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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Wrestlemania XXVI' LIVE Coverage (2010)


    WWE Championship Match
    Batista (c) vs. John Cena

    World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

    The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

    Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon

    Money in the Bank Ladder Match
    Christian vs. Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston

    Unified Tag Team Championship Match
    Big Show & The Miz (c) vs. John Morrison & R-Truth

    Triple H vs. Sheamus

    Triple Threat Match
    Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes

    CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

    10-Diva Tag Team Match
    Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Eve, Gail Kim & Beth Phoenix vs. Women’s Champion Michelle McCool, Divas Champion Maryse, Layla, Alicia Fox & Vickie


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    Wrestlemania XXVI LIVE Coverage

    Dark Match
    Yoshi Tatsu wins a 25 Man Battle Royal with Mark Henry, Cryme Tyme, Goldust, Santino Marella, Primo, Funaki, Jimmy Yang, Slam Master J, Chris Masters, Kozlov, Finlay, William Regal, Luke Gallows, Carlito, Tyler Reks, Zach Ryder, Vance Archer, Mike Knox, Croft and Baretta, The Hart Dynasty and the Great Khali. The NXT rookies watched the match from the stage. Shad Gaspard actually tossed out his own partner, JTG.

    The Show
    The show opened with a flyover, and Fantasia singing "America The Beautiful." We then had a really cool opening video, spotlighting different matches on the card and ending with The Undertaker.

    Michael Cole welcomed us to the show, and said there were more then 70,000 fans in attendance. Cole, Jerry Lawler and Matt Striker will be the announce team for the show. The Spanish announcers, Carlos Cabrera and Hugo Savinovich are back at ringside for the show.

    Unified Tag Team Championship Match
    WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Miz & Big Show vs. R-Truth & John Morrison.

    R-Truth did his full entrance, then Morrison did his, while Big Show and The Miz entered together.

    Morrison and Miz started off, with Miz hitting a back elbow, but Morrison catching him with a dropkick for a two count. Morrison slammed Miz and tagged in Truth. Morrison legdropped Miz on the mat, while Truth followed with a top rope legdrop for two. Truth hit a side kick, and Miz tagged out to Big Show. Truth went for a bodyblock, but Show caught it and hit a fallaway slam. Show hit a shot to the body, then shoved Morrison off the apron. Show chopped Truth to the mat, then went to the second rope, but Morrison got back on the apron and kicked Show in the head. Show crashed to the mat, then crawled over to tag Miz. Morrison tagged in and hit Miz with a kick and a flapjack. Miz went for a sunset flip, but Morrison rolled through it and hit a running knee to the head. Morrison went for Starship Pain, but Show pulled Miz out of the way and to the floor. Morrison crashed to the mat.

    R-Truth went for a pescado, but Show caught it and rammed him into the ringpost. In the ring, Miz went for the Skull Crushing Finale on Morrison, but Morrison blocked it and and rolled up Miz for a two count. Big Show made a blind tag off of Miz. Morrison, not knowing it happened, ducked a Miz clothesline and went for the Flying Chuck kick. As Morrison jumped on the ropes, Big Show caught him with a right hand from the apron. Big Show got in the ring and pinned Morrison at the four minute mark.

    Winners: Big Show & The Miz

    A video package on the different events that have taken place this weekend in Arizona was shown including the golf tournament, art auction, Axxess, and the reading challenge.

    Triple Threat Match
    Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase

    Ted DiBiase entered first, then Cody Rhodes, then Randy Orton. Rhodes and DiBiase stood together while Orton was making his way to the ring, discussing strategy.

    DiBiase and Rhodes tried to corner Orton, who tried to keep his space while throwing a forearm at DiBiase and a kick at Rhodes. Orton went in and out of the ring, getting Cody to follow. Orton hit DiBiase with a clothesline, then knocked Rhodes out of the ring as he got in. Orton kicked DiBiase, then dropkicked Rhodes. DiBiase caught Orton with a dropkick, and then the double team began with Rhodes and DiBiase stomping Orton down. Rhodes and DiBiase trash talked Orton, then took turns holding him with the other punched him. Orton tried to fight back, but was given a double vertical suplex.

    DiBiase and Rhodes taunted Orton, then kicked him down in a corner. They whipped Orton into a corner, and Orton came out swinging, until DiBiase nailed him with a clothesline. DiBiase hit Orton with another clothesline while Rhodes clipped Orton' leg. Rhodes gave Orton a kneedrop, then went to climb the ropes. While he did that, DiBiase tried to make a cover. Rhodes broke it up, and the two argued. Rhodes threw DiBiase out of the ring and hit the Alabama Slam. Rhodes covered, and DiBiase broke it up. They argued, and DiBiase slugged Rhodes. Rhodes responded by tackling DiBiase, and they rolled to the floor and brawled.

