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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation LIVE Coverage - Great American Bash 2007

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage

    Great American Bash
    Sunday 22nd July, 2007 - 8 PM | US EST


    WWE Championship Match
    John Cena(c) vs. Bobby Lashley.

    World Championship Match
    Great Khali(c) vs. Kane vs. Batista.

    ECW Championship Match
    John Morrison(c) vs. CM Punk.

    Intercontinental Championship Match
    Umaga(c) vs. Jeff Hardy.

    United States Championship Match
    MVP(c) vs. Matt Hardy.

    Open Cruiserweight Challenge Match
    Chavo Guerrero(c) vs Jimmy Wang Yang, Funaki, Jamie Noble and Shannon Moore and anyone else who decides to enter.

    Women's Championship Match
    Candice Michelle(c) vs. Melina.

    Texas Bull Rope match
    Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Orton.

    Singapore Cane On A Pole match
    Sandman vs. Carlito.


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment in this thread about the PPV.
    No spoilers before they are posted in this post.

    Great American Bash LIVE Coverage! - July 22nd
    Location - H.P. Pavilion in San Jose, California
    RAW: J.R and Jerry 'The King' Lawler
    Smackdown - Michael Cole and JBL
    ECW - Joey Styles and Tazz

    Tonight you have accepted the invite and you are here for the Bash!

    A video package showing the 3 way battle for the World Championship tonight between Kane, Batista and Khali.

    A video package showing the battle for the WWE Championship between the Champion John Cena and Lashley.

    The time has come for a great American tradition, The Great American Bash!

    Fireworks explode in front of American flags in the arena and Michael Cole welcome us to the HP Pavilion in San Jose, California with 14,000 on hand for this PPV. Cole passes over to JBL and he is excited as always then Cole passes over to J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler and they pass us over to Michael Cole and Tazz to represent ECW.

    Matt Hardys music begins and the crowd cheeer as he makes his way to the ring. They show replays from the last few weeks that got Matt Hardy to this match today.

    MVP's clock starts ticking and the crowd boos as he makes his way out of his oxygen tent and hardly no reaction from the crowd (once again). MVP makes his way to the ring and away we go for the first match up tonight.

    U.S. Championship Match
    MVP(c) vs Matt Hardy

    JBL and Michael Cole reviewed MVP's attack of Matt Hardy from two week's ago on Smackdown, but JBL pointed out that Hardy has momentum following his win over Kenny Dykstra on Friday. They locked up at the bell, and MVP shoved Hardy, so Hardy armdragged MVP, who went to the floor to regroup. They locked up again and Hardy grabbed a wristlock, turning it into a hammerlock as MVP tried to escape it. MVP reversed, and when Hardy tried to roll out of it, MVP rolled with him to maintain the hold. MVP moved into a hammerlock, and the fans chanted for Matt. Hardy lunged forward and sent MVP through the ropes and to the floor. Hardy then hit him with a pescado and threw MVP back into the ring for a two count. Hardy hit a back elbow, then dropped an elbow for a two count. MVP hit a forearm to the face, then pounded Hardy's back and hiptossed him for a one count. MVP applied a crossed arm camel clutch, but Hardy got to his feet and reversed out into a test of strength. Hardy and MVP traded headbutts in the hold, then Matt hit some forearms. MVP tried for a clothesline, I think, but Hardy blocked it and hit a vertical suplex.

    MVP rolled to the floor, but Hardy went after him and tossed him back in the ring. Hardy hit some right hands in the corner, but MVP reversed a whip. MVP ran into an elbow, but as Matt Hardy went to the second rope, MVP grabbed his leg and yanked him to the mat for a two count. MVP hit some elbows to the head and got another two count. MVP hit a drop toe hold, then kicked Hardy in the head, but Matt got his foot on the bottom rope. MVP pulled Hardy away from the ropes and got another two count. MVP applied a cravate and hit a series of knees to the head, then applied a double underhook on the mat, freeing one arm to hit some elbows to the back of the head. Matt bit MVP on the leg to break the hold. MVP hit some crossface blows, but Matt came back with some forearms. MVP grabbed Hardy in a fireman's carry, then dropped him face first on the mat. MVP bounced off the ropes, but Hardy caught him with a clothesline. A weakened Hardy climbed to the top rope, having trouble, and MVP met him at the top. MVP hit a top rope superplex for a two count.

