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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation TNA PPV 'Genesis' LIVE Coverage 2011

    #1 Contender's Match
    Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson

    MMA Match
    Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

    TNA Tag Team Title Match
    Beer Money vs. The Motor City Machineguns

    TNA X Division Title Match
    Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal

    TNA Television Title Match

    AJ Styles vs. Douglas Williams

    TNA Knockouts Title Match

    Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne

    Rob Van Dam vs. Mystery Opponent

    Brother Ray vs. Brother Devon

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    TNA Genesis 2011 - Live Coverage

    TNA’s first PPV of 2011, Genesis opened with a video piece on Matt Morgan and Ken Anderson leading into their bout to determine the number one contender to Jeff Hardy’s TNA championship interspersed with comments from Hardy.

    TNA X-Division Title Match
    Jay Lethal (c) vs. Kazarian

    No Ric Flair with Kazarian. Lethal chased Kazarian around the ring and back into it. He snapped off a huracanrana and drilled Kaz with several punches. He hiptossed Kazarian, who retreated to the floor, only to be nailed with a suicide dive. Lethal chopped away at Kazarian, then hit a moonsault off the apron to the floor on Kazarian.

    Lethal tossed Kazarian back into the ring for a near fall. He worked over Kazarian in the corner with chops. Kazarian reversed a whip and nearly tossed Jay into referee Earl Hebner but Lethal stopped himself. Kazarian grabbed Lethal and tossed him into the opposite corner.

    Lethal and Kazarian went back and forth. Kazarian went for a kick but Lethal caught it and shot him into the top turnbuckle with a beautiful catapult. Lethal scored several near falls, then nailed a back suplex for another. Kazarian came back with an elbow to the face, then elevated Lethal into a hard spinebuster.

    Kazarian mounted Lethal and beat him down with punches. He nailed a standing Gutwrench suplex, then forced a knee over Lethal’s throat. He then choked Lethal against the ropes. Kazarian slammed Letha and nailed a springboard legdrop for a two count.

    Kazarian worked over Lethal, who fired back and nailed a handspring elbow. Both men were down as the referee began counting them down. They made it to their feet and fired back and forth with Lethal getting the better of the exchange. Kazarian thumbed Lethal in the eye but was still caught with a chop.

    Lethal ended up on the apron outside the ring. He was slingshot into the ring and caught with an Ace Crusher for a two count. Kazarian placed Lethal on the top rope and prepared him for a superplex. Lethal began nailing elbows to fight off Kazarian and nailed a sunset flip powerbomb for a two count.

    Lethal drilled him with an enziguiri and the Lethal Combination for a two count. Lethal went for a piledriver but Kazarian escaped and went for the Kryptonite Krunch. Lethal escaped but was caught with a DDT for another near fall.

    Kazarian pulled Lethal to his feet and slapped him. It fired Lethal up and he began destroying Kaz with a ton of offense. Lethal nailed a suplex and went to the top rope for the elbow. Kazarian drilled him with a kick to the head as Lethal spent too much time playing to the crowd. Kazarian went for the Kryptonite Krunch off the ropes but Lethal fought him off. Kazarian was knocked off and bumped the referee. Kazarian crotched Lethal and nailed the Kryptonite Krunch off the ropes for the pin.

    Winner and New X-Division champion: Kazarian

    Ric Flair and AJ Styles informed Eric Bischoff that AJ Styles wouldn’t be able to wrestle tonight. Bischoff was pissed and said that after what Dixie Carter has pulled and Hulk Hogan’s back surgery, they needed to win all the titles tonight. He demanded Styles explain what happened. AJ said that it’s been an issue bothering him for some time and he ended up hurting it when his kid took a spill on his 4x4. Bischoff went nuts, saying that’s what babysitters are for. I wonder if this verbiage was Vince Russo channeling the comments that caused him to leave WWE for a moment. Bischoff warned Styles he had better show him something because now he’s out 6 to 8 weeks and is useless. Styles was pissed and threw stuff off of Bischoff’s desk. Flair told Styles to get off the leg and said none of this will accomplish anything. He said to Bischoff that Eric is a smart man and will think of something. The delivery from all three was great. Say what you will about Bischoff but he’s a hell of a promo in his role.

