SEM 9/3 – Differ Ariake
1. Mascarita Divina & Octagoncito beat Mini Abismo Negro & Mini Histeria in 9:25 when Octagoncito used a swan-dive Tornillo on Mini Abismo.
2. Oriental/Chikayo Nagashima/Pimpinela Escarlata defeated Takashi Sugiura/Fabi Apache/Cassandro in 13:09 when Pimpi used a modified backbreaker on Cassandro. Sugiura was angry after the match saying that Pimpi kissing him on the mouth totally killed his momentum in the match. Sugiura also said that he prefers working 30 minute matches in NOAH than this.
3. Laredo Kid & Super Fly beat Atsushi Aoki & Yoshinori Ota in 8:05 when Super Fly used an avalanche-style powerbomb on Ota.
4. 3 Way Dance: Mexican Power (Crazy Boy/Joe Lider/Juventud Guerrera) defeated Elegido/Taiji Ishimori/KENTA and Antifaz del Norte/Fuerza Guerrera/Histeria in 13:23 when Lider used a diving face stomp on Antifaz with a steel chair. Ishimori danced and left with Mexican Power.
5. Los Hell Brothers (Charly Manson/Chessman/Cibernetico) beat Naomichi Marufuji/Mushiking Terry/Ricky Marvin in 16:12 when Antifaz & Histeria interfered and both were pinned by a Shiranuhi and Chokeslam by Ciber respectively. All 6 men shook hands after the match and celebrated for the crowd.

EMLL 9/2 – Arena Coliseo
1. Los Rayos Tapatios I y II beat Artillero & Super Comando by DQ due to excessive violence after the match.
2. Dr. X/Hooligan/Loco Max defeated Sombra de Plata/Tigre Blanco/Trueno
3. Los Nuevos Infernales (Euforia/Nosferatu/Satanico) beat Mictlan/Neutron/Stuka Jr. – Infernales ripped off Stuka’s mask after the match.
4. Emilio Charles Jr./Misterioso II/Virus defeated La Mascara/Mascara Purpura/Maximo
5. Perro Aguayo Jr./Damian el Terrible/Villano V beat Dos Caras Jr./Rey Bucanero/Volador Jr.

Monterrey 9/2 – Arena Coliseo de Monterrey
1. Dr. Cianuro & Scravos beat Iron Xtreme & Rey Imagen
2. Aguila Extreme & Virtual-X defeated Euforia & Mercurio
3. Monje Negro Jr. & Rey Infernal beat Guerrero Blanco & Hombre sin Miedo
4. Sangre Chicana & Kaoru Ito defeated Viper 007 & Ayako Hamada
5. Espiritu & El Mesias beat Octagon & Zorro


9/4 – Arena Coliseo
1. Los Rayos Tapatios I y II vs. Artillero & Super Comando
2. Bam Bam/Bracito de Oro/Pequeno Olimpico vs. Fire/Pequeno Violencia/Pierrothito
3. Leono/Metalico/Tigre Blanco vs. Arkangel de la Muerte/Dr. X/Loco Max
4. Felino/Mascara Purpura/La Sombra vs. Eclipse/Shigeo Okumura/Satanico
5. Blue Panther/Heavy Metal/Sagrado vs. Averno/Hijo del Lizmark/Mephisto

9/4 – Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Thunder Boy vs. Virgo
2. Evola vs. Azazel
3. Nube Roja vs. Exterminador
4. Lider vs. Asesino Negro
5. Oro II vs. Rey Lobo
6. El Gallo & Rayman vs. Mascara Ano Dos Mil & Mascara Ano Dos Mil Jr.
7. High Society (Alex Koslov/Marco Corleone/Rey Bucanero) vs. Los Guerreros (Olimpico/Toscano/Ultimo Guerrero)

9/7 – Arena Mexico
1. Starman & Trueno vs. Caligula & Messala
2. Mictlan/Super Nova/Valiente vs. Euforia/Nosferatu/Virus
3. Sagrado/La Sombra/Volador Jr. vs. Mr. Aguila/Damian 666/Hijo del Texano
4. High Society (Alex Koslov/Marco Corleone/Rey Bucanero) vs. Los Perros del Mal (Perro Aguayo Jr./Damian el Terrible/Hector Garza)
5. Blue Panther/Dr. Wagner Jr./Negro Casas vs. Hijo del Lizmark/Olimpico/Ultimo Guerrero

9/9 – Arena Coliseo
1. Bam Bam & Mini Fantasy vs. Pequeno Violencia & Pierrothito
2. Astro Boy/Kid Tiger/Molotov vs. Apocalipsis/Loco Max/Ramstein
3. Fabian el Gitano/Leono/Ogun vs. Escandalo/Hooligan/Shigeo Okumura
4. Felino/Maximo/Mascara Purpura vs. Averno/Emilio Charles Jr./Mephisto
5. Blue Panther/Dr. Wagner Jr./Rey Bucanero vs. Los Guerreros del Atlantida (Atlantis/Olimpico/Ultimo Guerrero)

9/10 – Arena Puebla
1. ?
2. ??
3. Stuka Jr./Super Nova/Valiente vs. Escandalo/Nitro/Virus
4. Alex Koslov/La Mascara/Volador Jr. vs. La Triada del Terror (Averno/Ephesto/Mephisto)
5. Blue Panther/Dr. Wagner Jr./Negro Casas vs. Atlantis/Hijo del Lizmark/Ultimo Guerrero

9/28 – Arena Mexico (74th Anniversary Show)
1. Steel Cage of Death where the last man in loses either his hair or mask – Participants: Blue Panther/Dr. Wagner Jr./Mistico/Perro Aguayo Jr./Atlantis/Hijo del Lizmark/Ultimo Guerrero/Villano V


9/4 – Arena Aficion de Pachuca
1. Concord & Furia Extreme vs. Black Butcher & Sacristan del Diablo
2. Arenita & Super Astro Jr. vs. El Centauro & Jorge el Gigante
3. Enfermero Jr. & Maximo vs. Cerebro Negro & Hijo del Diablo
4. Blue Demon Jr. & La Mascara vs. Perro Aguayo Jr. & Damian el Terrible


9/4 – Arena Juba de Reynosa
1. Black Venom & King Dragon vs. El Bufalo & Zeus
2. Gatito Volador & La Parkita vs. Mini Charly Manson & Mini Chessman
3. Billy Boy & Super Fly vs. Mr. Niebla & Zumbido
4. Mascara contra Caballera: Luminoso vs. Rocket Boy
5. 3 Way Dance: Estrella Dorada Jr. vs. Corazon de Barrio vs. Hator