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    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Elimination Chamber' LIVE Coverage 2010


    WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match
    Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Ted DiBiase vs. John Cena vs. Kofi Kingston

    Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Title
    The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. CM Punk

    Intercontinental Championship Match
    Drew McIntyre vs. Kane

    WWE Divas Title Match
    Maryse vs. Gail Kim

    WWE United States Title Match
    The Miz vs. MVP



  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    WWE PPV Elimination Chamber
    Sunday 21st February 2010

    Dark Match
    Christian pinned Ezekiel Jackson in a battle of the final ECW champions.

    The Show
    The broadcast began with a great video package bout how the Elimination Chamber was the opportunity for 12 men to try and earn a main event spot at Wrestlemania.

    Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and Matt Striker welcomed us to the show, and we're starting with an Elimination Chamber match. We will try to do updates during the course of the match, as a new pod is opened very five minutes

    Elimination Chamber for the WWE Title
    Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Kofi Kingston

    John Cena entered first, to a mixed reaction, and they noted he was one of only two men to retain a Championship in a Chamber match, Triple H being the other one. Ted DiBiase, entering his first Chamber match, came out second. Randy Orton was out next, also getting a mixed reaction. Actually, he might have gotten less boos than Cena. Orton stared at DiBiase, who was already in his pod, during his entrance. Triple H was the fourth man out, to a big pop, and they noted he has won four out of five Chamber matches he has been in. This means Kofi Kingston who came out fifth, and Sheamus, who came out sixth, will start the match. Sheamus held the WWE Title bout in front of each man who was encased in a pod after entering the ring.

    Sheamus immediately tried a pump kick at the bell, but Kofi ducked it and hit his own kicks, then a cross brodyblock. Kofi hit a dropkick and went for an early cover. Kofi applied an armbar and kicked Sheamus to the mat for another cover and a one count. Sheamus came back with a kick to the gut and a knee to Kofi's head. There was an "RKO" chant. Kingston hit some forearms to Sheamus, kicked away a backdrop attempt, but ran into a Sheamus elbow. Sheamus hit a shoulderblock. They traded reversals on a hiptoss, and Sheamus sent Kingston over the top rope. Kingston landed on the platform, hit an enzugiri, then a springboard bodypress for a two count. Kofi kicked a charging Sheamus then went for a sunset flip, but Sheamus blocked it and pounded Kofi with right hands. There was a small "Cena sucks" chant, then a "Cena" chant in response from others. Sheamus and Kofi moved out of the ring onto the metal platform. Kofi hit some kicks, but Sheamus shoved Kofi back first into the connectors to the turnbuckle. Kofi fell back into the ring, where Sheamus hit a backbreaker for a two count. Sheamus hit a kneedrop, and stomped Kofi as the first pod countdown began.

    Triple H entered the match.

    Triple H smiled as his pod opened. He got in the ring and went nose to nose with Sheamus. Kofi was lying on a platform outside the ring. They shoved, and Triple H unloaded with punches. Sheamus battled back with shots, but Triple H hit a jumping knee and followed with a kneedrop for two. Triple H hit a clothesline in a corner, then pounded Sheamus down. Triple H stomped him, then hit a short arm clothesline for a two count. Triple H took Sheamus onto the platform, then went to throw him into the chain wall, but Sheamus blocked it. Sheamus tried, and Triple H blocked it. Triple H clotheslined Sheamus back into the ring. Sheamus booted Triple H and went for a powerbomb, but Triple H floated out and hit a DDT for a two count. Kofi got on the top rope and went for a bodypress on HHH. Triple H ducked, and Kofi hit Sheamus instead for a two count. Kofi chopped and kicked HHH and Sheamus, then whipped them together. Kofi punched Sheamus in a corner, then hit a flying clothesline. Triple H rolled to a platform, and Kofi hit a slingshot double legdrop on Triple H on the steel platform. As Kofi got up, Sheamus clotheslined him, and pulled him into the ring for a two count. Sheamus kicked Kofi and HHH as the next countdown took place.

