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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'No Way Out' LIVE Coverage! 2008


    WWE Championship Match

    John Cena vs. Randy Orton


    Raw Elimination Chamber

    Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, JBL, Jeff Hardy, Umaga


    World Heavyweight Championship

    Edge vs. Rey Mysterio


    SmackDown/ECW Elimination Chamber

    Batista, Undertaker, MVP, Finlay, The Great Khali, Big Daddy V


    Career Threatening Match

    Ric Flair vs. Mr. Kennedy


    ECW Championship Match

    Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk



    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage!
    WWE: 'No Way Out' PPV
    Sunday 17th February, 2008
    Location: Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas, NV
    J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler
    Micheal Cole and Jonathon Coachman
    Tazz and Joey Styles

    No Way Out opened with a video package highlighting the WWE and World Title matches as well as the two Elimination Chambers, pushing the fact that tonight's winners will be going to Wrestlemania. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcomed us to the show, and they went to the ring for the opening contest.

    ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk.

    Joey Styles and Tazz reviewed the Guerrero-Punk feud and threw it to a video package as Punk entered the ring. There was some sort of audio error, as during the video package on the feud, you could hear Tazz asking someone about the "go home" portion of the match. That audio feed quickly cut off. Chavo Guerrero, wearing his new T-Shirt, then made his entrance as the announcers played up that Punk has scored pinfalls over Chavo with the GTS.

    There was a chant for Punk at the bell as the two men went nose to nose. Chavo slapped Punk, and Punk kicked Chavo in the head. Punk hit a back elbow and a tilt-a-whirl slam for a two count. Chavo backdropped Punk to the apron and kicked him to the floor. Chavo attacked Punk as he got back into the ring and hit a series of elbows to the back of the head, then decked Punk with an uppercut for a two count. Chavo kicked Punk in the chest, then in the gut. Punk battled back with kicks, but Chavo gave Punk a drop toe hold and then hit a somersault splash to his back. Chavo hit a backdrop driver, then applied a bodyscissors.

    Punk got out with a catapult into the corner, then hit a back kick to the gut and a kneelift. Punk backdropped Chavo, then ran into a boot by Guerrero. Guerrero charged Punk, who hit a powerslam for a two count. Punk went for the GTS, but Chavo countered it into a rana. Chavo hit a Tornado DDT for a two count. Chavo did the old Guerrero dance. Chavo went for a running kick, but Punk caught it and hit an enzugiri for a two count. Punk mocked Chavo's dance, then hit two vertical suplexes. The fans, who were behind Punk for the whole match, booed the attempt at the Three Amigos. Chavo blocked the third suplex, but Punk hit a bulldog for a two count. Punk went for the GTS, but Chavo grabbed the ropes to block it. Punk dropped Chavo to the apron, then kicked him in the head. Chavo collapsed onto the floor. Punk rolled Chavo back into the ring for a two count. Punk set up Chavo for a superplex, but Chavo shoved him off. Punk then crotched Chavo on the top rope. Punk went for a rana off the ropes, but Chavo hooked the top rope and Punk crashed to the mat. Chavo hit the frog splash and got the clean pin at the seven minute mark.

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero

    Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman reviewed the Edge-Mysterio feud, and noted that Smackdown General Manager Vickie Guerrero would not be here as a result of Rey knocking her out on Smackdown. Mike Adamle interviewed Rey Mysterio, who claimed Edge doesn't care about Vickie. Rey said his hitting Vickie was an accident, but he's not going to say he is sorry again. They talked about his torn bicep, and Rey showed off his bruised arm. Rey said it is torn, and it can't get any worse. Floyd Mayweather Jr. walked in and he and Rey exchanged pleasantries. Mayweather was accompanied by two huge bodyguards. Rey and Mayweather walked off together.

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler discussed the Raw Elimination Chamber, and they showed Chris Jericho backstage taping up his wrists. The Elimination Chamber was slowly lowered as Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman talked about the Smackdown Elimination Chamber. They showed a video package on the Chamber.

    Elimination Chamber for a World Title match at Wrestlemania: Undertaker vs. Batista vs. Finlay vs. Big Daddy V, with Matt Striker, vs. MVP vs. Great Khali, with Ranjin Singh.