    Rhodes and DiBiase rolled back in and kept punching. They two realized Orton was getting up, so they stopped fighting and charged him. Orton backdropped DiBiase, slugged Rhodes, then gave DiBiase and Rhodes each a powerslam. DiBiase rolled out of the ring, and Orton gave Rhodes a side backbreaker. The fans chanted for an "RKO" and Orton measured Rhodes for it, but DiBiase pulled him out of the ring. DiBiase and Orton slugged it out on the floor, and Rhodes went for a pescado. Orton moved, and Rhodes landed on DiBiase.

    Orton rolled back into the ring, and DiBiase got on the apron. Orton kicked him and grabbed his head. Rhodes got on the apron as well, and Orton kicked him. Orton grabbed Rhodes and DiBiase and hit a double elevated DDT with both men hanging off the ropes. Orton kicked DiBiase out of the ring, and began measuring Rhodes for an RKO. Orton then changed his mind, and instead lined up for a punt. Orton punted Rhodes in the head. DiBiase got in the ring, grabbed Orton from behind and went for Dream Street. Orton armdragged out of it, hit DiBiase with the RKO and got the pin on DiBiase at the nine minute mark.

    Winner: Randy Orton.

    Josh Mathews interviewed Vickie Guerrero, who was accompanied by her partners.

    Josh gave her a grandiose introduction, then asked her "Is that what you wanted?" Vickie talked about it being her first Wrestlemania match, and how she would create a moment in history that would last forever. She then brought in Jillian Hall, who sang "Simply The Best" which only Vickie seemed to enjoy. Team Guerrero left, and Santino Marella walked in. Santino plugged Slim Jim, and said "Anything is possible when you bite into a Slim Jim" and he bit into one. Jillian "transformed" into Mae Young, who kissed Santino.

    Santino bit again, and Mae turned into Mean Gene Okerlund... in a dress. Santino bit one more time, and Gene turned into Melina.

    Melina said "Well, anything is possible" and walked off with Santino.

    Money In The Bank Match
    Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Evan Bourne vs. Matt Hardy vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston.

    Order of entry was Kofi Kingston, MVP, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Shelton Benjamin, Matt Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane and finally Christian. I'll do my best to cover the big spots here, obviously, there will be a lot going on. There were some huge ladders (in terms of width, not just height) in the aisle.

    Everyone started brawling at the bell, with a lot of the combatants going to the floor almost immediately. McIntyre was left alone in the ring, and as MVP tried to get a ladder in, McIntyre grabbed it and began climbing. Matt Hardy stopped him, and along with Hardy and Bourne, knocked him out of the ring. There was a race up the ladder, with several people trying to race up it. Evan Bourne almost reached the case, but Kane pulled him down and tossed him from the ring onto Benjamin. Hardy and Swagger climbed the ladder, but Kofi toppled it and sent them down. Christian threw a ladder at Hardy and Swagger in a corner, then monkey flipped Kofi into the ladder.

    Christian climbed a ladder, but Ziggler pulled him off with a Zig Zag. Ziggler climbed a ladder, but MVP pulled him down. MVP then climbed, but Kane stopped him and was setting for a chokeslam. Benjamin and Kofi hit Kane with ladders. MVP, Kofi and Benjamin worked on Kane, but Kane powerbombed Kofi into a ladder. MVP kicked Kane from the ring. Benjamin gave MVP Paydirt. Shelton gave McIntyre a baseball slide kick as he tried to bring another ladder in the ring. Shelton climbed a ladder, but Swagger used another ladder to knock him down. Swagger used a ladder to knock several people off the apron, until Bourne came off the top rope with a flying knee on Swagger.

    Bourne and Swagger fought under a ladder, while Matt Hardy and Christian got more ladders. Swagger got sandwiched between ladders by Christian and Hardy. Christian and Hardy bridged two ladders on the one that was standing and climbed up, where Bourne joined them. Matt was knocked off, then Bourne kicked Christian off. Bourne gave Christian Air Bourne off the ladder. Bourne climbed up, but Matt met hum at the top, Matt gave Bourne a hip toss off the top of the ladder. Swagger climbed up and shoved Hardy off the ladder onto the remaining ladder that was still bridged to the one that was set up.

    MVP and Benjamin cleared out the excess ladders, and both climbed the standing ladder. Benjamin knocked MVP to the mat, but MVP got up and grabbed Benjamin for a powerbomb. Benjamin turned it into a rana, and both men fell to the floor. Kane wiped out MVP and Benjamin with a ladder on the floor. Kane got in the ring and began climbing. Dolph jumped in the ring and climbed over Kane to get ahead of him on the ladder. Kane toppled the ladder to knock Dolph down, then threw a ladder at him, but Ziggler ducked it. Kane punched Ziggler, then chokeslammed him on the ladder that Kofi was bringing in the ring. Kane put Ziggler between the halves of a ladder and repeatedly slammed it closed on him. Kane tore the ladder in half, but Kofi kicked him and sent him from the ring. Kofi took the broken ladder, and used it like stilts to walk to the center of the ring. Great spot. Kofi began climbing the halves, but McIntyre broke it up and sent Kofi from the ring.

