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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - February 16th, 2022

    AEW Dynamite

    This week on DYNAMITE on TBS, Sammy Guevara defends the TNT Championship against former champ Darby Allin. The Inner Circle implodes as Chris Jericho and Jake Hager collide with Santana and Ortiz. “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson goes one-on-one with Lee Moriarty. Mercedes Martinez and Thunder Rosa face off in a No DQ Match. Plus, Wardlow and The Acclaimed’s Max Caster meet to determine who will advance to the Face of the Revolution Ladder Match.

    – We kick tonight’s show off with CM Punk, who is already sitting in the ring ready to go. He says if you don’t know by now, you should…his name is CM Punk. He’s straightedge, he’s drug-free, and he’s alcohol-free, and that means he is better than you. He asks the fans if that sounds familiar. He says inspired people, some who became straightedge, some who even sit like him. Then there’s MJF, who tries to walk and talk like him, but he can’t think like him.

    Punk says you think he’d be mad about losing to MJF, but he’s proud of him. He thinks he is Bret in Calgary, Piper in Portland, and Punk in Chicago, but the fact is he’s shitty little Max from Long Island. He shouts out Jon Moxley for the assist last week, and now he gets to pick the time, date, stipulation for the match.

    CM Punk says the place is AEW Revolution, which leaves us with the match. He says, maybe you put him in a cage, but he’s seen Wardlow and he can climb, and Max could still run away. He says he thought about tough matches he’s had, and when you lose you learn. So he thought about matches where he left pieces of himself in the ring. He thought about Piper in Portland, and he asks MJF if he will be his valentine, as he pulls out a dog collar.

    Punk says these matches take years off your career, so he needs to tell MJF one more thing and he demands that he comes out. MJF comes to the stage, and Punk pulls out a picture of a young MJF meeting him, which Punk says was the greatest day of MJF’s life, and to him it was a Friday. At Revolution, it will be the worst day of MJF’s life, and for him, it will be Sunday. He promises the mat will be stained with MJF’s blood. MJF gets on the microphone, but he just drops it, says nothing, and leaves.

    – Tony Schiavone is backstage and he reveals at Revolution it will be a threeway for the AEW Tag Team Titles. Next week there will be a battle royal, and then a casino battle royal to determine the opponents. Jungle Boy says he loves threeways…and he knows a thing or two about winning battle royals, as he slaps the man he previously beat in one…Christian Cage. However, the wrestling veteran says that things will change in the tag division, but they will remain champions.

    Bryan Danielson vs. Lee Moriarty

    Bryan Danielson wants to shake hands, Lee Moriarty goes for that, but Bryan pulls his hand away instead. The two men then have some mat-based wrestling, but Bryan then slaps Lee across the face. Bryan then locks in a Dragon Sleeper, but Moriarty gets himself out of it, only to be slapped in the face yet again. However, Lee swipes him to the mat and then hits a running kick to the elbow of his opponent.

    Moriarty connects with several uppercuts, and while Bryan then runs and dives back over him in the corner, Moriarty hits another uppercut anyway. However, Danielson is able to tie up his opponent into the ropes and he connects with a series of kicks, and then a sharp knee to the face.

    The two men then trade some shots, with Lee going for several uppercuts before Danielson drops him with just one. Bryan then goes for several pinfalls but Moriarty keeps kicking out, the two men then end up on their heads, locked with their legs just slapping each other. Bryan tries to lock in the LeBell Lock, but Lee gets to the ropes. He then hits a suplex, which sends Danielson flying.

    They then begin exchanging forearm strikes and uppercuts, but Moriarty then nearly steals a win with a backslide. Danielson kicks out and once again slaps Moriarty, but this one fires him up, only for Danielson to hit a rolling elbow. Moriarty continues to fight though, launching Danielson across the ring as he fires down with elbows to the back of the neck.

    Bryan gets out of a submission attempt, and he connects with the Running Knee. However, he doesn’t go for the pinfall. Instead, he stomps down on the head of Lee. He transitions into the Triangle Sleeper and begins flexing, but Moriarty is already knocked out.

    Winner: Bryan Danielson

    – Bryan then gets on the microphone and says he was out here to teach Lee about violence. He wants to know if he passed or failed. Based on the fan response, he says that is why he doesn’t trust the American public with anything. Danielson says he asked Moxley to them up with him, and he wants an answer.

    Moxley comes out and says a decade ago he was like Moriarty. He was like a lot of the AEW kids, he was young and poor and had nothing to lose, and he tried to take down the great American Dragon. Bryan was late due to weather, but he turned up already in his gear and got into the ring and the first time they met was right there.

    Jon says he gave everything he had, but he came up short. But getting a taste of the best made him meaner and made him want it more. Over the years, Moxley had more shots, but each time he came up short, and he says he’s never beaten Bryan Danielson. Moxley says when Bryan turned up, everyone was scared, but he was excited to slay the one dragon he never could. But as it turns out, Bryan doesn’t want to fight, he wants to join forces.