    MVP entered first, then Big Daddy V, then Great Khali, all of whom entered pods. So, it definitely is starting with face vs. face

    Taker and Batista started out punching in center ring. Batista got the better of it and worked over Taker in a corner with shoulderblocks. Taker hit a kneelift to block a shoulderblock, then threw Batista over the top rope and onto the steel floor of the chamber. Undertaker rubbed Batista's face into the chain wall. Batista fought back with a punch, then kicked Taker back into the ring. Batista whipped Undertaker hard into a corner, then hit a clothesline for a two count. Undertaker came back with a boot to the face, then punched him into a corner. Undertaker choked Batista, then stomped him down. Taker hit some elbows in a corner, then kicked at Batista's legs. Undertaker continued to stomp Batista, then stood on his throat. Batista got to his feet and battled back with punches, to boos from the crowd. Batista hit a back elbow for a two count. Batista missed a clothesline, and the two men kicked each other in the head, knocking them down as the time period elapsed.

    Big Daddy V entered the match.

    Big Daddy V went to work on Batista, hitting a clothesline, then gave on to the Undertaker. BDV slammed Undertaker, then chopped Batista in the corner. BDV gave Undertaker a Samoan Drop, then stood on his stomach and chest. BDV went back to Batista, hitting chops and slamming him. Undertaker recovered outside the ring. Big Daddy V chopped Batista, then headbutted Undertaker. Taker fell into the door, which broke open and Undertaker fell to the outside. The referees kept BDV from going outside, and Taker got back in the cage. BDV avalanched Undertaker against the cage wall. You know, for such an awesome structure, you'd think there would be more than one small bolt lock keeping the door shut. Big Daddy V turned his attention to Batista in the ring, hitting an avalanche in the corner. Big Daddy V went for a Samoan Drop, but Batista ducked it and hit a spinebuster. Big Daddy V was knocked through the ropes, and Undertaker DDT'd him on the steel floor. Batista covered Big Daddy V, on the steel flooring, and got the three count.

    Big Daddy V is eliminated.

    Great Khali entered the match.

    Khali went back and forth between opponents, chopping Batista down as Khali worked over Undertaker with elbows. A "You Can't Wrestle" chant broke out. Undertaker hit some shots and went for a chokeslam, but Khali blocked it and hit a double handed chokeslam on Undertaker for a two count. Khali then gave Batista a clothesline for a two count. Khali chopped Undertaker, then put Batista in the Vice Grip. Batista broke out with a low kick and hit a spear on Khali. Taker then knocked Batista down. Singh climbed up on the cage wall, but Taker kicked him down. Undertaker put Khali in the gogoplata (or, as I like to call it, the Bloody Shin Choke) and Khali tapped out (and bled from the mouth).

    Great Khali is eliminated.

    Undertaker worked on Batista outside the ring and got a two count on the steel floor. Undertaker dragged Batista's back across the steel flooring.

    Finlay entered the match.

    Undertaker immediately hit Finlay with a jumping kick and whipped him into a corner, but then missed a running kick and got caught in the ropes. Finlay hit Undertaker, then went after Batista and threw him through the ropes and onto the steel floor. Finlay gave Undertaker the Celtic Cross in the ring for a two count, then hit a kneedrop. Finlay and Batista slugged it out on the steel floor, then Batista grabbed Finlay's legs and catapulted him into the cage wall. Finlay fell into the ring and Undertaker stomped him. Batista and Undertaker began slugging it out in the ring, and Batista tried a backdrop, but Taker kicked it away, then nailed him with a clothesline. Finlay crawled onto the downed Batista for a two count. Finlay dropped an elbow on Batista, then threw Undertaker over the top rope and onto the steel floor. Finlay rammed Undertaker into the cage wall. Finlay kicked Undertaker in the head and got a two count on the steel floor. Finlay rammed Taker into the plexiglass wall of the chamber where MVP was. Finlay rammed Taker into an empty pod, and the plexiglass broke. Batista, from the ring, grabbed Finlay and rammed him into the ringpost. Batista pulled Finlay into the ring with a cradle suplex for a two count.

    MVP entered the match.