    MVP rammed the back of Matt Hardy's head into the mat. MVP hit a forearm and set up for a back superplex. MVP went for a top rope back superplex, but Hardy shifted his weight and came down on top of MVP. Hardy scored a two count. Hardy hit some forearms and a discus punch, then a clothesline in the corner. Hardy went for a bulldog, but MVP shoved it off. MVP ran into a boot by Hardy and Matt hit a second rope bulldog for a two count. Hardy hit a second rope legdrop for a near fall. Hardy went for a Twist of Fate, MVP reversed into a Playmaker, but Hardy reversed again into a Side Effect for a two count. Hardy went for another Side Effect, but MVP turned it into a unique rolling cradle for a two count. Matt grabbed a small package for a two count, then MVP nailed him with a clothesline. MVP went for the running boot in the corner, but Hardy ducked it and rolled up MVP for a two count. MVP and Hardy jockeyed for position, MVP trying for a fireman's carry and Hardy trying to grab a Twist Of Fate. MVP threw Hardy into a corner and hit a running kick to the body. The announcers sold that Hardy hit his head on the bottom rope as he went down. MVP then hit the Playmaker, a little off, and got the clean pin at the thirteen minute mark.

    Winner: MVP

    MVP celebrates his win.

    Grisham is backstage with The American Dream Dusty Rhodes who is excited because it is the Great American BAsh. He says his legacy is all over this night and begins to talk about the Texas Rope Match and then discusses Cody losing last week to Randy Orton. Dusty goes on to talk about respect and says tonight he will show Randy orton what respect is with the cow bell and then goes on to talk about a story from down in Texas about a cow being so pretty and then makes a cow noise MOOOOOOOOOOO. lol

    The announcer is in the ring and announces the Cruiserweight Championship is next and the one who lasts will win the Championship.

    Jimmy Wang Yang makes his way to the ring.

    Shannon Moore makes his way to the ring.

    Funaki makes his way to the ring.

    Jamie Noble makes his way to the ring.

    Chavo Guererro(c) makes his way to the ring.

    Michael Cole mentions that Chavo won the Cruiserweight at No Way Out in a Cruiserweight Open as a surprise entrant.

    All entrants stand in the ring waiting for the bell when Hornswaggle decides to run across the ring for no apparent reason adn here we go.

    Open Cruiserweight Challenge
    Chavo Guerrero(c) vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Shannon Moore vs Funaki vs Jamie Noble

    Everyone in the ring at once, first pinfall or submission gets the title (aka the "screw the champion" stips). Michaels Cole said any cruiserweight was eligible, and stated that a Cruiserweight is anyone "under 250 pounds". That's the first time in years I can remember someone actually telling us a weight limit for the division. Before the bell could ring, Hornswoggle ran out and got under the ring. It distracted Chavo, who was then quadruple teamed and thrown out of the ring. Funaki gave Noble a flying head scissors. Yang gave Moore a rana. Noble gave Yang a back suplex, but Yang landed on his feet. Yang hit Noble with a side kick, but Chavo came in to break up the cover. Moore gave Chavo a reverse cross bodyblock for a two count. Funaki gave Chavo and Moore a flying bodypress. Funaki suplexed Moore, then Noble kicked him. Noble gave Yang a powerslam, but Chavo broke up the cover. Chavo slammed Noble. Chavo decked Yang, then dropkicked Noble from the ring. Chavo put Yang in a half crab, but Funaki broke it up with an enzugiri. Moore rammed Funaki in a corner and chopped him. Noble hit Moore and stomped Funaki. Noble hit a forearm on Moore, but Moore came back with a bodyslam. Funaki backdropped Moore to the apron and knocked him to the floor.

