EMLL announced today that Villano IV had knee surgery this week after injuring it his match last Friday at Arena Mexico and there is no timetable yet on a return. His brothers Villanos III y V declared revenge on Los Guerreros and would take all of their masks.

EMLL also will have a 15th anniversary show for Rey Bucanero on 7/22 at Arena Mexico where he will defend his CMLL Lt. Heavyweight Title against an opponent to be picked by the fans through Ovaciones. Rey won’t know whom he is facing that night but the fans have three choices to choose from and they are Atlantis, Toscano, & Ultimo Guerrero. UG should definitely be the pick here.

Independent 6/14 – Auditorio Municipal de Morelia

1. ?
2. ??
3. Luna Magica & Princesa Sugei beat Sahori & Mima Shimoda
4. Steel Cage Match where the last man in loses either his hair or mask: Maximo Loco eliminated Masters who had to shave his head. Other participants: Black Mouth/Chamaco Lopez/El Consentido/Street Warrior
5. Atlantis & Super Brazo defeated Brazo de Platino & Dr. Wagner Jr. by DQ when Super faked a foule by Platino.


6/16 – Arena Lopez Mateos
1. Hormiga Atomica & Spider Boy vs. Pequeno Angel & Pequeno Rebelde
2. Magnifico/Ultimo Vampiro/Yakuza vs. Ghost Rider/Hombre de Guerra/Rey de Corazones
3. Robin Maravilla/Terry Dos Mil/Ultimo Gladiador vs. Los Apocalipticos (Blasfemia/Epitafio/Herejia)
4. Hijo del Anibal/Kung Fu Jr./Maximo vs. Ghefar/Sangre Azteca/Sepulturero
5. Solar I/Los Villanos IV y V vs. Averno/Mephisto/Negro Navarro


6/16 – Arena Neza
1. Bracito de Oro & Mini Celestial vs. Los Cachorros del Mal (Pequeno Damian 666 & Pequeno Halloween)
2. Luna Magica & La Seductora vs. Medusa & Raven Hiroka
3. Flash & Super Nova vs. Euforia & Nosferatu
4. Mascara Purpura/La Sombra/Valiente vs. Eclipse/Hijo del Texano/Virus
5. Alex Koslov/Mistico/Shocker vs. Averno/Black Warrior/Mephisto

6/16 – Auditorio Municipal de Teoloyucan
1. ?
2. ??
3. Diosa Maya & Lady Warrior vs. Caricia & Sexy Candela
4. Felino/Heavy Metal/La Mascara vs. Los Perros del Mal (Mr. Aguila/Damian el Terrible/Halloween)

6/16 – Domo del Mar de Ciudad de Carmen Campeche
1. Angel Celestial & Anubis vs. Demonio Rojo & Mecanico Infernal
2. Dragon Boll & Cometa Azul vs. Pegasso Killer & Sombra Nazi
3. Exterminador & Relampago vs. Jim Kata & Lasserman
4. Marcela & Sahori vs. Amapola & La Rebelde
5. Mascara contra Caballera: Mascara Sagrada vs. Angel de la Muerte
6. Mascara Purpura/Negro Casas/Rayo de Jalisco Jr. vs. Atlantis/Mascara Ano Dos Mil/Veneno


6/16 – Salon Zitacuaro
1. Bull Terrier Match: Los Black Evils I y II vs. Cardenal Dorado & Halcon Latino
2. Octagoncito & La Parkita vs. Mini Charly Manson & Mini Chessman
3. Estrellita & Josseline vs. La Diabolica & Tiffany
4. Nemesis & Super AAA vs. Mosco de la Merced & May Flowers
5. Brazo de Plata & Octagon vs. Fuerza Guerrera & Hator