    Randy Orton entered the match.

    Orton attacked Sheamus and pounded him down in a corner, then stomped Triple H repeatedly. Orton forearmed Kofi to the mat, then stomped Sheamus, while an "RKO" chant started up. Orton kneedropped Triple H, then gave one to Sheamus for a two count. Orton threw Sheamus to the platform, then kicked HHH in the gut. Orton went to the platform and threw Sheamus into the chain wall over and over. Orton then did the same to Triple H, using the ring ropes to bounce him into the metal. Orton stomped Sheamus, then punched Triple H. Kofi Kingston, from the top rope, dove onto Orton, HHH and Sheamus on the platform. Orton rolled into the ring, and Kofi went for a springboard, but Orton hit him with a dropkick for a two count. Orton raked his boot laces across Kingston's face, then stomped him. Triple H got in and hit Orton with some punches. Triple H gave Orton a facebuster on a knee, but Orton came right back with a scoop powerslam. Everyone was down but Orton. Orton measured Triple H for an RKO. Triple H shoved it off, and we went into a sequence where Triple H, Orton and Kofi were going for their finishers. None were successful, and Orton threw HHH and Kofi over the top rope onto the platform. Orton went for Sheamus, who threw Orton into the corner as the next countdown took place.

    Ted DiBiase entered the match.

    DiBiase tossed Kofi over the top rope onto the platform. DiBiase gave HHH some fistdrops, then approached Orton, who was sitting in a corner. DiBiase offered Orton his hand and helped him up. DiBiase and Orton double teamed HHH in a corner, stomping him down. Then they moved to Sheamus and beat him down. Orton tossed Sheamus shoulder first into the ringpost. Orton and DiBiase took Kofi Kingston and put his head through the spaces in the chain wall, and twisted his neck against the chains. DiBiase put Kofi in a Boston Crab, choking him on the chains, while Orton stomped him. Triple H fired some punches at Orton, but DiBiase soon cut him off and they double teamed him again. DiBiase and Orton took HHH to a platform and threw him back first into the chain wall twice. Orton set up for the elevated DDT on HHH, but DiBiase stopped him and told him to do it on the steel platform instead. Orton planted Triple H with the elevated DDT on the platform. Orton and DiBiase stood by the door to John Cena's pod as the countdown started.

    John Cena entered the match.

    Cena exploded out of the pod with punches, knocking DiBiase down on the platform. Cena took Orton into the ring and hit a shoulderblock, back suplex and a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gave DiBiase a Throwback and a top rope Rocker Dropper. Cena picked up DiBiase for an Attitude Adjustment, swung his legs into Orton, then threw DiBiase over the top rope and onto the platform with the move. Orton grabbed Cena and sent him over the opposite set of ropes. Orton then went to throw Cena into the cage, but Cena reversed it and threw Orton in. Cena got in the ring and put DiBiase in an STF, but Orton broke it up and gave Cena a side backbreaker. Orton measured Cena for an RKO. Cody Rhodes threw a steel pipe in the ring, but Orton waved him off. DiBiase picked up the pipe. Orton went for the RKO on Cena, but Cena blocked it and went for an Attitude Adjustment. DiBiase charged with the pipe and hit Orton in the head with it then hit Cena in the gut with it. DiBiase looked at both men, then covered Orton and pinned him.

    Randy Orton is eliminated.

    Cody Rhodes left, annoyed at what he had done. DiBiase stared at Orton as Orton was forced to leave, and he smiled a bit. Kofi Kingston reentered the ring, fighting with Sheamus. Kofi then nailed DiBiase with the Trouble In Paradise kick for the pin.

    Ted DiBiase is eliminated.

    Sheamus hit Kofi Kingston with a pump kick and a crucifix bomb for the pin.

    Kofi Kingston is eliminated.