    McIntyre grabbed a new ladder and climbed up. Hardy got in and the two of them slugged it out near the top of the ladder. McIntyre knocked him off, but Matt toppled the ladder and McIntyre got crotched on the top rope and fell to the floor. Matt climbed the ladder, but Kane came in with another ladder. Matt kept kicked Kane back into the corner. Christian got in, and rode one ladder out of the corner to land next to Hardy. Christian and Hardy were now on top of two ladders, fighting it out. Kane climbed up, but Hardy and Christian knocked him down. Hardy teased a Twist Of Fate on Christian off the ladder, but Christian blocked it and gave Hardy a reverse DDT off the ladder. Christian climbed the two ladders, with Jack Swagger toppling one of them, then climbing up the other to stop Christian. Jack Swagger used the hanging briefcase to hit Christian and knocked Christian off the ladder. Swagger, with a great deal of difficulty, unhooked the briefcase for the win at the 14-minute mark.

    Winner: Jack Swagger.

    A video package on last night's Hall Of Fame ceremony was shown.

    Howard Finkel was then shown in the ring, and introduced the Hall Of Fame Class of 2010, who all came out on the stage. Stu Hart was represented by the Hart family, minus Bret. Mad Dog Vachon mugged from his wheelchair, like he used to in his interviews. He was accompanied by one Bella Twin, while the other escorted Gorgeous George's ex-wife, Betty Wagner. Ted DiBiase was introduced last, to the biggest reaction.

    A video package on the events leading to Triple H vs. Sheamus was shown. When recapping Triple H's promo on Raw about how he was crushed at his first Wrestlemania, they showed clips of the Ultimate Warrior squashing him, followed by clips of Triple H's subsequent Wrestlemania matches.

    Triple H vs. Sheamus.

    The announcers focused on this being Sheamus' first Wrestlemania during his entrance. Triple H's entrance included a barrage of green laser lights. They opened the roof for Triple H's entrance, as he had pyro going off from the top of the lighting grid into the sky.

    They locked up at the bell, and Sheamus shoved Triple H in the corner and yelled "I'm the future" at Triple H. They locked up again, and Triple H slapped Sheamus in a corner. Triple H hit some right hands, then teased a Pedigree, but Sheamus crawled away quickly. Triple H gestured that he almost had Sheamus. Triple H hit a clothesline and a vertical suplex, then did a crotch chop before hitting a kneedrop. Sheamus rolled from the ring, and Triple H followed, ramming him into the security wall. Back in the ring, Triple H hit a chop block, then applied a figure four leglock, while the fans yelled "Whoo!" and Michael Cole mentioned Ric Flair being Triple H's mentor. Sheamus made the ropes for a break, then rolled to the floor.

    Triple H went after him, and Sheamus managed to shove Triple H into the ringsteps. Sheamus stretched out his leg, then went back after Triple H, ramming him into the security wall. Back in the ring, Triple H threw a right hand, but Sheamus took it and came back with a uranage into a backbreaker. Sheamus hit a second, then delivered a series of knees and kicks in the corner to a downed Triple H. They slugged it out a bit, then Sheamus hit a double ax handle for a two count. Sheamus delivered a knee to the back and an elbow to the head, then punched Triple H on the mat and got a two count. Sheamus applied a crossface, and drove his knee into Triple H's back. Sheamus hit an over-the-shoulder powerslam for a two count, then went into an armbar.

    Triple H got to his feet as Sheamus switched to a chinlock. Triple H used a back suplex to escape, then booted Sheamus in the face twice as the latter charged at him. Sheamus went for a slam, but Triple H floated over and hit a DDT. They traded punches, with the crowd cheering for HHH's punches. Triple H went for a backdrop, but Sheamus kicked it away. Triple H responded with a jumping knee and a facebuster on the knee for a two count. Triple H went for a Pedigree, but Sheamus tripped him. Triple H kicked Sheamus away, and Sheamus slammed into a corner. Triple H hit a reverse neckbreaker, then set up for a superplex. Sheamus slid under it and went to pull Triple H off into a crucifix bomb. Triple H slid out of it. Sheamus went for a pump kick, but Triple H ducked it. Triple H went for a Pedigree, but Sheamus backdropped out of it. Sheamus hit the pump kick, but Triple H kicked out at two.

    There was a chant for Triple H. Sheamus went for a powerbomb, but Triple H fought out of it and hit a spinebuster for a near fall. Both men were slow to get up, and Sheamus went to the ring apron. Sheamus punched Triple H as he went after him, and hit the pump kick while standing on the apron. Sheamus collapsed into the ring, and was slow to get up. Sheamus lifted up Triple H, who was dead weight. Sheamus struggled, and as he pulled Triple H up, Triple H suddenly grabbed Sheamus and hit the Pedigree for the pin at the 12-minute mark. Triple H was playing possum.

    Winner: Triple H.

    A video package on the events leading to CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio was shown.

