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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 3rd Dec, 2007

    When Raw rolls into North Charleston, S.C., next Monday, don’t expect Randy Orton to shower his fellow Superstars with Southern hospitality. The WWE Champion was humiliated last Monday when he lost to Ric Flair, thanks to a well-timed distraction by Chris Jericho. Good thing for the Nature Boy, too, since Mr. McMahon has issued the ultimatum that if he loses, he’s forced to retire.

    Since Flair’s next match could be his last, don’t expect “Naitch” to go quietly. But how much longer can he survive?

    Also, when Raw GM William Regal yanked the rug out from under the tag team of Jeff Hardy and Triple H and pitted them against each other at Armageddon, The Game made it clear that he’s only looking out for himself. This leaves the “Rainbow-haired Warrior” in the unenviable position of being in the crosshairs of The Game. How will the high-flyer handle the pressure? Will he soar to overcome the 11-time Champion, or will he crash and burn?

    And with Mr. Kennedy poking Shawn Michaels at every turn, can a foot-to-jaw reunion be far behind? The loudmouth from Green Bay, Wis., insists on antagonizing HBK, and believes The Showstopper’s time has come and gone in WWE. What will be the next chapter in this ever-escalating rivalry as Armageddon approaches?

    For answers to all of these questions, tune into Monday Night Raw, live on USA Network, 9/8 CT.

    Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!

    RAW Results - 3rd Dec, 2007
    Location - Charleston, South Carolina
    Announcers - J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

    We start off with a look back at last week’s episode of Raw when Chris Jericho decided to use some graphics to let Randy Orton know that he wanted a title match. Remember when Ric Flair was told by Vince McMahon that his career ends when he loses? Remember how Randy Orton vowed to end the career, but Ric Flair won thanks to help from Chris Jericho?

    Chris Jericho comes to the ring and he says that when he came back he wanted to win the title, but Sanchico Marella put it right when he said that Jericho couldn’t rest on his laurels or butcher the English language. He had to anger, aggravate, and cost Orton a match against Ric Flair. He had to manipulate Orton like a puppet. After Raw, he got the answer from Randy Orton. Jericho says that he got a tingle in his pants from his phone because of WWE Mobile. We see Orton’s response to Jericho’s question after last week’s Raw. Jericho tells everyone to text his friends because at Armageddon there will be a new champion and it will be him.

    WWE Champion Randy Orton comes to the ring. He says that everything is about Chris Jericho. He tells Jericho that he thinks that got under his skin, but he gave Jericho the match because he knows that he can beat him. Over the last two years, he has beaten Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and John Cena. Jericho interrupts Orton and says that he used to brag about beating the Rock and Steve Austin in the same night to become the first Undisputed Champion. Jericho says that means nothing today. Orton might be devious, but so is he. Orton says that if Chris is going to be honest, he does not like Jericho one bit and he would wipe the smirk off Jericho’s face without breaking a sweat. Jericho says that he is ready for Orton.

    William Regal says that they shan’t be having anything happening because we will be seeing the main event from Armageddon. Regal says that each man will get to pick the other’s opponent tonight. Regal asks Orton who he wants to see Jericho wrestle. Orton says that if Jericho thinks he is so tough, he will face someone he has never wrestled before. It will be Umaga. Regal asks Jericho who he would like to see Orton face. Jericho thinks about it and he says that he will choose someone Orton has faced many times. Someone who has super kicked his head off many times. Randy Orton will wrestle Shawn Michaels.

    Mickie James and Maria walk in the back as we go to commercial

    Maria and Mickie James versus Melina and Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix

    Melina and Maria start things off and Melina misses a clothesline. Maria tries for a rollup but Melina holds on to the ropes. Maria with a drop toe hold followed by a Thesz Press. Beth tags in and she wants Mickie into the match. Beth pushes Mickie down but Mickie with forearms and kicks and more punches but Phoenix stays up. Beth gets Mickie on her shoulders but Mickie gets out of the hold. Mickie kicks Beth away as well as Melina. Beth pulls Mickie off the turnbuckles and then she knocks Maria off the apron. Beth with a power slam followed by a delayed fisherman’s suplex for the three count.

