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    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Default Official Superstars/Divas Comments on Benoit

    Randy Orton comments on Benoit

    My thoughts on the recent tragedy

    Hi Everyone,

    I am breaking my MySpace hiatus for a moment to give my opinion on the recent tragedy involving Chris Benoit and his family. Chris Benoit did so much for the wrestling business and I truly believe it wouldn't be the way it is today if it wasn't for men like him, Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, and many, many more. They paved the way for upcoming superstars like myself, John Cena, Chris Masters, and etc.

    The "powers to be" are trying to control what we say and I may have to take this down eventually but I want to get my thoughts out there to be read just in case I do have to later take this blog down. There is so many people that have said they hope Benoit rots in hell and that they hate him and that what he did for the business doesn't matter anymore because of that one weekend.

    My opinion on Chris has not changed not even for one second. I believe he is innocent. We are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty but in Chris' case it was ass backwards. They started pointing fingers at him before they even investigated other possibilities. I know many may not agree with me but I believe this double murder suicide theory they have come up with is a bunch of B.S. To me it seems like the easy way out. I know many may disagree with me but I know the type of man Chris was/is. He was a loving family man who not even on his worst days would do something as horrible as what they claim he did.

    Chris is a part of the best memory of my WWE career. I won the world heavyweight championship from him and that memory and many others will be what I focus on when I think of Chris. Say what you want about him but he was/is a good man. Those of you who have judged him need to sit back and think am I perfect? Do I know all of what happened here? Do I have the whole story? Is Chris really capable of that? We are not worthy to judge another man. I may not ever understand why this happened but I will remain true to Chris.

    To those that believe that the WWE should have not shown a 3 hour tribute to Chris Benoit you need to try and realize that the WWE did what they felt was right and what I still believe is right. We were remembering him as a wrestler and what he did for us. He was a big part of our lives for so long and I honestly believe if we hadn't of done that many people would be bashing the company for that as well. We can't please everyone so why even try?

    RIP Chris Benoit, Nancy (Woman), and innocent little Daniel.

    Last edited by Black Widow; 07-03-2007 at 11:52 PM.

  2. #2
    End Of All Things To Come XXKSXX's Avatar
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    Nice post Ryan thanks for the read.

    I think he will have to take that down soon. So it's good thing u got it.

    RIP JC

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    A few more stars comment:

    Bubba Ray Dudley has had his say on this tragedy and you can listen to it by clicking here.


    Marc Mero interview on KFAN in Minneapolis, MN. In it, Mero says a World Champion called him to ask him why he was talking about the difficulties in the 'wrestling lifestyle' and can be found by clicking here.


    Konnan appeared on Nancy Grace's show last night as the latest person trying to offer her a clue. I was told it was a good appearance and video of it is up on YouTube.com.


    D-Lo Brown made a few comments on the tragedy on ClubWWI.com. As someone who has worked with Chris Benoit in the past, he also addressed last week's tragedy and spoke publicly about it for the first time. When James asked him about his thoughts on it, Brown answered:

    "It came as a shock to me just as it came to a shock to the wrestling public, the nation, and the world. It's a sad day, but one of those things where I want to hold off talking about until all the facts come out. I don't know. No one knows what happened there other than what the physical evidence shows."

    Brown says he wants to wait until the facts come in and JG says he agrees that we should wait to hear the final verdict on all the evidence before guessing at reasons. D-Lo responds:

    "Everyday there's something that could be or couldn't be….People are jumping to conclusions and throwing their own opinions in there and then they come out to be wrong. So, I just want to wait to see how it all plays out and give my opinion on it. But Chris as a performer, you can't say anything negative about him. He was just incredible in the ring and I'll miss him. I'll put it that way."

    Thanx to PWInsider.com for the info.

  4. #4
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Trish Remembers Chris

    We at TrishStratus.com are deeply saddened over the loss of Chris Benoit. Trish had this to say:

    "Chris was an incredible person, wrestler and friend. To the wrestling business he is the epitome of excellence, an example of dedication and passion, someone who lived their dreams. I shared many moments with Chris, I had the privilage of being his tag partner, we shared a Canadian heritage, we even shared a gap tooth, something that we laughed about years ago. Nancy was a beautiful person inside and out, it was always a pleasure to share a conversation with her, her smile lighting up a room. Their son Daniel rounded out a beautiful family.
    My thoughts are with the family, friends, as well as others whose lives Chris and his family touched. What an amazing life. I am deeply saddened by Chris' passing, and humbled by all that he was able to accomplish".

