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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation PPV - Victory Road - LIVE Coverage

    Final Card

    Sting vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage vs. Scott Steiner

    Champions AJ Styles and The Fallen Angel and The Female Newcomer
    vs. America’s Most Wanted and Gail Kim

    Team 3D vs. The James Gang and "The Monster" Abyss

    Raven vs Larry Z

    Kevin Nash & Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal

    “The War Machine” Rhino vs. “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown

    The Latin American Exchange vs. The Truth & Sonjay Dutt

    The Naturals vs. The Diamonds In The Rough

    Senshi will defend his X Division Championship

    The Paparazzi’s Johnny Devine vs. Shark Boy

    Preshow Notes:

    This 30 minute preshow is being hosted by Jeremy Borash and Christy Hemme.

    Lots of video packages hyping the "Road to Victory" #1 Contendership Match airs.

    A video package hyping Raven vs. Larry Zbyzsko tonight in a Hair vs. Hair Match airs.

    Mike Tenay and Don West rundown the card tonight.

    Johnny Devine w/ Alex Shelley defeated Shark Boy
    Alex Shelley ripped up a sign as he came to the ring. The announcers noted that the Paparazzi T-shirt is the top selling shirt in TNA. The crowd chanted, "Let's go Shark Boy" at the start of the match. They locked up with Shark Boy and Devine reversing and countering holds. Shark Boy took a bite out of Devine's rear. Both men ended up out on the floor. Sharky tossed Devine back in the ring. He hit a slingshot splash on Devine for a two count. Devine worked over Shark Boy with a series of forearms in the corner. Devine hit a slingshot guillotine legdrop on Shark Boy, who was hanging through the ropes over the ring apron. Devine locked on a cross armbreaker, but Shark Boy got to the ropes. Shark Boy fought back, driving Devine's face into his knee. Shark Boy hit a missile dropkick for a two count. Shark Boy went for the Dead Sea Drop but Devine broke it up. Shark Boy rolled up Devine from behind, but Alex Shelley distracted the referee. Shark Boy went after Shelley but Devine caught him and hit with a brainbuster for the pin.
    Winner: Johnny Devine

    A video package airs highlighting the NWA World Tag Team Championship Match tonight with AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels & Sirelda vs. America's Most Wanted & Gail Kim.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Rhino. Rhino said that the last few weeks, people have asked why he did what he said and did on TNA TV. Rhino said that he did what he had to what his heart told him do. He said that he issued an extreme challenge and if Jim Cornette is going to put Monty Brown in his path, he's going to tear out Brown's heart and beat him with a Gore

    Two more video packages regarding the "Road to Victory" #1 Contendership Match tonight involving Sting, Christian Cage, Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe.

    Jeremy Borash and Christy Hemme rundown the card one more time as they send us into a final video package hyping the PPV tonight.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    LIVE Coverage
    Updates will be announced in the shoutbox for your convenience.

    TNA Victory Road - 16th Jul 2006
    Location: Orlando, Florida
    Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West

    The TNA promo hits. Following this, a video package rolls highlighting the "Road to Victory" #1 Contendership Match tonight involving Sting, Christian Cage, Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe. Halfway through the video package, the video cuts and we see a shot of Jeff Jarrett laughing. Jarrett runs down everyone involved and says he will get his revenge sooner or later.

    A graphich opening hits welcoming us to Victory Road. We then go live to the Impact Zone where a large display of pyro goes off.

    The music of The Diamonds In The Rough hits to kick off the first match of the night.

    Diamond, wearing a suit, accompanied his team to the ring. Douglas was introduced and came to the ring. He said, "Have you hear the one about ECW? Stop me if you've heard it. They lost a Franchise and gained a Dick...Flair." He laughed and said over the last six weeks, The Naturals have been on a journey. He said that you wouldn't see them again until he decided they were ready and he said tonight, they were ready. He said that he swore on God, his father, and Chris Candido in heaven that they would be ready. He promised he would take them back to the nirvana that is the TNA Tag Team championships. He introduced them. They came out to new music and black tights with the Franchise logo on the front and shorter haircuts. Douglas had words with them and then went to the back, explained as that Douglas wasn't here to babysit them.