    If Mysterio loses, he has to join Punk's Straight Edge Society.
    CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

    CM Punk came out first, accompanied by Serena and Luke Gallows. Punk had a mic, and ragged on the crowd for being "so hopped up on hallucinogenic drugs, they think Rey Mysterio is a superhero." Punk said he is seen as a monster, but he is a savior, and he will save Rey Mysterio. Punk said after he beats Mysterio, all of the fans will choose him as their savior. CM Punk had trunks designed with a logo similar to the old G.I. Joe comic book logo with his name on it. Mysterio had an Avatar outfit this year, complete with braided hair coming off his mask.

    Luke and Serena teased coming into the ring almost immediately, distracting Rey and allowing Punk to attack him. Rey countered by giving Punk a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles. Rey went to the ropes, but Punk grabbed him and put him in a Tree of Woe. Serena choked Rey while the referee wasn't looking. Punk went for a baseball slide, but Rey sat up and Punk crotched himself on the ringpost. Rey tried to kick Punk from the ring apron while Punk was on the floor, but Punk grabbed him and slammed Rey face first into the ring steps. Rey crawled into the ring at the count of nine and Punk mauled him with punches for a two count.

    Punk put Rey in a sleeperhold, but Rey elbowed out and kicked Punk's leg. Punk blocked a Mysterio leapfrog and tossed him to the apron. Rey kicked Punk then hit a springboard senton. Rey then went for a springboard bodypress, but Punk twisted it into a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Rey rolled through a sunset flip attempt, and went for a kick, but Punk ducked it. Rey went for a rana, but Punk threw it away and hit a kick to Rey's head for a pair of two counts. Punk got on top of Rey in a test of strength, but Rey got up, jumped onto the top rope, and flipped off into a nasty DDT for a two count. Rey dropkicked Punk into 619, position, but Punk caught it and set up for the GTS. Rey fought out of it, and went for a springboard moonsault, but Punk caught that and teased a GTS again. Rey fought out of it and kicked Punk in the head. Rey went to the top rope, and did the old Eddie Guerrero shimmy, but missed a frog splash. Punk covered Rey for a two count.

    Punk hit a jumping knee in a corner, but Rey shoved off the attempted bulldog. Punk kicked Rey and went for a powerbomb, but Rey armdragged out of it and set up Punk for a 619. Serena covered Punk so Rey wouldn't do it, but Rey went to run the ropes anyway. However, Gallows was standing on the opposite apron, so Rey stopped in his tracks. Punk grabbed Rey from behind and went for a GTS, but Rey turned it into a rana, sending Punk into the midsection of Gallows, knocking him off the apron. Rey nailed Punk with the 619 and then followed it with a springboard splash for the win at the seven minute mark.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio.

    video package on the events leading to Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon was shown.

    No Holds Barred Match
    Vince McMahon vs. Bret Hart

    Bret Hart entered first, wearing jean shorts, a Hitman T-shirt, and his trademark leather jacket and sunglasses. Vince McMahon then came out in his usual wrestling gear, with a microphone. Vince said that Bret was in "his ring" and in "his greatest creation" and that Bret was about to get a huge "screwing" tonight. Vince said he went to great expense to bring in a whole punch of lumberjacks and a special referee. Vince said "Bret screwed Bret" and "Vince screwed Bret" and now "Bret's entire family screwed Bret." Out came the Hart Dynasty, in their gear, and the rest of the Hart family. The Hart family then accompanied Vince to the ring. The announcers speculated that Vince brought off the entire Hart Family.

    The Hart family surrounded the ring, and Vince entered.

    Bruce Hart got in the ring, and took off his jacket and shirt to reveal a referee's shirt. Bruce then hugged Vince while the Harts at ringside applauded. Bret got on the mic and said he couldn't believe the whole family agreed to this. Bret said "What's done is done" but is sure that since they were Harts, they all got paid up front and already cashed the checks. Bret then revealed that one thing he learned from Montreal is how to have a good double-cross. Bret revealed that the family came to him with Vince's plan, and that the family was stronger than ever. Bruce hugged Bret, and Vince realized he was now surrounded by Harts. Bret punched Vince and slugged him to the mat. Bret then choked Vince against the bottom rope.Vince was sent to the floor, and the Harts beat up on him, punctuated by Natalya slapping him. Vince stumbled up the aisle, where the Hart Dynasty stomped him. They worked over Vince, and David Hart Smith lifted up Vince on the floor. Tyson Kidd jumped off the top rope and dove to the floor, hitting Vince with a Hart Attack clothesline.

    Vince was rolled into the ring, and Bret went to work on Vince's leg, dropping his weight on it. Bret dropped a pair of elbows. Vince rolled out of the ring again, and tried to crawl under the ring. The Harts pulled up back out, but Vince had a crowbar. Vince used the crowbar to keep the Harts at bay, and got back into the ring. Vince got in the ring and tried to hit Bret with it, but Bret ducked it and knocked Vince down. Bruce tossed the crowbar out of the ring. Bret hit Vince with some elbows, and Tyson Kidd handed Bret the crowbar. Bret hit Vince in the shoulder and back with it. Bret yelled for Vince to get up, and as Vince did, Bret blasted him in the back with it. Bret hit Vince in the throat with it, then drove it into his throat again.

