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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation TNA PPV 'No Surrender' LIVE Coverage! 2007

    TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Kurt Angle(c) vs. "The Monster" Abyss

    TNA X Division Championship Match
    Kurt Angle(c) vs. "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal

    TNA World Tag Team Championship Match
    Kurt Angle & Sting(c) vs. Adam "Pacman" Jones & Ron "The Truth" Killings

    Tag Team Gauntlet for the #1 Contender Spot
    Latin American Xchange, Triple X, Team 3D, Voodoo Kin Mafia, AJ Styles & Tomko,
    Motor City Machine Guns, Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams, Raven & Havok,
    Eric Young & Shark Boy, Lance Hoyt & The Debuting Jimmy Rave!

    Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks vs. Kazarian

    Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage

    No Disqualification Match
    "Wildcat" Chris Harris vs. Black Reign

    "The War Machine" Rhino vs. "Cowboy" James Storm




    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    TNA PPV No Surrender - 9th September, 2007
    Location - Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida
    Announcers - Don West and Mike Tenay

    The opening video was a play on the start of the football season, which was really well produced.

    TNA blows up some pyro as Mike Tenay and Don West welcome everyone. There are tons of signs, most of which written in the same handwriting, so my guess is TNA production handed them out to add to the visual.

    TNA Tag Team champions Kurt Angle & Sting vs. Ron Killings & Adam "Pacman" Jones

    Did you ever think you'd see a TNA PPV open with Sting? Pacman Jones nearly tripped as he stepped out of the tunnel into the Impact Zone. Jones teases starting, then tags out. Killings and Sting start the match off. Killings evades a collar and elbowe lockup, then begins working over Sting with rights. Sting comes back with several arm drags and punches him. Killings tried to tag out but Jones waved him off. The crowd chanted, "Pacman sucks."

    Sting tagged in Angle. Killings caught him with a kick to the gut then unloaded with punches. He whipped Angle into the ropes but was caught with an overhead belly to belly release suplex. Killings tried to tag out again but Pacman dropped to the arena floor. Angle chases Jones around the ring, but Killings cuts off Angle. Killing gets two count with a running powerslam. The crowd is taunting Jones, chanting he swallows.

    Karen Angle makes her way to ringside. She starts screaming at Sting. Killings has a rear chinlock on Kurt. Karen starts shoving Sting and slapped him. He motioned for her to go to the back and she dropped like she had been hit. She started screaming for Kurt. Angle tagged in Sting and realized she was on the floor.

    Sting started unloading on Killings and nailed the Scorpion death Drop. Killings got his shoulder up at the last second. Sting splashes Killings. Pacman Jones tagged in and faces off with Sting. Angle attacked Sting and hit the Olympic Slam. Jones covered Sting and pinned him, 1-2-3, and the cameras MISSED THE ENTIRE PINFALL BECAUSE THEY WERE SHOWING KAREN ANGLE ON THE FLOOR. So much for Sportscenter. Terrible finish, terrible camera work and when you think about it, the booking made no sense whatsoever because why would Karen want to cost her husband a title?

    Angle and Karen Angle walked out, Sting looked on with no emotion and Pacman Jones won a World title in his first match without ever being physically involved. What a way to start the show, eh? A nothing match.

    They aired a video feature on Rhino vs. James Storm.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Rhino backstage. Borash asked Rhino where he's been. He said that he took time to realize he's not a machine, he's a man. He said he, Terry Gerin is an alcoholic and he fell off the wagon five weeks ago, but tonight James Storm is going to know what it's like to fall when he cuts Storm in half with a gore, gore, GORE. I thought it was a good promo.

    James Storm (with Jackie Moore) vs. Rhino

    Rhino charged the ring and Storm retreated to the entrance ramp. Rhino followed and they brawled on the floor. Storm ran into the crowd and tried hiding behind the fans. That was awesome. Rhino found him and they started brawling in the crowd with Rhino controlling the battle. The announcers explained that Jim Cornette told the officials to give this match leeway because of the personal nature of the feud. They battled up one of the bleachers and Storm nailed Rhino, sending him down the steps. Rhino caught Storm and drilled him into the wall of the Impact Zone.