    The Naturals vs The Diamonds In The Rough

    Stevens and David Young started out. The Naturals hit a double flying shoulderblock. Douglas hit a bulldog on Young. Skipper tagged in but was taken down. Stevens and Skipper battled on the floor. Young hit a moonsault to the floor on both. Skipper took over in the ring, garnering a near fall. The Diamonds continued to work over Stevens. The announcers pushed that in the wake of Chris Candido's passing, the Naturals floundered with Douglas getting involved as his way of paying tribute to his old friend.

    The Naturals fought back and cleaned house on the Diamonds. Douglas clotheslined Skipper, then hit a high knee on Young. Stevens flip Skipper up into a powerbomb position and Douglas hit a big dropkick off the top rope on Skipper to get the pinfall. After the match, The Naturals celebrated the victory and Shane Douglas walked back out. Douglas yelled at them and appeared to have told them not to get cocky.

    Winners: The Naturals

    Shane Douglas came back out and began browbeating the Naturals even though they won. It was explained as Shane trying to make sure they earned perfection and didn't get cocky after one win, because they had a long way to go.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Christian Cage. Cage said that only one man can walk away with the title shot. He said that there are a lot of questions out there like, "Whatever happened to the old Christian?" He said that the old Christian was on vacation but he's back. He said that he's cocky and he's got every right to have confidence. He said that Scott Steiner's tattoo hides the fact that he has no heart and tonight he's going to go back to his old spot in Jeff Jarrett's shadow. He said that Samoa Joe says that he is wrestling, but what he really says is, "Can you pass those french fries?" He said that Joe says he's going to be the man, but Christian is already the man. He said that Sting is like a carton of milk that you take a sip out of and realize that it expired yesterday. Cage said that he's confident that tonight he's winning the title shot and he'll be taking his NWA title back next month, because "That's how I roll."

    A well done video package airs highlighting Rhino vs. Monty Brown tonight.

    Rhino vs Monty Brown

    Rhino and Brown began brawling in the aisle and battled into the ring and back out of it to the floor. Rhino was whipped into the guard rail. Brown pressed and dropped Rhino across the guard rail. They returned to the ring. The crowd began rallying Rhino, and he tried to make a comeback, but missed a clothesline. Brown kicked him in the gut and took him back down. Brown went for the Pounce, but Rhino ducked down and referee Andrew Thomas was taken out. Brown charged Rhino again, but was tossed through the ropes to the floor. Rhino hit a slingshot pescado to the floor.

    Back in the ring, Brown hit a double underhook suplex. He turned his attention to the referee, trying to wake him. Rhino took the opportunity to go after Brown and hit a belly to belly suplex. Rhino set up for the Gore, but Brown sidestepped it. Rhino slammed into Andrew Thomas, who was in the corner trying to regain his bearings.

    Rhino and Brown brawled on the floor. Brown began choking Rhino on the floor, but Rhino fought back to his feet. They fought into the crowd. TNA security finally appeared, trying to break them up. Rhino and Brown took out some of the security as they brawled out of the building.

    Winner: Double disqualification.

    The fans chanted "Rudy sucks", in reference to head TNA referee Rudy Charles.

    Jeremy Borash was with LAX (Konnan, Homicide & Hernandez). They threw a Mexican flag over the Victory Road logo in the background. Konnan brought up how there is 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States right now and how people have to learn to accept it and not hold them down just like they have been in TNA. He also took a shot at Cornette for his "Jiffy Lube" comment a few weeks ago on iMPACT! Moody Jack Melendez did the ring introduction for LAX. They even get their own entrance area in the Impact Zone complete with a brick wall and barbed wire at the top.