    John Cena on Benoit

    Eddie Guerrero is definitely a hero of mine..he did so much for the wrestling business and his legacy lives on. Even though many don't agree Chris Benoit is also a hero of mine. His legacy will live on through those of us who respected and loved him for what he did in the ring and for who he is as a person. I find it completely fucked up that many people are completely forgetting about him because of what supposedly happened in that 3 day time frame. All the good things he did were totally forgotten about because of what was seen reported. RIP Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Benoit.


    Gregory Helms on Benoit

    I wrote a blog on the passing of Chris Benoit and his family as soon as I heard the news. As details of the tragedy emerged I removed that blog, and I did so simply because I was tired of reading about it. It was just too hard. I maintain this page myself so I am the one who reads all the messages. And this is still a hurtful loss for me. However, with that being said, I do regret taking it down because I now understand a lot of my fans and friends were using this blog simply as a forum to vent their feelings, their thoughts, or their frustrations out. And I think that is good thing. I encourage it and I'm sorry I took it down. I've now added this blog for anyone feeling the need to express themselves concerning this tragedy. At this moment, it's the only thing I can do to help YOU, my fans and friends in this, OUR time of hurt.

    Once again, my thoughts and prayers go out to the remaining members of Chris, Nancy, and Daniel's family.


    Victoria on Benoit

    Hey All.

    I had planned on starting off talking about a recent trip to an arena football game, but I would be remiss not to address the Chris Benoit situation. Everyone who knew anything about wrestling knew of his in-ring contributions. I truly don't know what I can say and not get in trouble with the WWE. Anyone who reads my blogs regularly knows how much I love wrestling, and being part of the WWE. But I think what I have to say is more important. His son, Daniel, came to many shows. We bonded. He a was a cute little boy. What Chris did was selfish and hurtful. I fear that him being a superstar in some way glamorizes the situation. That's not what suicide is. It is selfish and hurtful. As long as you have a breath to breathe, you can make change to improve your life. You can talk to family, or friends, or clergy. And if you're not comfortable with any of them, here are two phone numbers for a Suicide and Crisis Hotline. 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE) or 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK). They take calls 24/7. You always have options. Maybe someday I'll be able to forgive Chris, but not today.

    God Bless Us All, Lisa Marie

    Last edited by Black Widow; 07-03-2007 at 11:57 PM.

  5. #5
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    Victoria seems like she really wants to help out people with problems, and I didn't know her name was Lisa Marie... Anyway, I'm glad some people are talking about what they feel, but Cena/Helms/Orton/Victoria may have to take down the things they said...

  6. #6
    Just Damn Phenomenal Phenomenal One's Avatar
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    Hogan on Benoit

    Hulk Hogan was interviewed this week by popular entertainment magazine US Weekly. Hogan said he was shocked when he heard about the Benoit family tragedy.

    Hulk Hogan, who last saw Benoit in March, said “He was peaceful and kept to himself”. When asked about what he thinks pushed Benoit over the edge, Hogan said "I think it had to be something personal, a domestic problem between him and his wife."

    Hogan had some bizarre claims about Chris Benoit's deceased wife, Nancy. “She was into devil-worship stuff. It was part of her [wrestling] character, but [she was] somebody who gets so close to their character, someone who gets into their character too much. Sometimes these people believe their own publicity.”

  7. #7
    BANG! bad_meetz_evil's Avatar
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    Gail Kim Comments On The Benoit Tragedy

    Gail Kim made a statement regarding the Benoit tragedy on the forum of her official website, TheGailKim.com. Here is her statement:

