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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 5th Nov, 2007

    The stars will come out next week when the Superstars of Raw arrive at the Los Angeles STAPLES Center to witness a blockbuster night of action.

    As promised by Mr. McMahon, Triple H and Shawn Michaels will be reunited as D-Generation X for one night only, and they will battle WWE Champion Randy Orton & Umaga. Will HBK and The Game bring back some DX magic on the West Coast, or will they crash and burn together in McMahon’s machinations?

    And, as announced last week on Raw, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin will be in Los Angeles Monday night. Will The Texas Rattlesnake confront Santino Marella, who has been a constant tormentor and critic of the former WWE Champion’s performance in The Condemned? The former Intercontinental Champion’s mockery of Austin last week on Raw might have been the straw that broke the Rattlesnake’s back.

    With Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix staking her claim as the most powerful Diva in WWE, who in the Diva locker room will stand up and challenge the Glamazon? Is there anyone even in her league? And after a successful, yet tenuous partnership last week in Philadelphia, will Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes ever reach the point of mutual respect?

    We all will find out as Raw broadcasts from the valley of the stars at the STAPLES Center at 9/8 CT on USA Network.

    Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!

    RAW Results - 5th Nov, 2007
    Location - Staples Center, Los Angeles
    Announcers - J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    The show starts off with a graphic in memory of the Fabulous Moolah, who passed away this weekend.

    We hear the familiar music of the group that will be back together for one night only as Degeneration X comes to the ring. While Shawn does laps around the ring, Hunter tries to get the crowd to cheer louder. Shawn does the official DX mic handing to Hunter and Hunter takes it. Hunter asks the fans if they are ready . . . he means really ready . . . that would be really really ready. He tells everyone to . . . be interrupted by Hornswoggle McMahon’s music. Hornswoggle shows that he is wearing green tonight. Hunter says that was different but he tells Hornswoggle to go under the ring. Hunter tells Hornswoggle to shoo and then he asks Shawn if he has a run sheet for the show. Shawn goes through all of the merchandise that he has and plugs the website. Hunter has Hornswoggle look at the run sheet and he tells him to look at the first segment and how it says ‘DX promo’. It says that Hornswoggle is not on the show until the ‘short’ segment. Hornswoggle with a hip toss and a ‘short arm scissors’ to Michaels. Michaels says that for tonight he is in. Hunter tells Hornswoggle that he understands that he wants to be in DX but he has to go back under the ring. Hornswoggle says that there is a monster under the ring. Shawn goes under the ring and he says that everything is clear, but Shawn is pulled under the ring. Shawn has some worms in his mouth when he returns to the ring.

    The Boogeyman’s music plays and there is smoke from under the ring. Hornswoggle hides behind Hunter as Boogeyman enters the ring. Hunter asks Boogeyman if he can help him. Boogeyman says that he wants to join DX. Shawn wants an executive decision and he says that Boogeyman is in. Hunter says that you can’t have enough nerds, freaks, and weirdos.

    Before Hunter can tell people to suck it; he is interrupted by the Great Khali, with Runjin Singh. Shawn tells Hunter that before being turned into a human Slim Jim, pretend he is not here and move on. Hunter tells Khali to get in the back so he is a part of DX for tonight. Hunter speaks with an Indian dialect and Shawn tries to calm Khali down. It is finally time to . . .

    be interrupted by Jonathan Coachman who walks to the ring. Coach says that he is shutting this nonsense down. The fans came to see action, not DX’s immature antics. Hunter calls Coach ‘George Jefferson’ and he tells Coach that maybe he will tell Runjin to tell Khali what Coach said about him earlier. Hunter tells Runjin what Coach said and Runjin cannot believe what he heard. Hunter tells Shawn to tell Runjin that is what Coach said because he cannot lie. Shawn says that is what Coach said. Runjin tells Khali and Khali chops Coach and he chases Coach to the back.

    Hunter wants to know what that was. Shawn says that he does not know who wrote this garbage, but it is the worst thing since Katie Vick. Hunter says that he does not think anyone is writing this because everyone is on strike. We are finally told that it is time to suck it. We go to commercial.

    We are back and we see some of the celebrities in the crowd. We even see Tom Green and Luke Perry.

    We go to the Diva Battle Royale from last week and we see what Beth Phoenix did to Kelly after her victory.

    Kelly versus Beth Phoenix

    Beth grabs Kelly’s arm and then hits a short arm clothesline. Beth with a delay fisherman’s suplex for the three count.