    They aired a music video on the LAX storyline.

    Moody Jack Melendez from the TNA Spanish announcing team gave LAX their own introduction in Spanish. LAX came out of a separate entrance.

    LAX (Homicide & Hernandez with Konnan) vs Sonjay Dutt & Ron Killings

    LAX attacked Dutt and Killings before the bell. Dutt hit a dive to the floor on Hernandez. Homicide hit his running flip senton to the floor. Killings then hit a dive. Every time Mike Tenay tried to tell a backstory, there was a hot move, to the point he gave up. Back in the ring, Homicide threw his bandanna at Killings. Killings wiped his rear with it. Homicide maneuvered Killings into a backslide for a near fall.

    Killings and Dutt hit a double hiptoss on Homicide. They hit a double dropkick on Hernandez. Dutt hit several backflips for a nearfall on Homicide. Homicide slammed Dutt, who came back with an armdrag. Homicide hit a modified Stun Gun on Dutt. Hernandez tagged in but Dutt kept countering him. Dutt hit a sunset flip but Hernandez just shook his head, pulled up Dutt throat first and tossed him aside. Hernandez whipped Homicide into the corner with a charge, then hit one of his own. Homicide worked over Dutt with a rear chinlock as the crowd tried to rally Dutt.

    Dutt fought his way to his feet. Dutt his head scissors on Homicide, but was cut off with a T-Bone suplex. He grapevined Dutt's legs and tagged in Hernandez, who continued to overpower Dutt. Killings broke up a pinfall attempt. Dutt was tossed to the floor, where Konnan slammed him headfirst into the ring steps. He rolled Dutt back into the ring, where Homicide got a two count. Homicide missed several charges. Dutt tagged into Killings.

    Killings cleaned house, including a flying forearm on Homicide. Killings hit a somersault into a clothesline on Hernandez as a shot at his old partner Konnan. Homicide hit the Ace Crusher on Killings, but only scored a two count. Homicide charged Killings but was elbowed in the face. Killings went to the ropes but Homicide caught him. He attempted a suplex but Killings held on. He turned it into a faceplant off the ropes and went for the pin. Hernandez broke up the pin. Killings hit Hernandez from behind. Homicide hit a jawbreaker but Killing blind tagged Dutt, who dropkicked him. Hernandez tagged in. Homicide and Killings battled on the floor.

    Dutt went to the top but was hit by Konnan with a slapjack. Dutt collapsed into the ring. Hernandez picked up Dutt for a Razor's Edge but then threw him across the ring with a powerbomb that looked completely sick. He scored the pin.

    Winners: Homicide and Hernandez

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Scott Steiner. Steiner said that his job since he came to TNA was to take out Sting and that's going to continue tonight. He said Samoa Joe and Christian Cage were going to be casualties of war. He said that Samoa Joe was mad at him because Steiner is twice the man he is and Joe doesn't know when to pass up adding fat cells to his bodies. He said that Cage was going back to "Mexico North" when he was done. Steiner said he was going to win the match. Borash said that meant he was going to wrestle Jeff Jarrett next month. Steiner said he doesn't care who he has to wrestle, but he'll be champion.

    Team Canadas Farewell
    Team Canada's music played and the former members of Team Canada came out. Mike Tenay said it was the last time they would be together. Scott D'Amore said that tonight would be the last time they would be in the ring together and blamed Jim Cornette. He said that Cornette better be careful because he might just get what he wishes for. The crowd sang, "Na na na na, Hey hey hey Goodbye." D'Amore said that this wasn't the end of Team Canada but the end of something even greater.

    D'Amore told Bobby Roode that he was the glue that held Team Canada together and that he was selfless as their Enforcer. He told Roode that he was now the hottest free agent in wrestling and it's not a matter of whether he'll do great, but a matter of time until he's the NWA champion. D'Amore hugged him and thanked him for everything. Roode hugged the others but wouldn't hug Eric Young. The fans chanted for Young.