    "I can see that everyone has been shocked by the Chris Benoit family tragedy and I didnt want to speak on this topic since the news came out. I received the news the day after I got home from the last road trip and was resting when i was notified that Chris and his wife were dead. I woke up immediately and was in total shock. My first thoughts were ....was it an accident? I couldn't believe it! I reached out to my friends in the business and slowly i started to hear more details. I can honestly say until yesterday I was in a state of shock and confusion. Its almost like you dont want to believe the details that you were hearing because thats not the Chris we all knew. Like you have probably heard before, Chris was one of the good guys in the business...passionate, intense, quiet, and always so nice. I loved his family and they were always a pleasure to be around...truly. Daniel was such a cute kid who you could tell looked up to his father and loved wrestling as well. Its so strange how we all think we know what someone's like and then something like this happens. I think I am still in the stage of not wanting to believe it.... but it did happen. The news coverage blaming the steroids? I dont believe it was roid rage...it sounds like from the investigation that this was not a "in the moment" incident. it happened over the course of the weekend. Who knows if steroids affected him in terms of long term use.... we dont know any details about his personal life, his health, etc... so i dont want to draw any conclusions myself. its just been a sad few days that I cant seem to stop thinking about and I know we are all asking the question WHY? I dont think we'll ever find out the answer to that question." -Gail Kim

  8. #8
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Comments From Steve Blackman on Benoit

    Former WWE star Steve Blackman was recently interviewed by PennLive.com. He gives his opinion on the Chris Benoit situation, and he also informs us of what he's been up to since his departure from the WWE and the world of professional wrestling.

    "Chris was one of my best friends. We were close for years and years when we were on the road. Chris was a good guy. I don't know what caused him to do this. Was he having family issues? I'm not sure. I'm waiting to see what comes out. I find it really difficult to believe he would have murdered his son.

    (Benoit) absolutely loved wrestling. He always wrestled with a hard attitude. He was a tough guy, hard as nails. People liked him. It's just a horrible tragedy in the wrestling business. A lot of the guys have ended up dying. A lot of guys get addicted to pain-killers."

    - Steve Blackman

    Steve Blackman wrestled for a couple years. He made his name in the WWE during the latter part of the 90s. Steve Blackman retired from the WWE in 2001. His retirement was forced upon him because of various injuries, including bone spurs on his neck.

    Just like Chris Benoit, Steve Blackman made his start in the world of professional wrestling with Stampede Wrestling. He trained with the legendary Stu Hart in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

    Steve Blackman heard from Chris Benoit a few weeks ago. However, the two haven't seen one another for almost a year.

    He currently runs a fighting school in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Steve Blackman is also a trainer at the school, which focuses on mixed martial arts and ultimate fighting.


    Comments From Jillian Hall

    Jillian Hall has the dubious honor of being the first wrestling personality to make a negative comment publicly towards Chris Benoit after the terrible incident this past weekend that claimed his life, Nancy Benoit's life, and Daniel Benoit's life.

    "Time to Speak. Well, by now the whole world knows of the horrible news that took place this week. With all of the comments and messages from people saying how sorry they are for our loss, I figured I would speak in general. I am 100% in agreeance with WWE and Mr. McMahon on completely erasing all tributes to Chris Benoit. While he had always been nice and polite to me and most of the WWE talent, what he did is completely disgusting and unforgiveable! This man who could have been a legend has demolished his reputation. My heart goes out to Nancy and the adorable Daniel and the family and friends they left behind!"

    - Jillian Hall

    Granted, she's probably not the only person that feels this way, but she's the only one who lacked foresight enough to publicly put it in writing.

    With the WWE removing as much about Chris Benoit as they possibly can and with wrestlers removing blogs left and right, Jillian Hall should have been aware that it wouldn't be wise to make public comments like these. Greg Helms was one of the first WWE personnel to make a public comment about it. However, within hours of posting on his blog, Greg Helms removed it.

    It is widely speculated that the WWE has "insisted" that all personnel refrain from making public comments about Chris Benoit at the moment.

    Jillian Hall took down her blog posting as well, but in the world of the internet, comments last forever. Despite all of the (mostly) blind bitterness towards Chris Benoit at the moment, Jillian Hall is expected to receive some backlash from the internet wrestling community.

    Granted, just like everyone else that worked with Chris Benoit, Jillian Hall has more an intimate relationship with him than the fans do. However, this does not excuse her from making comments like these prior to the case being as conclusive as it can be.


    Eric Bischoff Comments On Chris Benoit

    Eric Bischoff was the man that was in charge of World Championship Wrestling where Chris Benoit first emerged on the scene in American wrestling. The two also worked together in the WWE when Vince McMahon hired his former rival to portray the on screen role of Raw general manager.