    Moxley heard everything Bryan said, and he admits it could be awesome. They could make a dream team of pure wrestling violence. No matter how hard he tried, Moxley couldn’t think of a single good reason to say no. But then he wonders if the only reason Bryan wants to stand side by side is that he doesn’t want to find himself standing across from Jon Moxley.

    Moxley says Bryan knows he would do to him what he has done to everyone else for three years, and if that’s the case he has already beaten him. Jon asks if he wants to be partners because of what he could create, or if he doesn’t want to be destroyed. Moxley says he’s not saying yes or no, he’ll leave it to Daniel. Moxley says he doesn’t stand side by side with anybody unless he bleeds with them first.

    – Keith Lee is shown backstage, saying this is an instance where you don’t save the best for last, as he will be the face of the revolution. Phase one is done, the ladder match is phase two, and after that, the TNT Title match will be his.

    Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match Qualifier: Wardlow w. Shawn Spears vs. Max Caster w. Anthony Bowens

    Max Caster runs down Nashville hot chicken and calls Wardlow MJF’s b---h boy on his way to the ring. Wardlow kicks off the match by launching Caster across the ring. Outside the ring, he tries to charge into him, but Caster steps aside and he crashes into the stairs. Inside the ring, the two men go back and forth with punches and forearms.

    However, Wardlow then slams him to the ring and looks for the Powerbomb, but Bowens pulls him out of the ring. He then passes the chain to him, and Shawn Spears gets on the apron and starts talking to the official. Wardlow goes for the Powerbomb but gets nailed with the chin, as Caster then follows up with the Mic Drop.

    Despite that, Wardlow kicks out and he then kicks Caster into Bowns who falls off the apron. He connects with the Powerbomb and the symphony begins as he hits another two to win.

    Winner: Wardlow

    After the match, Bowens jumps Wardlow, but Spears doesn’t help at all. However, the big man is able to hit another Powerbomb anyway. After that, Spears gets in with the chair and attacks both men.

    – Tony Schiavone is backstage as Britt Baker tells Mercedes Martinez not to lose, reminding her why she brought her to the company. Martinez says she knows her job, it’s to kill a b---h. John Kreese (Martin Kove) then turns up, and he tells Britt she knows what to do if Mercedes loses, take her out.

    – Tony Schiavone welcomes Hangman Page to the ring and he tries to reflect on last week, but Adam Cole cuts him off. He tells the fans to give Page a warm round of applause. He puts over the match and then tells Tony to get out of his ring. Cole says he has been a World Champion everywhere he has gone, and it’s a shame Page’s run will have to come to an end at some point.

    Page often wondered how Cole felt watching his friends build an empire without him, and how it is looking at his former Bullet Club teammate holding the belt he’ll never hold. Cole says he hasn’t heard The Young Bucks talk about Page in weeks, or The Dark Order. Page says he isn’t perfect, but he doesn’t think Cole has the best record in friendship either. The more Cole talks, the more he thinks this might be Cole’s biggest regret.

    Cole says Page has become an unbelievable wrestler and champion. But now he is here, and now he is, or anytime they’ve been in a promotion together, he’s always been known as the, ‘other Adam.’ This leads to Hangman putting down the title and microphone, but Cole says he has nothing but love, respect, and admiration for him. He would be the guy he wants to share the ring with most in AEW, and he says someday they’ll fight for that title man to man. He says when it happens, may the best man win, and they shake hands.

    However, as Cole walks away, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly jump the champion and Cole then returns and joins in. Security all ends up breaking up the fight as The Dark Order hits the ring. 10 then clears out all of the security as the groups stare each other down.

    Chris Jericho & Jake Hager vs. Santana & Ortiz

    The four men go face to face, but before anybody wrestles…Eddie Kingston makes his way out and goes to the corner of Santana and Ortiz. Inside the ring, Santana and Chris Jericho go back and forth until Jericho gets clotheslined as Santana then attacks Jericho in the corner with a splash. He then starts throwing some big chops and a dropkick down to the back of Chris from the second rope.

    Ortiz tags in and the duo work several double team moves. Ortiz then gets planted down to the mat and that allows Jake Hager to tag in, as they hit a double shoulder tackle to him. Ortiz tries to throw forearms to Hager, but he drops him both times with bigger shots. Ortiz looks to work the knee, but he follows up with a belly-to-belly throw and then a Hager Bomb.

    Jericho and Hage maintain control with frequent tags. Chris hits 10 clotheslines in the corner and then pushes him down onto the middle rope. Santana and Hager both come in, and Santana is able to showcase his aggression, dropping the bigger man down with a focus on the knee, but he then runs into the Codebreaker and then the slam by Hager, but Santana kicks out!