    Bret grabbed Vince's legs, and the crowd came alive. Bret started to apply the sharpshooter, then stopped. Bret picked up the crowbar and hit Vince in the back with it a few more times. Bret again teased the Sharpshooter, and instead kicked Vince in the nads. Bret stomped on Vince's crotch a second time, and then stomped him repeatedly. Bret just kept stomping Vince, and David Hart Smith slid a chair into the ring. Bret Hart sat down in the chair and watched Vince struggling to crawl on the mat. Bret pretended to look at his watch. Vince managed to get up, and Bret rose up and picked up the chair. Bret slammed Vince with a chair shot across the back, then a second. Fans at ringside asked for one more, and Bret obliged them with a series of chairshots to the back and side. The chair got bent from all the shots. Striker speculated that it was "13 chairshots for thirteen years of frustration". Bret drove the chair into Vince's legs, then blasted him with more chairshots.

    Bret grabbed Vince's legs, and slowly, applied the Sharpshooter to an ovation. Vince McMahon tapped out immediately, and Bruce called for the bell at the eleven minute mark to end the mauling, er, match. It was just Vince getting beat up the whole time.

    Winner: Bret Hart.

    After the match

    Bret Hart kept the Sharpshooter on for a little longer, then after he let it go, he stood on Vince's back as he walked around the ring. The Hart Family came into the ring to celebrate with Bret.

    They advertised Wrestlemania XXVII

    They announced the attendance of tonights PPV and let off a few fireworks.

    They showed a video package of the lead up to tonights match between Jericho and Edge.

    World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

    Jericho entered first, then Edge, then they did the "big match" style introductions.

    They locked up at the bell and traded reversals, with Jericho grabbing a side headlock. Jericho hit a shoulderblock and raised his arm in victory. Jericho dodged some clotheslines, but Edge hit a shoulderblock and worked over Jericho in a corner. Jericho came back with shots of his own and slapped Edge across the back of the head before hitting forearms in the corner. Edge reversed a whip into the corner and hit a flapjack. Edge measured Jericho for a spear, but Jericho rolled to the floor. Edge went out after him and slammed Jericho into the announcers table, then tossed him back into the ring. As Edge went to get in, Jericho kicked him, then used a baseball slide kick to send Edge to the floor. Jericho posed victoriously in the ring.

    Jericho attacked Edge as he crawled in and gave him a catapult into the bottom rope. Jericho hit Edge with a back suplex and then applied a chinlock. Edge fought to his feet, but Jericho threw him down to the mat by his hair. Jericho stomped Edge, then slapped him across the head twice. Jericho hit Edge with some shoulderblocks in a corner, then slapped him. Jericho went for a charge, but Edge moved and Jericho went shoulder first into the ringpost. Edge hit some right hands, then hit a spinkick. Edge went for a backdrop, but Jericho blocked it and threw Edge gut first across the top rope. Jericho went for a springboard dropkick on Edge on the apron, but Edge moved. Jericho landed on the apron, and Edge shoved him off to the floor. Edge then dove off the apron onto Jericho with a clothesline on the floor.

    Edge tossed Jericho back in the ring and went to the top rope. Jericho met him there, and they battled on the ropes. Edge ended up pulling Jericho to the mat with a sitdown gourdbuster off the middle rope for a two count. Jericho tripped Edge, but Edge kicked him away. Edge slid out of the ring and tripped Jericho to the mat. Edge went to the top rope for a flying bodypress, but Jericho rolled through it for a two count. Jericho went for the Walls Of Jericho, but Edge twisted his legs and sent Jericho to the mat. Edge hit a sunset flip off the ropes, and they traded reversals off it until Jericho rolled through and kicked Edge in the head. Jericho measured Edge for a Codebreaker, but Edge caught it and tossed Jericho into the corner.

    Edge set up for the spear, but Jericho dove over it and hooked Edge's legs, rolling right into the Walls Of Jericho. Edge managed to pull himself under Jericho and grab a small package for a two count. Jericho hit a back elbow and went for a Lionsault. Edge rolled out of the way, Jericho landed on his feet, and Edge pulled Jericho to the mat with a reverse facebuster for two. Jericho hit an enzugiri for a two count. Jericho set up for his bulldog, but Edge kicked Jericho in the gut and hit the Impaler DDT for a two count. Jericho kicked a charging Edge, then hit a flying forearm to the back of Edge's head. Jericho paused for a moment, then smiled. Jericho measured Edge for a spear, and as he charged, Edge kicked him in the face. Edge then measured Jericho for a spear, as the crowd chanted for it. Edge went for the spear, but Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker.