    I can not begin to articulate my feelings about the tragedy in the Benoit family. It is something I am really struggling to comprehend.

    I heard the news late Monday afternoon just as I was sitting down in a business meeting in Pittsburgh, I sat stunned as I listned to DDP on the other end of the phone, trying to tell me what happened. My meeting went very late into the evening and there was little new information when I went to bed.

    My phone rang at 7am on Tues and the caller ID revealed a 404 area code. Assuming it was someone that I used to work with in the area, I answered the phone. It was a local sports/talk show in the Atlanta area and they wanted to get my comments. I hesitated, but since the radio personality was a friend of a friend, I decided to go ahead.

    The questions started out ok...what one would normally expect in a situation like this. However they quickly turned into a "who's to blame" line of questioning and went down hill from there.

    It's really impossible anymore to be honest about something as tragic and emotionally charged as this issue without sounding like I have some kind of "hidden agenda". Its clear that the media wants to blame steroids, professional wrestling, Vince McMahon, or anyone or anything else that further sensationalizes this family tragedy.

    I refuse to join the choir.

    I don't have enough information. I wasn't there. I am not a psychiatrist. I just can't imagine how or why this could have happened.

    God bless Nancy and Daniel. God forgive Chris Benoit.

    Well said by Eric Bischoff. Probably the best line in all of these comments is his final line where he asks God to bless Nancy Benoit and Daniel Benoit while asking God to forgive Chris Benoit.


    Rob Van Dam Comments On Chris Benoit

    Rob Van Dam and Chris Benoit have known one another for years on the wrestling circuit. The two have worked together for years in the WWE.

    Well, there’s no need to wait until we have our heads wrapped around this, because I doubt that’ll happen, so here it is. I know that a monster committed those terrible, unforgivable acts of horror. Just like everyone who knew Chris Benoit, I can’t think of him as a monster. Not Chris.

    Chris was truly a role model’s role model. You simply had to respect him and admire his focus and unmatched discipline. If I ever got asked a question about who I looked up to the most in the business, you guessed it. That’s me sharing a real feeling with you. Not talking about bull shit that I have little interest in, like who would I like most to wrestle with, or what’s my favorite color, but who I actually looked up to in the dressing room. It’s Chris Benoit- in the ring and in the dressing room and with his family.

    The last time I talked to Chris, a few weeks ago, he told me how much he respected me for stepping away from the business. His message now comes to me from beyond. He said “Some of us don’t know when to get out.” I told him that I always held a little contempt for him telling me back in 1992 that I was a dumb-ass for wanting to quit WCW, and mentioned the irony.

    Over the last several years, on overseas tours I’d always see Chris in the gym when the other guys were recovering from the night before. He’d train hard and sometimes I’d see him allowing young wrestlers to follow his lead and get a guaranteed killer workout. He took pride in what he did and set a great example for others, myself included, to follow.

    How many murderers…baby murderers at that… are praised so highly by EVERYONE who knew them? This is all so bizarre and new information seems to come out every few hours but I can’t imagine we’ll ever understand what happened here. It appears that Chris took the answers with him. To tell you the honest truth, the easiest thing for me to believe at this moment is that if no frame work was involved, he was taken over by demonic energies with no compassion. I have to believe this is often the case with such inhumane acts.

    Nancy, Daniel and Chris’ tragic deaths obviously have affected a lot of people. Just remember, there’s enough hate in this world. Hateful thoughts do not move us in the right direction, so make a conscious effort to remember that. It’s important now and always.

    Excellent comments from Rob Van Dam. He's yet another person that has interacted with Chris Benoit more than us fans have. Rob Van Dam is also right in asking people to not be too irrational about the situation.


    Chris Jericho Comments On Chris Benoit

    Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. Two Canadian guys named Chris who both happened to enter the world of professional wrestling. They each ended up winning the world heavyweight championship. They also won the world tag team championship together as a tag team.

    They were also friends. Chris Jericho shares his view on the tragic Chris Benoit situation from this past weekend.

    Chris Jericho characterized the Chris Benoit case as a tale of two cities. Chris Benoit was a mentor to him and one of his best friends. Their relationship was even close enough to where Chris Jericho has told Chris Benoit before that he loved him.