    D'Amore turned to Petey Williams. He said that he's coached, trained, and managed a lot of individuals but there was never someone who touched him so much that he called him "my son." He said that he named his son the captain of Team Canada. He said that Williams needs to show the true dominance in the X-Division and promised he was never more then a phone call away. He told Williams that he loved him. They embraced. Williams hugged A-1 and blew off Eric Young. The fans chanted for Young again.

    D'Amore told A-1 that he remembers when they found him bouncing in a strip club and promised him they'd make him the muscle of Team Canada. He told A-1 he was never let down by A-1's work. The fans chanted "He can't wrestle." D'Amore said, "He can sure kick your asses." D'Amore said that he's got all the tools to succeed. A-1 shook Young's hand in a fake way.

    D'Amore said that leaves everyone with just one thing. The fans chanted, "Super Eric." D'Amore told him that he has to be happy with him. D'Amore said that everything that has happened is becuase of Young's paranoia, ego, and arrogance. He told Young that he makes D'Amore sick. He told Young that when he found him, he was just a fat kid from Ontario. He said that he trained him and brought Young here, and made him "Showtime Eric Young" and he caused them to disband. He told Young that he can't even stand to look at him wearing the Team Canada. He demanded Young give him the jacket. He then said that Young was wearing Team Canada pants and demanded them back. Young took them off. He was wearing two different colored socks. Young told D'Amore he needed D'Amore to save him. D'Amore said that no one can save him because Team Canada is over and so is Young's career. The fans chanted, "We will save you."

    D'Amore told Young, now wearing nothing but his underwear, that despite everything, he still has a soft spot for him and told him that because of that, he was warning him that his deepest darkest fears were going to come true. He warned Young that sooner or later he was going to be fired. Young stood there looking emotionally beaten in the ring for awhile and then picked up the ring mic. He asked the fans if they wanted him to be fired. They all yelled no. He asked the fans if they would help him and if they'd be his friends. They all agreed. He said that the plan is set and it was going to be their own secret plan. He said that "Don't Fire Eric" was their secret mission and led a chant. He jumped in the crowd and celebrated. Young's performance here was awesome.

    A promo hits announcing that the Bound for Glory PPV will take place in Detroit, Michigan on October 22, the first monthly TNA PPV outside of Orlando, Florida.

    Jeremy Borash is with X Division Champion Senshi. Senshi says he came to TNA with a game plan to become the new X Division Champion...mission accomplished. He said he doesn't care who his mystery opponent is tonight. Borash says he is a former X Division Champion. Senshi says he dares this person to try and take his title away from him.

    TNA X-Division Championship
    Senshi (c) vs Frankie Kazarian

    The announcers credited Jim Cornette for bringing Kazarian, sporting a shorter haircut, back to the company.

    Senshi and Kazarian locked up, with Kazarian backing him into the corner. They circled around each other. Kazarian backed Senshi up into the corner, but Senshi climbed the ropes and went for an armbreaker through the ropes in a unique piece of offense. Senshi threw several kicks and rode Kazarian to the mat. Kazarian caught him in a sideheadlock. Senshi made his way back to his feet and broke it, chopping Kazarian.

    Kazarian shoulderblocked Senshi down and badmouthed him, but Senshi kicked him while laying on his back. Senshi began working over Kazarian with chops. Kazarian fired back. kazarian hit a kick to the face, followed by a spinning neckbreaker, Senshi kicked up at one. Kazarian went for a suplex but it was blocked. Kazarian finally got him up, but was kneed several times while Senshi was in mid-air. Senshi went for a pinfall but Kazarian broke it. Senshi chopped him in the corner.

