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  1. #31
    Produce Clerk... phoenixsplash's Avatar
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    god i hope not. one of the worst in ring talents ever. his mi skills arent that great either.

    for some reason though, mcmahon and the writers enjoy his character, so im sure he will, but to be honest ide much rather see orton, and his HORRIBLE mic sckills be champ for a while.

  2. #32
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    One of the worst in-ring talents ever? Oh come on now, lets at least be logical with these arguments people. Try out "one of the worst in-ring main eventers ever". At least that will be slightly plausible (even though still wrong). Cena has had countless main events at countless pay per views, and, although not all of them were the greatest, he's had MANY very good matches. "One of the worst in-ring talents ever" would have NEVER had a good match (nor would they be able to go an hour in a fight EVER like Cena has done).

    As for the hoping there aren't any kids at a wrestling show...do you really consider yourself a better wrestling fan because of your age and because you go online and read about it? Honestly, the kids are better fans than all of us, and they appreciate it far more than us. They don't go run online to bash random superstars, nor do they search for any hint of backstage info to ruin current storylines. They watch the shows every week and just enjoy it. They also have as much of a right to go to a wrestling show as you do, so deal with it. If you want a massive reaction to someone, either wait for the WWE to get some more amazing talent or stop hating superstars for their fan base.

    Now, a challenge for you Cena haters: find me a man in the WWE right now with more dedication to the buisness than Cena. What do I mean you ask? Cena carried the entire company on his shoulders with the top belt for the majority of two and a half years, never taking a single break. Then, he gets injured in the starting minute of a match and continues to fight for 15 minutes and then takes an attack from Orton, aggrivating the injury, purely for the fans who were there to see him live and the fans at home, to give closure to what he knew to be a serious injury at the time. THEN instead of taking time off and resting, Cena has started to go on all the publicity tours for the WWE, even with the injury, and he STILL made it to the Tribute to the Troops show.

    Find me someone who can beat all that Cena does.

  3. #33
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    ^ Well, seeing as his injury didn't prevent him from walking I'd have to respond to your question with Triple H. Did he NOT go through with a Walls of Jericho after getting his first quad-tear? Did Triple H not continue the match against Team Rated RKO with his second quad-tear and then go on to Pedigree one of them on to a table? Was Triple H not associated to most of the biggest feuds in WWE history(recent). Not only does Triple H do the shows he also helps with the backstage planning and stuff and I'm sure if he didn't have his LEG hurt he would have gone to Tribute for the Troops the year he missed it, while Cena could easily have done stuff as his injury just stopped one of his arms from moving.

  4. #34
    RED DEVIL Big Evil's Avatar
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    I doubt Cena will be World Heavyweight Champion anytime soon, due to the fact that the WWE will keep him the #1 on the #1 show RAW in order to keep ratings up. We might see a change, but I would have to say that is he was going to be, it would have happened while he was on Smackdown.

    There is no doubt that Cena is an extremely dedicated performer who, in most unbiased minds, has carried the entire company on his shoulders, doing everything asked of him and more. He is a man that is full of respect for the business and the guys in it, he understands what needs done, and does it. Not just for the company, but for the fans. He is one of the few that truly gives back to the fans, and shares a bond with most of them that is very rewarding.

    He is a man that has a vast variety of moves to employ in a match, and learns new ones all the time. People say he is limited because he does certain moves over and over again, but that's only because those are his signature moves, and ones that the crowd recognize the best. He does his best in every match, and it shows. No matter what happens, he pulls it off at 110 percent. Even when injured, he goes through it all until his job is done. Triple H is one other man that has fought through such a tough injury during a match.

    His character is one that is unique in the way that he is for the fans, not for himself. He does what is right, in all the ways that there could be. Some people hate him because he always seems to win, but what better way to have a hero to the fans be shown that than by him beating the villains? Cena may have risen to the top quickly, but that is only because of his ability to get the fans on his side, and to increase his popularity. We all know the WWE puts the popular guys on top, so that's why he is on top. He is great on the mic, able to mix it up with the best and worst and make it entertaining. Whether you like it or not, he is here to stay, and he will stay at the top of his game, a fan favorite.