    They battled back into the ringside area. Rhino hit Storm with a fan's side, then tossed him into the railing. He tried to suplex Storm on the entrance ramp but Storm reversed. Storm was whipped into the railing. Rhino tossed Storm into the ring and they rang the opening bell.

    Rhino began beating Storm with tons of punches in the corner. He whipped Storm into the corner but Storm caught him with a boot to the face. Storm charged but Rhino caught him with a belly to belly suplex. Jackie Moore tried to grab Rhino by the hair but was scared off. Storm caught Rhino with a knee thanks to the distraction. Storm drilled Rhino with a lariat. Storm controlled Rhino and rode him with a rear chinlock.

    Rhino finally fights his way back up. He clotheslines and powerslams Storm for a two count. Storm kicked Rhino in the gut and nailed a neckbreaker/suplex variation. Rhino shoulderblocked Storm in the corner, then hits another belly to belly. Rhino motioned for the Gore. He drills Storm with it but Storm kicked up at the last second. Rhino looked stunned. Everyone thought that was the finish. Rhino called for a chair and a planted fan handed him one from the front row. Rhino set up two chairs in a corner and dragged Storm up to the turnbuckle for the Rhinodriver off the ropes. Storm fought him and got the better of Rhino. Storm hit an Acecrusher off the ropes onto the chairs but Rhino still kicked up at the last second. The crowd chanted for TNA.

    Storm was holding his ribs on the floor as he pulled a table from underneath. Storm set up the table. He misses a clothesline and Rhino hits a Samoan Drop. Rhino sees the table in the ring and sets it up in the corner to gore Storm through it. Storm grabs rhino and drops down into a jawbreaker. Rhino fires off with an elbow and goes to the top rope. Storm cuts him off and tries to attempt a superplex. He nails it.

    Rhino nails the gore through the table and pins Storm cleanly.

    Your winner, Rhino!

    After the match:

    Rhino grabbed a small keg of beer and looked to be attempting to shove it where the sun doesn't shine (seriously) but Jackie Moore grabbed him by the hair. Rhino dragged her into the ring and gored her.

    Match was good. It wasn't the best match they've had together but the brawl at the start was fun, the work was good and back and forth. It was nice to see a clean pinfall for Rhino. I am guessing the feud is over, but we'll see.

    TNA showed the footage of Pacman Jones pinning Sting.

    Backstage, Kurt Angle questioned Kevin Nash, asking him if he called Sting a good partner after what happened out at the ring. He threw a chair at the wall and claimed he lost the belts because Sting slapped his wife. Nash tells him that the only person that slapped anyone was Karen. Karen claimed Sting slapped her. Nash yelled at Angle to focus because he had two more matches tonight. Sting stormed in and slammed Angle against the wall demanding to know what happened. Angle told Sting that he slapped Karen and Sting denied it. Nash and Jim Cornette tried to break it up. Cornette told Sting to go back to the hotel and relax because nothing would be solved tonight. Sting let go and told Angle it wasn't over. Cornette then told Karen that she was leaving too. Angle protested but Cornette told her that she was leaving or the couple could both leave and Kurt could leave the belts behind. She began shrieking as she was walked out by Matt Morgan.

    Kazarian vs. Robert Roode

    They locked up in the center of the ring jockeying for position. Kazarian broke cleanly when they ended up in a corner. Roode kicked him in the midsection and then began working him over with side headlock. Kaz shoulderblocked Roode and nailed a deep armdrag. Ms. Brooks smiled at Kaz's work. Roode and Kaz went back and forth with some good wrestling.

    Roode went for the Payoff but Kaz blocked it. They tumbled through the ropes to the floor. Brooks came over to them but didn't seem to know who to check on. Roode kneed Kaz in the gut but Kaz slammed him into the apron. They battled on the floor. Roode whipped Kaz into Brooks, but Kaz put the breaks on. Roode nailed him from behind. Roode slammed Kaz into the ring steps. Brooks started holding her wrist.

    Roode tossed Kaz into the ring. Roode hit a back suplex but only got a two count. Roode berated Brooks, which gave Kaz a chance to come back with some chops and a backdrop. Roode cut him off, then whipped Kaz into the turnbuckle. He starts unloading with chops on Kaz, then clips his knee from behind. Roode covered him but Kaz kicked up at two. Match is solid.