    Winners: Beth Phoenix featuring guest star Melina

    Todd Grisham is in the interview area with Shawn Michaels. Todd asks Shawn a question but Shawn cuts him off. Shawn says that the more things change, the more they stay the same. The WWE Title is not on the line tonight, but Sweet Chin Music is legal. He has knocked Orton’s head off so many times . . .

    Ken Kennedy appears on the monitor and he says that Michaels needs to go over his match with Orton tonight, but he needs to think about his match at Armageddon against Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy says that in the ring, there will be a blast from the past that might just break his heart. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Ken Kennedy is in the ring and he says that Shawn should take a look at this because it might break his heart. Ken says that he invited three of Shawn’s greatest rivals to be guests tonight. Kennedy says that he wants to know more about Shawn Michaels the competitor and Shawn Michaels the man.

    Kennedy first brings out Shawn’s old tag team partner, the man who Shawn refused to share the spotlight with . . . Marty Jannetty. Another guy Shawn had issues with is a man he faced at Wrestlemania 10 in one of the greatest Ladder Matches of all time. Kennedy brings out Razor Ramon. Kennedy thanks Razor for coming. The final man is the man Shawn faced at Wrestlemania 11, Big Daddy Cool Diesel.

    Kennedy says the panel is great but it is missing something. It is incomplete without the man himself. The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.

    Kennedy has some questions for everyone. He wants one word to summarize their feelings for Shawn Michaels. Diesel calls him egotistical. Razor calls him a chump. Jannetty calls him a traitor. Kennedy tells Shawn that he can think of one word of his own to describe Michaels. . . loser. After Armageddon, Shawn might need to think about a new profession.

    Shawn’s music plays again and Shawn Michaels comes to the ring to confront Kennedy and his cast of impersonators. Kennedy leaves the ring and Michaels with super kicks aplenty. Kennedy tries to ambush Michaels before Shawn can super kick himself. The Fake Shawn appears to have lost his smile and leaves the ring before he gets kicked in the face. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Vince is on the phone and he tells that person not to back out. Vince says that next week Hulk Hogan will be headlining Raw’s 15th Anniversary Show. Coach mentions Trish Stratus. Vince says Mick Foley will be there. Coach mentions Eric Bischoff, one of his favorite bosses. Coach also says that Steve Austin will be there.

    Hornswoggle stops by and he says that he needs to have a little conversation with his son. Vince says that next week we will have the first McMahon Family Portrait with his daughter Stephanie; his son Shane; his Wife Linda; and his other son Hornswoggle.

    Vince talks about the tough love and how Finlay has been helping him. Vince wants to know what will happen when Hornswoggle faces Carlito and Coach in a Handicap Match. He tells Hornswoggle to be resourceful as a McMahon. Hornswoggle has Vince’s phone and he makes a call.

    Jim Ross mentions what happened with Team BFF 2007 of Triple H and Jeff Hardy with their victory over Umaga and Gene Snitsky. Then we see footage of William Regal’s announcement of the Battle of the BFFs.

    We see Triple H in the locker room and William Regal enters. Hunter says that he has known William for a long time and he wants to know if Regal has an ulterior motive. Regal points out that they were sole survivors. One is an Intercontinental Champion and the other is a multiple time Heavyweight Champion. The winner of the match at Armageddon is for a WWE Title Match at the Royal Rumble. Regal points out that Triple H enjoys defeating people he hates, but maybe Triple H likes Jeff Hardy. Hunter says that he might not hate Jeff Hardy, but if it means that he can be WWE Champion again, he would Pedigree his mother or his grandmother. He would even Pedigree his father-in-law.

    We go to commercial with Umaga walking in the back.