    Funaki went for a tornado DDT on Noble, but Noble blocked it and applied a jujigatame. Moore broke it up with a springboard legdrop for a two count. Funaki gave Moore an enzugiri, but Chavo broke up the cover. Chavo gave Funaki the Gori Bomb, but Yang broke it up. Chavo gave Yang two vertical suplexes, but Yang blocked the third. Chavo hit a forearm and Yang returned fire. Yang hit a top rope moonsault on a standing Chavo, but Noble broke up the cover. Yang whipped Noble across the ring and Noble dove out onto Funaki. Yang backdropped Moore out of the ring onto Noble and Funaki. Yang went to the top rope, but Chavo stopped him. Chavo went for a superplex, but Noble grabbed Chavo in an electric chair. So, Yang got superplexed by Chavo as Chavo was being given the electric chair by Noble. Moore and Funaki were down on the floor, and Chavo, Noble and Yang were all down in the ring. Hornswoggle came out from under the ring and gave Noble a top rope splash for the pin at the six minute mark.

    Winner and new Cruiserweight Champion: Hornswoggle.

    All the Cruiserweights got back in the ring and stared at Hornswoggle in disbelief. Hornswaggle celebrates outside the ring as all the superstars are in the ring starting at him celebrate outside the ring. Then the superstars jump out of the ring to get him and Hornswaggle jumps under the ring and comes out the other side as he runs up the ramp and turns around, holds the title up high and runs out. The superstars remain in the ring and can not believe as Chavo is yelling, "That was my title".

    A video package of HHH's return. The King of Kings!

    We are outside the HP Pavillion and get a view of it, exciting stuff.

    J.R. and the King promote the WWE Championship match tonight between Cena(c) and Lashley. A video package comes up focusing on Lashleys career and how how he got to where he is tonight for the number one contender for the WWE title.

    Lilian is in the ring and announces the Singapore can on a pole match is next and that the superstar who is able to get the cane from the pole is able to use the cane legally.

    Sandmans music hits and we find him up in the crowd (with no beer) and makes his way through the crowd (alot more quicker than usual .. ahhh no beer) and then makes his way to the ring with a cane in hand.

    Carlitos music hits and he has a serious look on his face as he eats his apple on the way to the ring. Carlito gets to the ring and spits the apple in the Sandmans face, the bell rings and ehre we go.

    Singapore Cane on a Pole Match
    Sandman vs Carlito

    The referee took the cane and put it on the pole as Carlito came out. Carlito spit apple at Sandman from the apron, and Sandman gave chase, but the referee got them into the ring to start the match. They locked up, then both men released and went towards the corner with the cane. Sandman grabbed Carlito and hit him, then took Carlito down with a hammerlock. Carlito grabbed the ropes to break. Sandman went towards the pole, but Carlito hit him and rammed him head first into the top turnbuckle. Carlito whipped Sandman across the ring, but Sandman put on the breaks and backdropped Carlito to the floor. Sandman went to climb the pole, but Carlito knocked him down. Carlito stomped Sandman in the ring, then went to climb the pole. Sandman stopped him, and whipped Carlito into the opposite corner. Carlito hit a dropkick, but Sandman tripped him as he walked towards the pole. Carlito hit a series of blows, then a vertical suplex. Carlito hit some shots to the head, then went to climb the pole, but Sandman kept grabbing his leg. Carlito stomped him down, then went up again, but Sandman threw Carlito down off the middle rope. Carlito reversed a whip and hit a clothesline in the corner, then a dropkick to the gut. Carlito went to climb again, but Sandman pulled him down and hit some right hands. Carlito went for a springboard back elbow off the middle rope, but Sandman ducked it and Carlito crashed to the mat.

    Sandman climbed the pole and grabbed the cane. Sandman swung it at Carlito, but Carlito ducked and hit the Backcracker for the pin at the five minute mark. So, the cane never actually got used. Carlito quickly got out of the ring as Sandman glared at him.

    Winner: Carlito.

    Carlito celebrates his win and makes his way up the ramp while looking back at Sandman in the ring, smiling as the Sandman lies there. Then sandman gets up and stares at Carlito.

    Grisham is backstage with randy Orton and Orton says he is happy to see Rhodes is in such a good mood and he is happy himself. Orton asks Grisham does he know today is Shwn Michaels B'Day and Grisham says no and Orton replkies, neither does Michaels after the pummeling he gave him. Tonight Rhodes will get the same as Cody got last week.

