CZW "Restore the Order" Results
Philadelphia, PA
The New Alhambra Arena

1. Ryan McBride defeated Jon Dahmer and Greg Excellent.

Match was well-received by the fans. Excellent interrupted the bout and demanded he be apart of it, noting his "G.E. for B.O.T.B." campaign, and how neither Dahmer nor "Derek Frazier" (referring to McBride) had been apart of it. McBride scored the pin on Excellent with two standing moonsaults.

2. C.J. O'Doyle pinned J.C. Ryder

O'Doyle pinned the New Jersey All-Star shortly after his delayed high-impact suplex/brainbuster finisher. Post-match, O'Doyle wished the CZW junior heavyweights the best of luck in BOTB, but demanded he get some heavyweight competition from Maven Bentley, mentioning DJ Hyde's name.

3. The Iron Saints - Vito & Sal Thomaselli defeated Team AnDrew - Drew Gulak & Andy Sumner.

Excellent match, both teams were supported by the crowd, but the Thomasellis weren't very appreciative of the fans, using double-teams and ignoring their cheers. The finish of the match saw the Thomasellis isolate Gulak from his partner, dumping Sumner to the outside and finishing off the Team AnDrew member with a combination move - an inverted Texas Cloverleaf was applied while Gulak's head was drilled into the match with an elevated DDT. Deadly.

4. Niles Young (with Noel Harlow) defeated Ruckus (with Chrissy Rivera).

Really good match. A red-hot crowd got behind the BLKOUT in full-force. Some fantastic, quick exchanges between the two, and some close calls during pinfall attempts. An interesting match-up between the two. Thought came into my mind during this: Had Niles Young not wimped out of BEST OF THE BEST last year, Ruckus would never have lost the CZW World Title later on in the evening. Finish of the match saw interference from Derek Frazier, aiding Niles on getting the biggest win of his CZW career.

5. Sabian (with Chrissy Rivera and Robbie Mireno) defeated Derek Frazier (with Niles Young & Noel Harlow).

The BLKOUT were able to reclaim possession of their CZW World Tag Team Title belts post-match. Another really good match that the crowd was into big-time. A physical exchange between Harlow and a fan towards the VIP Box side of the arena distracted Young for most of the match). Frazier and Sabian were very intense, and delivered not only their signature maneuvers, but some neat reversals. Big cheer for Sabian's victory.

6. CZW Iron Man Champion DJ Hyde defeated Monsta Mack by forfeit victory.

In a rather disgraceful moment, Maven Bentley forced referee Brandon Neff to ring the bell and count to 10, giving Hyde the victory over Mack, who everyone knew was physically unable to compete. This drew out "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein, who answered the challenge for the title.

7. Toby Klein pinned DJ Hyde (with Maven Bentley) to win the CZW Iron Man Title.

The two wrestlers fought around the ringside area, with Maven getting involved. Ultimately, Maven's interference would distract Hyde long enough for Toby to score the pinfall. Maven tried to hit Toby with a chairshot, but instead hit Hyde with a super-soft weak-ass promoter chairshot! Hyde stood there, pissed off at Maven's involvement, and grabbed him by the throat. Klein scored a roll-up from behind to win the title to a huge crowd cheer! Post-match, Hyde delivered the Shadow Driver to Klein and threw the title on him.

- Zandig's Q & A session. Answered questions about Super Dragon, Kevin Steen, B-Boy, Mike Quackenbush, IWA, Hero & Kingston, The Briscoe Brothers, and a few other questions.

8. "Ultraviolent Underground" On-Screen Match: UVU Champion Drake Younger pinned Danny Havoc by executing the Drake's Landing while a lighttube was held behind Havoc's neck. SICK, SICK match. Screams filled the arena. One of the better UVU matches ever. Crowd applauded both men's efforts after the match. Zandig announced that Havoc had specifically wanted the match to air since he could not be in Philadelphia this month.

9. Cheech pinned Grim Reefer with the Deluxe after a low-blow. Reefer was given a round of applause of the match, the arrogant Cheech was not.

10. CZW Junior Heavyweight Title -Scotty Vortekz retains, pinning Cloudy after a frogsplash onto a ladder that was laid on top of Cloudy. Cloudy got all the crowd support here. Good match that picked up a lot in the middle and end. Vortekz seems to really succeed when opponent's become frustrated with putting him away and bring weapons in to the match. Case in point, Cloudy yelling in frustration and bringing a ladder from the rampway area into the ring. Post-match, Vortekz received a decent ovation for retaining and Cloudy was well-applauded.

1. CZW Ultraviolent Underground Title Match featuring Barbed Wire Ropes - Barbed Wire Board, and Large Pane of Glass - Brain Damage pinned Drake Younger with a Package Piledriver on the board to win the title. Damage came to the ring flanked by Maven Bentley. GRUESOME MATCH. Younger had blood squirting out from all over him, and his head just kept pouring blood. Damage dominated Younger, as a pool of blood lay on the floor, and later, flowing down the glass. Younger fought back, and the fans errupted. Younger was, however, in no condition to sustain his comeback, and Damage mercifully ended an amazing UVU Title reign.

Post-match, Drake handed Damage the belt in a sign of respect! He extended his hand for Damage, and Damage slapped him in the face, with blood flying everywhere! Mitch Ryder, DJ Hyde, and Brain Damage destroyed Younger, but enter: Toby Klein! Klein fought Maven's group of, but was eventually drilled with a Package Piledriver. "ONE MAN ARMY" hit, and Lobo arrived to even the odds! Lobo ripped off Brain Damage's "Punisher" t-shirt in a great moment for long-term CZW fans, announcing there was only one "Punisher" in CZW. A bloody brawl errupted with Maven's crew getting out of there. Lobo announced that those guys wouldn't make it out of the first-round. TOURNAMENT OF DEATH was given an early preview in Philly!