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  1. #1
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Armageddon' LIVE Coverage


    World Heavyweight Championship Match
    John Cena (c) vs. Chris Jericho

    WWE Championship Triple Threat Match
    Edge (c) vs. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

    Randy Orton vs. Batista

    Intercontinental Championship Tournament Finals Match
    Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

    ECW Champion Matt Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov

    Finlay vs. Mark Henry (Belfast Brawl)

    Eight-Diva Santa's Little Helper Match
    Michelle McCool, Maria, Mickie James & Kelly Kelly vs. Victoria, Natalya, Maryse & Jillian



    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Members please beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage!
    WWE: 'Armageddon' PPV Sunday 14th December, 2008
    Announcers: Buffalo, NY
    Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler
    J.R. and Tazz

    Dark Match

    New WWE Tag Team champions John Morrison and The Miz defeated Jesse and Festus


    ECW champ Matt Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov

    They explained it was a personal issue and not for the title since Kozlov has never competed in an ECW ring. The fans chanted USA and Hardy's name early. Kozlov took over early with his power. Hardy pulled himself out of a move and tried for several pinfall attempts. Kozlov cut him off, throwing Hardy shoulder-first into the ringpost. He continued the assault on Hardy's shoulder with a series of headbutts to the shoulder and then a judo takedown into a keylock. Hardy tried to fight out but Kozlov caught him with a Fireman's Carry and then cinched in the keylock again. Hardy used several kicks to try and break free, but Kozlov powered him back to the mat. Kozlov nailed a DDT and went back to the keylock.

    Hardy mounted a comeback with a high cross bodyblock off the apron to the floor and then the Side Effect but Kozlov kicked up. Hardy's attempt at the Twist of Fate was shoved off. Hardy came off the middle turnbuckle but was caught with a clothesline for a two count. Hardy kicked up and fought his way back into offense. He caught Kozlov in the corner with a series of punches but was shoved off. Hardy's face hit the metal that connects the turnbuckle to the ringpost. Dazed, Hardy was nailed by a chokeslam into a spinebuster for the pin.

    Winner: Vladimir Kozlov!

    WWE champ Edge, Vickie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero were watching the monitor. Edge noted that it's fitting that happened to Matt after his accusations and Vickie said it was karma. Edge left to get ready for his match. Chavo asked Vickie how they took out Jeff Hardy the night before Survivor Series. Guerrero got insulted and said she already told him they had nothing to do with it. She told Chavo to go get her a coffee and reiterated there was nothing to tell and they weren't involved.

    Tonight's Text messaging gimmick is for fans to vote if Edge, Triple H, Kozlov or other attacked Jeff Hardy last night.

    Hornswoggle was messing with Eve Torres. Finlay apologized, but Hornswoggle hit her in the rear with the plastic shillelagh. Finlay asked his son to stay backstage so he could make sure he was safe tonight. Hornswoggle looked heartbroken.

    WWE Intercontinental champ William Regal and Layla were introduced and sat at ringside for the IC tournament final.

    Intercontinental Championship Tournament Finals Match
    Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk

    As Punk came to the ring, they showed still photos of the Miz and Morrison winning the Tag Team titles last night in Hamilton, Ontario. I wish WWE had used the title shot to put over that you "never know" when something might happen, which is why every live event is important, but they missed the chance.

    Punk and Rey shook hands at the bell. This is their first-ever singles bout, although they did face off in a Three-Way with the late Eddie Guerrero for IWA Mid-South in 2002. The announcers noted that Rey's arm wasn't taped up. They did some nice chain wrestling early. Punk shoulderblocked Rey down but Rey caught him in a pinfall combination for a two count. Rey set up Punk for the 619 but Punk caught him with an armdrag. Punk went for the GTS but Rey hit a Lucha style armdrag to escape. Punk sent Rey to the outside with a backdrop in front of Regal, then hit a dive to the floor.

    Back inside the ring, Punk continued to work over Mysterio's back with body scissors. The announcers were really putting over the importance of the IC title. Punk began nailing roundhouse kicks on Rey. Rey caught him with a shoulderblock from the outside of the ring. He went to go to the top but Punk crotched him. While Rey was tied to the tree of woe, Punk caught him with several knees to the back. Rey moved and Punk hit the turnbuckles. Rey hit a moonsault press from the top for a two count.

