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  1. #11
    What R U Lookin' at ?!?! Mr Mando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EeL View Post
    ^ You people have no taste in good wrestling:hmm:
    yeah Eel ur so right...afterall he is better than Cena , the most boring wrestler I have ever seen.....Goldust should be pushed,he is entertaining...he even reminds me of the attitude era....an old school guy who should have his push....

    WWE sucks...yeah really sucks right now...I even stopped watching it....

    As a fact for the following reasons:

    - Pushing boring wrestlers up high cena,orton,etc...
    - releasing alot of good wrestlers val venis,farooq,etc...
    - hiring alot of new unknown wrestlers they are alot...
    - they keep on holding some great talents to the bottom as kane,goldust
    __________________________________________________ _______________

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mando View Post
    yeah Eel ur so right...afterall he is better than Cena , the most boring wrestler I have ever seen.....Goldust should be pushed,he is entertaining...he even reminds me of the attitude era....an old school guy who should have his push....

    WWE sucks...yeah really sucks right now...I even stopped watching it....

    As a fact for the following reasons:

    - Pushing boring wrestlers up high cena,orton,etc...
    - releasing alot of good wrestlers val venis,farooq,etc...
    - hiring alot of new unknown wrestlers they are alot...
    - they keep on holding some great talents to the bottom as kane,goldust
    __________________________________________________ _______________
    That post brought a tear to my eye:sad: WWE needs to realize that the people want Goldust but they are not supplying him, he deserves a huge main event push. To start fixing things though, they could start letting him have his old entrance with the full robe, wig and camera/lighting effects and not just show him in the ring or walk out in the wig alone.

  3. #13
    Main Eventer Kage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy View Post
    It's such a horrible gimmick, it doesn't matter how good of a wrestler he is.

    You really think he has a horrible gimmick? His gimmick catches people's attention and makes them want to see what he's going to do next. That's what I love about Goldy, he's so unpredictable, unlike most of Wwe today.

  4. #14
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    ^ He does like Cena you know lol. He wouldn't be able to understand that people who actually have good characters make you wanting to see what else they offer the next week, before Goldust returned to RAW I honestly only watched for Melina and Jericho, Legacy wasn't anything I really cared about but when I saw Goldust I needed to know what else he was going to do but of course, WWE messed up with Goldust. After watching Cena, I don't really care what will happen with him the next week but I'm sure it'd be boring.

  5. #15
    Main Eventer ArJay's Avatar
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    Alright alright.
    For one...there's less people that want Goldust then you really think. For two, mentioning Orton in the same sentence with Cena is just assanine. I'm not a Cena mark, however I do know he can carry a match and a fued, yes people make fun of him for only knowing a few moves etc etc. But he's STILL a better wrestler then Goldust...and he's also better on the mic. Orton is an amazing wrestler/athlete. Tell me how anybody that smokes like he does and STILL keeps in excellent shape sucks? They're both good in thier own right, but Orton is still leaps and bounds more talented then Cena.
    Thirdly...People like Farooq/Goldust/Venis were gimmicks..just that...With maybe the exception of Venis. (and Farooq is getting that mention more for his later work) Sean could wrestle, it's just he was never given the full chance because of the gimmick he had. I've seen Runnels outside of his gimmicks, and he's really not that good of a wrestler. Which is why he always goes back to the gimmicks, is what he's good at. Now, I'm not saying there hasn't been gimmick wrestlers in the past who've gotten the nod (*cough* Hulk Hogan *cough*) I'm just saying it's not deserving of world title pushes. Cena...as boring as he may be to some of us...is over huge with the kids...and with the current state of the WWE being so damn kid friendly...of course he's gonna get the push. Does he deserve it? Of course he does. Ask anybody with any knowledge of wrestling and they'll tell you..even if they can't stand his character...that Cena is one of the hardest working men on that roster. He's boring because WWE made him that way. Back when Cena had his rap gimmick....I'll guarantee the majority of you liked him. Sure, you'll come on here and say "No I didn't" ..but we all know the truth. But yea...didn't mean to turn this into a Cena rant...just bringing up some points. Goldust can't wrestle, he can't carry matches, his gimmick is old and tired, and he doesn't deserve any title shot higher then U.S./I.C.
    Oh and for the person that said Kane deserves a push, I don't disagree...however..Kane has said time and time again he doesn't want it. He's turned down a few storylines in the past that would have lead to him being a world champion, simply because he feels other people are more deserving.
    Also...if they didn't continue to hire new wrestlers, they'd get nowhere. Do you have any idea how many people that WWE has brought in, that looked so promising, and then turned out to be utter failures? (*cough* Teddy Hart *cough* Twice *cough*) If WWE took that approach and cut back on the amount of people they brought in....guaranteed in a few years everyone would complain because the same old people were in the main event....they'd be itching for new talent. Wondering why we're getting the same old product over and over again.