    Melinas music starts and makes her way to the ring.

    Candice Micheele makes her way to the ring with title in hand. Candice is the first Diva Search Champion to become Womens Champion. Candice gets in the ring and here we go.

    Womens Championship Match
    Candice Michelle(c) vs Melina

    Melina hit a knee to the gut at the start, then applied an overheard wristlock. Melina switched to a hammerlock, but Candice made the ropes. They locked up again and Candice took Melina down with a side mare. Melina countered with a headscissors, but Candice flipped out and into a back bridge. Candice hit a kick to the gut and a running reverse neck snap. Candice took Melina down with a fireman's carry into a bridge, but Melina came back with a forearm to the face, then stretched her across the middle rope in the corner and stomped on her stomach. Melina choked Candice against the ropes, then yanked her arm across the top rope as she jumped of the apron. Melina kicked and wreched the arm in the ring, then applied a cross arm choke, throwing Candice to the mat for a two count. Melina went into the overhead wristlock again, then applied a surfboard variation. Candice broke out and hit some forearms, then a clothesline and a dropkick. Candice hit a discus clothesline for a two count. Candice went to the top rope and hit a flying bodypress for a two count. Melina hit a back elbow and a split legged neckbreaker for a two count. Melina hit some shot to the back of the head, but Candice came back with a clothesline. Candice missed a spinning heel kick, and Melina grabbed a sleeper. Candice broke out with a jawbreaker, then went for a Unprettier, but Melina blocked it. Candice grabbed a side headlock and dropped down with a standing bulldog for the pin at the seven minute mark. Jerry Lawler said that is a new move Candice has been working on called "The Candy Wrapper".

    Winner: Candice Michelle

    Candice celebrates her win as Melina is not happy.

    Wrestlemania 24 ad - Sunday March 20th, 2008

    Matt Hardy is backstage and gives support to his brother Jeff for his upcoming match. Candice Michelle makes her way to the back with the title and goes to get a drink as Jeff and Matt stare at her. Candice starts to seductively drink the water then starts to pour it over her body, front and back. Very hot. Ron Simmons turns up and he joins the Hrady Boys staring at Candice and then he does his DAMN! in a very soft way and continue to stare at Candice. lol

    Full size caps wil be available at Exposed Divas or UOWForums soon after the PPV!

    Jeff Hardys music starts and makes his way to the ring.

    Umagas music starts and he makes his way to the ring. Here we go.

    Intercontinental Championship Match
    Umaga(c) vs Jeff Hardy

    Hardy attacked with right hands, but Umaga decked him and pounded him through the ropes and to the floor. Umaga rammed Hardy head first into the ring apron and back into the ring. Jeff hit a jawbreaker, but then ran right into an Umaga Samoan Drop. Umaga stomped Hardy and delivered some shots to the head. Umaga hit a headbutt, then dropped a leg. Jeff tried to fight back, but was decked by a back elbow. Umaga whipped Hardy across the ring, hard into the turnbuckles. Umaga whipped hit into the opposite buckles, and Hardy slumped to the mat. Umaga applied a nervehold. Hardy kept trying to fight up, but Umaga would knock him back down and maintain the hold. Hardy tried to elbow out, but Umaga threw him down to the mat. Umaga reapplied the nervehold,

    Hardy fought up and tried for a bodyslam, but Umaga was too heavy and fell on top of Hardy for a two count. Umaga dragged Hardy near the ropes and went for a Bonsai Drop, hitting it. Umaga hit a second, then went for a third, but Hardy got his knees up. Hardy then jumped off the second rope, but Umaga caught him and hit a spinning sidewalk slam for a two count. Crowd popped for the kickout. Umaga went for a second rope headbutt, but Hardy moved out of the ring and Umaga crashed headfirst to the mat. Hardy hit forearms to the front and back of Umaga's head. Hardy hit a mule kick and a DDT. Umaga charged Hardy, but Jeff ducked and pulled down the top rope and Umaga fell to the floor. Hardy hit a baseball slide kick and a pescado, taking Umaga down on the floor.