    Punk came back with a scoop powerslam for a two count. Punk locked on a Crowbar submission, going after Mysterio's arm and wrist based on when he "hurt" it while facing off with Mike Knox in the aisle a few weeks back. Rey tried to go for the ropes but Punk turned it into a crossface. Rey finally made it to the ropes, forcing a break. Mysterio comes back with a headscissors takedown, locking Punk into an armbar submission. Punk finally made it to the ropes.

    Rey went to the apron as Punk recovered. He nailed a shoulderblock, then a missile dropkick. It knocked Punk out of the ring to the floor. Rey went to the top and nailed a dive off the turnbuckles to the floor. Mysterio hit a springboard Thesz Press. Michael Cole called it a senton. Someone should slap him every time he mis-calls a move. That would be worth $40.

    Punk and Rey began battling in the middle of the ring. Punk missed the high knee. Rey charged but was caught and sent flying into the corner. Punk hit the high knee into the bulldog for a two count. They showed Regal believing it was the finish. The crowd was all over Regal, which sort of hurt the heat of the match. Mysterio caught Punk out of nowhere with a rollup, but Punk kicked up at the last second.

    Mysterio missed the 619. Punk went for the GTS but Rey caught him with a hurancanrana. Punk landed in the ropes and Rey hit the 619. Punk avoided a springboard splash. Punk went to grab Rey but was caught with a crucifix for a two count. Rey caught Punk with a knee. Rey dove off the top for a rana but was caught on his shoulders. Punk maneuvered it into a GTS and scored the clean pin.

    Winner and top contender for the Intercontinental champion, William Regal!

    After the match
    Punk and Rey embraced. Regal applauded their efforts and smiled at Punk. Punk promised to nail him with the GTS.

    Jeff Hardy cut a promo in a dark, secluded area. He said the last year, he was forced to look inward and ask himself if he was ready to change. He said it's easy to say Hardy is a screw-up who is ready to mess up again. He said that they were scared to see he was just human. He said that everyone tried to break him but Hardy promised he broke his own walls down. Hardy said he would answer all the questions about whether he has what it takes and if he's ready to change. He promised he is who is, Jeff Hardy, WWE champion. It was a really good promo.

    Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler noted it's been a rough year for Hardy and also for Shawn Michaels. We went to a video feature on the JBL vs. Michaels feud. How about we do this on a show I don't pay $40 for and instead give the undercard another 5-7 minutes to wrestle?

    JBL came to the ring and said he'd like to introduce everyone to his newest employee Shawn Michaels. Michaels made his way to the ring, looking somber. Michaels took the mic and said the economy has hit "all of us hard" and he wasn't immune. Michaels said that he's heard everyone say that he was rich and a WWE Superstar on TV, so how could this happen to him? Michaels said he wishes that was true but when he came into money in his 20s, he spent big on houses, motorcycles and helped every High School friend who asked for it. He said when he hit his 30s, he paid for all of his surgeries himself because he didn't want to ask for a handout and be beholden to any one person or company. He said when he met his wife, he turned his life around and married her. He hired an investment firm to invest his money in the stock market and he gave to his churches and everyone who needed it, but then the bottom fell out. Michaels said that if it was 20 years ago, he wouldn't worry about it but the reality is, he doesn't know how much time he has left in the ring, but his family and relatives depend on him.

    He said that is why he took JBL up on his offer. Michaels said he doesn't like JBL as he's smug, a bully and he finds him reprehensible, but "the man is very good financially and that's what I need right now." Michaels said he will put his kids through college and he won't allow his brother and sister to lose their houses. Michaels said everyone hears the stories about guys bragging groceries or limping into High School gyms, but he's not going to be a wrestling tragedy. Michaels said that if being considered a sellout is the price he has to pay, then so be it. He looked to be on the verge of tears. The crowd indeed chanted that he did. Michaels said that it wasn't something he wanted to do, but something he has to do.

    JBL offered Michaels his hand and Michaels, after pausing, took it and shook it. JBL walked out of the ring as Michaels stood there looking like a broken man.

    Eve Torres interviewed Randy Orton, asking him his strategy. Cody Rhodes took the mic and said that Orton was once the crown jewel of Evolution while Batista was hired muscle. Rhodes said that Batista isn't on their level because he doesn't have the God-given ability of a second and third generation performer like each of them. Manu said Orton has been waiting four years to expose Batista as the fraud that he is and will cement his legacy. Manu and Rhodes walked off. Orton looked at Eve and then walked off

    Belfast Brawl Match
    Mark Henry (with Tony Atlas) vs Finlay

    They started brawling outside immediately. A ton of weapons got tossed into the ring. Finlay nailed Atlas, opening up the chance for Henry to nail him with a trash can lid. Henry splashed Finlay against the ropes, sliding through and landing on his feet outside. Henry warned Finlay he's got the fight he wanted.