    Roode goes to the side chinlock. He continued to control the flow of the match but Kaz keeps kicking up. Kaz uses an enziguiri, but Roode catches him with a spinebuster for another two count. Roode grabbed brass knuckles but Kaz boots him in the face. They go flying and Roode yells at her to go get them. Kaz rolls him up for a two count and then nails a crucifix for another near fall. Roode calls for Brooks to give him the knucks. Kazarian hits a missile dropkick. Roode kicks up.

    Roode backdropped Kaz onto the ring apron. Kaz goes for a springboard move but Roode cuts him off. Brooks realizes Roode wants the knucks so she discards it under the ring. Roode goes to the floor and begins screaming at her. Kaz went to hit a pescado but Brooks is pulled in the middle. Kaz bounces back into the ring but then hits a tope con hilo to the floor on Roode. Kaz kisses Brooks' hand, then returns to the ring.

    Roode begs off. Kaz unleashes a bunch of punches. Kaz hits a springboard back elbow. He clotheslines Roode. Kaz hits a slingshot DDT for a twp count, as Roode gets his shoulder up at the last second. Kaz hit something similar to the kryptonite krunch and of course, the cameras missed the point of impact completely. Roode gets his shoulder up at the last minute. Kaz sets up Roode for the flux capacitor but Roode blocked him and began drilling Kaz with punches. Kax grabbed Roode with a faceplant off the ropes but again Roode kicked up. OK, this is officially a really good match.

    Kaz missed a legdrop off the ropes. Roode nailed the Payoff (Fisherman's suplex) and scored the three count.

    Your winner, Robert Roode!

    A really good match telling a simple but good babyface vs. heel story mixed with some big moves and spots.

    Roode berated Brooks after the match. It's kind of funny how Roode went from using Brooks to berate and bully Eric Young to bullying and berating Brooks.


    Crystal interviewed Jay Lethal. She said that tonight was considered a long shot for Lethal. Lethal said he was going to take out the Dragon and get the belt again. Crystal said they weren't talking about Ricky Steamboat, but Kurt Angle. Lethal name dropped Jake Roberts and George Steele. Kevin Nash showed up and told Lethal he was to take a dive tonight because Angle didn't have time for this with his World title match later. Lethal responded by screaming "Snap Into It!"

    TNA X-Division champion Kurt Angle vs. Jay Lethal

    The crowd did dueling chants at the bell. Lethal and Angle started slow. Lethal shoulderblocked Angle and takes him down but Angle responded with a huge Beel throw. Lethal hiptossed Angle, then cartwheeled and dropkicked him. Lethal hit the double sledge off the ropes. Lethal began peppering him with punches in the corner.

    Lethal goes for a boot, but Angle cuts him off and powerbombs him into the corner. Angle begins kicking Lethal on the mat. He gets a two count after a backbreaker. He begins measuring Lethal and kicked him in the gut. He suplexes Lethal for a two count. Angle wrapped his legs around Lethal, scissoring him.

    Angle nails a tiltowhirl backbreaker on Lethal for another two count. He slams Lethal, measures, then kicked him. Angle choked out Lethal against the bottom rope. The announcers pushed that Angle wasn't looking past Lethal at all.

    Angle drilled him with an European uppercut and a back suplex but Lethal kicked out. Angle looked angered that he hadn't put Lethal away yet. Angle continued to beat down Lethal. Lethal rebounded off the ropes and they clotheslined each other. The referee began counting them both down, but they made it to their feet.

    Lethal clotheslined Angle, then nailed a flying head scissors. He kicked Angle in the back of the head but Angle got his shoulder up at the last second. Angle hit a crazy belly to back release suplex. Lethal again kicked up. Angle looked frustrated.

    Angle went for the Olympic Slam but Lethal evaded and hit a DDT. Lethal covered Angle but Angle kicked up at the last second. The crowd isn't reacting like they think Lethal could win. Lethal went to the top rope but Angle grabbed him for a suplerplex. The crowd chanted TNA after Lethal kicked up again.