    Back in the ring, Hardy went for a sunset flip, but Umaga blocked it and went to drop down, but Hardy moved out of the way. Hardy dropkicked Umaga in the face as he was seated on the mat for a two count. Umaga punched Hardy down in a corner and went for the running posterior shot in the corner, but Hardy moved out of the way and Umaga crashed into the corner. Hardy hit Whisper In The Wind for a two count. Umaga reversed a whip and sent Jeff into a corner. Umaga went for an avalanche, but Hardy moved and Umaga went over the turnbuckle and hit his head on the ringpost. Hardy hit a Swanton Bomb, crawled over for the cover, but Umaga kicked out at two. Hardy went for a Twist of Fate, but Umaga shoved Hardy into a corner, then caught him with a superkick. Hardy fell into the corner and Umaga hit the running posterior shot in the corner, then blasted him with the Samoan Spike for the pin at the eleven minute mark.

    Winner: Umaga.

    Umaga stands over Hardy in the ring and then leaves the ring and begins to make his way to the back. Umaga turns around and stares at Hardy who is still lieing in the ring as Umaga once again does his huge yell on the ramp.

    A video package for John Cena, where he began and how he got to where he is today as the WWE champion.

    John Morrison makes his way to the ring. lol He does look like him. They showed footage of Morrison asking Punk what does Punk mean and how did he come up with that name from ECW last week.

    CM Punk makes his way to the ring and here we go.

    ECW Championship Match
    John Morrison(c) vs CM Punk

    They traded waistlocks at the start, then went to the mat and Punk got a hammerlock. Morrison hit a back elbow and applied a side headlock. Morrison hit a shoulderblock, but Punk tripped him and applied a rear chinlock. Morrison armdragged out of it, but Punk hit some kicks and a slingshot suplex for a two count. Punk hit a forearm to the head, then snapmared Morrison and hit a dropkick to the back of the head for a two count. Punk monkeyflipped Morrison, who rolled to the floor. Punk went out after him and hit a clothesline. Punk went to walk Morrison up the ring steps, but Morrison knocked his leg out and Punk went face first into the steps. Morrison got a two count, then hit some kicks in the ring. Punk caught a kick and lifted Morrison into a fireman's carry, but Morrison broke out and threw Punk face first into the mat. Morrison then hit a legdrop to the back, then applied a bodyscissors. Punk elbowed out of it, but Morrison gave Punk a facebuster for a two count.

    Morrison mounted Punk and hit a series of forearms, elbows and punches. Morrison put Punk on the top rope and went for a superplex. Punk threw Morrison into the ring, then hit a flying bodypress, but rolled off of Morrison, so there was no cover. Both men got up, and Punk hit a series of kicks and a clothesline. Punk hit a flapjack, then a kick to the chest for a two count. Punk went for a suplex, but Morrison floated over. Punk reversed and went for a rollup, but Morrison reversed and grabbed the ropes for a cover, but the ref caught him. Punk rolled up Morrison for a two count, then Punk hit an enzugiri for a two count. Punk hit some knees to the body, then a jumping knee in the corner. Punk went for a bulldog, but Morrison broke free and rolled out of the ring. Morrison grabbed the belt and went to leave. Punk went after him and threw him into the ring. Punk went for the springboard clothesline, but Morrison caught him with a kick to the knee as he came at him. Morrison cradled Punk for the clean pin at the eight minute mark.

    Winner: John Morrison.

    Morrison get his belt and is outside the ring as the ref holds his hand up. Morrison walks up the ramp holding the belt high as CM Punk looks on in disgust.

    Official Theme Song for GAB: Cobra Starship - Church of Hot Addiction

    A video package promoting Dusty Rhodes life, Hall of Fame induction and ends up to how he and Randy orton got to their match tonight.

    Lilian is in the ring and says their is no DQ in this match and the only way to win is by pinfall or submission.

    Randy Ortons music hits and out he comes as cocky as ever. Orton slowly makes hsi way to the ring.

    Dusty Rhodes music hits and out he comes with a cow bell and a rope jiggling to his music. Dusty dances (jiggles) his way to the ring.

