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  1. #1
    Ring Crew
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    Thumbs down China's Zheng Xiaoyu sentenced to death - but what about Liu Zhixiang?

    Zheng Xiaoyu, former director of China's State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), was sentenced to death by a Beijing court Tuesday morning.

    The bribes taken by Zheng, including cash and gifts, were worth more than 6.49 million yuan (about 850,000 U.S. dollars), according to the court. The bribes were given either directly or through his wife and son.

    The consequences of Zheng's dereliction of duty have proved extremely serious. Six types of medicine approved by the administration during that period were fake medicines. Some pharmaceutical companies used false documents to apply for approvals, the court said.

    Zheng ,though,is hapless! If he had flattered Jiang or Hu more, he would die?

    When Liu Zhixiang (the railway minister Liu Zhijun's brother) was given a suspended death sentence in April for a long list of crimes that included hiring an assassin, bribery and embezzling some 40 million yuan (5 million U.S. dollars), it sparked indignant letters of protest from ordinary people and legal scholars alike.

    "We shouldn't let off some corrupt officials and punish others," argued legal scholar Yan Lieshan in the China Economic Times. "Corrupt officials' lives should be spared only if the capital punishment is negated for all economic crimes. The current practice of punishing some with death while sparing others harms the public's trust in justice."

    The railway minister,Liu Zhijun has married five times,yes in self-claimed commie China. His brother is a gangleader who was given a suspended death sentence in April 2006.

    But he cringes before HU JINTAO,so he is safe.


    品行恶劣,刘志军啊!疯狂拍马JIANG、HU,做事乖张暴力!而且频换老婆。铁道部官员都无 耻,但提起刘 志军都吐。



    由官方发布的铁道部部长刘志军简历,载明刘是“研究生文化程度”,但却语焉不详。实际上,知情者透露,刘只 具有初中文化。在毛时代,刘因“家庭成份不好”,很不得志。进入铁道部门工作后,一个偶然的机会,刘结识了 铁道部某高官,该高官见刘口才不错,又写得一手好字,遂招为 “乘龙快婿”。在岳父的荫庇下,刘从此平步青云,一路高升。

    刘志军使出浑身解书在官场中编织关系网,成为新一代的“铁老大”。他见岳父大人年老力衰,已经失去了利用价 值,便过河拆桥,休掉“没有爱情”的发妻,和某漂亮护士结婚。婚后不久,刘因该护士不能生育,又休掉护士。 如今,刘已经三度完婚,真正体现了“先进性”...

  2. #2
    DON'T GIE'A FUCK the madscotsman's Avatar
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    am I reading this right? is this guy(?) being sentenced to death for taking bribes, shite half the british perliment would be pushing up daisys if we did that

  3. #3
    Main Eventer
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    LOL, this is mad... He's being killed for just that? I've seen living people do worse...

  4. #4
    Remember The Name
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    Quote Originally Posted by 张立昆 View Post
    由官方发布的铁道部部长刘志军简历,载明刘是“研究生文化程度”,但却语焉不详。实际上,知情者透露,刘只 具有初中文化。在毛时代,刘因“家庭成份不好”,很不得志。进入铁道部门工作后,一个偶然的机会,刘结识了 铁道部某高官,该高官见刘口才不错,又写得一手好字,遂招为 “乘龙快婿”。在岳父的荫庇下,刘从此平步青云,一路高升。

    刘志军使出浑身解书在官场中编织关系网,成为新一代的“铁老大”。他见岳父大人年老力衰,已经失去了利用价 值,便过河拆桥,休掉“没有爱情”的发妻,和某漂亮护士结婚。婚后不久,刘因该护士不能生育,又休掉护士。 如今,刘已经三度完婚,真正体现了“先进性”...
    I couldn't have said it better...


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