    Senshi hit a driving elbow, then scissored Kazarian's body with his legs to wear him down. Senshi began measuring and stomping away at Kazarian. Senshi continued to work over Kazarian. he kicked Kazarian hard in the chest for a nearfall. Senshi cinched his arms around Kazarian's body, squeezing him to force the breath out of his body. Kazarian fought his way to his feet and elbowed Senshi off. Kazarian evaded Senshi, then cut him off with a high knee to the chest then the jaw. He hit a backwards elbow off the ropes. He kicked Senshi, sending him into the corner. Kazarian used the ropes for momentum, landing a hard kick to the chest. he went for the pinfall, but Senshi got his shoulder up at the last moment.

    Kazarian continued to work over Senshi, who took him down and hit a double stomp. He began nailing Kazarian with knee strikes and kicks. Senshi hit the Kawada Kicks to Kazarian's face. senshi dove in the corner but Kazarian evaded him, then hit a DDT off the top for a near fall. Senshi hit a sick dropkick into the corner. He went to the top and hit the Warrior's Way (double stomp off the top rope) and scored the pin.

    Winner: Senshi

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Larry Zbyszko. Zbyszko was wearing a Ribera's Steakhouse jacket. I guess they'll give those to anyone. Zbyszko said that he wasn't worried about the hair vs. hair match. Slick Johnson showed up and said that he's got good news and real good news. Slick said the good news is that Zbyszko doesn't have to do the match and no one will think any less of him. Zbyszko asked him what the really good news is. Johnson said that he's the referee for the match.

    They aired a video feature on the Raven vs. Larry Zbyszko feud.

    Hair vs Hair Match
    Raven vs Larry Zbyszko

    Raven made his way from the top of the bleachers. Zbyszko tried to charge Raven, who sitting in the corner but was tripped by referee Slick Johnson. They locked up. Zbyszko kicked Raven in the gut as he went to grab Larry. Zbyszko choked Raven, then went for a quick pin. Zbyszko locked on a spinning toehold. They noted Dory Funk Jr. was in attendance. Zbyszko continued to target Raven's leg. Raven tried to kick off Zbyszko but Larry raised his arm to block him. Raven knocked Zbyszko back, knocking him into Slick Johnson. Zbyszko went for a piledriver but Raven hit the Evenflow DDT. There was no referee to count the pin. Zbyszko hit a lowblow. He scored a near fall with a small package. Raven hit a DDT for the pin.

    Winner: Raven

    They showed a barber chair being set up, but Zbyszko walked off. Security dragged him back kicking and screaming. Raven grabbed duct tape from under the ring and taped him to the chair as security held him down. Raven began shaving Zbyszko's head as Larry screamed for security to help him. He screamed, "You're all fired." Slick Johnson returned with a mirror, showing Larry what he looked like.

    Jeremy Borash is with Kevin Nash, Alex Shelley and Johnny Devine. Nash says tonight is about competition and not about the money. Shelley brings up Nash's past calling Bob Backlund a "human jellyfish" when Nash defeated him in eight seconds and how Hulk Hogan was the one who came to Nash about joining his group. Devine brings up that he will be filming the match tonight and says he has an advanced copy of the new X Division DVD, joking that Nash was on the cover. Nash grabs it and throws it away. He asks Borash if he wants to see it. Borash says he does. Nash instead pushes his chest together with both hands and asks Borash, "how about seeing these?" Borash says thanks sarcastically and walks away. The segment ends with Shelley smiling at the camera.

    Kevin Nash & Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal

    Sabin and Shelley started off, going back and forth with lots of unique moves and counters. Nash and Shelley conferred on the floor. Shelley offered to shake Lethal's hand but Lethal slapped it away. Shelley spit in his face and took control. Lethal countered with a hiptoss and a dropkick. Nash tagged in and drove his knee into Lethal's gut. Nash dropped Lethal into a backbreaker over his knee. Shelley held Lethal for Nash but Lethal moved and Shelley took a knee to the gut. Sabin tagged in and took out Nash, then tied Shelley to the tree of woe. He hit the Hesitation Dropkick off Nash's back on Shelley. Lethal hit the diving headbutt. They worked over Shelley for several pin attempts. Devine attempted to interfere but was taken down. Sabin went for the Cradleshock but Shelley raked his eyes and pulled him down. Sabin kipped up and then shocked Shelley with a series of moves and the pinfall.