    Texas Bull Rope match
    Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Orton

    There was a "Dusty" chant as Orton stalled on the outside of the ring. He finally got in the ring, but refused to be tied to the rope and went to the floor again. They finally got it on, and the match was underway.

    Orton reached down for the cowbell in the middle of the rope, but Dusty pulled it away. Orton stood on the rope, and Dusty pulled it and Orton fell to the mat. Orton managed to grab the bell, but missed with it and Dusty hit a bionic elbow. Dusty hit a second, and Ortn went down to the mat. Orton got up and the rope was between his legs. Dusty pulled it and Orton flipped to the mat. Orton rolled to the floor, but Dusty pulled the rope and Orton went into the ringpost. Dusty went outside and tried to hit Orton with the bell, but Orton ducked. Orton headed up the ramp, but Dusty pulled him down. Dusty thought about using the bell, then decided to hit him with the bionic elbow instead.

    Dusty tossed Orton back into the ring. Orton grabbed the bell and hit Dusty in the leg with it. Orton hit the knee with the bell, then stomped it repeatedly. Orton applied a sleeper, then switched to a rear chinlock, wearing Dusty down. Dusty fought out of it, but Orton beat him down in a corner and pounded him with punches. Dusty fought back and hit a flip, flop and fly. Rhodes went for an elbowdrop, but Orton moved out of the way. Orton blasted Rhodes in the head with the bell and got the pin at the five minute mark.

    Winner: Randy Orton.

    Orton took off the rope and measured Rhodes for a kick, but Cody Rhodes ran in and stood between Orton and his father. Cody picked up the cowbell and dared Orton to come forward, but Orton rolled out of the ring and left, staring at Cody as he walked off.

    A video package showing the lead up to tonights World heavyweight Champion Match between Khali(c), Kane and Batista.

    Kanes pyro explodes and the big red monster makes his way to the ring as he gets in the ring and lifts his arms and explodes his pyro from all 4 corners of the ring.

    Batistas music hits and out he comes with the crowd going nuts. Batista jumps aorund and does his usual machine gun before making his way to the ring.

    Crowd begins to boo before Khalis music even hits lol. Out comes the giant and he makes his way to the ring and ehre we go.

    World Championship Match
    Great Khali(c) vs. Kane vs. Batista

    The announcers put over that because Kane injured Edge, he was now going to have to deal with two monsters in his quest for the World Title, instead of wrestling one man. Kane and Batista went at Khali, who knocked them both down. Khali kicked Batista down in a corner and choked him with a boot. Kane went at Khali, who elbowed him away. Khali gave Kane a clothesline, then gave one to Batista. Batista fought back with punches, but Khali hit a slow motion side kick. Khali kicked Kane out of the ring, then applied a nervehold on Batista. Kane grabbed Khali from behind and tried to apply a sleeper, but Khali threw him down and put the nervehold on him. Batista tried to grab Khali, but Khali swatted him away. Khali chokeslammed Batista, then chokeslammed Kane. Both Batista and Kane rolled to the floor, and Khali stood in the ring alone.

    Khali went to the floor and cleared off the ECW announce table. Khali went for Kane, then Batista attacked Khali, but Khali knocked him down. Kane and Batista started double teaming Khali, ramming him into the ringsteps. Kane and Batista, together, lifted Khali and dropped him through the announce table. Kane and Batista looked at what they had down, then Kane hit Batista and they returned to the ring.

    In the ring, Kane gave Batista a side slam for a two count. Kane hit a back elbow, but ran into a Batista powerslam for a two count. Batista put Kane on the top rope and went for a superplex. Kane headbutted Batista to the mat, then hit a flying clothesline off the top. Kane called for the chokeslam. Khali got back in the ring, and Kane chokeslammed Khali instead (camera work was done purposely so you couldn't see how much Khali went up for it), but Batista broke up the cover. Batista clotheslined Kane to the floor, then went outside to take Kane down. Batista got on the apron and pulled Khali throat first across the top rope. Batista got in and Khali went on offense, but Batista hit a spinebuster. Kane broke up the pin. Kane went for a charge on Batista, but Batista moved and Kane went shoulder first into the ringpost. Batista went for a powerbomb, but Kane backdropped out. Kane hit a chokeslam on Batista, but Batista kicked out at two.