    Sheamus went to work on John Cena with kicks and punches. Cena grabbed Sheamus for an Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus battled out and hit a backbreaker, then a powerslam. Sheamus then hung Cena to the Tree Of Woe and drove some knees into his body. Sheamus went for a crucifix bomb on Cena, but Triple H got in and hit Sheamus with a low blow. Triple H then hit Sheamus with a Pedigree for the pin.

    Sheamus is eliminated.

    John Cena and Triple H were both slow to get to their feet, and before Triple H could get up, Cena jumped onto him and applied an STF. Triple H crawled for the ropes, but couldn't make it, and Triple H tapped slowly over and over at the 31 minute mark.

    Triple H is eliminated.

    Winner and new WWE Champion: John Cena.

    Vince McMahon's music hit. McMahon walked out and said John Cena would be going to Wrestlemania, as soon as he defends his title against... this man.

    Batista's music hit.

    WWE Champion John Cena vs. Batista.

    Cena could barely get to his feet as Batista got in the ring. Batista smiled, and Cena threw a punch to his head. Batista stepped back, then charged Cena and hit a spear. He delivered a Batista Bomb for the pin in under a minute.

    Winner and new WWE Champion: Batista.

    After some replays were aired, they showed John Cena walking away from the ring, stopping to stare at the Wrestlemania sign.

    They discussed the Bret Hart accident from last Monday on Raw.

    Intercontinental Championship Match
    Drew McIntyre vs. Kane

    McIntyre entered first, and unlike a lot of Kane opponents, didn't leave the ring or cower from the pyro entrance. He just casually leaned on the ropes when they went off. They went right at it with punches a the bell, with Kane decking McIntyre and pounding him in the corner. Kane snapmared McIntyre and hit a dropkick, then sidemared him to the mat and applied a headlock. McIntyre shoved it off and Kane hit a shoulderblock and reapplied the headlock. Kane hit a neckbreaker for a two count. Kane missed a charge in the corner, and McIntyre hit a series of clotheslines in a corner. Kane came back with a right hand, decking McIntyre. Kane beat down McIntyre, but missed a back elbow. McIntyre kicked at Kane's left knee. Kane backdropped McIntyre to the apron, and McIntyre grabbed Kane's arm and yanked it across the top rope. McIntyre kicked the knee and hit an armbreaker, then applied an armbar.

    Kane got to his feet as McIntyre moved into a top wristlock. Kane shoved McIntyre to the ropes and sent him over them to the floor. McIntyre got back in, and Kane went for a backdrop. McIntyre kicked it away and hit an armbreaker for a two count, then went back to the armbar. Kane punched out of it, and went for a backdrop. McIntyre blocked it and went for the DDT, but Kane escaped and hit a boot to the face. Kane hit a clothesline in a corner, then ran into a back elbow. McIntyre went to the middle rope, but jumped into a Kane punch for a two count. Kane hit McIntyre with a side slam for a two count. Kane hit a top rope clothesline, then called for the chokeslam. McIntyre floated out of it and went to the ring apron, but Kane shoved McIntyre into the ringpost and kicked him to the floor.

    Kane tossed McIntyre into the ring and stomped him. McIntyre rolled out and acted like he was leaving. Kane gave chase, but McIntyre turned and punched him. McIntyre went to throw Kane into the guard rail, but Kane blocked it and tossed McIntyre into the rail. Kane hit some punches and threw McIntyre back into the ring. Kane went for the chokeslam, but McIntyre was in the ropes. The referee went to separate them, and McIntyre stuck a thumb in Kane's eye. McIntyre hit Kane with the Future Shock DDT for the pin at the ten minute mark.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre.

    Maryse approached Gail Kim and said something in French, then talked in English about how she and Gail had more class than the Smackdown Divas. Gail responded in French, and revealed that she knew Maryse was trashing her in French all along. Gail Kim said she was taking the title tonight, and bid Maryse goodbye in French.

