    YAY! Up In Smoke Won!

  3. #3


    AR Fox been great in CZW and nice he won here. Mox beat Homicide as well and wonder if he can do it again at COD.

  4. #4
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
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    Thanx for posting Travis!

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