    Kane went to the floor and grabbed a chair. Michael Cole said it was legal, because there are no DQs in a Triple Threat Match. Kane went at Batista with the chair, but Batista gave him a spinebuster. Batista gave Kane a Batista Bomb, but Khali pulled Batista out of the ring and rammed him into the ringsteps. Khali got in the ring and gave Kane the double handed chokeslam for the clean pin at the ten minute mark.

    Winner: The Great Khali.

    Khali stands in the ring triumphant. Khali makes his way to the back as he holds the title up in triump.

    Ad for Most Powerful Familis in Wrestling on Fanatic Series.

    Ad for the return of HHH - King of Kings. By this it seems to be saying he will be back at SummerSlam.

    King Bookers music begins and out he comes with mic in hand and Queen Sharmell by his side. He said that Triple H must not have gotten his cease and desist order. King Booker said that Triple H is not the "King of anything". Booker noted that he is the only King in WWE. Booker then turned his attention to "Jerome Lawler". Booker said his act of "regicide" from last week would be dealt with. King Booker told Lawler to come to the ring and lay his crown at the feet of Booker. Sharmell told Lawler to come and relinquish his crown. Lawler, without saying a word, stood up and picked up his crown. Lawler grabbed a microphone and said if Booker wanted his crown he could "come over here and get it". King Booker said that since Lawler chose to disobey a direct command, it was "an act of treason". King Booker and Queen Sharmell then left. And that's it. lol

    A video package showing the lead up for tonights main event for the WWE Championship between Champion John Cena and Lashley. These promos have been good tonight and this was no exception, reminds me of the good ol Attitude days.

    They show the tale of the tape and Lashley does look more dominant than Cena but will that matter? lol

    Bobby Lashleys new music hits or this PPV music hits, we will see tomorrow. Lashley makes his way to the ring, jumps up, pyro explodes and he is in and ready to go.

    Cenas music hits and the crowd goes niuts, has to be largest pop of the night. Cena makes his way to the ring and here we go.

    WWE Championship Match
    John Cena(c) vs Bobby Lashley

    They went chest to chest at the bell, with Cena saying "this is what you've been waiting for". They locked up and jockeyed for position. Lashley backed Cena into the corner, and they broke clean. They went for a test of strength, with Lashley sending Cena down to his knees. Cena battled up to his feet, to boos, and Lashley shoved Cena off into the corner. Lashley took Cena down with some waistlock takedowns, to some boos, then tripped Cena down for a one count. They ended up in a corner, and Cena grabbed a headlock as they broke in the corner. Cena got shoved off and taken down with a shoulderblock. Cena hit a drop toe hold and Lashley rolled out of the ring before Cena could apply the STFU.

    Lashley got back in the ring and leapfrogged a charging Cena, then hit a shoulderblock. Lashley missed a charge in the corner and Cena hit a bulldog. Cena slammed Lashley, then dropped an elbow. Seems every move is getting cheers and boos, then the crowd gets quiet between spots. Cena whipped Lashley across the ring, but Lashley reversed it and sent Cena into the corner. Cena came back with a fisherman's suplex for a two count. Lashley reversed a whip, but ran into a boot to the face. Cena walked into a Lashley exploder suplex for a two count. Lashley hit some knees to the gut, then rammed Cena into a corner and hit some shoulderblocks to the midsection. Lashley hit a forearm and a side slam for a two count.

    Lashley picked up Cena and threw him hard into the corner. There was a slight cut on the top of Lashley's head. Lashley gave Cena a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Lashley missed a forearm and Cena hit a Throwback. Cena went to the top rope and nailed Lashley with a Rocker Dropper. Cena covered Lashley and got a two count. Lashley picked up Cena and dropped down, pulling Cena's ribs down across his shoulder. Lashley applied a bodyscissors and a rear chinlock. Cena battled up, and Lashley missed a charge after Cena broke out of the hold. Cena hit a back suplex, then a back suplex into a powerbomb. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and delivered the five knuckle shuffle fistdrop. Cena measured for the FU, but Lashley avoided it and hit a powerslam for a two count.