    Finals of the Diva Championship Tournament
    Maryse vs. Gail Kim

    Before they could lock up, Vickie Guerrero came out, to monster heat. Vickie complained about the way the Raw Divas have been disparaging the Smackdown Divas. Vickie said she was postponing the Diva Championship match, and instead was making a tag match with Kim & Maryse vs. Michelle McCool & Layla. Well, I guess we'll be waiting longer for that match now!

    Maryse & Gail Kim vs. Michelle McCool & Layla.

    Kim put Layla in an armbar at the start, but Layla pulled free. Layla went for a quick cradle for a two count, then fired off some kicks. Gail dodged a charging Layla, and Gail hit a sunset flip for a two count. Gail hit a bodyblock on Layla in a corner. Gail went to the top rope, but McCool kicked her off the ropes and to the floor. Maryse told Gail to get in the ring, while McCool & Layla hit her with a double baseball slide kick. McCool rammed Kim headfirst into the mat, then put her in a chinlock. McCool went for a backdrop, but Gail kicked it away and hit a clothesline. Kim crawled to Maryse for a tag, but Maryse shoved her back into the ring. McCool kicked Kim and then hit the Faith Breaker for the pin at the four minute mark.

    Winners: Michelle McCool & Layla.

    After the match
    McCool & Layla left, and Maryse got in the ring and pulled Kim up off the mat, then gave her a DDT.

    Josh Mathews interviewed The Miz about being one of the "Pros" on WWE NXT. The Miz was asked about his "rookie" Daniel Bryan, and Miz said he could teach Bryan how to be successful. Miz said he was an "internet sensation" and "King Of The Indies" but he had no personality. Miz said he would give Bryan the look and charisma to be a star in WWE. Miz was about to give his catchphrase, when MVP entered.

    MVP pointed out how he and Mark Henry beat Big Show & The Miz last week when MVP pinned Miz. MVP said that got him another U.S. Title match with the Miz, and the match would take place tonight.

    William Regal, in street clothes, came to the ring. Regal talked about the NXT program, and how he would be one of the "Pros" on the show. The fans gave him the "What" treatment, and Regal said they were "such wonderful people." Edge entered, and essentially said William Regal was boring everyone. Edge said tomorrow on Raw, he would reveal which Championship he would wrestle for at Wrestlemania. He then said he was here tonight to do something else, and speared Regal.

    Edge left to an ovation

    Wrestlemania Ad

    WWE United States Title Match
    The Miz vs. MVP

    They recapped the tag match from Raw as Miz entered the ring. Big Show accompanied Miz, and Mark Henry accompanied MVP. They went face to face at the bell, with Miz trash talking him. MVP responded with a slap, then punched and kicked Miz down in a corner. MVP rammed Miz into an adjacent corner, then slammed him and hit a kneedrop for a quick cover. Miz hit a back elbow, but MVP responded with a belly to belly suplex. Miz rolled to the floor, then rammed him into the security wall. Miz got thrown back in and he tried to give MVP a baseball slide kick as he was distracted by Big Show, but missed. MVP tossed Miz back into the ring, but Miz came back with a running knee to the head. Miz choked MVP against the ropes, then they ran the ropes and MVP leapfrogged Miz and hit a flying forearm for a two count.

    MVP put Miz in a headlock, but Miz broke out of it and whipped MVP into a corner. MVP went to leapfrog Miz in the corner, but Miz caught him and dropped MVP gut first across his knees for a two count. Miz choked MVP against the middle rope and straddled him. Miz kicked MVP in the gut and scored a two count, then applied a chinlock. MVP elbowed out of it, but Miz threw him to the mat and kicked him in the gut. MVP grabbed a small package quickly for a two count, but Miz came right back with a running knee to the head. Miz took his time going for the cover, which MVP reversed into a crucifix for a two count. Miz got angry and pounded MVP with punches. Miz came back with a powerful right hand and a forearm. MVP hit some shoulderblocks in the corner. Miz reversed a whip in the corner, then hit a clothesline for a two count. Miz rubbed MVP's face in the mat, then applied a chinlock.