    Winners: Jay Lethal & Chris Sabin

    After the match:
    Nash looked around like he didn't know what happened. Sabin and Lethal both went after Nash but Shelley and Devine jumped them, making it a three on two attack. Jerry Lynn hit the ring with a chair for the save. The place popped and chanted Jerry's name. Lynn threw his employee badge down and challenged them to come back. If this means Lynn is coming back to the ring, works for me!

    Jeremy Borash interviewed all three members of Team 3D. Brother Ray said that we would be seeing violence tonight, screaming it over and over and over. He then asked Borash to guess what tonight was all about. He ripped on Bob Armstrong, saying he had one foot in the grave. He promised someone was going through a table tonight. Devon said that with Brother Runt with them they were going to prove they were the best six man team of all time.

    They aired a video feature on the six man tag

    No Disqualification Match
    Team 3D vs The James Gang & Abyss

    BG and Devon started off. Devon overpowered BG with several shoulderblocks. BG powered out to the apron, tagging out to Abyss. Brother Runt demanded to be tagged in. Runt walked right into Abyss' face and stood up to him. Abyss shoved him down but Runt came off the ropes with a crossbody block, bouncing off. Abyss went for a chokeslam but Runt fought him off. Runt went right after Abyss but was tossed up and down.

    Brother Ray tagged in and they faced off. Ray and Abyss exchanged punches. Ray hit an uranage for a near fall. Ray kicked Abyss when he put his head down, then did a BG James impersonation, dancing. Abyss caught him with a chokeslam. Runt went after Abyss but was tossed into the first row from the ring. The fans bodysurfed Runt. Abyss beat Runt on the floor as the James Gang and Team 3D used weapons on each other in the ring. Abyss punted Runt all the way up the entrance ramp. All six brawled around the building.

    Brother Runt threw a chair in Abyss' face then did a double stomp off the stage to the Arena floor. Runt choked Abyss with a golf club. Devon choked out Kip with a Singapore Cane. Brother Ray used a staple gun and stapled a sign that read, "ECW FEARS TNA" to Abyss' face. Kip James used the Famouser on Ray. Ray slammed Abyss and destroyed him with Cane shots. Devon hit the top rope headbutt on Abyss. They lead the fans into a "Get the Tables" cheer, but the James Gang attacked them.

    The James Gang grabbed a table from under the ring. The fans chanted, "We want fire." The James Gang tried to put Runt through a table but he escaped. Ray nailed Abyss with a trash can shot. Devon scored a two count. They set up for the 3D but Kip hit Brother Ray with a cane shot. Devon attacked Kip and they went over the ropes.

    Runt went for the Acid Drop through a table on Abyss but was caught and hit with a Black Hole Slam through a table. The table didn't break (Ouch) so Abyss just powered Runt down and scored the pin.

    Winners: The James Gang & Abyss

    Jeremy Borash was with America's Most wanted and Gail Kim. Borash said last month it was AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels' last chance to go for the NWA World Tag Team Titles, but now this month might be AMW's last chance. Chris Harris says titles or no titles, America's Most Wanted is the greatest tag team in wrestling today. Gail Kim goes to talk when James Storm moves in and tells her to shut up. Storm says they have worked on their communication problems and are focused tonight. AS he says this, he goes to drink his beer and Harris says they should keep the beer in the back tonight since he has 10 stitches in his head from last month. AMW and Kim leave. Borash has the beer in his hand, but Storm comes back in and takes the beer away from Borash saying Harris is over the stitches and will be fine.

    A video package rolls highlighting the NWA World Tag Team Title Match up next.