    When asked about how whether or not steroids played a factor in the deaths, Chris Jericho feels that it goes a lot deeper than that.

    Friends of Chris Benoit have stated that he's a very private individual, which explains why he has never discussed his son's medical condition with Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho said he wouldn't be surprised if Chris Benoit's parents weren't aware of Daniel Benoit's condition.

    Chris Jericho states that upon learning of Daniel Benoit's condition, he became more aware of the symptoms that he displayed. Daniel Benoit lacked social skills, flapped his hands, was hyper, had trouble focusing, ADHD, and a big head with small ears. Chris Jericho thought that Daniel Benoit was just naturally shy like his father.

    Next, Chris Jericho addressed the ridiculous notion that Chris Benoit was distraught over being "demoted" to the ECW brand. Chris Jericho confirms that Chris Benoit was on the verge of winning the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. Chris Benoit was also slated to be the coach and mentor to much of the younger talent in the company.

    From a previous marriage, Chris Benoit has a 14 year old son and a 10 or 11 year old daughter. Chris Jericho mentions that they're hanging in there. He also notes that Chris Benoit loved all of his children and would fly home to be with them even it was just for a few hours of time.

    When asked about the WWE's drug policy, Chris Jericho noted that there have been wrestlers who have failed the drug test. He even goes as far as suggesting that people contact Vince McMahon for the names of those who failed.

    source: *****************.com
    Last edited by Black Widow; 07-04-2007 at 07:44 PM.

  9. #9
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    Default Transcript of Chris Jericho & Konnan on Nancy Grace

    Transcript of Chris Jericho on Nancy Grace

    Chris Jericho was interviewed by CNN's Nancy Grace in regards to the Chris Benoit situation. Here's the transcript from that interview.

    GRACE: I knew the whole time we were talking and discussing the crime scene and the possible use of steroids and the death of the little boy that you, as a friend of Benoit, is hearing all this. How has all of this hit you?

    JERICHO: It`s almost a tale of two cities, a tale of two people. There is the Chris Benoit that had these horrendous acts of extreme psychopathic lunacy in the last couple days of his life, and then there`s the Benoit that I myself traveled with, lived with, said I love you to on many occasions. He was my mentor. He was one of my best friends. And he was a brother to me in so many ways.

    And the 15 years I knew him and the two days that he decided to do these horrible, horrible acts, it`s hard to kind of discern the two. And that`s why we have to figure out what would cause such a mild-mannered, polite, influential, tremendous person and performer to do such things.

    Is steroids a reason? I think it goes a lot deeper than that. I think you`re seeing a man with some severe psychological, troubled issues that held them in for far too long, until everything combined to cause him to snap in such a horrible way.

    GRACE: Mr. Jericho, you spent so much time with Benoit over many, many years. Did he ever tell you about his son`s handicap?

    JERICHO: No. And see, this is the thing. That`s why I really wanted to come talk with you, Nancy, and try to explain a little bit of Chris Benoit, the man, to some of the people that never heard anything about wrestling and don`t know anything about him, or you know, the millions of fans and hundreds of co-workers that he influenced in such a positive way, entertained.

    Chris was a very quiet man but not a recluse and not a hermit, just quiet. He minded his own business, but he was always around. If there was a joke, he would laugh. And of all the years I was with him, I never once saw anything -- if there was a fight -- if I went nuts and wanted to beat somebody up, he was the guy that would contain me. And a lot of people can tell you that.

    And as far as knowing about Daniel`s condition, it wouldn`t surprise me -- and I`m saying this seriously -- if even his own parents didn`t know because if Chris had decided that he wanted to keep it to himself, you wouldn`t have been able to pry that out of him with anything. I don`t know anybody, myself or any of his close friends, his co-workers, his boss, that knew or even suspected anything about him having the fragile X. Yet as soon as I read the symptoms of fragile X, it fit Daniel to a T all across the board.

    GRACE: In what way? In what way, Mr. Jericho?

    JERICHO: The lack of social skills, the never -- hard to make eye contact, intense shyness. Flapping of the hands is one thing I read. I remember him being a little bit very hyper, ADHD, very kind of a hyper little guy. And even to the point of his ears were kind of a little bit bigger. His head was a little bit larger. And you just don`t think about those things. Some kids grow into themselves over the years. But now that you read it, you can kind of really see where all this ties in.