    MVP battled to his feet in the hold and hit the Electric Chair for a two count. MVP hit some punches, but Miz kicked him and hit a DDT for a two count. Miz started to look frustrated, and he hit MVP with some elbows. Miz ripped at MVP's face, then put him in a chinlock. MVP backed Miz into the corner, but then ran into a kick. Miz kicked MVP in the gut, then choked MVP against the bottom rope. Miz hit a running kick on MVP in a corner, then the jumping between the ropes clothesline. Miz went to the top rope, but MVP hit the ropes and Miz got crotched on the top. MVP hit some right hands, then went for a superplex. Miz battled it off and headbutted MVP to the mat. Miz, who was busted open from his own headbutt, got back on the top rope, but MVP jumped onto the middle rope and hit a belly to belly superplex for a two count.

    Miz and MVP exchanged punches on their knees, and continued as they got up. MVP unleashed some kicks and punches, then hit a flapjack and a facebuster on a knee. MVP called for the Ballin' elbowdrop and hit it for a two count, as Miz got his foot on the ropes. Big Show pulled Miz to the floor. MVP slid into Show with a baseball slide kick, then Mark Henry charged Big Show and rammed him into the ringpost. Show was up against the security wall, and Henry charged him. Show moved and Henry crashed through the security wall, breaking it apart. Back in the ring, MVP went for the running kick on Miz, but Miz moved. Miz pounded MVP's back, but MVP elbowed him away. The referee was looking at Miz, and Big Show reached in and hit MVP with the knockout punch. Miz got the pin at the 12-minute mark.

    Winner: The Miz.

    They replayed out Henry busted through the security wall several times

    After the match
    Miz and Big Show celebrated up the rampway.

    Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Title
    The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. CM Punk

    Mysterio, then Morrison, then Jericho, then Undertaker entered, and got into pods. CM Punk entered, cutting a promo about how the people in the pods were prisoners of their addictions, and he would free them. R-Truth then entered, doing his usual intro, then saying the Elimination Chamber was "What's up" tonight.

    Truth put Punk in a headlock at the bell, then hit a shoulderblock. Punk came back with a leg lariat, then hit a back suplex for a one count. Punk hit some punches, but Truth ducked under a clothesline and hit a side kick for two. Truth clotheslined Punk over the top rope to the platform. They fought on the outside, and Truth gave Punk a catapult into the chain wall. Truth tossed Punk into the wall of a pod, then dove off the top rope into a senton on a standing Punk on the platform. Truth whipped Punk into the cage wall twice, then bounced him off the ropes and into the chains a third time. Back in the ring, Truth hit a faceplant, but missed an axkick. Punk went for GTS, but Truth got out of it. Truth missed a spinning forearm, and Punk hit him with a hard kick to the head. Punk hit Truth with the GTS for the pin.

    R-Truth is eliminated.

    Punk had two minutes to rest. Punk told Undertaker he better hope his pod opens last, because he was going to make him tap out again. Punk said he was going to prove Morrison's decadent rock lifestyle will get him nowhere.

    Rey Mysterio entered the match.

    Mysterio hit Punk with a springboard immediately for a two count, but Punk came back with a sunset flip attempt. Mysterio rolled through it and hit a kick for another two count. Mysterio slid under Punk and set him up for a 619, but as he charged, Punk got up and hit a powerslam for two. Punk went for a GTS, but Rey turned it into a rana for a two count. Mysterio kicked Punk in the leg, then punched him through the ropes. On the platform, Rey went for a rana, but Punk blocked it and swung Rey headfirst into the chain wall, twice. Punk covered Rey for a two count in the ring. Punk hit Mysterio with a jumping knee, then threw him between the ropes and headfirst into the empty pod wall. Punk covered Rey for a two count. Punk put Rey on the top rope and went for a superplex. Rey headbutted and kicked Punk to the mat, then climbed on top of the pod. Punk got on the top rope and stopped him, and teased a top rope GTS. They battled on the top rope and Mysterio crotched Punk on the top. Rey then did a top rope rana, from the inside out, sending Punk down onto the steel platform. Punk rolled into the ring, and Rey gave Punk a springboard splash for the pin.