    Undertaker was waiting for him, so MVP tried to hold his door shut. Taker got it open and pounded down MVP in his pod. As Taker returned to the ring, Batista attached him and hit some shoulderblocks in the corner. Batista hit a clothesline on Taker, but ran into a boot to the face. MVP came in and hit a Shining Wizard on Batista and a running kick on Undertaker. MVP got a two count on Undertaker. MVP took off his medallion and used the chain to choke Finlay and get a two count. MVP punched down Undertaker and hit a series of shots, using the medallion as a weapon. Taker was busted open. MVP kicked Finlay in the face, then kicked Batista. Undertaker got to his feet, and MVP blasted him over and over with the medallion. Taker wouldn't go down, and dared MVP to hit him again. MVP threw more shots, then seeing the Undertaker not go down, jumped up on top of the pod. MVP threw punches from there, as Taker climbed the ropes to try and reach him. Undertaker grabbed MVP by the throat, and threw him off the top of the pod and into the ring. Finlay crawled onto MVP for the pin.

    MVP is eliminated.

    Undertaker went for a top rope elbowdrop on Finlay, but Finlay moved out of the way. Hornswoggle popped up by the ringpost, in an opening in the Chamber floor, and handed Finlay a shillelagh. Finlay used it on Undertaker and Batista. Batista tried to lift Finlay for a powerbomb, but Finlay hit Batista in the head with the shillelagh and got a two count. Undertaker grabbed Finlay and chokeslammed him over the top rope and onto the steel floor. Undertaker pinned Finlay.

    Finlay is eliminated.

    Batista, who was bloodied by the shillelagh, and Undertaker, also bloody, went at it in the center of the ring. They traded punches, with Taker's getting cheers and Batista's getting boos. Batista hit a kick to the gut and powerbombed Undertaker, to a pop. Undertaker kicked out at two, to a bigger pop. Batista punched Undertaker in a corner, but Undertaker grabbed Batista and hit the Last Ride powerbomb. Undertaker collapsed after hitting the move, then slowly crawled onto Batista for a two count. Undertaker mounted Batista and hit a series of punches. Undertaker called for the tombstone. Batista floated over it and threw Undertaker over the top rope. Batista went out onto the steel floor with Undertaker and rubbed his face against the cage. Batista put Undertaker over his shoulder and threw Undertaker head first into the cage. Batista went to do it again, but Undertaker blocked it with his hands. Undertaker, from over Batista's shoulder, pushed off the cage and as Batista fell backwards they tumbled over the top rope into the ring, with Batista now in Undertaker's arms. Undertaker nailed the tombstone piledriver for the three count at the twenty-nine minute mark.

    Batista is eliminated.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    After the match
    Undertaker struggled to his feet, then pointed at the Wrestlemania sign.

    Edge and the Edgeheads looked very concerned about Undertaker earning the Wrestlemania title match. Edge tried to get back on track and work out a plan for his match tonight. Theodore R. Long entered, and told Edge that since Vickie Guerrero wasn't present, he was in charge. Long told Edge that both Edgeheads were banned from ringside tonight

    The Kelly Kelly-Mae Young Wrestlemania commercial was shown.

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talked about how Maria needs to decide between Playboy and Santino Marella tomorrow. They showed a video package of Maria and Ashley at a Playboy Mansion party, including appearances by the legendary David Hasselhoff and Hugh Hefner.

    Ric Flair vs. Ken Kennedy

    Kennedy hit Flair with a shoulderblock at the start, then mocked Flair's strut. Flair, who has his knee bandaged, chopped Kennedy down and strutted. Flair hiptossed Kennedy, then hit a series of chops. Kennedy dropkicked Flair's bad knee. Kennedy put Flair in a half crab. Flair made the ropes, and Kennedy took his leg and rammed it into the ringpost. Kennedy put Flair in a figure four leglock around the ringpost to further weaken the leg. Back in the ring, Kennedy put Flair in a figure four. Kennedy blocked Flair from chopping his way out of it. Flair made the ropes to break it. Kennedy hit his rolling Samoan Drop for a two count, then went for another, but Flair floated over it and hit a chopblock on Kennedy's knee. Flair chopped Kennedy and hit another chopblock, then went for a figure four. Kennedy kicked it away, then cradled Flair with a handful of trunks and his feet on the ropes for leverage, but the referee caught him. Flair hit a shinbreaker and went for a figure four, but Kennedy rolled him into a small package for a two count. Flair grabbed Kennedy's leg again and tripped him to the mat. Flair applied the figure four leglock for the tap out win at the eight minute mark.

    Winner: Ric Flair

    After the match
    Flair got on the mic and announced himself as the winner, then noted he will never retire.

    Vince McMahon walked in on Finlay, who was being checked on by a trainer. Vince pointed out that Finlay won't be able to help Hornswoggle tomorrow night when he gets him in a steel cage. Vince emphasized that he will show his son "tough love".