    NWA Tag Team Championship Match
    AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels & Sirelda vs America's Most Wanted & Gail Kim

    Daniels and Harris started out. Sirelda tagged in and wanted to wrestle the other men. She went to lock up with Harris but Gail attacked her from behind. She shoved Kim down. Harris grabbed her hair/ Sirelda fell backwards. All six brawled. They did a comedy spot to look like AMW was doubleteaming Kim, and not in the ring. She threw a fit. Daniels and Styles kept taking out AMW. Styles dumped Kim into the ring. Kim went for head scissors but ended up getting spanked by Styles. Harris broke it up and Kim lowblowed Styles. Styles hit a big clothesline in the corner on Harris. Harris caught Styles with a spinebuster. Kim tagged in and locked on a unique submission on Styles, who put it over well, dropping to his knees in pain and fighting to the ropes. Storm tagged in. Styles tried to hit a springboard move but Harris cut him off. Storm DDT'd Styles into the ring. Daniels broke up the pin. Styles hit a springboard into an inverted DDT on Storm.

    Styles tagged out to Daniels. AMW cut him off and whipped him, but Danbiels broke free and hit a double clotheslines. He hit a death Valley Driver. Kim raked Daniels' eyes as he was going for Angel's wings. Sirelda got her hands on Kim and went for the chokeslam but was pulled backwards down by her hair by Harris. Harris hit a lariat on Sirelda. Styles hit a flying forearm off the ropes on Harris. Daniels hit an STO on Storm and cinched in a submission but Harris broke it up. Harris set up for the Death Sentence with Kim hitting the move. AMW went for the Hart Attack but Styles saved Daniels, getting hit with the clothesline instead. Daniels hit Angel's Wings on Daniels but Kim broke it up. Sirelda chokeslammed Kim. Storm hit the Whirlybird on Styles, who kicked out.

    Storm tried to hit Styles with a beer bottle but almost hit Harris. They had words and harris took the beer bottle away. As he exited, Styles slammed Storm into him, Storm rolled up Styles but Styles kicked out. Storm was shot forwards and hit by Harris with a chair as Harris was expecting Styles. Storm was rolled up and pinned.

    Winners: Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles w/Sirelda

    A graphic hits promoting the Hard Justice PPV on August 13. Mike Tenay notes that Jeff Jarrett will defend the NWA World Heavyweight Title against the winner of the "Road to Victory" #1 Contendership Match tonight at Hard Justice next month.

    A video package rolls highlighting the "Road to Victory" #1 Contendership Match for the NWA World Title involving Sting, Christian Cage, Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe up next.

    Jeremy Borash is with Samoa Joe. Joe says his competitors tonight only have to listen to the crowd because they will speak the truth...Joe will kill you.

    NWA championship title shot at Hard Justice
    Scott Steiner vs Christian Cage vs Samoa Joe vs Sting

    They showed each competitor as they left their locker room and walked through backstage, preparing to make their entrance. Steiner came out first, and was screaming and manhandling the referee. Joe was second. Cage was third. They were pushing hard that the old Christian Cage was back on commentary. Sting was the final entrant. All four jawed. Sting and Joe squared off. Sting hit the Stinger Splash, but when he went for a second got caught and powered down. Steiner and Cage went right to the floor and battled.

    Sting went right after Joe's knee and hamstring. He locked on the Scorpion Death Lock, but Scott Steiner clubbed Sting from behind and hit an overhead suplex. Cage clotheslined Steiner over the top to the floor. Cage and Joe faced off. Joe pie-faced Cage, who slapped him. They started throwing punches back and forth. Sting and Steiner battled on the floor. Cage tried to crotch Joe on the ringpost but Joe pulled him into the post.

    Sting and Steiner returned to the ring. Sting missed the Stinger Splash. Joe and Cage brawled into the crowd. Steiner tried for a backslide. Jeff Jarrett, dressed like a crew member, squirted something that was claimed to be gasoline into Sting's eyes. Sting acted like he was blinded as they flushed his eyes. Sting was taken out of the match. Joe and Cage returned to the ring. Steiner tried to slam Cage into the apron, which looked horrible, then slammed him into the ring steps.