    Angle went for the Anklelock but Lethal rolled through and rolled him into a small package for a two count. Angle began drilling him with German suplexes. He hits three but Lethal still kicked up. Angle started to get angry. He went for the Olympic Slam but Lethal grabbed him and hit the Lethal combination. Lethal seemed shocked, then hit the top rope elbow. Angle got his shoulder up at the last second. The crowd chanted that it was a three count and seemed to come alive and buy that Lethal could win now.

    Angle went for a powerbomb but Lethal rolled through and nearly pinned Angle. Angle kicked up and hit a German release suplex. The crowd chanted for Lethal. Angle pulls the straps down and motions for the Olympic Slam. Lethal tries to roll through but is caught with the anklelock. Lethal rolled up Angle and pinned him clean, 1-2-3.

    Your winner and new X-Division champion, Jay Lethal!

    Mike Tenay and Don West pushed it as the biggest upset in the history of the company. The rest of the X-Division babyfaces came out to hug and congratulate Lethal. A really good match. That's how you make a star, considering the audience went from not believing Lethal had a shot to believing that just "maybe" he'd do it, to having a clean shocking win. Good stuff.

    They showed Angle standing there angry and dumbfounded that he had been pinned.


    Jeremy Borash interviewed Black Reign. Reign had a rat that he called Misty his Artic Fox. Reign said that would bring a friend tonight against Chris Harris. He spoke in a very dark, gothic way, looking kind of Goldust meets Undertaker while dressing like La Parka.

    They showed a video feature on Chris Harris vs. Black Reign.

    Chris Harris vs. Black Reign.

    Reign came out carrying a gothic rat cage. They called him Dustin Rhodes a number of times. Harris dove off the top rope to the floor on Reign, then tossed him into the ring. He backdropped Reign, then did so again over the top to the floor. Harris followed, then picked up and dropped Reign across the railing. He whipped Reign into the barrier with Reign taking a flip bump into it.

    Reign finally cut him off in the ring. He hit a Pedigree variation for a two count. Reign worked him over in the corner and hit a running bulldog for a two count. He bit Harris and continued to work him over in the corner. He teased nailing Harris while in the corner but Harris hit him in the gut, then slammed Reign back into the ring.

    Harris ducked a punch and began hitting forearms and elbows. Harris hit a bulldog after rebounding off the ropes but Reign kicked up. Reign went to use a weapon, but the referee stopped him. Harris hit a small package out of nowhere and scored the pin. Match was too short to build to anything memorable but this was way better than last month.

    Your winner, Chris Harris!

    They battled after the bell. Harris grabbed Reign's handcuffs and drilled Reign with them. Reign juiced. Harris handcuffed Reign to the ringpost on the floor. He grabbed a chair and charged but Reign kicked him in the gut. Reign grabbed his key and freed himself. He grabbed the chair and slammed it over Harris' back.

    Reign went and got the rat from the box. He placed the rat on Harris body then held it on Harris' face. The announcers played it up like a disgusting move but I'd sure as hell prefer that to the Boogeyman's worms.

    Crystal interviewed Christian Cage. She said that Cage made it personal last week by attacking "Joe's kin." Cage boasted that he was never pinned or submitted. He said that Joe hit him with a chair and cost him a chance at the title, so he made it personal. Cage said that Joe cares about his family but the only thing Cage cares about is becoming the World champion again. He ripped on Joe's family and said that he didn't ask Joe's family to stop Cage. Cage said Joe needs people to fight battles for him but Cage doesn't need that. Cage said that he was giving AJ Styles and Tomko the night off. He told them he wanted them to win the TNA Tag Gauntlet later. He said Tomko's IWGP belt was legit and he wanted Tomko to add to it. He told AJ to go win a title like his idol. Styles said that his idol didn't win a title. Tomko said they would win.

    Tag Team Championship Gauntlet

    Team #1 is AJ Styles and Tomko, represented by Styles. Team #2 is XXX, represented by Christopher Daniels. Every minute, another competitor enters. It's over the top rope elimination until they get down to the last two men, at which point their partners will join them for a tag bout. Wow, that just gave me a headache.

    Styles and Daniels began slapping each other. Styles misses a dropkick but not a second. He begins kicking at Daniels, who comes back with a spinning powerbomb.