    Jericho tags in as Hager is sent to the outside, and he is able to hit a running bulldog. He aims for the lionsault, but Ortiz grabs him on the ropes and Santana then slams him down to the mat, while Ortiz nails Hager on the floor. They hit the Street Sweeper, but Jericho kicks out! Chris then showcases his intelligence by locking in the Liontamer to Santana as a reversal, but he makes it to the ropes. Kingston gets onto the apron, but Jericho springboards and dropkicks him.

    Jericho looks for the Judas Effect but misses, and Ortiz catches him with a strike of his own ad Santana then nails a discus clothesline for the win.

    Winners: Santana & Ortiz

    – The Cutler Cam takes place, and The Young Bucks say they’ve been there done that when it comes to beating up Hangman. Cole tells the two teams to stop arguing. The Bucks and ReDragon argue about which team will win the battle royals. Cole tells them to get on the same page. Both teams end up walking out in different directions, leaving Cole alone.

    NoDQ Match: Mercedes Martinez vs. Thunder Rosa

    Mercedes Martinez appears with a chair, while Thunder Rosa has a chair as she’s dressed as Kill Bill. Thunder smashes the pipe away and then hits her with the chair as the match gets underway. This one then spills to the outside as they brawl into the crowd, crashing through the barricade.

    Rosa slams her into the metal guard rail that separates the fans and she then climbs it and drops down onto her. Martinez then fights back with a suplex onto the barricade that was already crashed down. Martinez then gets a pile of chairs and a trash can, but Rosa hits a Stunner to regain control.

    She then sets a table outside the ring, it is broken so Thunder has to prop it onto the ring apron. The two brawl on the apron and Martinez hits a Fisherman Buster as they slide down the table and it snaps at the bottom. Mercedes then attacks her with a chair several times. Back in the ring, Thunder Rosa hits a hurricanrana from the top rope and she then launches a trash can at her. Rosa puts her in a can and then nails a dropkick, but Martinez uses a rope break to stay in the encounter.

    Rosa goes to the top rope, but Martinez rocks her with two shots with a trash can lid. Shen then hits a spider German suplex from the top turnbuckle. She follows that with an Elbow Drop, but Rosa kicks out. Thunder fights back with a crucifix bomb, and then the Thunder Driver onto the pile of chairs for the win.

    Winner: Thunder Rosa

    – After the match the two women show some respect as Britt Baker and her crew head down to the ring, and they attack Thunder Rosa. They hold her down and give Mercedes the pipe, but they then jump her as well.

    – A video package is then shown about the House Of Black with Malakai explaining violence. Brody asks who they are waiting for as someone knocks on the door. Black says history.

    – Jay White is then shown saying everyone is talking about him, and if Kenny Omega would have stayed in New Japan, there’d have been no AEW. H says it is still his era.

    TNT Championship Match: Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Darby Allin

    The two men shake hands to kickstart the match and then get down to business. After a feeling-out process, they pick up the pace, with a nice dropkick from Darby. They head to the top rope and Guevara nails a huge kick to the face. He then leaps up with Darby on his shoulders, letting go as he bounces off the top ropes and then out to the floor.

    Back in the ring, Sammy hands up Darby on the top rope and then hits a senton, which sends the challenges bouncing to the floor again. The champion then stays in control, holding Allin in between the turnbuckles, hitting a stomp as he then slams him down. Guevara goes for a moonsault press and misses, but lands on his feet and jams his knee.

    He comes in with a chop to Darby and then launches him hard across the ring into the turnbuckles repeatedly. He goes again but Allin reverses, sending Sammyinto the top turnbuckle head-first. He follows up with Coffin Splashes and then a chop block to the knee as he focuses his attack on that area.

    Allin hangs up Sammy on the top rope by his injured knee, just yanking down on the area. He then goes for a single-leg crab, but Guevara hits a headbutt and then a Spanish Fly, but Darby kicks out. Sammy then bounces off the ropes, but Darby reads it and brings him down into a figure four submission. They then revere it back and forth, with the two men then slapping each other until they break the hold.

    Guevara charges in with a knee strike but he misses and it smashes into the top turnbuckle. The champion looks for the GTH, but Allin reverses with a pinning attempt but Sammy kicks out only to eat a Stunner. Allin then dives through the bottom two ropes but he eats an amazing cutter upon impact!

    Sammy then sets Darby on the ring apron and Guevara goes for a Senton, but the challenger moves and he crashes and burns. Allin looks for a Coffin Drop, but Andrade’s assistant Jose appears with a distraction. This leads to Sting appearing to level the playing field. Andrade then appears and smashes him in the face with a tablet, and Sammy shrugs his shoulders to hit the GTH and retain.

    Winner: Sammy Guevara

    After the match, Matt Hardy then hits the ring and starts beating down on Darby. Sammy goes for the save, but Andrade drops him from behind and then poses with the TNT Titles to end the show.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Thank you for LC Kemo.

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