    Henry continued to beat Finlay down on the mat. Finlay fought his way back with trash can and cane shots. Henry cut him off but missed the Banzai Drop in the corner. Finlay went for his shillelagh but was kicked in the face by Henry. Henry broke the shillelagh over his knee. Finlay tried to nail him with a cane but Henry knocked him down and broke that apart as well.

    Henry locked on a bearhug but Hornswoggle appeared and tried to climb to the top. Henry shoved Finlay backwards into the corner, knocking Hornswoggle off the ropes. He went under the ring. Henry picked up a trash can and used it to squeeze Finlay in a corner. He then smashed Finlay across the back with it. Henry grabbed the ring steps and was going to slam it down on Finlay who dropkicked him in the knee.

    Hornswoggle tossed Finlay a new shillelagh. He nailed Henry with it and scored the pin.

    Winner: Finlay

    The Divas were decorarating a tree when "Santa Haas" showed up. He said that since they were all nice, he brought them presents. Beth Phoenix and Santino Marella appeared. He said that he knew what they really wanted for Christmas was to be Diva of the year, but they all tied for last place. He said that since "we won" (Beth corrected him), they were going to take the next present. Boogeyman popped up and Santino tried to run away. Goldust was in the doorway under mistletoe. Santino freaked and ran away. Goldust said he just wanted to sing a song. Boogey gave him a gift. He, Goldust, Haas and the Divas sang "We Wish you a Merry Christmas." Too much forced humor but Santino was awesome as usual.

    Ken Kennedy did a public service announcement, saying he wants everyone to have a great holiday season but not to drink and do drugs (or fail wellness tests, I guess), but to go out and buy his movie on January 6th. I thought it was cute.

    Randy Orton vs. Batista

    Orton got a pretty decent pop for his entrance. Manu and Rhodes were at ringside at opposite sides of the ring. They locked up in the center of the ring. Batista backed Orton into the corner but Orton muscles his way back to the center of the ring. Orton grabbed a side headlock and ended up tangled in the ropes, but it was a clean break. Orton went back to the side headlock, then dropped down into a drop toehold on Batista. He cinched in a front facelock but Batista escaped and they faced off.

    Batista finally shoulderblocked Orton down. Orton teased being scared, then dumped Batista to the floor. Manu and Rhodes attacked him but the referee saw it and threw them out of ringside. Orton drilled Batista outside and tossed him back into the ring. He tossed Batista shoulder-first into the ringpost. Orton cinched in a keylock. Batista finally escaped and clotheslined Orton in the corner. He powerslammed Orton and signalled for the Batista Bomb.

    Orton landed on his feet and hit a standing neckbreaker. When he recovered, Orton locked in a cravate. Orton slammed Batista into the mat face first, then starting nailing the Garvin Stomp. Outside of the ring, Orton continued beating Batista, who was dazed on the apron, sending him to the floor. Orton tossed him back into the ring and covered him for a two count. Orton cinched in a side chinlock. Batista finally made his way to his feet. Batista went for a clothesline but Orton grabbed him and drove him back to the mat.

    So far, it's been methodical but very good in terms of how it's laid out. I am surprised to see Orton doing most of the dominating so far. Batista got to his feet but Orton held onto the choke, Batista finally nailed a sideslam. They recovered and began slugging it out mid-ring. Batista got the best of it and nailed a running clothesline in the corner. He nailed another, then clotheslined Orton out of the ring to the floor.

    Batista drilled Orton's face into the ring apron. He tossed Orton into the ring and ascended to the top but was caught by Orton. Orton nailed a superplex, the staple of his father, but only got a two count. Batista caught Orton with a spinebuster for a two count. This has turned into a really good match.

    Batista went for the powerbomb, but Orton countered and went for the RKO. Batista shoved him off and slammed him for a two count. Batista set up for the spear but Orton punted him in the face as he charged. He nailed his backbreaker variation for a two count, then set up for the RKO. He went for it but was caught and hit with a uranage for a two count. The crowd thought that was the finish. Orton caught him with a DDT.