    Lashley hit a shoulderblock in the corner, then a clothesline in the opposite corner. Lashley put Cena in a Torture Rack, then dropped to his knees with it. Lashley got a mixed reaction. Lashley went for the running powerslam, but Cena floated over and hit Lashley with the FU, but then collapsed to the mat. Cena crawled onto Lashley for a two count. Cena ran into a Lashley elbow, then Lashley hit a clothesline. Lashley measured Cena for a spear, but ran right into a drop toe hold. Cena applied the STFU, to a pop, and Lashley started clawing his way towards the ropes. He almost made it, and the crowd was alive (maybe for the first time all night). Lashley made one more lunge, and grabbed the rope to get the break.

    Cena got to his feet, and Lashley lunged into Cena with a spear for a two count. Lashley put Cena on the top rope and set up for a superplex. Cena blocked it and Cena hit the FU from the second rope (more like dropping Lashley from the second rope, not nearly as quick as the FU usually is). Cena climbed down and got the pin at the fifteen minute mark.

    Winner: John Cena.

    Cena and Lashley went face to face, and Lashley offered a handshake. Cena thought about it for a while, then shook. Lashley walked off, and Cena stayed in the ring to end the show.

    Caps from the Cena and Lashley match:

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  3. #3
    LOW's King of Kings Triple X's Avatar
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    i think there was no need for such a match between carlito and sandman

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Generation X View Post
    i think there was no need for such a match between carlito and sandman
    Vince for some reason really likes Sandmans gimmick and image so he will push him a bit. Carlito just needed someone to feud with. I like Sandman, he brings something different to the table, a more hardcore edge like in the Attitude era. Who else remembers when Edge and Christian use to come through the crowd?

  5. #5
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    i want that bitch khali seriously injured so bad he cant wrestle anymore

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kurt View Post
    i want that bitch khali seriously injured so bad he cant wrestle anymore
    I didn't know he actually wrestled, I thought he just slapped and pushed people in the ring lol. I would like to see Kane win this match, then they could have Batista, Khali or anyone chase him. Having Batista as champ would be stupid as there is no one to really chase him for it except for Khali and no one wants to even see him. Poor Kane though, he is getting screwed again to job to Khali for Batista, even though Kane had a legit title match with Edge in the works, they throw this at him. The match could go any way at all depending on what way WWE think the money will be best made and thy definately need some angle on Smackdown at the moment.

  7. #7
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    i was hoping kane would beat edge before this match was announce now i see it as a easy way for batista to win it back :bat:

    id rather see cena hold the wwe title for 5 years without losing it than have khali retain at the GAB
    Last edited by Black Widow; 07-21-2007 at 07:54 PM.

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kurt View Post
    i was hoping kane would beat edge before this match was announce now i see it as a easy way for batista to win it back :bat:

    id rather see cena hold the wwe title for 5 years without losing it than have khali retain at the GAB
    Actually, I don't believe Kane would have won against Edge, he has more chance of winning the title now. Although, as always he will be the jobber and get screwed as he has for many years. I would quit wrestling if Cena had the title for that long lol.

    This new match, the Open Cruiserweight Invitational could be where Mysterio returns. I am guessing he will come back and win that match and get the title frrom Chavo. Might be a reason for it.

  9. #9
    I am... McLovin!! Bad Boy's Avatar
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    yes, I read somewhere, that his return feud will be with Chavo to pick up where they left off before, and rey coming back at this point is much needed, as SD is literally starting to suck to the core...

    secondly, both the World Titles should change hands at GAB, don't WWE realize, that there ratings are partly going down for the reason that the champions are the worst and most hated by everyone...

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Boy™ View Post
    yes, I read somewhere, that his return feud will be with Chavo to pick up where they left off before, and rey coming back at this point is much needed, as SD is literally starting to suck to the core...

    secondly, both the World Titles should change hands at GAB, don't WWE realize, that there ratings are partly going down for the reason that the champions are the worst and most hated by everyone...
    I wouldn't say Cena is hated so much anymore but he is getting old (keep a Champion in your face for 10 months and you are forced to like him I guess) although Khali is hated and will not help Smackdown IMO.

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