    Winner: Beth Phoenix

    Santino Marella is in the back and he says that he has bad news. Steve Austin will not be here tonight. He says that if Austin was going to be here, he would have appeared already. Santino has a paper bag so Santino can try to act his way out of it. We go to commercial.

    Carlito asks his opponent what his name is and he says that it is Joey. Carlito says that he found a replacement for this match. Gene Snitsky comes to the ring.

    Joey versus Gene Snitsky

    Snitsky sends Joey into the corner and then he hits a big boot to Joey’s face. Snitsky with a pump handle slam for the three count.

    Winner: Gene Snitsky

    After the match
    Snitsky hits Carlito with a big boot and then he hits a pump handle power slam on Carlito.

    We go to commercial with a Jeff Hardy video package and then we see Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio in the back.

    We are back and we are Mid-Kennedy. We see that there is a Traditional Survivor Series Match at the Survivor Series featuring the four men in the next match.

    Ken Kennedy and Fit Finlay versus Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy

    Finlay and Hardy start things off and Hardy backs Finlay into the corner but Finlay with a clean break. Finlay goes to Rey on the apron but the referee holds him back. Finlay with a side head lock but Finlay with a shoulder tackle but Hardy stays on his feet. Finlay with an arm bar. Finlay with a near fall but Hardy with one as well. Hardy with a waist lock but Finlay with a take down into a cover. Finlay pushes Hardy on a break but Hardy slaps Finlay. Kennedy distracts Hardy but Hardy pushes Kennedy. Finlay knocks Hardy out of the ring. Kennedy and Finlay try to go after Hardy but Rey gets Hardy and Finlay and Kennedy stare each other down as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Kennedy and Rey are in the ring. Rey with a kick to Kennedy and he hits a springboard cross body. Rey with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors but Kennedy sends Rey to the apron. Rey with a springboard seated senton but Kennedy with a drop kick to Rey’s knee. Kennedy pulls Rey to his corner and Finlay is tagged in. Finlay with a slam that sends Rey’s leg into the ropes. Finlay stomps on Rey’s knee. Finlay slams Rey one more time into the ropes. Finlay with a single leg crab to Rey. Finlay knocks Hardy off the apron to prevent the tag. Kennedy tags in and he works on Rey’s leg and wraps it up in the ropes. The referee sends Kennedy to the apron since he did not see the tag. Finlay returns to the knee and then Kennedy makes the tag with the referee watching. Kennedy continues to work on Rey’s knee and gets a near fall. Finlay is tagged back in and Finlay with a boot to the knee. Finlay with a kick to Rey’s knee and then he sends Rey into the corner. Rey with a wheelbarrow into a bulldog and Finlay is down. Hardy and Kennedy make the tag and Hardy with clotheslines to Kennedy followed by a leaping clothesline for a near fall. Hardy with an Irish whip followed by a splash into the corner. Hardy with a hesitation baseball slide in the corner followed by a near fall. Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind but Finlay throws Hardy out of the ring. Rey with a drop kick to Finlay that pinballs both men into the ropes. Rey hits a 619 on Kennedy while Rey hits a seated senton splash from the apron onto Finlay. Hardy with a Swanton onto Kennedy for the three count.

    Winners: Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy

    Santino is in the back on the phone. Maria says that she heard a rumor that Austin is here. Santino says that tonight is his night and he is going to have his moment. Marella says that Austin’s chances of being here tonight is as good as Austin winning an Oscar. We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at people waiting in line for Wrestlemania tickets. Apparently people are unable to comprehend the concept of an internet pre-sale.

    Santino Marella comes to the ring with Maria. He says that he is going to put all of the rumors to rest. He says that Steve Austin is not going to be here. Austin is like Kobe Bryant. He is bald, he is popular, and he does not want to be in Los Angeles. Santino says that it is not all bad. There is an actual celebrity in the crowd. He introduces the director of The Condemned. Santino says that not everything can be good. Santino says that Austin is as phony as the people of Los Angeles. Tonight there is not going to be any glass broken, and there will be no ass whip. Nobody will be stomping a mud pie. Jim Ross will not be going to the point of orgasm over Austin.