    I remember at a Wrestlemania party two years ago, my son, who was a year-and-a-half at the time, spoke more and better than Daniel did, who was about 4-and-a-half at the time, when they were playing. I just thought Daniel was like his father, just quiet and naturally withdrawn. Now you can see some of these indications that maybe it was more than that.

    GRACE: Back to former WWE wrestler Chris Jericho, also a very dear friend of Benoit`s. A lot of people have perceived him moving down to the "ECW" as a demotion. You say that`s not a demotion. Why do you say that, and why the perception?

    JERICHO: I`m glad that -- once again, I`m glad I got to talk to you about some of this because that`s -- that`s just such a fabrication and totally wrong. The WWE operates with three separate TV shows, "Raw," "Smackdown" and "ECW." They`re three separate brands. There`s a champion of each brand. Chris was the WWE champion on the "Raw" brand. That`s where you see him where he`s hugging his family and all the confetti`s coming down.

    Then he moved to "Smackdown," which they moved the wrestlers around to freshen things up. And on "Smackdown," he was kind of in the middle level. So to better utilize his talent, because he was across the board probably the best wrestler in the WWE, and anyone would probably tell you that -- so to move him to "ECW" was twofold. One, he was about to become the "ECW" champion. And two, "ECW" is more with some younger guys that are just learning, and Chris was a great trainer and so well respected, they wanted him to be kind of more of a trainer to some of these younger guys to help them with their future endeavors.

    So to move Chris to "ECW," Chris would not see that as a demotion. He would see it as doing his job, which is to help the business and to continue the business going, the business that he loved.

    Chris never had a job, ever, except for wrestling. He never delivered papers. He never worked at a convenience store. He wrestled. So for him to go help some of the younger guys, he would take that as an honor.

    GRACE: Well, it sounds like to me he was turning into more of a trainer.

    JERICHO: Well, no because he was about to become the "ECW" champion. A champion is a champion, right?

    GRACE: OK. OK. I`m glad you cleared that up because I didn`t understand it.

    GRACE: Let`s go to Chris Jericho, WWE wrestler and superstar himself, a friend of Benoit. What about the other kids? What do we know about them?

    JERICHO: Well, I mean, they`re doing the best they can to deal with this, obviously. And I think everybody is still processing it. Chris`s son is 14, his daughter is 10 or maybe 11. So I mean, think of it from that respect, losing your father at an age, also a hero, and the way that it happened. I know they`re going to do good, but right now, it`s as devastating as it is to all of us. I mean, what do you expect?

    GRACE: Hold on just a moment, Kathleen Mullin. Hold on just a moment. No one is vilifying Benoit. Benoit was a hero, not just to the wrestling community, but to all of the charities that he worked with, to all the people he tried to help.

    And this is the choice, as you`re screaming about anabolic steroids, here are the choices. According to police, he killed his wife and his little boy, his mentally handicapped little boy. So if you can sleep better at night, Kathleen Mullin, thinking he did that cool, calm, and collected, fine. I would rather believe myself that, for some reason, he lost his mind.

    And I want to go to his friend, Chris Jericho. Jericho knows him better than any of us. He`s known him for years. They`re very dear friends. Mr. Jericho, can you imagine him doing this cool-headed?

    CHRIS JERICHO, AUTHOR, "A LION`S TALE": Absolutely not. And that`s why I think, once again, just by the little repartee you had there, it`s getting away from the source. Steroids or no steroids, there`s still a man with a very severe mental problem that was so well-hidden that nobody knew about it, not one person. Nobody knew about it, or maybe his wife did. I don`t know. But nobody I knew that actually Chris talked to or knew about had any indication of these tendencies, and that I think is the major problem.

    This is not about steroids. It`s not about wrestling. It`s about finding out about the mental problems this man had to cause him to snap in such a brutal form. I love Chris Benoit; I hate the fact of what he did.

    GRACE: I`ve got to tell you something. I, like a lot of other people, have been struggling with what happened. What happened? We don`t know. The murder victims can`t speak. He killed himself, according to the evidence, although there are theories he was murdered. And it`s very hard for me to take and to reconcile this guy that so many people looked up to could cold-bloodedly kill a mentally handicapped little boy.