  5. #35
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    The only way i see cena,Becoming world champion is if they decided to do a draft at some point this year and decide to put him back on smackdown,Then he will probably get the title right away.Other than that,I don't think thees any chance of him holding the World Heavyweight Title

  6. #36
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EeL View Post
    ^ Well, seeing as his injury didn't prevent him from walking I'd have to respond to your question with Triple H. Did he NOT go through with a Walls of Jericho after getting his first quad-tear? Did Triple H not continue the match against Team Rated RKO with his second quad-tear and then go on to Pedigree one of them on to a table? Was Triple H not associated to most of the biggest feuds in WWE history(recent). Not only does Triple H do the shows he also helps with the backstage planning and stuff and I'm sure if he didn't have his LEG hurt he would have gone to Tribute for the Troops the year he missed it, while Cena could easily have done stuff as his injury just stopped one of his arms from moving.
    Triple H did tough it out. He also refused to go on the show during the entire six months he was gone this last time so that his return would be bigger. Not for Wrestlemania, not for Tribute to the Troops, not for any of the pre-wrestlemania storylines that even the Rock came back for. Cena himself appeared one week later to tell everyone and went to Iraq. As for the buisness side of it, Triple H married into the number one family of wrestling, so he is more than obligated to do everything he does. Cena has no such obligation.

    As for Trips getting his leg hurt and going into the walls of Jericho...Cena got his arm hurt and put someone in the STF-U. If you notice, he is literally screaming in pain after the move, but he still did it for the fans. Just like Triple H still did the pedigree on Edge after his tear.

  7. #37
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    ^ I answered your question then, HHH and Cena both continued the match with their injuries. Yes, Cena may have done more while HHH didn't do as much after the injury, but wasn't it obvious that WWE would want to keep Cena around as they see him as a big draw. Anyway, what I also want to say is that HHH's injury was worse and more disabling than Cena's own. Would a WWE Superstar want to go in front of their fans on crotches and needing help to walk? No way, while Cena was just in a cast still able to walk, so maybe HHH didn't do anything because of some pride thing:dunno:

  8. #38
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EeL View Post
    ^ I answered your question then, HHH and Cena both continued the match with their injuries. Yes, Cena may have done more while HHH didn't do as much after the injury, but wasn't it obvious that WWE would want to keep Cena around as they see him as a big draw. Anyway, what I also want to say is that HHH's injury was worse and more disabling than Cena's own. Would a WWE Superstar want to go in front of their fans on crotches and needing help to walk? No way, while Cena was just in a cast still able to walk, so maybe HHH didn't do anything because of some pride thing:dunno:
    True. Point taken. I'll give you that Trips was worse on the image side of things, but in terms of injury itself, I think Cena's is the worse. His recovery time is much longer than Trips (HHH's went up to 6 months I believe, while at the best Cena will be back in 7, worst in 12). Also it his his major striking hand.

    On a side note, a friend of mine lives in Tampa and ran into Cena on Thanksgiving buying pies at the Village Inn. My friend told him that we were going to Wrestlemania and asked Cena if he was gonna be there, and Cena said he was training, hoping he could, but he can't promise anything.

  9. #39
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    ^ I wasn't expecting Cena to be there and if he doesn't get better by Royal Rumble he won't be at WM24 even if he was ready before it.

  10. #40
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EeL View Post
    ^ I wasn't expecting Cena to be there and if he doesn't get better by Royal Rumble he won't be at WM24 even if he was ready before it.
    I hope that at the end of the WWE championship match, Cena comes out and makes his return. Not as in a return match, but just come out and cut a promo about being back and getting his title back.

    The real question is...who will be involved in the title match at Wrestlemania now? The Triple H vs Batista thing was proved incorrect tonight, as there is no way they can pull it off anymore. It will either be Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, or possibly someone who fights Orton at No Way Out. Unless there is an injury, there are only two more possible title changes for the top two belts before the WM24...

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