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  1. #1
    Main Eventer
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    Exclamation *Spoilers* Results From ROH's Sixth Episode of HDNet Tapings

    Ring of Honor HDNet Taping Results - Episode 6

    -The Dark City Fight Club defeated Grizzley Redwood and a partner whose name I didn't get. Total squash by the DCFC, who looked better tonight than they did at last night's taping. DCFC with a double-team press slam into a powerbomb/neckbreaker for the win.

    -ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness defeated Alex Payne. Nigel cut a pre-match promo saying that after all the injuries over the years, he still doesn't have the respect of the fans, and that's okay because he doesn't want the fans' respect anyway, but will take it out on Alex Payne. Payne with a nice flurry to start, but Nigel quickly took control and went to work on Payne's arm. Payne tried a comeback, but Nigel killed him with a lariat and the Tower of London for the win.

    -Jay Briscoe and Kevin Steen defeated Chris Hero and Eddie Edwards. Hero and Edwards attacked before the bell, but Steen and Briscoe turned the tide quickly. Sweeney distracted Briscoe and allowed Hero to hit a yakuza kick to send Briscoe to the outside where he was attacked by the other members of Sweet N Sour Inc. Mark Briscoe came down to ringside to chase Sweeney's boys off and the match went back in the ring. Jay made the hot tag and Steen came in and cleaned house, hitting the moonsault on Hero for 2. Hero hit the roaring elbow for 2, but went after Mark on the floor. Jay took Hero out and Steen hit the package piledriver for the win.

    -Tyler Black and Bryan Danielson went to a time limit draw. Feeling out process to start, until Black hits a hurricanrana for 2. Danielson comes back with some European uppercuts then puts him in a surfboard, then turns that into a hanging dragon sleeper. Danielson is so the man. Black catches him with an inverted sunset flip for 2, but Danielson puts him right back down with a European uppercut. Danielson with the diving elbow to the floor, but Tyler catches Danielson coming off the top with a dropkick and hits a nice Pelle kick to turn the tide. Tyler with a sweet dropkick sends Danielson to the floor and Tyler hits a somersault senton to the outside. Danielson catches him in a heel hook, but Tyler makes the ropes. Tylet tries a superkick but Danielson catches the foot and goes back to the heel hook, but Tyler escapes again. Tyler went for the Phoenix Splash but Danielson moved and locked Tyler in a triangle choke, but Black escaped just as the time limit expired. After the match, Austin Aries came out with a microphone insulting both men and distracting them so Jimmy Jacobs and Brodie Lee could run in from behind and attack. Necro made the save and they chased the heels off and stood tall in the ring with the crowd chanting ROH as the show ended.

    Source: PWI

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    thanks for this Eel

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