    A video package on the Mysterio-Edge feud was shown.

    World Champion Edge vs. Rey Mysterio

    Rey came out with his arm bandaged and padded. Mayweather was shown seated at ringside. Edge came out alone. Edge backed Rey into a corner and smiled at Rey, motioning at his bad arm. Rey hit some kicks to the legs, then hit a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Rey kicked Edge in the head, then pounded Edge with some left hand punches. Rey leapfrogged Edge, who took Rey down with a boot to the face. Rey went to the floor to regroup, and Edge hit him with a baseball slide. Edge threw Rey into the ringsteps, then applied an armlock in the ring. Edge put Rey on the top turnbuckle and went for Rey's mask, but Rey elbowed him away. Edge hung Rey in the Tree of Woe, but Rey sat up as Edge went for a baseball slide and Edge crotched himself on the ringpost. Rey hit a moonsault onto a standing Edge for a two count. Rey hit a second rope swinging DDT for another two count, as Edge got his foot on the ropes. Edge went for a sunset flip, but Rey rolled out of it. Edge rolled back to avoid a Rey kick, but Rey instead gave Edge a drop toe hold into the ropes. Rey gave Edge the 619. Rey was slow to get up, and went for a springboard off the middle rope in the ring, but Edge hit him with a spear as he came at him off the ropes and got the clean pin at the five minute mark

    Winner: Edge

    After the match
    Rey was tended to by doctors at ringside after the match

    The Big Show's music hit, and he walked out, wearing street clothes and smiling. Show opened his jacket and to show that he has lost a lot of weight. Show got on the mic and said "Guess who's back?" Show said he "missed this place". Show said he would be a champion again. Show said he has already been a champion on Raw, Smackdown and ECW, and that it is only a matter of time that he will be champion again. Show said he has lost 108 pounds. Show was distracted that Mysterio was still at ringside, so Show went out and grabbed him by threw throat. Show said "Does your arm hurt?" and slapped Rey's arm. Show held Rey in front of Mayweather and asked if he was going to "do something". Show got in the ring with Rey and held him by his throat. Mayweather motioned to get in the ring, but his entourage held him back. Show dared him to do something. Show picked up Rey for a chokeslam, and Mayweather ran into the ring. Show dropped Rey, and the ring filled with people for a pull apart with Mayweather and Show. They ended up going face to chest, and Show shoved Mayweather back. Mayweather shoved Show, who didn't move. Show got down on his knees, so he would be eye level with Mayweather. Mayweather hit two punches on Show, then ran out of the ring with his crew. Big Show gave chase, but was stopped by Shane McMahon. Show was bleeding from the mouth and nose, and went back to ringside with Shane. Show kept spitting blood out of his mouth, and talked with Shane as they went to the back. Show said "It's my ring". A replay showed it was actually three punches that landed.

    They showed Jeff Hardy in the back getting ready for the Elimination Chamber.

    Mike Adamle introduced a video package on the Orton-Cena feud.

    WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. John Cena

    They locked up at the bell, and Cena tripped Orton into a small package for a one count. The crowd is louder and more active than they've been since the Undertaker entrance. There were dueling chants for Orton and Cena. Orton knocked Cena down and stomped his head. Orton hit some punches to the head, and kicked him down. Cena reversed a whip into the corner then hit a bulldog for a two count. Cena hit a back elbow, then delivered an elbowdrop for a two count. Orton kicked Cena's arm, and decked Cena as he tried to come back. Orton punched Cena in the ropes and knocked him to the apron. Cena snapped Orton's head on the ropes from the apron, then hit a top rope Rocker Dropper for a two count. Cena ran into an Orton elbow, then Orton choked him against the bottom rope. Orton punched Cena, and Cena grabbed for an FU from nowhere. Orton wriggled out of it and hit an uppercut.

    Orton stomped Cena's sneaker-clad ankles. Orton continued the stomping, targeting the arm and shoulders. Orton then began punching Cena's surgically repaired pectoral muscle. Orton set up for a kneedrop, but Cena moved out of the way. Orton grabbed a headlock, then turned it into a sleeperhold, then into a chinlock. Cena battled up out of it, and hit a pair of shoulderblocks, then a back suplex into a powerbomb. Cena did the Five Knuckle Shuffle, and hit the fistdrop. Cena went for the FU, but Orton rolled out and went to the floor. Cena followed him outside, and they slugged it out. They were almost counted out, and both men dove into the ring at the nine count. They stared at each other, then began slugging it out.