    Glass breaks and Steve Austin comes to the ring. Austin has a mic and he has a DVD. He introduces himself to Marella. Austin wants to talk about The Condemned but he wants to address some of the things that Marella said. Austin points out some of the things that Marella has said. The can of ass whip is not a Can of Whoop Ass. Then he comments on the ‘mud pie’ and corrects Santino. Santino says that he understands English. Austin tells Santino that if he is going to quote Austin, he better do it right. Austin wants to talk about the Condemned. He has heard Santino run the movie down. He does not think Santino has seen the movie. Santino says he saw the movie once. Marella calls him a redneck but then Austin wants to know about the fight scenes. Santino says that the movie was too violent. Austin asks if Santino watched the behind the scenes featurettes. Santino says that was ninety minutes of his life he couldn’t get back. Austin says that you don’t come out for six weeks and run him down to try to get himself over. Austin asks Marella if he wants to drink some beers with him. Marella says that he would like to drink some wine because it is a drink of culture. Austin says that he would like to extend the olive branch of friendship and give him a copy of the Condemned. He tells Santino to actually watch the movie. Santino drops the DVD and steps on it before kicking it away. He says that he cannot put himself through it again. Austin with a Stunner and Marella is out cold. Austin says that Marella looks thirsty and he says that he will be back with a drink. He puts the DVD in Marella’s mouth. Maria checks on Marella while he goes to the back. Austin comes back into the arena and he drives to the ring in a beer truck. Austin gets a hose and he shoots it at Marella as well as the front row. Austin punches Marella and it is time for Austin to drink some beer. Maria checks on Marella. Austin sees Maria in the ring and he picks up the hose and Maria begs for mercy while she fixes her hair. Austin decides to clean her dress with some beer. Austin gets on top of the truck and drinks some more. We go to commercial.

    We are back with the latest viral video.

    We have a Moments Ago Moment of Austin spraying Santino and Maria with his giant hose.

    Vince is in his office with Hornswoggle and he says that he knows a lot about parenting. He talks about sparing the rod and spoiling the child. Vince explains that he got Hornswoggle out of situations with Coach because he loves Hornswoggle. He needs to show some tough love. It is time for everyone to stand on their own two feet. That will happen at Survivor Series. Vince says that they will put the motto of Size Doesn’t Matter when he faces his opponent. Hornswoggle turns around into the Great Khali.

    Jim Ross says that was no joke because Hornswoggle will face Khali at Survivor Series.

    We go through the card for Survivor Series

    Hornswoggle versus Great Khali

    Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Kane, and Matt Hardy versus Umaga, Fit Finlay, Big Daddy V, Ken Kennedy, and Montel Vontavious Porter in a Traditional Survivor Series Match

    World Title Match: Batista versus Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell Match

    WWE Title Match: Randy Orton versus Shawn Michaels

    Triple H is in the interview area and he says that he has been asked by WWE Management to waste time because Steve Austin sprayed beer all over the Staples Center. Shawn enters and he says that he has everything ready. Hunter brings out the Degeneration X Dancers and it is Big Dick Johnson. Hunter argues with Shawn and Shawn says that he does not know what cool is. Hunter pushes Johnson out of the way. Hunter says that he has something on the side and he brings in the Girls Next Door and they dance with Hunter. We go to commercial.

    Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are walking in the back and Mickie stops Trevor to wish him luck. Cade tells Murdoch to focus.

    Cody Rhodes with Bob Holly versus Trevor Murdoch with Lance Cade

    Murdoch with a knee followed by a forearm to the back. Rhodes drops down and slaps Murdoch. Murdoch sends Rhodes to the apron but Rhodes with a shoulder. Murdoch kicks Rhodes followed by punches and a forearm to the back. Murdoch with a snap mare and neck vise into a rear chin lock. Rhodes punches Murdoch but Murdoch with forearms. Murdoch with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Murdoch tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Rhodes lands on his feet and hits a drop kick followed by a bulldog. Rhodes with a slam and then he pulls down the knee pad and hits a knee drop. Murdoch with a kick to Rhodes. Murdoch charges into a boot. Holly distracts the referee and Cade tries to interfere but Rhodes kicks Cade off the apron. Rhodes jumps over a charging Murdoch and gets a sunset flip for a three count.

    Winner: Cody Rhodes

    After the match
    Cade yells at Murdoch for the loss.

    Jim Ross talks about the passing of the Fabulous Moolah last week. He says that the first women’s match that he referee involved the Fabulous Moolah. We go to a video package about the Fabulous Moolah.

    The crowd gives an ovation for the video package as we go to commercial.