    TNA Knockouts Championship Match
    Madison Rayne (c) vs. Mickie James

    They played up that Tara was out due to the elbow injury in the Cage Match.

    Rayne tried to beg off but was nailed with several armdrags and snapmares to garner some early near falls. Taz said Mickie’s boots reminded him of the Lumberjack in the AWA. James dropkicked Rayne, who bumped out of the ropes to the apron. Rayne began complaining to the referee but James snapped her back into the ring. James locked on a reverse top wristlock into a keylock on Rayne.

    Rayne used the ropes to try and escaped, pulling herself up with her legs. James dropped her and she took a bump. Rayne was really good as the vocal heel and took James down. James came back with a Thesz Press and peppered her with punches. Rayne begged off to the outside and was nearly counted out. James followed her out but Rayne rolled into the ring. James followed and had her neck snapped over the top rope.

    Rayne began choking James against the ropes. James ducked a kick and caught Rayne with a low dropkick for a two count. James did a nice rana using the ropes for leverage. She goes for the ropes but Rayne snapped her off by her hair. Rayne covered James but James bridged up. James reversed the pinfall for a near fall only to get nailed in the back of the head.

    Rayne locked on a cravate, wearing down James’ neck. She tore at James’ face and continued to work her over, screaming every step of the way. Rayne’s facial expressions and vocal stylings have taken a step forward in recent weeks. She cinched on a side chinlock but Rayne made a comeback and rolled up Rayne for a two count.

    Madison cut her off and went for the scissor driver but James turned it into a wheel barrow face-first plant and drilled the champ with clotheslines and forearms. James went for a neckbreaker but Rayne dropped down and ran for the corner. James grabbed her and began spanking her in the corner. James nailed a neckbreaker and went to the ropes, nailing the Thesz Press.

    James called for her DDT but Tara came out, complete with theme music. James went to the floor and the referee held her and Tara apart. Tara backed off, but the distraction gave Rayne a chance to load her Barry Windham glove. Rayne played it like she was out, then drilled James and scored the pin.

    Winner and Still TNA Knockouts Champion: Madison Rayne.

    Kazarian celebrated his title win. Ric Flair said that it was one title down, two to go. He and Beer Money left. Christ Hemme asked Eric Bischoff who the mystery opponent and who would replace AJ Styles. Bischoff announced Abyss would replace AJ, but said the mystery opponent would remain that until match time. He then guaranteed that Fortune would win every TNA title tonight.

    TNA Tag Team Title Match:
    Motor City Machineguns (c) vs. Beer Money

    Alex Shelley and Robert Roode went nose to nose at the bell. They had some nice back and forth wrestling. Storm tagged in but the Guns nailed some nice stereo moves, culminating with stereo suicide dives to the outside on opposite sides of the ring.

    Shelley came off the top with a double stomp but James Storm rolled out of the way. James avoided a sliced bread #2 but Roode nailed the Northern clothesline after Storm slipped out. Beer Money gained control and began working over Shelley, getting several near falls. Solid so far.

    Storm cinched in a rear chinlock as the crowd rallied Shelley. Storm drove himself down on Shelley to cut off any escape attempt, then spit at Chris Sabin. The referee stopped Sabin, allowing a doubleteam. Shelley finally hit sliced bread #2. Shelley went to make the tag but just as they would have touched, Roode pulled Sabin off the apron, slamming him to the floor.

    The beating of Shelley continued as Beer Money kept control. Roode cinched in a chinlock. Beer Money nailed Shelley with a double suplex. They maintained control, antagonizing Sabin at the same time. Roode nailed a neckbreaker for a two count.

    Shelley finally began to mount a comeback, drilling Storm with an enziguiri and sending Roode into the corner. Shelley went for the tag and Sabin caught Storm trying to prevent it, nailed a kick and made the hot tag. Sabin began cleaning house on Roode with a series of hot moves and tied Roode to the tree of woe. Sabin nailed the Hesitation dropkick for a two count. Storm tried to get involved, only to be suplexed on his own partner and sent back out. Sabin nailed a rana on Roode.