    Jericho crawled onto Edge for a cover, but Edge kicked out at two. Jericho went for another cover, but Edge kicked out again. Jericho kicked Edge's bad ankle, then yelled at him to stay down. Jericho stomped the ankle, then did it again. Jericho missed a third stomp, and Edge tried to throw some punches, but Jericho tripped him and applied the Walls Of Jericho. Edge struggled in the hold, and as he almost had the ropes, Jericho pulled him back into the middle of the ring. Jericho switched to a single leg crab, focusing on the bad leg. Edge struggled, and finally made the ropes for a break. Jericho pulled Edge back toward him by the leg, and Edge managed a victory roll for a two count. Edge then charged Jericho with a clothesline, and they tumbled over the top rope and to the floor.

    Jericho grabbed the title belt, but Edge hit him, and they made their way back to the apron. Edge got in the ring, and Jericho hit him from the apron, sending Edge into the referee. The ref was only down for a moment, but it allowed Jericho to scoop up the championship and hit Edge with the title belt. Jericho covered Edge, and the referee counted, but Edge barely kicked out at two. Jericho measured Edge, then hit the Codebreaker for the pin at the sixteen minute mark.

    Winner: Chris Jericho.

    After the match
    Jericho went after Edge's leg, planning to ram it into the post, but Edge kicked him away. Edge rammed Jericho into the announcers table. Edge ripped the top off the announcers tables and put Jericho on one of them.

    Edge ran across one table, leaped, and speared Jericho off the other table and through the ringside barricade. Edge actually seemed to get a mixed reaction as he got back in the ring.

    The announcers discussed the battle royal that was held before the PPV went on the air. They showed clips of Great Khali being eliminated by a group of men, Shad being tossed by William Regal, and then Regal being eliminated by Finlay. They showed Zack Ryder eliminating Mike Knox and Finlay. It came down to Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder, with Tatsu getting the win.

    Divas Tag Team Match
    Eve Torres, Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim & Mickie James vs. Alicia Fox, Vickie Guerrero, Maryse, Layla & Michelle McCool.

    Both teams entered as a unit, no individual entrances. Vickie has "Excuse Me" themed wrestling gear now. All the face divas charged the ring, and all the heels ran off, except Vickie, who was protected behind the referee. Vickie bumped into Gail Kim and backed her up to start the match. Vickie posed, while Beth Phoenix tagged in. Vickie turned, saw Beth, and screamed. The face divas then tagged in and out, taking turns pounding Vickie Guerrero in a corner. Vickie screamed "Do you know who I am?" at Kelly Kelly, who responded with a kick and her legdrop finisher. Michelle McCool ran in and gave Kelly the Faith Breaker. This led to a sequences of each Diva coming in, one by one, and hitting their finisher, ending with Beth Phoenix giving Alicia Fox a Glam Slam. Phoenix turned her attention to Vickie, who was cowering in the corner. McCool saved Vickie by kicked Phoenix in the head. McCool and Layla then convinced Vickie Guerrero to go to the top rope. They helped her up there, and Vickie pointed to the heavens, then gave Kelly (who was still out from the Faith Breaker) a pretty bad frog splash. Cole called it a "hog splash". Vickie covered Kelly, but Kelly's shoulder rolled up off the mat. Vickie dropped her weight on Kelly over and over with splashes, then got the pin at the four minute mark. Yes, Vickie scored the pin. She celebrated by doing the old Eddie Guerrero shimmy.

    Winners: Alicia Fox, Vickie Guerrero, Maryse, Layla & Michelle McCool.

    A video package on the events leading to the WWE Title match was shown.

    WWE Championship Match
    WWE Champion Batista vs. John Cena.

    Batista came out first, and there were fans in the front row with "We Hate Cena" shirts. WWE should start making those, then they'd be able to sell shirts to the people that love AND hate Cena at the same time! The Air Force Armored Guard Drill Team was on the stage, and did a display, flipping rifles with bayonets on them. This was followed by Cena making his entrance and he ran to the ring. We then had the "big match" style introductions. Mixed reaction for Cena, mostly boos for Batista.

    Batista and Cena circled at the bell, and when they locked up, Batista grabbed a headlock. Batista hit a shoulderblock, then Cena jumped up and grabbed an armbar, then switched to a side headlock. Cena hit a barrage of punches in a corner, but Batista responded by reversing a whip into the corner and hitting Cena with a clothesline to the back of the head. Batista put Cena in a corner and pounded him down, then hit a kick to the head. Batista got on the floor and pulled Cena's neck over the apron. Batista hit an elbow, then kicked Cena in the head.

    Back in the ring, Batista went for a vertical suplex, but Cena reversed it and hit his own. Cena hit a bulldog for a two count. Cena went for an Attitude Adjustment, but Batista countered into a DDT for a two count. Batista hit a running kick to a downed Cena for another two count, then applied a sleeper with a body scissors. Cena got to his feet, carrying Batista on his back. Cena pulled out of the hold, but Batista kneed him in the back. Cena and Batista traded punches, then Batista kicked Cena in the gut and hit a neckbreaker for a two count. Batista put Cena in a front facelock, but Cena broke out and kicked a charging Batista. Batista missed another charge, and Cena hit a pair of shoulderblocks and a back suplex into a powerbomb. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and went for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Batista jumped up and hit a spinebuster.

