The Associated Press reports that Double Fine Productions has filed a countersuit against Activision for attempting to block the release of Brutal Legend. Double Fine argues that Activision's suit intends to hurt the company and the game, and to stop the release in order to protect sales of its Guitar Hero franchise. The suit further claims that Activision showed no interest in the game in 2008 and canceled the project after a failed attempt to brand the game with the Guitar Hero name. Finally, Double Fine claims that the company's livelihood is reliant on the release of Brutal Legend, a counter to Activision's initial claim that the gaming giant would be seriously harmed if the game were released under another publisher. "Now that we've found a publisher and the game is getting sensational coverage, they want to stop its release," said Double Fine COO Caroline Esmurdoc in a statement. "Double Fine's countersuit is a demonstration of our intention to fight for this game Activision will not kill Brutal Legend