"Hardcore" Nick Gage, real name Nick Wilson, is being sought by New Jersey authorities after surveillance cameras caught Gage leaving a Collingswood, New Jersey PNC Bnk on 12/22 after he allegedly handed a female bank teller a note demanding money under the threat of shooting her with a gun.

Gage allegedly escaped on foot with $3,000.

Gage, 30, a regular with Combat Zone Wrestling since its inception, lost the promotion's Ultraviolent Underground championship to Big Japan's Yuko Miyamoto on 12/13 at the promotion's Cage of Death in Philadelphia. He's easily the most popular performer in the company based on crowd reactions and has competed in just about every major event in CZW history. His connection to "Ultraviolent" wrestling was played up in the article.

Gage's alleged involvement in the heist was well known within the local wrestling community in the last week after the local media displayed the bank surveillance photo that captured his face as he exited the bank.

An arrest warrant was issued today. Bail, should Gage be arrested, has been set at $150,000 cash.