    Orton went for the punt but Batista caught him and slammed him into the buckles. The crowd booed him missing the punt. Batista caught him with a Batistabomb and pinned him clean.

    Winner: Batista

    They recapped the Slammys. Rinse and repeat my comments earlier about paying $40 and wanting more time for the undercard wrestling

    Santa's Little Helper Tag Match
    Maria & Kelly Kelly & Mickie James & WWE Divas champ Michelle McCool vs. Victoria & Natalya & Maryse & Jillian Hall

    So that Raw vs. Smackdown rivalry from last month is already kaput? Maryse and Mickie opened. James nailed an armdrag. She and Maryse went back and forth until Masryse begged off and stepped between the ropes. She tagged in Natalya, who slapped James. James hit a Thesz Press and unloaded.

    Kelly Kelly tagged in with a sunset flip. Natalya nailed her with several forearms. Kelly used a cartwheel to escape an armlock. Team Smackdown worked over Kelly in their corner. Natalya nailed her with a clothesline. Jillian tagged in and flipped Kelly by her hair. Hall went for a cartwheel into a splash but Jelly got her knees up and tagged Maria.

    Maria was whipped into the corner but kicked off Hall when she charged. Maria nailed a bulldog. The babyfaces laid out the heels in the corner. Michelle nailed a Styles Clash for the pin on Hall.

    Great Khali, with new music, made his way to the ring with a big smile on his way. Ranjin Singh announced it was time for Khali's Christmas Kiss Kam. He picked McCool, who ran off. Singh then said he'd kiss all the others. None of them were exceedingly interested, even though Mickie was playing tongue hockey with the guy last Monday. Singh said he had a back up plan. Cue Mae Young and the barf bags.

    They showed Chris Jericho preparing backstage and then went to a video recap on John Cena's return and subsequent feud with Jericho over the World championship.

    World Heavyweight Championship Match
    WWE World champ John Cena vs Chris Jericho

    Jericho went right after Cena's neck early, playing off his injuries. Cena fired back and they brawled around ringside. When they returned to the ring, Jericho caught Cena with a kick. He began nailing headbutts and forearms in the corner. Jericho whipped Cena out of the corner but Cena came back with a running clothesline. He began beating Jericho in the corner. Cena missed a second charge.

    Jericho locked on a sleeper in the middle of the ring but Cena dropped backwards. Jericho held on. Cena got back to his feet and rammed Jericho backwards in the corner. Again, Jericho held on. Cena dropped to his knees, and then down to the mat. Cena powered to his feet and went for the F-U but Jericho countered it into a DDT. Cena rolled to the apron. Jericho was caught in an F-U while they were standing outside on the apron but escaped, then nailed a bulldog off the apron to the ring steps. I was shocked they didn't have Cena bleeding after that.

    Jericho rolled Cena into the ring but Cena kicked up. Jericho continued the assault, beating and choking Cena against the ropes. Jericho trapped Cena in a full nelson. Cena fought his way out, then avoided a charge in the corner. Cena nailed a shoulderblock then hit a back suplex. He nailed the five knuckle shuffle.

    Cena went for the F-U but Jericho fought out and went for the Walls of Jericho. Cena kicked him off but was caught with a missile dropkick out of the corner for a two count. Jericho continued beating on Cena's neck but Cena came back with a clothesline. Jericho caught Cena with a clothesline and hit the Lionsault for a two count.

    Jericho continued working over Cena and placed him on the top rope. He went for a superplex but was shoved off. Cena nailed the Alabama Jam to the back of Jericho's neck and called for Jericho to get back up and fight. He caught Jericho with the F-U but Jericho landed on his feet. Jericho nailed the Codebreaker but only received a two count. Cena caught Jericho and nailed the F-U. He covered Jericho for a two count. Cena went to grab Jericho, who caught him with an inside cradle for a near fall.

    Cena went for the STFU but Jericho broke free and locked in the Walls of Jericho. Cena nearly made it to the ropes but Jericho dragged him back to the center of the ring. Cena began digging down deep and powered him way out. He reversed it and cinched in a STFU. Jericho tapped.

    Winner and still World champion, John Cena!