    Shelly came off his partner’s shoulders, flipping Roode into a Tornado DDT for a two count. Roode broke up the pin. Storm sent Sabin into the barrier outside. Shelley and Roode battled on the top. Shelley fought off Roode and Sabin came out of nowhere to drill him. Shelley came off the top with the double foot stomp for a two count.

    Storm spit beer in Sabin’s eyes as Roode kicked out of a rollup. Roode snapped him with a spinebuster and scored a two count. Shelley attacked Roode and drilled him with chops. Shelley hit a slingshot plancha to the floor on Storm. Sabin hit a running boot to Roode in the corner.

    The Machineguns went for their crossbody/neckbreaker combination but Storm pulled Brian Hebner out of the ring. Shelley hit a dive on Storm. Sabin went for a springboard into a tornado DDT but Roode turned it into a beautiful Northern Lights suplex. Somewhere, Hiroshi Hase smiled. Sabin kicked out. The Guns worked on Roode but Storm drilled Shelley with a superplex. Beer Money nailed DWI on Sabin, who kicked out. Roode’s reaction and body language was classic.

    Beer Money tried to continue but the Guns worked over Roode, Sabin went for the running boot in the corner but screwed up and nailed Alex Shelley. Roode rolled him up and hooked the tights for the win.

    Winners and the New TNA Tag Team Champions: Beer Money

    Christy Hemme interviewed Devon. Devon told Bubba that it was the night he get to spew his garbage about who carried Team 3D. Devon said that they can go back to the old days where they beat the hell out of each other in a Bingo Hall making a name for themselves. My God, did they ever. He said when Bubba has his hand out tonight, it won’t for Devon to tag in and save him, but for Devon to kick his ass.

    Bully Ray vs. Brother Devon

    When Devon hit the ring, Ray retreated, just like in the build for the match on TV. Ray’s dropped some weight. Ray grabbed SoCal Val to use her as a shield, so she slapped him. Devon jumped Ray in the aisle and tossed him into the barrier. Devon grabbed a water from a fan and drilled Ray with it. She sent Ray into the barrier. Fans began chanting for tables. Ray was sent into the ring steps.

    Devon continued working over Ray on the outside. He began choking Ray with the leather vest REay wore to the ring. He continued beating Ray around ringside. They noted the bell hasn’t officially rung yet. Devon tossed Ray into the ring and they rang the bell.

    Ray began begging off, saying he was sorry and that they were brothers. Devon looked to the crowd for an answer and Ray went for a lowblow. Devon caught him and began working him over. Ray reversed a whip but missed a splash in the corner. Devon clotheslined Ray and nailed a Thesz Press.

    Ray went to the outside, dazed. Devon came off the apron and nailed him. Devon and Ray brawled into the crowd, exchanging punches. Devon whipped Ray into the wall of the Impact Zone. The referee warned them he was going to start counting them out but Ray tried to get out of the area by climbing the bleacher stairs. Devon followed and they exchanged punches on the stairs. The referee began counting. A fan handed Devon his sneaker, so Devon nailed Ray with it. Mike Tenay called it “Nike Justice.” Devon put the sneaker in Ray’s mouth.

    Ray was tossed back in the ring but as Devon returned, Ray caught him with a double axehandle. Ray continued beating down Devon. Devon was bleeding from the elbow. Ray nailed a splash in the corner. He began slapping Devon around, daring him to fight back. He charged Devon and was caught wiuth an elbow. Devon went for the shoulderblock but Ray caught him and scored a two count.

    Ray went for the Bubbabomb but Devon escaped and nailed a suplex for a two count. Devon went to the top but Ray nailed the ropes and Devon was crotched in the corner. Ray nailed him with a hard chop across the chest and then nailed a second. Ray went for a superplex and nailed it.

    Ray grabbed a chain and went to hit Devon but missed. He wrapped it around his fist but Devon cut him off and nailed a series of punches. The announcers pointed out Ray should have been DQ’d. Devon grabbed the chain and nailed Bubba, so the referee called for the bell.

    Winner by DQ: Bully Ray

    After the Match:
    Devon kept whipping Devon with the chain as the referee, Jackson James, tried to stop him. Devon refused to listen to the referees and kept working over Ray. The referees restrained Devon and Bubba attacked him. They battled back and forth. Several officials and agents came out. Ray broke free and kicked Devon low. Ray walked off holding his arms up in victory.