    Umaga versus Chris Jericho in a Pick Your Opponent Challenge

    The match is joined in progress and both men are fighting outside the ring. We see footage during the commercial of Jericho hitting a springboard drop kick as well as a pescado. Back to live action and Jericho works on Umaga’s arm and neck. Umaga tosses Jericho to the floor. Umaga hits a short arm clothesline after he pulls Jericho back into the ring and then he hits a splash for a two count. Umaga punches Jericho a he wears down his opponent and then applies a nerve hold. Jericho gets out of the hold and sends Umaga into the turnbuckle. Umaga responds with a kick and then he punches Jericho in the head. Umaga with more punches and the referee admonishes him. Umaga sets for the running butt splash but Jericho moves out of the way. Jericho hits a missile drop kick and both men are down. Jericho with chops and an enzuigiri followed by a bulldog. Jericho hits the Lionsault but can only get a two count. Umaga misses a splash into the corner and then he hits the Codebreaker.

    From out of nowhere, Randy Orton comes to the ring and he kicks Jericho. Orton sets for the RKO and he hits it.

    Winner: Chris Jericho by disqualification

    Hornswoggle is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    Carlito and Jonathan Coachman versus Hornswoggle in a Handicap Match

    Before the match begins, Hornswoggle whispers something to Lillian and she announces that Hornswoggle hired some protection and it is APA.

    Simmons with a DAMN spinebuster to Carlito while Bradshaw punches Coach. Coach begs for mercy while Hornswoggle hits a running boot to Coach. Bradshaw with a Clothesline from Hell and then they hit a Rocket Launcher for the three count.

    Winner: Hornswoggle featuring guest stars APA

    After the match
    Bradshaw has a mic and he says that the APA does not discriminate. If you have the money, you can hire the APA. Bradshaw says that if you have lots of money, you can watch him on Fox Business Channel every night. Bradshaw says that if you are tired of listening to an OU jock sniffer and a Court Jester, listen to the show that changes Friday night . . .

    Ron Simmons takes the mic and he looks around before he gives us a DAMN promo.

    Todd Grisham is in the back with Gene Snitsky. Todd asks Gene about his title match against Jeff Hardy. Snitsky says that Hardy has something that he wants, the Intercontinental Title. Snitsky says that he is going to inflict more pain on Jeff Hardy than he has ever felt because he enjoys inflicting pain. He says that he will win the title tonight. We go to commercial.

    We are back with the WWE Rewind: Team BFF 2007 defeating Umaga and Snitsky.

    WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy of Team BFF 2007 versus Gene Snitsky for the Intercontinental Title

    Snitsky throws Hardy into the ropes but Hardy with punches. Snitsky catches Hardy on a float over and he runs Hardy into the turnbuckles. Snitsky with an elbow drop and then he slams Hardy’s head into the turnbuckle. Snitsky with kicks to Hardy in the corner and then he pulls Snitsky out of the corner. Snitsky with a double underhook as he tries to wear down Hardy. Snitsky with a side slam for a two count. Snitsky with punches to the head. Snitsky with a suplex but he misses a leg drop when Hardy moves out of the way. Hardy with kicks to the leg followed by a drop kick to the knee. Hardy with another drop kick for a near fall. Hardy with Whisper in the Wind and Hardy with a near fall. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate but Snitsky gets out of the hold. Snitsky misses a running boot into the corner and Hardy with a Swanton for the three count

    Winner: Jeff Hardy of Team BFF 2007

    After the match
    Snitsky with a big boot to Hardy. Snitsky gets a chair and he brings it into the ring but before he can use it, he is mesmerized by Triple H’s music. Triple H comes to the ring with Gamey to help his Team BFF 2007 partner. Snitsky leaves the ring and heads to the back. Hunter looks like he is going to introduce Gamey to Hardy’s back but Hunter offers his hand instead and then helps Hardy up. Hunter pulls Hardy face to face and then he has something to say to Hardy before leaving the ring.

    We have an earlier tonight moment of Randy Orton ruining Chris Jericho’s match with an RKO.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Smackdown Rebound.