    Competitor #3 is Homicide. Things are looking up.

    Daniels tosses Styles into the turnbuckles. Homicide drilled Daniels with a back elbow. The crowd chants, "187." Styles and Daniels work over Homicide as the clock reaches zero.

    Competitor #4 is Chris Sabin. Sabin poked Styles, Daniels and Homicide all in the eyes. Sabin and Daniels exchanged blows. Daniels charged and was taken down by both. All four battled in the ring.

    Competitor #5 was Havoc. He charged the ringand drilled Homicide and Styles with knees. He hit armdrags on Daniels and Styles. He dropped Styles down with a faceplant, then hit a hammerlock into a powerslam. Havoc looked good. Sabin hit a top rope forearm off the ropes. Homicide teased the Gringo Killer.

    Competitor #6 was Petey Williams. He hit the Canadian Destroyer on Havoc, then hit a double knee stirke on Sabin. Sabin went for the springboard tornado DDT but was tossed out. Somewhere in this, Homicide was tossed out as well. If their partners can make it to the end, they can return for the tag match. Someone hand me the Aleve.

    Competitor #7 was Brother Devon. He chokeslammed AJ, then choked Daniels in the corner with his knee. Devon hit a spinning back elbow on Daniels.

    Competitor #8 was the debuting/returning Jimmy Rave, who was with Christy Hemme. Hemme disrobed him and he hit the ring. Rave unloaded with chops on Daniels, then hit a shining wizard on Williams. Rave hit a spinning headscissors into a Fujiwara armbar. They put over his Dragon Gate tours.

    Competitor #9 was Brother Ray so Team 3D were the first full team to compete at the same time. Ray just laid everyone out. Styles unloaded with chops and an enziguiri on Ray.

    Competitor #10 was Raven. He hit a discus clothesline on AJ. He smeared the snotrag in Daniels' face. Team 3D grabbed Raven and tossed him over the top to the floor. Havoc and Raven are officially gone.

    Competitor #11 was Shark Boy. He unloaded with dropkicks on everyone. Devon tossed him over the top but he landed on the apron. Sharky bit Devon on the rear end. Ray came from behind and tossed Ray over the top in a brutal way.

    Competitor #12 was Sonjay. Rave was tossed out as was Petey Williams, both by 3D. Styles and Daniels destroyed Dutt. Daniels hit an STO on Devon but Ray nailed Daniels with a sitdown full nelson powerbomb.

    Unlucky #13 was VKM's BG James. James went right after Ray and Daniels.

    #14 was LAX's Hernandez. He shoulderblocked down Dutt and Daniels as Ray backed up. He drilled Dutt with the Cracker Jack. He goes to powerbomb Styles out of the ring but AJ escaped and dropkicked Hernandez.

    Competitor #15 is Tomko. Ray clubbed Tomko as he entered the ring. Tomko came back with a big boot to both Devon and Ray. Tomko eliminated both. He and Hernandez faced off.

    Competitor #16 was Elix Skipper (with Senshi). Skipper went right after Tomko. Why go after the biggest most fresh guy in the ring other than you? XXX worked over Tomko trying to toss him. Hernandez tossed Dutt, who landed on the apron and slid back into the ring.

    Competitor #17 was Alex Shelley. More of the same.

    Competitor #18 was Lance Hoyt. Hoyt slammed and tossed Skipper to the floor. Tomko chopped Hoyt.

    Competitor # 19 was Kip James of VKM. More of the same.

    The last competitor was Eric Young. Young got a big pop. At this point, it's been a typical Battle Royal. Nothing great but some decent spots and teases. Young grabs Shelley in a side headlock. Young keeps grabbing headlocks on others until Kip James hit a back suplex. Hernandez and Toko start slugging it out in the center of the ring.

    Tomko clotheslined Hernandez, so LAX is out. Young then backdropped Tomko out. Lance Hoyt was out next. Daniels and Kip James tumbled out of the ring next. It's like the Titanic with everyone diving overboard.

    It's down to Styles, Young and Shelley. Both are trying to trick Young into thinking they'll be his ally but attack him. Young gets some offense on both to pop the crowd. Shelley and Styles finally toss Young.

    It's AJ Styles & Tomko vs. The Motor City Machineguns!