    CM Punk is eliminated.

    Chris Jericho entered the match.

    Jericho charged and Mysterio hit a monkeyflip. Jericho came back with a clothesline for two. Jericho hit a flapjack, then went for a Lionsault, but Rey moved. Jericho landed on his feet, but Rey tripped him and hit a 619. Jericho rolled to the platform. Rey went for a springboard, Jericho moved and Rey landed on the chain wall, ala Spider-man. Jericho grabbed his legs and pulled Rey down hard onto the steel platform.

    Jericho whipped Rey hard into the chain wall. Jericho hit a slingshort splash on Rey in the ring for a two count. Jericho choked Rey, and stopped to taunt the Undertaker. Rey kicked at Jericho from his back, but Jericho snapmared him and applied a sleeper variation. Rey broke out and hit a springboard moonsault off the middle rope, then went into a guillotine choke after a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Jericho broke out of it and reversed into a Walls Of Jericho, but there were only ten seconds left until the next pod to opens.

    John Morrison entered the match.

    Morrison entered the ring, and Jericho broke his hold to attack him. Morrison dropkicked Jericho, kicked Rey, then tossed Jericho over the top rope. Rey kicked away a Morrison backdrop attempt, but as Rey went for a springboard, Morrison kicked him in the head. Morrison then went after Jericho, but Jericho rolled him up for a two count. Morrison kicked Jericho down, then went to the top rope. Mysterio kicked him backwards, and Morrison crashed through the plexiglass of a pod. Rey went after Jericho, and Jericho backdropped Rey onto the steel platform. Jericho rammed Rey into the cage wall. Morrison, from the other section of the ring, vaulted over the corner and hit Jericho and Rey. In the ring, Morrison gave Rey a standing shooting star press for a two count. Rey came back with a rana and set up Morrison for a 619. Jericho intercepted Rey and hit a drop-down over the shoulder backbreaker for a two count on Rey. Morrison hit Jericho with a Flying Chuck Kick as he was dealing with Mysterio. Mysterio used a headscissors to send Morrison into the corner. Rey set up Morrison for a top rope rana, but Morrison held on and Rey crashed to the mat. Morrison hit Rey with Starship Pain and got the pin.

    Rey Mysterio is eliminated.

    Morrison kicked Jericho to the mat, then lifted him up and kicked him in the chest. Morrison stopped to watch Mysterio leave, and when he went to kick Jericho, Jericho grabbed his legs and put him in the Walls Of Jericho. The clock was running down again.

    Undertaker entered the match.

    Jericho released the Walls to go after Taker, but Undertaker hit a barrage of punches, a Snake Eyes and a boot to the face. Undertaker knocked Morrison over the top rope, then legdropped Jericho for a two count. Undertaker went for a double chokeslam, but Morrison and Jericho blocked it and gave Undertaker a double suplex. Morrison and Jericho knocked Undertaker over the ropes and onto the platform. Jericho then went to kick Morrison, missed and Morrison grabbed La Magistral for a two count. Jericho backdropped Morrison onto the steel platform. Jericho went after Undertaker, and punches him. Undertaker stood up and stared at him. Jericho ran and tried to hide in a pod and close the door. Undertaker ripped the door open and pounded the trapped Jericho.

    Undertaker then got back in the ring and hit Morrison with a pair of avalanches in a corner. Undertaker gave Morrison Snake Eyes, then went for the running boot. Morrison countered with a Flying Chuck Kick, but then grabbed his injured ankle. Morrison limped up and went for Starship Pain, but Undertaker got his knees up. Undertaker then sat up and stared at Jericho, who was finally getting up. Jericho opted to close the pod door again.