    Christy Hemme interviewed Jeff Jarrett about his MMA exhibition and asked about his strategy. Jarrett mocked Kurt Angle’s credentials as a pro MMA fighter and said he’s never had an MMA fight. Jarrett said he was undefeated in MMA and has $100,000 of his own money to prove it. Jarrett laid out that there are three rounds and said Angle was rusty has he hasn’t been in the ring in six months, while Jarrett has the best cardio in wrestling history, including Angelo Poffo and Bob Backlund. That is hilarious. Jarrett said he was going to feel Kurt out in round one, show him how many times he could submit Kurt in round two and then let him wonder what’s coming in round three.

    TNA TV Championship:
    Douglas Williams (c) vs. Abyss

    Williams tried to take down Abyss but was overpowered early. The story is that Williams trained for Styles and well, Abyss is a different type of wrestler. Williams’ wrist was taped up. Williams tried to nail a high cross bodyblock but was caught. He sidestepped an Abyss charge into the corner and covered him but no dice.

    Abyss ducked a charge and sent Williams into the ringpost shoulder-first. Abyss grabbed the taped wrist and slammed it into the ringpost. Abyss continued to work on the wrist, slamming it into the stairs. Back in the ring, Williams kicked away Abyss but got caught coming off the ropes. Williams escaped a chokeslam but was nailed with a discus clothesline.

    Williams came back with several forearms but was cut off with a knee to the mid-section and sent into the barrier. Fans were chanting they wanted Styles. This hasn’t gotten out of first gear yet. Abyss teased hitting Williams with the belt but was stopped. Abyss tossed Williams into the ring and stomped the hand.

    Abyss continued working on the hand and the arm, then chopped away Abyss continued with punches but Williams fought back with forearms. Williams came off the ropes with an European uppercut, knocking Abyss to the mat.

    Williams began working on Abyss with uppercuts and headbutts, followed by a running knee lift. He went for a Gernan suplex but Abyss broke free. Williams ducked a clothesline and nailed a belly to back suplex. The champ went to the top and nailed a Bombs Away kneedrop for a two count.

    Williams went for another running knee in the corner but Abyss caught him and slammed him down by the throat. Abyss scored the pin but Williams got his hand on the ropes to break it. Abyss went under the ring to get Janice, his barbed wire board. The referee went to the outside.

    AJ Styles, limping badly, hit the ring and drilled Williams with the TNA TV title belt. Styles looked to be hurting just falling over. Abyss hit the Black Hole slam and scored the pin.

    Winner and New TNA TV Champion: Abyss

    Eric Bischoff was with Rob Van Dam. RVD said that it doesn’t matter who it is in the ring because if it’s not Hardy, it’s a waste of time. He told Eric to do the right thing and make the match. Bischoff told him that if he wanted Hardy, he’s got Hardy.

    Matt Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

    RVD’s mouth dropped opened when Matt, not Jeff, walked out. Matt has dreads like Raven now and came out wearing a trenchcoat. They went nose to nose and started punching each other hard. Hardy kicked off a RVD charge and brings him down with a modified neckbreaker. Hardy mocked RVD’s thumb-posing and ate a spinkick for his troubles.

    RVD caught Hardy with a kick in the corner. Hardy nailed a Ryder Kick off the ropes while Hardy was on the apron and he took a bump into the barrier. Mike Tenay noted TNA Genesis was trending on twitter. RVD went for a dive but Hardy saw it coming so RVD stopped and instead hit a moonsault off the apron.

    RVD tossed Hardy back into the ring and nailed a flying bodypress for a two count. Hardy caught RVD with an elbow as RVD charged him. Hardy tossed Van Dam backwards into the corner. Hardy nailed a clothesline in the corner. Hardy nailed a bulldog for a two count.

    Hardy locked on a full nelson but Van Dam fought out of it. Hardy hit a variation of the Stroke for a two count. Hardy kept working over Van Dam’s neck and drilled him with a neckbreaker. He went to the ropes for the legdrop off the second turnbuckle but was caught with a kick as he came down. Hardy nailed the Sidewinder for a two count.