    AJ Styles & Tomko vs. The Motor City Machineguns to become top contenders for TNA Tag Team championships.

    Tomko and Chris Sabin return to ringside. Sabin tried to attack Tomko from behind but to no avail. The gun doubleteamed Tomko with their combo moves. The crowd chanted TNA. It turned into a highlight reel of Guns' moves, which are always fun to watch. They kept trying to get the pin but Tomko kicked out each time.

    Sabin and Shelley each tried to nail clotheslines but would have had a better chance running headfirst into the Great Wall of China. Styles tagged in and hit a moonsault into a inverted DDT on AJ. At this point, Styles has been out there 30 minutes. Sabin and Shelley keep breaking out the big moves and this match is so much fun.

    Sabin and Styles drill each other with forearms. Styles hit the Pele Kick. Sabin tried to roll up Styles and held the tights. Styles rolled through, held the tights and scored the pin.

    Your winners, AJ Styles and Tomko!

    Another really fun match. The Battle Royal was decent but the tag match, while short was tons of great stuff. Styles had a great performance tonight.


    Jeremy Borash interviewed Samoa Joe who was flanked by his dancers. Joe said Cage didn't lay his hands on Joe, but on hias family. Joe msaid they don't go to the cops but they handle things their own way. He promised Cage that tonight it was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood. He said, "I am Samoa Joe. I am vegeance! Your ass is mine!" Great promo.

    Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage

    Joe's dancers came out and danced. Joe charged the ring and attacked Cage center-ring. Joe drilled Cage with a right hand. He hit a running knee then began drilling Cage with kicks to the face. Cage tried to battle back but Joe hit an elbow in the corner. Joe hit the Facewash on cage again and again and again.

    Joe went to the floor and swung Cage into the railing. Cage tried to escape towards backstage but Joe caught him and chopped him down on the entrance ramp. Joe tossed Cage into the steps, although Cage may have leaped too soon for it to look good based on the camera angle. Back in the ring, Cage tried to chop Joe but was cut off and drilled by Joe's chop/kick combinations.

    Cage tried to mount a comeback and went to slingshot himself into the ring for a shoulderblock. Joe hit an enziguiri as he did. Cage went to the floor. Joe then hit a running plancha into an elbowsmash out of the ring.

    Joe tossed Cage back into the ring. As he followed, Cage kicked the ropes and caught Joe low. Cage began unloaded with stomps, kicks, and raking Joe's back. Cage hit a boot to the face for a two count. The crowd did dueling chants. Cage goes to a sleeperhold, riding Joe's back. Joe finally gets to his feet and falls backwards to escape it. Cage cut off Joe and choked him against the ropes.

    Cage charged Joe but Joe caught him with the uranage out of the corner, then crumpled to the mat, so both were down and out. The crowd chanted for Joe. Joe hit a discus forearm. Joe picked up Cage and hit a death valley driver for a two count. Cage got his shoulder up at the last second. The crowd started clapping to rally Joe.

    Joe hit a running knee into the corner. Cage dropped into a drop toehold, then choked Joe against the ropes by standing on Joe's back. Joe got back to his feet and kneed Cage. Cage misses a top rope frog splash. Joe locks in the STF. Cage finally reverses it for a two count. Joe went for a muscle buster but was stopped. Cage went to the top but Joe nailed him. Cage nailed an inverted DDT off the ropes for a two count.

    Joe cinched in a choke but Cage got to the ropes. Joe went right back to it. Cage got on the ropes. The referee grabbed Joe to get him to release. Joe got mad and destroyed the ref with a Samoan Drop. He hit a Muscle Buster on Cage. Security hit the ring but Joe tossed them out. TNA throws the match out, so Joe is DQ'd.

    Joe lays out everyone that gets in the ring because they stopped him from choking out Cage. Some of the X-Division guys come out but Joe tosses them out of the ring. He chokes out Cage, hanging him over the ropes. Jim Cornette and Matt Morgan come out and Morgan breaks it up. Joe and Morgan face off. Cornette asked Joe to calm down because he'll kill Christian. Joe gave Morgan and Cornette the finger.