  6. #16
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    ^ That post did not bring tears to my eyes. Orton is better than Cena in every way and form, but saying the worst thing ever is saying that Cena is better than Goldust, that's blasphemy to the world of wrestling! Goldust knows more than 20 wrestling moves, Cena botches a russian legsweep and knows at most 10 moves. Also, if you're forgetting, wrestling is supposed to be utilizing gimmicks and wrestling which Goldust has both of in a huge magnitude. Cena's character is Barney with a big gold belt while Goldust is such a deep character that has so many different dimensions to it. Cena's wrestling abilities are worse than a brick wall's own while Goldust was actually in a five star rated match, something Cena will never do. In the end of it all, Goldust is greater than Cena in every sense and Goldust actually deserves a main event push.

  7. #17
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    ^ Sorry Eel, but that post just spews ignorance. You can say all you want about Cena, but he can and DOES carry matches. You may like Goldust better, and the IWC may like Goldust better, but that doesn't mean he's better. Has Goldust ever won match of the year (and the third best match of the year IN THE SAME YEAR)? Has he ever won Wrestler of the year (for two years straight mind you)? Has he even been in a match longer than 10 minutes in the past 2 years? He isn't interesting, he's just weird, and while you may care about him and Cena, I can bet that the majority of wrestling fans that watch Raw sit down thinking "I wonder what will happen with Cena fueding with JBL/Jericho/anyone else for the title?" and not "I wonder what Goldust will do to Santino with his three second cameo this week?"

  8. #18
    Main Eventer Kage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy View Post
    Has Goldust ever won match of the year (and the third best match of the year IN THE SAME YEAR)? Has he ever won Wrestler of the year (for two years straight mind you)?
    Thinking any of those things matter spews ignorance.

  9. #19
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    ^ Yeah, those things don't matter. I'm sure that people are NOT thinking about the JBL/Cena feud because it's garbage because JBL is doing all of the work while Cena's barely doing anything to help the feud at all. If you didn't realize, weird is interesting. Why do you think people liked The Joker so much or any character that is not normal, because being weird is what people are attracted to. Being unpredictable and not normal is what people want to see because if everyone is arrogant, cocky, a hero etc. then some people will get ahead because there are others who do it better while the others don't do it well. Goldust is the only weird character in WWE that wrestles very well and is amazing on the mic, and being weird makes him unique and unique draws.

    PS: If spewing ignorance is the truth, then I shall continue to spew ignorance! Goldust deserves the spot John Cena has right now!
    Last edited by JohnCenaFan28; 01-18-2009 at 12:39 AM.

  10. #20
    Main Eventer ArJay's Avatar
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    If you think winning match of the year, fued of the year...or anything of the year doesn't matter....then why does this very forum have yearly/monthly awards? If you think all that doesn't matter..then you my friend, need to shut down your computer, turn off your tv, and go for a walk or something. Isn't THAT what wrestling is all about? Being entertained? How in the freddy got fingered fuck am I supposed to be entertained if the match sucks? Obviously those things matter, and you're a fool if you think otherwise. I mean look, you guys have your opinions, I cant stand Cena any more then I can Goldust, obviously some of you here believe Goldust is worthy of a super push. I don't, none of us are going to say anything that will change the others mind, So forget all that, but saying that winning awards that reflect EXACTLY on how good/bad of a wrestler you are don't mean anything.....THAT my friends...is ignorance at it's finest level.

    And btw...despite what you all may think...WWE is NOT stupid, they have been in the business for YEARS...they know what sells. And if "being weird" is what people wanna see (LMMFAO at that statement) Then Goldust and Boogeyman would be World Champions right now. And this thread wouldn't be needed. But guess what? That isn't what we as a whole want to see. Either of them as a world champion is a disgrace, and I guarantee you if you made a mass poll in the wrestling world, less then 35% would say that they wanna see MORE "weird" in their WWE programming.

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