    JERICHO: Of course.

    GRACE: In fact, it would ease my heart to know maybe he was on steroids, maybe he flipped for a moment. I`d rather think that than think that he could do that. When he died, the little boy had a little statuette by his bed of his father. He worshipped his father. And from what I`ve been told, the father adored the boy. So what are we supposed to think?

    JERICHO: Nancy, that`s the thing. That`s such the dichotomy of this case. This is the problem. Chris loved his children. I`m not just saying he loved his children. He loved his children, all three of them, talked about them constantly, would go out of his way to go home even just for a few hours to see his son, to see Daniel, for sure.

    This is the type of father he was and this is the type of guy he was, and that`s why it`s such a crazy -- you can`t comprehend it. That`s what the problem is. Was it steroids? Maybe. But I don`t want to hang everything just from the fact they found steroids. He did not take a shot of steroids and go, "I`m going to go crazy."

    This is something that had been building in him for many, many years, obviously, for him to snap like that and go absolutely insane and take away the most important thing in his life. And I know it, because he told me, all three of his children.

    GRACE: Chris, we`ve got about 15 seconds.

    JERICHO: It`s random testing done by an independent corporation that Vince McMahon has nothing to do with. If you are caught, you are fined and suspended. There is a list of performers who have been fined and suspended over the last six months. Ask Vince for them. He`ll supply it. It is a real, true, stringent drug test that gets results.


    Transcript of Konnan on Nancy Grace

    Konnan (whose real name is Carlos Ashenoff) was interviewed by CNN's Nancy Grace in regards to the Chris Benoit situation. Here's the transcript from that interview.

    On Chris Benoit passing a drug test recently:

    Konnan: Well, first let me preface the conversation by stating that I hope that my appearance here raise awareness of what`s happening in our industry and brings about change. The wrestling industry is not regulated. There`s no pension plan, no retirement plan, no union. We work the whole year. And you know, in baseball, there was a congressional investigation to alleged steroid usage, and we`ve had actual deaths, and nothing`s happened.

    Now, getting back to the question, you know, there`s basically -- WWE, it doesn`t behoove them to take their biggest revenue makers, you know, out of the ring. They`re going to lose money, you know? So obviously, they turned -- you know, they turned a blind eye.

    On the WWE's sincerity on steroids:

    Konnan: Yes, I have. But all you have to do is watch their program. They have a show on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Look at the condition the guys are in. There`s no way you can maintain that condition year-round if you`re not on them.

    On physically larger humans being on steroids:

    Konnan: Well, do you see normal people walking around like that on the streets year-round? It`s impossible to achieve or attain that look without steroids. I mean, I`m pretty well versed on them because I used them for a long time because in this industry, there`s a premium on that look. You`re rewarded for looking that way. And you know, it`s just a shame because now we`re starting to find out that all these people, you know, all these wrestlers are dying due to enlarged hearts. It hardens arteries. You`re having all these people that are -- you know, all these wrestlers that are dying...

    On how steroids affected him:

    Konnan: Oh, I got bigger, stronger, you know, more aggressive. You know...

    On steroids making him want to fight:

    Konnan: No, not really. I mean, you know, I didn`t have that `roid rage that you hear about, but you know, I have seen people that have gone into `roid rages.

    On the drug GHB:

    Konnan: Yes, that`s like liquid ecstasy. That was very, very popular in the `90s, and it helps you get ripped. It gives you a buzz. I mean, it`s very hard because, like I said before, you`re on the road the whole year, so you`re hurt, you`re depressed, you need something to pick you up, something to bring you down, something to keep you strong, so it`s a lot of recreational drugs, steroids and pain killers.

    What Vince McMahon needs to do is actually fine people, suspend people or fire people if he has to, if he finds them on steroids, like Alex Marvez says, or pain killer, because they`re just giving us a lot of lip service. After Eddie Guerrero died last year, who was like a brother to me, you know, they started implementing steroid testing again to make sure they could quash or quell any media uproar, but they picked a couple patsies, and that was it. I mean, he`s got to do something about this. He`s got to be responsible.