    Orton hit a side neckbreaker on Cena. Orton put Cena on the top turnbuckle, and hit a series of punches. Orton went for a superplex, but Cena shoved it off. Cena went for the top rope Rocker Dropper again, but Orton moved out of the way and Cena crashed to the mat. Orton set up for an RKO, but Cena slammed it away and applied the STFU. Orton struggled in the hold, then made the ropes. Orton rolled to the floor, and complained about his knee. The referee asked if he could continue. Orton told the referee to count him out. Cena came out, saying he knew Orton wasn't hurt to the referee, who tried to stop him. Orton grabbed Cena and hit an RKO on the floor, then rolled into the ring. The referee got up to a nine count, and Cena rolled back into the ring. Cena yelled at Orton to get to his feet. Orton slapped the referee, and the referee called for the bell at the seventeen minute mark. Orton smiled. Cena complained to the referee, then gave Orton an FU and applied an STFU. Orton tapped like crazy, but the referee had already left the ring.

    Winner: via disqualification: John Cena.

    Shawn Michaels approached Triple H. Michaels said this is normally where they deliver witty lines and shill merchandise. They both agreed that they would do whatever they had to do in order to win tonight.

    Elimination Chamber for a WWE Title match at Wrestlemania: Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H vs. Chris Jericho vs. JBL vs. Umaga

    Triple H entered first, then Umaga, then JBL, then Jeff Hardy. So, it will start with Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. Jericho came out and taunted JBL, who was in a pod. Michaels made his entrance, and the match began.

    Jericho grabbed a hammerlock, but Michaels got out and they traded chops. Michaels grabbed a sunset flip and the two traded reversals for two counts. Jericho went for a German suplex, but Michaels blocked it and Jericho hit a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Michaels bridged up and grabbed a backslide for two, then Jericho nailed him with a clotheslines. Jericho hit a side backbreaker, then punched Michaels and slapped him on the mat. Jericho hit punches and chops, then Michaels ducked a clothesline and hit a flying forearm. Michaels kipped up and hit a reverse atomic drop, then slammed Jericho. Michaels went for a top rope elbow, but Jericho got his knees up. Jericho hit a bulldog and went for a Lionsault. Michaels got his knees up, but Jericho stopped himself and went for the Walls Of Jericho. Michaels reversed it and went for a Sharpshooter, but Jericho tripped out of it and dropped an elbow. They traded shots and Michaels hit some chops. They collided on simultaneous bodypress attempts as the clocks ran out.

    Umaga entered the match.

    Umaga went back and forth, knocking down both opponents. He clotheslined both men, then lifted Jericho in a fireman's carry. Michaels hit Umaga with some punches. Michaels charged, Umaga bent over, then lifted Jericho and Michaels and hit a double Samoan Drop. Umaga kicked Michaels over the top rope and onto the steel flooring, then gave Jericho a diving headbutt. Umaga gave Michaels a Bonsai Drop to the back of the head on the steel floor from off the cage wall. Umaga went back after Jericho in the ring and hit a series of shots. Umaga hit another drop on Michaels off the cage, then went back into the ring. Jericho hit some chops, but Umaga decked him with a shot to the throat. Umaga missed a second rope headbutt on Jericho, and Michaels dove off the top rope with an elbowdrop on Umaga. Jericho turned Umaga into the Walls Of Jericho. Michaels added a Crippler Crossface to Umaga's front end as the clock ran out.

    JBL entered the match.

    JBL kicked Jericho in the face, then gave Michaels a big boot as well. JBL gave Jericho a clothesline, then one for Michaels, who was a bloody mess. JBL gave Jericho a neckbreaker. They replayed to show that Michaels got busted open when he collided with Jericho earlier. Umaga started fighting with Michaels on the steel floor, slamming him, while in the ring, Jericho gave JBL a tornado DDT. JBL and Jericho ended up on the same side of the ring with Michaels and Umaga when JBL backdropped Jericho out of the ring. Soon, Michaels and Umaga were in the ring, with Umaga whipping Michaels hard into the corner and out of the ring.

    Triple H entered the match.

    Triple H tackled Umaga and hit some punches, then went after JBL and gave him a facebuster on a knee. HHH gave one to Umaga, then rammed him into JBL. Triple H gave Jericho a spinebuster, then one for Umaga. Triple H gave JBL a DDT for a two count.