    Hardy locked in a side chinlock. Van Dam fought his way out. He went to slam RVD into the turnbuckle but Van Dam kicked him in the face and used a body scissor to turn Hardy into a pinning combination. They battled back and forth but RVD got the better of it with several clotheslines and kicks. Van Dam nailed the reverse windmill kick and scored another near fall.

    Hardy small packaged RVD for a two count. Van Dam nailed an inverted atomic drop and the Ryder kick off the ropes. Van Dam hit Rolling Thunder and went to the top rope and nailed the Fiva Star Frog Splash but Hardy’s hand was under the rope so the referee stopped the count. Of course, it was Jackson James.

    Van Dam began stomping away at Matt. Van Dam and the ref had words and Hardy caught Van Dam with the Twist of Hate and scored the pin. Van Dam’s leg was under the ropes and out of the ring but the referee ignored it as part of the build to the eventual reveal that Jackson is in cahoots with Immortal. They used several replays to get over that it was a bad call.

    Winner: Matt Hardy

    Christy Hemme interviewed Kurt Angle. She brought up Jarrett’s comments from earlier. Angle said he’s been out a few months and said that if people want to know what type of shape he’s in, they should ask Jarrett’s wife. Angle said he was going to have a great time kicking Jarrett’s ass.

    MMA Match
    Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

    Angle took the mic and said that If anyone gets in the ring, he was going to break their necks.

    There will be three rounds of two minutes each.

    The crowd went nuts, chanting for Angle early. Angle kept daring Jarrett to go and laid in the middle of the ring, but nothing. With 20 seconds left, Kurt chased Angle into the corner and Jeff grabbed onto the ropes. Angle took him down and locked in a choke but the round ended.

    As the second round started, Angle dared Jarrett to go for a single leg. He went for it and Angle took him over into a Keylock. Jarrett began selling the arm. Angle took him down and locked on a head and arm choke. Jarrett kept using the ropes to break it. Angle grabbed a front facelock and took Jarrett down but again, he went to the ropes. Angle tossed Jarrett down and locked in a cross armbreaker, then went for the anklelock but again, the rime ran out.

    In between rounds, Jarrett, selling the ankle, spit at Angle.

    As the third round started, the corner men put something on Jarrett’s forearm and he rubbed it in Angle’s face, blinding him. Jarretty began working on Angle, busting him open. The referee called for the bell when he realized something was amiss. They all beat Angle down and left him bloody and down. Jarrett said there would be a retirement party on Impact as he’s retiring “undefeated.”

    Winner: No Contest

    TNA champion Jeff Hardy said he would be watching the main event closely and told everyone “welcome to chapter Genesis, where anything can happen.”

    1# Contender Match
    Matt Morgan vs. Ken Anderson

    Jeremy Borash did the in-ring introductions.

    Morgan grabbed a headlock early and shoulderblocked Anderson down. Morgan controlled early until missing a legdrop. Anderson nailed a clothesline and scored a two count. Morgan swept Anderson’s legs and scored a near fall of his own and they faced off.

    Morgan missed a shot in the corner and Anderson kicked at his leg. Morgan came back and teased the Carbon Footprint but Anderson ducked and Morgan crotched himself on the rope and crashed to the floor. Anderson began kicking Morgan hard on the floor. He slammed Morgan’s head into the rail. Morgan came back to slam Anderson into the barricade and the apron, then rolled him in for a two count.

    Morgan hit the series of back elbows in the corner but Anderson came back to chop block his knee and scored a two count. Anderson cinched in a single leg Boston Crab. Morgan tried to reach the ropes but Anderson held on. Morgan finally made it to the ropes.

    Morgan reversed an Irish whip. He chokeslammed Anderson for a two count. Morgan went for a discus clothesline but Anderson caught him with the Mic Check for a two count. The referee counted both men down. They made their way to their knees and exchanged punches. They continued back and forth. Morgan snapped with the Carbon Footprint but Anderson kicked out at the last second.

    He goes for another but misses and is hit with the Mic Check. Anderson was all dazed and grabbing his head, so the storyline is he was hurting. He covers Morgan but Morgan kicks up. The announcers were selling he wasn’t 100%. Morgan fought out of another Mic Check and they clunked heads. Anderson grabbed a small package and scored the pin. Well, that was random.