    65% of text voters claimed Edge attacked Hardy last month. 23% said "Other"

    WWE Championship Triple Threat Match
    WWE champ Edge vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H

    Hardy went right after Edge in the corner at the bell but HHH nailed him. Hardy gained control, whipped HHH into Edge, then splashed both in the corner. HHH landed on his knees and Hardy used him as a springboard for Air Sabu in the corner on Edge. Hardy went after HHH, leaving him open to be nailed from behind by Edge. Edge and HHH battled on the floor. Hardy hit a plancha to the floor, nailing Edge as HHH got out of the way.

    As Hardy recovered, HHH nailed him with a clothesline on the floor. As HHH returned to the ring, Edge kicked him in the face. He began peppering HHH with rights in the corner. HHH began returning fire, but was cut off with a kick. They went back and forth until HHH caught him with the high knee as Edge rebounded off the ropes. HHH clotheslined Edge in the corner. HHH set up Edge for the Pedigree as Hardy returned to the ring and broke it up.

    Hardy whipped HHH into the ropes but put his head down and HHH nailed him with a knee strike. He went back to the Pedigree but Hardy hit Whisper in the Wind off the ropes. All three men were down. Hardy went to the top but Edge caught him. HHH came underneath and it turned into a stacked Tower of Doom spot. The first time I saw that during a CZW 6 man tag in 2001 in Delaware featuring the Briscoes, the SAT and the Amazing Red, I never thought I'd see it on a WWE PPV.

    Hardy caught HHH with a dropkick in the corner. Hardy struggled to get to his feet as Edge set up for the spear. Hardy got out of the way and Edge speared HHH. Hardy caught HHH with the Twist of Fate and went to the top for the swanton. He nailed HHH with it. The referee counted two but Edge pulled Hardy out of the ring to the floor. He whipped Hardy into the security railing outside the ring.

    Edge went to drill Hardy into a ringside table but Hardy blocked. Edge was smacked into the table, then whipped into the railing. Hardy cleared off the Raw table, then smacked Edge into the Smackdown table. HHH attacked both of them from behind on the floor. He tossed Edge over the Smackdown table, then slammed Hardy's face into the steel stairs. HHH began clearing off the Smackdown table, then grabbed Hardy. HHH set up Hardy for a Pedigree through the table. Hardy countered it into a Twist of Fate attempt but HHH kicked him off. HHH saw Edge coming and moved. Edge then speared Hardy off the Smackdown table through the Raw table.

    Back in the ring, Edge nailed the Impaler DDT on HHH. HHH recovered and nailed the spinebuster. He hit the Pedigree on Edge but Vladimir Kozlov pulled him out of the ring and through HHH into the stairs. Matt Hardy nailed Kozlov from behind. Thy brawled on the floor but Matt was slammed into the railing. Jeff Hardy went to the top for the swanton but Vladimir shoved him off. Matt jumped Kozlov and they brawled to the back.

    HHH pulled himself into the ring, where Edge was just pulling himself to his feet. Edge speared HHH and covered him for a two count. Edge looked frustrated by his inability to get a win. Edge grabbed a pair of chairs and set up for a Conchaito on HHH. As he went for it, Hardy grabbed the chair and nailed Edge with it. Hardy went to the top for the swanton but HHH shook the ropes and crotched him.

    HHH kicked Edge and nailed the Pedigree. He covered Edge but Hardy hit the swanton on both and covered Edge for the WWE championship.

    Winner and new WWE champ, Jeff Hardy!

    They went to replays and the PPV ended with Jeff, title in hand, standing above the castle that was the entrance set for the PPV. Other than not doing the obvious celebration with Matt in the ring

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Ring Crew
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    is the ppv goin be here

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    We have a live coverage, if we find a stream, we may place it at the top of this thread for people to watch it. This is a detailed report of the show for people who can not watch the show lthough, some people come in to chat while they watch the show anyway.

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  6. #6
    Ring Crew
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    thank you.

  7. #7
    You will rest in peace ryanasd's Avatar
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    Can not wait, should be a good show.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Don't be afraid be terrified

  8. #8
    (S)WINNING! Swinny's Avatar
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    William Regal is the number one contender for his own title? Regal vs. Regal would be quite the match, lol, but I believe that's supposed to be Punk.

    Off to a pretty good start thus far though I must say. Except for this HBK promo, very lame.

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Hope you are all enjoying the thread I am glad CM Punk won

    Yeah, it was like HBK didn't put any heart into it.

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanasd View Post
    This is sort of boring waiting.
    Coming in 2009, at Live Coverages people who come erly will be ab;e to win prizes like DVDs and shirts etc. Keep an eye out for announcements

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