    Batista called for the Batista Bomb, but Cena tripped him and put him in an STF. Batista made the ropes to force the break. Batista got to his feet, and immediately charged Cena with a spear for a two count. Batista hit some shoulderblocks in the corner, then put Cena on the top rope. They ended up in a test of strength on the ropes, and Cena hit some headbutts. Cena knocked Batista to the mat, and Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and then delivered a top rope fistdrop. Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment, but Batista grabbed the ropes. Cena pulled Batista back, but lost the handle on his move. Batista landed on his feet and hit Cena with a Batista Bomb. Cena got a shoulder up at two. Batista couldn't believe it, and said "Are you kidding me?" to the referee.

    Batista went for a Batista Bomb, but Cena floated out and went for an Attitude Adjustment. Batista countered into a slam, then Cena countered back again and hit an Attitude Adjustment, pretty much flinging Batista through the air with it. Batista kicked out at two. Cena went to the top rope and went for the top rope Rocker Dropper, but Batista caught it and gave Cena a spinebuster. It actually looked like Batista's leg got caught under Cena in an ugly way, but he got right back up. Batista went for a Batista Bomb, but Cena floated over into a sunset flip and hooked an STF. Batista reached for the ropes, but quickly faded and limply tapped out at the fourteen minute mark.

    Winner and new WWE Champion: John Cena.

    After the match:

    Cena celebrated his win with the fans.

    They advertised there next PPV 'Extreme Rules'.

    Career vs. Streak Match
    The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

    Shawn Michaels entered first wearing a new outfit, but it was his usual entrance. Undertaker came up through a lift on the stage floor, and was wearing a new sleeveless leather hooded robe.

    They stood face to face before the bell rang. Shawn Michaels made a throat slashing gesture at Undertaker, angering him. The bell rang and Undertaker charged. Shawn dodged it and hit some chops. Taker whipped Michaels into the corner and Michaels flipped upside down. Undertaker hit Snake Eyes and a running boot to the face. Undertaker hit an avalanche and went for the Old School rope walk, but Michaels kept blocking it. Undertaker finally got to the top rope and hitting a shoulderblock, then hit the forearm. Undertaker shook his leg, as if he had hurt it on the landing. Undertaker went for a chokeslam, but Michaels kicked Taker's leg. Undertaker was limping. Undertaker threw some punches, then went for a tombstone, but Shawn wriggled out of it.

    Shawn furiously punched Taker and tried for a crossface, but Taker fought it off. Undertaker grabbed Shawn by the throat, but Shawn kicked his bad leg. Shawn went for a superkick, but Underaker dodged it. Shawn, realizing Undertaker was favoring the leg, went after it, kicking it and putting Taker down in the corner. Undertaker fought back with punches, but Shawn kicked at the leg again. Undertaker clotheslines Shawn Michaels over the top rope and to the floor. Undertaker teased a dive, but Shawn dove back into the ring and shoulderblocked Undertaker in the bad leg. Michaels went for a spinning toe hold, but Undertaker kicked Shawn away and to the floor.

    Undertaker picked up Michaels and rammed him back first into the ringpost. Undertaker put Shawn on the apron and delivered the apron legdrop. Undertaker got back in the ring, still favoring the leg. Shawn tripped Undertaker and quickly applied a figure four leglock. Undertaker sat up in the hold, but Michaels increased the pressure. Undertaker sat up again, and glared at Michaels, but Michaels kept the hold applied. Undertaker was finally able to turn the hold over, and Michaels broke free from it.

    They got to their feet, and Michaels threw some chops, while Take responded with punches. Michaels kicked at the leg and threw more chops, but Undertaker delivered some big punches. Michaels hit a slew of chops, then a flying forearm. Michaels did a kip up, and turned right into a chokeslam by the Undertaker. Michaels kicked out at two. Undertaker went for a tombstone, but Michaels wriggled free and grabbed Undertaker in an ankle lock. Shawn added a leglace to the move, Undertaker used his free leg to kick Michaels in the head twice and break the hold. They got to their feet, and Michaels clotheslined Undertaker over the top rope and to the floor. Michaels landed on the apron, and springboarded off the middle rope into a bodypress. Undertaker caught Michaels and Michaels tried to escape his grip, but Undertaker turned him over and gave Michaels a tombstone piledriver on the floor.

    Shawn was down on the floor, and Undertaker slumped over the ring steps trying to recover. A trainer came out to check on Michaels, and Taker threw him to the side. Undertaker rolled Michaels into the ring and covered him, but Michaels kicked out at two. Undertaker set up Shawn for a Last Ride, but Michaels turned it into a facebuster for a two count. Michaels went to the top rope and went for the flying elbow, but Undertaker got his knees up, catching Shawn in the ribs. Shawn and Undertaker were down, and as Shawn crawled towards Undertaker, Taker grabbed him in Hell's Gate. Michaels flipped over it into a pinning position, forcing Undertaker to break the hold. As they got up, Michaels hit Undertaker with a superkick. Michaels covered Undertaker for a two count.