    It is time to run through the card for Armageddon.

    Jillian is ‘singing’ for Vince in his office and Jillian wishes her luck on the Christmas album. William Regal tells Vince that his daughter is on the way. Vince emphasizes a few times that his daughter Stephanie is on the way. We go to commercial.

    Before our main event, we have an Earlier Tonight Moment that aired a few moments ago of what Orton did to Chris Jericho.

    Shawn Michaels versus Randy Orton in a Choose the guy your opponent at the pay per view is going to wrestle on Raw Match

    Michaels with a chop and punches followed by more chops. Michaels teases Orton with Sweet Chin Music and Orton gets out of the ring. Michaels goes after Orton but Orton uses it to take the advantage when they return to the ring. Michaels with a swinging neck breaker. Michaels with a side head lock take down into a side head lock. Orton tries to get out of the side head lock but Michaels shows Orton who the Master of the Side Head Lock is. Orton with an elbow that sends Michaels to the mat. Orton kicks Michaels in the head. Orton with a front face lock and he connects with forearms to the back. Orton tries for a suplex but Michaels blocks it. Orton with an elbow and then he tries for the RKO but Michaels escapes. Orton with a sunset flip but Michaels applies the ankle lock. Orton with a rollup for a near fall. Orton tries for the RKO again but Michaels with a double leg take down and he puts Orton in the ankle lock again. Orton gets to the ropes as the referee admonishes Michaels. We go to commercial after Orton rolls to the floor.

    We are back and Michaels with chops while Orton responds with punches. Michaels with a waist lock and Orton tries to escape but Michaels with a European uppercut and then he clothesline Orton over the top rope to the floor. Michaels tries for Sweet Chin Music on the floor but he takes out the timekeeper with a friendly fire Sweet Chin Music. Orton with a hangman’s DDT to Michaels. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Michaels. Orton with a body scissors on Michaels but turns it into a side head lock. Michaels with chops while Orton responds with punches. Michaels with punches. Michaels with a flying forearm followed by a kip up. Michaels with a reverse atomic drop followed by a back slide for a two count. Michaels with a slam and then he goes up top for the elbow drop and hits it. Michaels sets up for Sweet Chin Music but he hits a pescado on Ken Kennedy who comes to ringside. Michaels and Kennedy fight outside the ring while the referee counts Michaels out.

    Winner: Randy Orton by count out

    While Kennedy and Michaels fight into the crowd, Orton gets a mic and he announces himself as the winner of the match. Jericho comes into the ring and he attacks Orton with a take down. Orton tries for the RKO but Jericho counters and he tries to put Orton into the Liontamer.

    We cut to the McOffice and we see Vince and his daughter Stephanie looking at each other. Stephanie says that Vince has invited a lot of people who despise him. In 759 episodes, the person who was beaten up the most was Vince McMahon. Stephanie says that she is concerned for her daddy and she does not want to see him beaten up again. She begs Vince not to be at Raw next week. Vince says that he loves confrontation. Vince says that nobody will stop him from announcing the greatest Raw star of all time. If someone doesn’t want him to be on his show, they can go straight to HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHELL. We go to credits

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Tonight on RAW:

    Ric Flair retirement angle continues.

    Jeff Hardy faces the monstrous Snitsky in an Intercontinental Championship Match tonight on Raw.

    Raw will be Jericho immediately tonight when Y2J kicks off the show.

    Mr. Kennedy will run a gauntlet featuring HBK's former opponents

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Seth Green :kemo: )85('s Avatar
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    >.> i guess no one was watching RAW today.

  4. #4
    I am... McLovin!! Bad Boy's Avatar
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    Sounds like an ok Raw... next week shud be good... wonder who tat "Greatest Superstar" is?

  5. #5
    End Of All Things To Come XXKSXX's Avatar
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    lol....Snitsky getting a IC title match thats pretty funny. Hell I'm surprised they didn't have him win the belt as much as they push him.

    RIP JC

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