    On the credibility of the WWE's wellness program:

    Konnan: Well, like I said earlier, you know, it doesn`t benefit them to take some of their biggest revenue makers out of the ring, so they just basically police themselves. If anybody`s showing up late or anybody showing any signs of drug abuse, they put them in rehab.

    On the WWE's wellness program procedure:

    Konnan: It`s a urine test, but, you know, they just pick a couple people, make an example out of them, and everybody else polices themselves.

    On cheating the WWE's wellness program:

    Konnan: Yes, right, I know exactly what it is. The bottom line is you don`t have to, because they never bust the top guys. That`s just it. You know, they make an example of a couple people so the media doesn`t say that they`re not doing anything, and that`s what`s happening. They give a lot of lip service.

    On roid rage:

    Konnan: Well, you know, they get uncontrollable rage. They get very violent. They want to fight. They want to break stuff and, you know, just very aggressive.

    On Chris Benoit's soft spoken nature:

    Konnan: Well, he was. You know, I don`t think it was `roid rage, because, you know, what he did sounded a little bit more deliberate, and it was over a three-day span, and `roid rage is kind of just bouts and fits of rage for, you know, five minutes, ten minutes, whatever. But he was very kind, you know, very uncharacteristic of him. I would have never thought that he would have done anything like this. He was a gentleman.

    On why Chris Benoit did it:

    Konnan: I have absolutely no idea. He obviously snapped, but the bottom line is, is that, you know, wrestlers are taking a lot of pain killers, steroids and recreational drugs, and it needs to be cleaned up and needs to be regulated.

    On his own health problems:

    Konnan: Yes, it wasn`t from the steroids. It was more from the pain killers, due to the fact that I had to use pain killers, because I needed a hip replacement operation, and the company that I was with, TNA, wouldn`t pay for it. I had to get on pain killers and, due to the continued use of that, it shut down my kidneys, and now I have to get a kidney transplant.

    On his scheduled surgery:

    Konnan: Hopefully next week. But let me tell you something. You had asked me before what I thought the thing was with Chris Benoit. There seems to be a correlation between undiagnosed concussions and football players who, after they retire, they commit suicide. He might have had an undiagnosed concussion.

    source: *****************.com

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    Comments From Kevin Sullivan and Chris Nowinski

    Former wrestlers Chris Nowinski and Kevin Sullivan commented on the deaths of WWE star Chris Benoit, Nancy Benoit, and Daniel Benoit.

    "I'm in the dark. I wrestled with him a lot. I thought he was a great performer. Last night when I found out, it was shocking. Just shocking."

    "It's surreal. She was a nice person. We just went our separate ways. She was nice and very loving and I'm sure she was a good mother."

    "I never associated with (Benoit), so I really don't know his personality, but I'm sad for all three, especially the child."

    - Kevin Sullivan

    Kevin Sullivan, a former wrestler himself, was formerly married to Nancy Benoit. They were married in 1985.

    The two met in the summer of 1984 when Nancy Benoit was on the cover of Wrestling All-Stars magazine. It was at this photoshoot where she met Kevin Sullivan, who hired her to be a part of his entourage in Florida Championship Wrestling. Nancy Benoit went by the name of the Fallen Angel.

    While working as a writer for WCW, Kevin Sullivan actually wrote a storyline where his wife Nancy Benoit left him for Chris Benoit. Ironically, Nancy Benoit left him in real life for Chris Benoit.

    Nancy Benoit and Kevin Sullivan have no spoken since their split.

    Kevin Sullivan is currently retired from pro wrestling. He now resides in Tavernier, Florida. Kevin Sullivan owns and operates a gym with his wife Linda Sullivan called Froggy's Fitness.

    Chris Nowinski is a retired professional wrestler who received his big break in the WWE by participating in Tough Enough reality TV show. He was forced to retire early from the WWE due to a series of injuries to his head.

    “He was one of the only guys who would take a chair shot to the back of the head, which is stupid.” Chris Nowinski speculates that untreated head injuries may have had a factor in this past weekend's tragedy.

    Chris Nowinski has even gone as far as requesting that the coroner exam Chris Benoit for neurofibrillary tangles in his brain's cortex. Unfortunately, the coroner's office has rejected the request.

    "Part of me hopes there was something wrong with his brain. The Chris Benoit knew was always more concerned about everybody else's well being than his own."

    source: *****************.com

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