    We are back and we see more celebrities in the crowd, and Jamie Kennedy.

    Before the match starts Duggan chants ‘Ho’ while his tag team partner Super Crazy chants ‘si’.

    Super Crazy and Hacksaw Jim Duggan versus Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

    Haas attacks Crazy as the bell rings. Haas with forearms followed by a slam and Benjamin is tagged in. Benjamin slams Crazy twice and then Haas is tagged back in. Haas slams Crazy one more time. Benjamin tags in and he slams Crazy one more time. Duggan tries to come in but the referee keeps him on the apron. Benjamin mocks Duggan by trying to let Crazy make the tag but Benjamin knocks Duggan off the apron. Benjamin tries for a slam but Crazy with a rollup for the three count.

    Winners: Jim Duggan and Super Crazy

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the WWE Rewind: Last week when we saw the events leading to the return of DX from the Triple H versus Umaga and Randy Orton match.

    Umaga and Randy Orton versus Shawn Michaels and Triple H

    All four men battle in the ring until Michaels gets rid of Orton. Hunter and Michaels with kicks to Umaga but then Umaga charges at them and they duck sending Umaga out of the ring. Michaels with a slingshot somersault pescado onto Umaga while Hunter goes after Orton. Hunter slams Orton’s head into the announce table. Hunter rolls Orton back into the ring. Hunter works on Orton’s shoulder and then he tags in Michaels who kicks Orton in the arm. Michaels with a key lock and then he stomps on Orton’s elbow. Orton with a knee followed by a forearm to the back. Umaga is tagged in and Umaga punches Michaels. Michaels tries for a sunset flip but Umaga stays on his feet. Umaga misses a drop down splash and Hunter is tagged in. Hunter punches Umaga and then he hits a DDT. Umaga with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Umaga catches Hunter and hits an uranage on Hunter and we go to commercial as Umaga hits a splash on Hunter.

    We are back and Umaga and Hunter are in the ring and Umaga punches him in the head but the referee tells Umaga to back off. Umaga sets for the running butt splash but Hunter moves out of the way. Orton tags in and Orton charges into a boot and both men are down. Michaels tags in and he hits a flying forearm followed by a reverse atomic drop and slam to Orton. Michaels goes up top to finish off his moves of doom with an elbow drop. Umaga hits Michaels with a clothesline and Shawn goes down hard. Umaga makes the tag and he connects with a head butt to Michaels and then he stomps on Michaels’s chest. Umaga chokes Michaels and then he punches him in the corner. Michaels tries to punch his way out of the corner but it does not work and Umaga knocks Michaels down with a punch. Orton tags in and he punches Michaels while Umaga holds him. Orton with a standing drop kick for a near fall. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Michaels. Orton punches Michaels but Michaels punches back. They exchange punches in the ring and Orton with a drop toe hold and Umaga is tagged back in. Umaga with a splash onto Michaels’s back. Umaga with a nerve hold on Michaels. Michaels punches Umaga in the midsection but Umaga with a head butt to Michaels. Umaga goes to the second turnbuckle for a diving head butt but he is too short and Michaels rolls out of the way. Michaels tries to make the tag but Umaga has Michaels’s leg. Michaels with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Orton makes the tag and so does Hunter. Hunter with a punch to Orton followed by a clothesline to Umaga. Hunter with a high knee to Orton followed by a facebuster to Umaga and then he sends Umaga into the ring post twice. Hunter with a spinebuster to Orton and then he sets for the Pedigree but Umaga hits the Samoan Spike on Hunter. Orton gets a two count when he rolls on top of Hunter. Umaga is tagged back in and he punches Hunter in the corner. Umaga tries for the running butt splash again and this time he hits the move. Umaga punches Michaels and sends Shawn to the floor. Hunter gets his knees up and connect with Umaga in the groin. Orton tags in and he sets for the RKO. Orton does some push ups while Hunter tries to get up. Hunter blocks the RKO and sends Orton into Umaga. Hunter crawls to the corner to try to tag in Michaels. Michaels makes the tag and he hits Sweet Chin Music on Orton for the three count.

    Winners: Shawn Michaels and Triple H

    We go to credits.

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Seems like a good show, sad about the Fabulous Moolah, she was a legend in her own right.

  3. #3
    S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Widow's Avatar
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    lol at triple h taking the piss out of the indian accent.. when talking to khali and the other guy

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