    Umaga cut off HHH's momentum, but HHH rammed him over the turnbuckles and into a pod. Jericho went for a Lionsault on Triple H, but Triple H got the knees up. Triple H went for a Pedigree on Jericho, but JBL gave HHH the Clothesline From Hell. Jericho then gave JBL the Codebreaker for a pin.

    JBL is eliminated.

    JBL ran back into the Chamber with two chairs, and plastered Jericho and Michaels with chair shots. He paused when he saw Umaga, then blasted him with a chair anyway. JBL then left, leaving behind the two chairs. Jericho was busted open.

    Jeff Hardy entered the match.

    Everyone was down, except Umaga, who had just gotten up. Hardy hit a back heel kick on Umaga, splashed Michaels in a corner, gave Jericho a gourdbuster, and Triple H a forearm shot. Hardy jumped off of Jericho's back to hit Umaga with Air Hardy. Triple H and Michaels grabbed Hardy and whipped him across the ring, and Hardy jumped onto the ropes and hit Whisper In The Wind on both men. Umaga gave Hardy a thrust kick. Umaga gave Jericho a spinning side slam. Umaga hung Triple H in the Tree Of Woe. Umaga whipped Michaels into HHH, then hit a headbutt on Triple H for good measure. Umaga kicked Jericho, then pounded Triple H on the steel floor. Umaga hit the posterior ram on Jericho against a pod, breaking through it.

    Umaga took Jericho in the ring and set up for the Samoan Spike, but Michaels gave Umaga a superkick. Jericho gave Umaga the Codebreaker, then Triple H gave Umaga the Pedigree. Hardy gave Umaga a Swanton off the top of a pod, and Jericho covered Umaga for the pin.

    Umaga is eliminated.

    Michaels gave Jericho a superkick, and Hardy covered Jericho for the pin.

    Chris Jericho is eliminated.

    Hardy gave Shawn Michaels a Twist Of Fate. Triple H threw Hardy out of the ring, then gave Michaels a Pedigree for the pin.

    Shawn Michaels is eliminated.

    Triple H invited Jeff Hardy into center ring. They slugged it out, and Triple H sidestepped Hardy and threw him out of the ring. They fought on the steel floor, and Hardy rammed Triple H into the cage wall, then hit a DDT on the steel. Hardy pounded Triple H on the outside, then rammed the now bloody Triple H into the cage over and over. Hardy stomped Triple H, then went to the top rope and dove off at Triple H. Triple H blocked it with a kick, and set up for a Pedigree on the steel floor. Hardy backdropped Triple H into the ring. Hardy went for the Swanton, but Triple H moved out of the way. Triple H hit Hardy with a Pedigree, but Hardy kicked out at two.

    Triple H grabbed a chair and set up for a Pedigree on it. Hardy hit Triple H with a low blow. Hardy went for a Twist of Fate on the chair, but Triple H threw Hardy down on it. Triple H then hit a Pedigree on the chair for the pin at the twenty four minute mark.

    Jeff Hardy is eliminated.

    Winner: Triple H

    After the match
    Triple H pointed at the Wrestlemania sign and gestured that he wanted the belt as the show ended

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    wish punk won but taker winning makes streak vers streak at wm

  4. #4
    Main Eventer
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    Yay, I think my Bookie's going to be huge after this PPV

  5. #5
    Member #20 Jodes's Avatar
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    ^ i only bet on 2 matches. i hope i hope i win :knitting:

    ^^Thanks To Maxxy

    ^^Thanks To LG

    "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous"

  6. #6
    What would you wanna Know Megan's Avatar
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    WHere i want to be.
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    Taker won thats good good to see him in the Main match at mania again.

    ^Credit to Ryan.

  7. #7
    Member #20 Jodes's Avatar
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    BOOOOOO FLAIR!!!!!!!!!! retire already

    ^^Thanks To Maxxy

    ^^Thanks To LG

    "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    Big Shows back....as a heel...

    Hes attacking Rey Mysterio.

  9. #9
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    May 2006
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    I cant believe that the wwe is having people tap to Flairs figure four, no one has lost to that move in like a decae. It would be like Jake Roberts coming back and beating people with the DDT. It just isn't realistic in the business today.

  10. #10
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WOW section
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    Im glad Big Show is back

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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