    Jeremy Borash told Kurt Angle it wasn't his night. Angle kicked something, blamed Sting for slapping his wife. He called Jay Lethal a "piece of sh**" and said that Abyss was going to have to kill him if he wanted the belt. Kevin Nash tried to tell Angle to focus and Angle told him he didn't need Nash and to go to hell.

    They went to Mike Tenay in the center of the ring. Tenay said the last five years have been a roller coaster ride for the company. They aired a video feature announcing that TNA would go to two hours on 10/4 on SpikeTV. The building gave TNA a big reaction.

    Outside, TNA Tag Team champions Team Pacman were by a red hummer. Killings said they shocked the world. Jones said they now had to go to his hometown Atlanta, Georgia for "Bound to Glory."

    TNA champion Abyss vs. Kurt Angle

    They do the big time ring introductions and referee's instructions. They started off slow. They faced off. Abyss picked up and dropped Angle. Abyss clotheslined Angle over the top to the floor. Abyss brought him back in and stalked. Abyss went for a running press slam but Angle escaped and clipped his leg. Angle targeted the leg, attacking the knee.

    Abyss made his way back to his feet in the corner but Angle kicked him, then clipped him from behind. Angle began working over Abyss' foot and leg. Angle continued to work it over. Abyss came back with some chops, but missed a clothesline. Angle went right back after the leg again with Abyss crumbling to the mat.

    Angle torqued Abyss' leg and knee, and working over it was the story of the match for several minutes. Match is a little slow but when it's matwork, that's to be expected. Angle misses a charge in the corner and hits his shoulder in the ringpost. Abyss goes for a chokeslam but Angle rolls through for a two count. Abyss misses his running charge in the corner. Angle hit a German suplex.

    Angle pulled down the straps and went for the Olympic Slam. He nailed it but only got a two count. Angle went for the anklelock but Abyss kicks out with his good leg. He nails the chokeslam but Angle gets his shoulder up at the two count. Angle comes off the ropes and shoulderblocks Abyss' knee.

    Angle went to the top and nailed an awesome moonsault across the ring for a two count. Angle went right back to the knee. As he worked on it, he went after Abyss' boot, looking to remove it to take away any support it was giving the bad leg. He gets the boot off.

    Abyss goes for a chokeslam but Angle goes after the foot and leg. Abyss fights it off and hits the Black Hole Slam but Angle kicks out. Abyss went for a tombstone but Angle grabbed the leg for the anklelock. Abyss reached for the ropes. He finally tapped and the referee finally called for the bell.

    Your winner, Kurt Angle!

    Angle walked out. Abyss fought to his feet. On the video screens, Jim Mitchell appeared and said that he promised to take Abyss straight to hell and his chariot has arrived. Someone (Judas Mesias) cut through the ring apron and dragged him down into the hole as the PPV went off the air.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    WOOOOO! Flair Country's Avatar
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    Hopefully Triple X or LAX can win the #1 Contender Tag Team Match.

  5. #5
    I am... McLovin!! Bad Boy's Avatar
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    dont know why, but Im not expecting much out of this PPV... the tag team match will either be good, or will be a huge let down as it has 20 men in it... and all of the Angle matches have the possibility of them turnin out bad... 3 Kurt matches in one night is just too much...

  6. #6
    I'm back J-man's Avatar
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    ok so Kaz vs. Roode feud is lookin like Miz Balls feud on ECW jut my 2 cents

    [Today 08:48 PM] Crossfire: pimping aint easy but its necessary, but Josh is chasing hoes like Tom chases Jerry

  7. #7
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    I don't understand why Nash is on so much tonight. Maybe i have missed something by not watching the last 70 shows.

  8. #8
    WOOOOO! Flair Country's Avatar
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    I can't believe they let Jay Lethal go clean over Angle! That makes me want to believe in the X Division again. Maybe TNA hasn't totally killed it off yet.

  9. #9
    End Of All Things To Come XXKSXX's Avatar
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    Boy this PPV isn't going the way I wanted it to go lol.

    RIP JC

  10. #10
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    I wasn't very impressed with the Lethal win, but totally expected it to go as it did. It seemed more like a fluke than a clean win and Angle can always blame it on the fact that he had already wrestled and was tired, which devalues it even more.

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