NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN and JUNO have been honoured with the top prizes at the Writers Guild of America (WGA) Awards this weekend (09Feb08).

Joel and Ethan Coen won the Best Adapted Screenplay award for their Oscar-nominated thriller, while Juno writer Diablo Cody took home the Original Screenplay prize for her quirky film about a pregnant teenager who chooses to give up her baby for adoption.

Meanwhile, Alex Gibney was praised for his work on Taxi to the Dark Side, winning him Best Documentary Screenplay, and U.S. TV hits The Wire and 30 Rock were honoured as Best Dramatic Series and Best Comedy Series respectively.

Other winners of the WGA Awards include The Sopranos (The Second Coming) for Best Episodic Drama; The Office (The Job) for Best Episodic Comedy, The Colbert Report for Best Comedy/Variety; The Young + the Restless for Best Daytime Serials, and Mad Men for Best New Series.

The WGA announced the winners of their annual awards on Saturday (09Feb08), after cancelling the ceremony because their members are on strike.