    Winner and New Number One Contender: Ken Anderson!

    After the Match
    Eric Bischoff came to ringside with a chair. He sat down in the chair and told Anderson how impressed he was Anderson and he was getting his title shot right now.

    TNA Championship Match
    Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Ken Anderson

    So, the storyline is the heel champion will defend against the spent babyface. Hardy came out wearing his street clothes, even a tie. He’s smoking a cigarette. Hardy began stretching like it was a joke. He hit the ring and attacked Anderson, beating him down.

    Jeff went for the Twist of Hate and nailed it and went for the pin but Anderson kicked out. Hardy continued working on Anderson and nailed another Twist of Hate but again, Anderson kicked out. Hardy started stomping away on Anderson, but when he went to grab Anderson, Anderson flung him through the ropes and to the floor.

    Matt Morgan, who was still at ringside, drilled Hardy with the discus clothesline. He tossed Hardy into the ring and Anderson scored a two count. Anderson and Hardy exchanged punches. Hardy nailed him and rebounded off the ropes but was caught with a clothesline. Anderson nailed a flurry of moves, including a neckbreaker for a two count.

    Anderson continued controlling the bout but was nailed with an elbow as he charged. Hardy nailed Anderson again but Anderson rolled out to the floor. Hardy grabbed a chair but Mick Foley ran out and took the chair. No pop for Foley at all. Ric Flair came out and security held Flair and Foley apart.

    Hardy tossed Anderson back into the ring and went to the top for the swanton but Anderson nailed Hardy on the ropes. Anderson went for a superplex but Jeff fought him off and nailed the swanton. Anderson kicked out and Hardy looked stunned.

    Hardy went for the Twist of Hate but Anderson caught him with a DDT. Hardy was able to come back and scored with a clothesline. He called for Matt Hardy. Hardy hit the scene but Rob Van Dam attacked him and they brawled up the aisle.

    Eric Bischoff got into the ring with a chair but Anderson kicked him in the gut and nailed the Mic Check. Hardy went for the Twist of Hate but Anderson drilled him and scored the Mic Check for the pin.

    Winner and New TNA Champion: Mr. Anderson

    After the Match
    Immortal, who had come to ringside, were all stunned. Anderson celebrated with the belt and proclaimed himself the new TNA champion.

    A fan hopped in the ring to celebrate and you could see security coming out as the fan willingly returned to the audience. They already use Atlas Security on the house shows, so they may as well start bringing them to Orlando at the rate that happens.

    We go to Credits
    Last edited by Travicity; 01-10-2011 at 05:00 AM.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Main Eventer Kage's Avatar
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    As much as it pains me to predict MCM losing, I'm predicting a clean sweep for Immortal other than the AJ Styles match. Seems like AJ is gonna break away from the group.

    And I really don't see a point in splitting up Team 3D. If Wwe couldn't make that work, Tna won't.

  4. #4
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    my winners

    Mr. Anderson
    Kurt Angle
    Beer Money
    Douglas Williams
    Mickie James
    Matt Hardy
    Brother Devon

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Wish the girls would wear less lol damn you TNA although the jean shorts are not to bad.

  6. #6
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    Wish the girls would wear less lol damn you TNA although the jean shorts are not to bad.
    lol those jeans were quite hot

  7. #7
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Damn stupid ending to the Knockouts Match. Mickie should have won. I hate when they do endings like that. Madison can't even wrestle! :tantrum:

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kage View Post
    And I really don't see a point in splitting up Team 3D. If Wwe couldn't make that work, Tna won't.
    I totally agree, I surely hope they have it planned for another way.

  9. #9
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kage View Post
    As much as it pains me to predict MCM losing, I'm predicting a clean sweep for Immortal other than the AJ Styles match. Seems like AJ is gonna break away from the group.

    And I really don't see a point in splitting up Team 3D. If Wwe couldn't make that work, Tna won't.
    What's the point of keeping them together? They've done everything they can as a tag team. Keeping them together only make them stale

  10. #10


    Why should Mickie win? She's new there she dosent deserve it.

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