    Joe and Steiner faced off in the ring. Steiner began chopping away at Joe. He caught Joe with a clothesline, taking him down. They showed a camera backstage following Jarrett being chased out of the building by Terry Taylor and security. Cage speared Joe for a two count. Joe went for the muscle buster but Cage escaped. Cage began beating down Joe with punches and kicks. Cage hit the Facewash on Joe. Cage rebounded off the ropes for a kick across the face but Steiner caught him and dragged him to the floor.

    Cage and Steiner brawled on the floor. Joe hit a running dive through the ropes on both. Joe hit an STO on Cage then pulled out a table from under the ring. He set it up outside the ring. He and Steiner battled on the apron. Steiner caught Joe and DDT'd him on the outside of the ring on the apron. Steiner set up Joe on the table. Steiner hit an elbow off the apron through the table by Joe. Joe appeared to be bleeding slightly from the forehead.

    Back in the ring, Steiner powerslammed Cage. Steiner went to do a Samoan Drop off the ropes on Cage but lost his balance and both fell backwards. Cage came off the top and missed frog splashes on both. Steiner missed a lariat but Joe hit a big clothesline. Joe lashed out with a series of punches on Cage. Joe went to the top but Cage battled back with chops. He shoved Steiner into Joe. He went for the Unprettier but Steiner turned it into a suplex. he locked on the Steiner Recliner, but Joe grabbed Steiner from behind and locked in the choke.

    Christian went to the top but Joe let the choke go and went right after Cage. Joe went to the top as well, but Steiner followed. Sting returned his one of his eyes bandaged and splashed all three. Joe fell to the floor. Steiner fell into the ring and Cage hit the big splash on Steiner. Sting pulled him off. Steiner tossed Cage out of the ring atop of Joe on the floor and scored the pin on Steiner.

    Winner: Sting

    Cage and Sting had words after the match. After teasing they would fight, Cage offered his hand. Sting shook it and Cage hugged him. Cage left the ring and applauded for Sting along with the fans as Mike Tenay noted that next month, "Sting has a chance to remove the cancer" from TNA.

    Thanx for joining us. See you at our next Live Coverage for WWEs PPV 'The great American Bash' and for TNAs next PPV Live Coverage 'Hard Justice' on 13th Aug.

    Please feel free to comment in this thread about the PPV
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  3. #3
    phenomenal realfnshow's Avatar
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    Holly shit bound for glory outside of orlando, awesome news!

    "It is not the size of the fighter, but the size of the fight he will bring. All you can do is be ready."
    "Senshi will rule the X Division once again..."

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    And even more shots at ECW

  5. #5
    On the bench!
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    I think the tag champs will retain

    Additional Comment:
    As i predicted, the tag champs retain.
    Last edited by King Placebo; 07-17-2006 at 03:35 AM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I have to say, not a bad show and i am glad and new Sting would win.

  7. #7
    On the bench!
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    Joe should of won
    glad to have Kazarian back though

  8. #8
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    I was sure that Joe would win, so the Sting win surprised me........Thanks for doing the pbp LD.

  9. #9
    On the bench! digitalv's Avatar
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    was pretty dang close on my vBookie stuff, got every one right except the Monty Brown/Rhino match, which would fall under the "other" heading for the winner.

    Not a bad show though, wish Shark Boy would have beaten Devine, but I guess he and Shelley are getting a major push now.

  10. #10
    phenomenal realfnshow's Avatar
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    Finally the orlando crowd will come to realize how important tna is when they miss bound for glory. I think i saw a fat chick yawning when the senshi match was going on.

    "It is not the size of the fighter, but the size of the fight he will bring. All you can do is be ready."
    "Senshi will rule the X Division once again..."

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