    Michaels got to his feet and began to stomp. He went for the superkick as Taker was on his knees, but Taker blocked it. Undertaker grabbed Michaels leg, hit him in the gut, then planted him with the Last Ride powerbomb. Undertaker covered Michaels, but HBK got his shoulder up just before the three count. Undertaker threw Michaels to the floor, and pulled the cover off the announcers table and cleared if off. Undertaker slapped his bad leg to get feeling back in it. Undertaker set up Michaels for a powerbomb through the table, but Michaels floated over it and superkicked Undertaker, knocking Taker onto the cleared table.

    Shawn Michaels went to the top rope and moonsaulted to the floor, landing on Undertaker's legs and putting him through the table. Undertaker grabbed his leg on the floor. Michaels crawled over to the Undertaker and pushed him towards the ring. Michaels managed to roll Undertaker into the ring. Undertaker tried to stand up, but fell down. Undertaker used the ropes and got to his feet, then turned and got blasted by another superkick.

    Michaels covered Undertaker, and Undertaker kicked out at 2.9999.

    Michaels got to his feet, and measured Undertaker for one more superkick. Undertaker sidestepped it, and chokeslammed Michaels, then fell to the mat, clutching his leg. Undertaker lifted himself with the ropes, scooped Michaels off the mat and delivered a tombstone. Undertaker crossed Michaels' arms over him... and Michaels kicked out.

    Undertaker shook his head in frustration. Undertaker pulled himself up again, and moved towards Michaels. Undertaker pulled the straps down and started to make the throat slashing gesture, then stopped.

    Undertaker just looked down at Shawn, who was trying to pull himself up using Taker's body. Undertaker told him to stay down. Shawn looked up at Undertaker, made the throat slashing gesture at him and slapped him across the face.

    Undertaker got enraged, grabbed Michaels and delivered a JUMPING TOMBSTONE. Undertaker pinned Michaels at the 25-minute mark. 18-0.

    Winner: The Undertaker.

    After the match
    They put up a graphic that said 18-0 and set off a ton of fireworks. Undertaker posed in the ring, then they turned the lights back on. Undertaker picked Shawn up off the mat, and offered him a handshake. Undertaker and Shawn shook hands, then hugged. Undertaker then rolled out of the ring, leaving Shawn alone. The fans applauded and chanted "Thank You" at Shawn. Shawn acknowledged the fans, then dropped to his knees in the middle of the ring and prayed. Shawn then got up and headed down the aisle, shaking hands along the way. Shawn said, I think "I told my kid not for three weeks", I guess in response to someone who asked when he would be back. The cameras followed Shawn all the way to the stage, where he acknowledged the fans again. The announcers were quiet the whole time, until Jerry Lawler said "Shawn, it's over. We'll miss you. Goodbye."

    That ended the show.

  3. #3
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    I just want to thank for doing a Live coverage on WM 26!

    I'm really excited right now, and I think HBK can win this by every minute!

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I don't think HBK will win, he is going for a break after WM so there is no point for him to win IMO. It would have been better if no one knew HBK was going for a break after WM because then no one would have any idea who would win but if HBK wins, it would be a waste because there would be no pissed off Undertaker coming after him for breaking his streak.

    Although this is WWE and they do weird things sometimes, so it is possible for HBK to win, it would not be logical but who says WWE is logical lol Atleast we now know the HBK vs Taker match will be the last match now, so it should be an awesome ending for the show

  5. #5
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    I really hope we're gonna see many unexpected things tonight

    I'm routing for Sheamus to win against Trips and Orton to squash Legacy!

  6. #6
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    My Predictions:

    WWE Championship Match
    Batista (c) vs. John Cena

    World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

    The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

    Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon

    Money in the Bank Ladder Match
    Christian vs. Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston

    Unified Tag Team Championship Match
    Big Show & The Miz (c) vs. John Morrison & R-Truth

    Triple H vs. Sheamus

    Triple Threat Match
    Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes

    CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

    10-Diva Tag Team Match
    Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Eve, Gail Kim & Beth Phoenix vs. Women’s Champion Michelle McCool, Divas Champion Maryse, Layla, Alicia Fox & Vickie

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I would like to see Sheamus win, Triple H does not need to win and this would be a good beginning of a push for Sheamus if he wins tonight.

  8. #8
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Maybe Sheamus will win and Trips will turn heel

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Mat View Post
    Maybe Sheamus will win and Trips will turn heel
    Yeah, good point cause Trips is apparantly taking on Cena after WM. I read news that they have matches in all the over seas shows. So it makes sense he is going to go heel, can not have 2 faces going at it. I like him as a heel anyway, we won't hear any silly jokes form him lol

  10. #10
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ That's what I think

    Nice to see Orton get the win!

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