Batman: Arkham Knight's director, Sefton Hill, confirmed today that the batsuit from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy will be joining its Tumbler batmobile brother before the end of the year.

@ Seftonhill We've had a lot of requests for the batsuit to go with the Tumbler. We hear you so we're going to make it happen! #BatPeoplePower (1/2)

@ Seftonhill Warning: the suits take a very long time to build because of the insane amount of detail. Expect it near the end of the year. (2/2)

@ Seftonhill Would you prefer to see Begins or TDK batsuit? Let us know! #BatPeoplePower

Apparently, Rocksteady has not decided whether it will create the suit from Batman Begins or The Dark Knight and is taking votes on twitter.

Today, the Tumbler from Nolan's films was made available as DLC, which you can see it action in our Test Chamber video below. The recent DLC based on the Tim Burton's 1989 Batman, included both the suit and the batmobile, which is why fans were surprised when today's DLC was just the Tumbler. Exactly when the DLC will be available, or if it will cost anything are details that are unconfirmed. We do know however, that it will be available near the end of the year.