    Undertaker turned his attention to Morrison, throwing him onto a platform. Undertaker punches Morrison and stomped him against the chain wall. Undertaker tossed Morrison into the pod wall where Jericho was, breaking it a bit. Undertaker yelled something at Jericho through the pod wall. Undertaker went to powerbomb Morrison on the steel platform, but Jericho attacked Undertaker and Morrison pulled himself onto the cage wall. Jericho rammed Undertaker into a pod, breaking the plexiglass. Morrison then jumped off the cage wall onto Jericho.

    Morrison and Jericho rolled into the ring and Morrison gave him a running knee to the head for a two count. Morrison went for a springboard, but Undertaker, from the outside, grabbed Morrison by the throat and chokeslammed him into the steel platform. Undertaker rolled Morrison into the ring, and keeping his eyes on Jericho, got the pin.

    John Morrison is eliminated.

    Undertaker took down his straps and stared at Jericho, who was standing on the apron. Jericho entered the ring, and charged. Undertaker decked him twice with right hands and pounded him in a corner. Undertaker hit a running knee, but missed a second and got hung up on the top rope. Jericho pounded The Undertaker, setting up for a superplex. Jericho hit the move, but grabbed his own neck after delivering it. Undertaker kicked out at two. Jericho screamed "Stay down" and rammed Taker in a corner. Jericho got up in the corner and punched Undertaker over and over. Undertaker grabbed Jericho, hoisted him up and hit the Last Ride. Undertaker then collapsed to the mat.

    Undertaker got to his feet and made his throat slashing gesture. One of the panels that make up the Chamber platform suddenly popped open, and Shawn Michaels, in cowboy boots and street clothes, climbed out. He got in behind Undertaker, and when Undertaker turned, Michaels blasted him with a superkick.

    Chris Jericho was stunned, but then covered Undertaker, with Michaels standing over them. Jericho got the pin at the 35-minute mark.

    Winner and new World Champion: Chris Jericho.

    Jericho got his belt and exited the Chamber.

    The show ended with Undertaker laying on the mat with Shawn Michaels standing over him, having not moved since delivering the superkick.

    Next stop, Wrestlemania!

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I wonder if this will be an opportunity for Kane to win a title, I honestly don't think he will but I would love to see it happen.

  4. #4
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ Same here!

  5. #5
    KONAN VERSION 1.0 Konan's Avatar
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    lol i want to ask the real shit is i m still waiting for elimination chamber but i m sure when coverage starts i was sleeping .lol :cry:

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Konan View Post
    lol i want to ask the real shit is i m still waiting for elimination chamber but i m sure when coverage starts i was sleeping .lol :cry:
    What? lol

  7. #7
    Starring At Alexa's Ass A Blissful Ass's Avatar
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    Christian won against THE FINAL ECW CHAMP lol

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Mat View Post
    Christian won against THE FINAL ECW CHAMP lol
    The last ECW show was dodgy, I can not believe the disrespect they have shown that belt.

    I find it hard to understand why they have placed Sheamus in first in the chamber, it will be a great win if he does but I am pretty sure he won't. It will either be Triple H or Orton.

  9. #9
    (S)WINNING! Swinny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    The last ECW show was dodgy, I can not believe the disrespect they have shown that belt.

    I find it hard to understand why they have placed Sheamus in first in the chamber, it will be a great win if he does but I am pretty sure he won't. It will either be Triple H or Orton.
    The fact that he want in first makes me think he will win though. Because if they truly want to solidify him and make him look worth of main eventing WrestleMania, having him enter first and win the whole thing is a good way to do it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Swinny View Post
    The fact that he want in first makes me think he will win though. Because if they truly want to solidify him and make him look worth of main eventing WrestleMania, having him enter first and win the whole thing is a good way to do it.
    Good point Swinny and I would love to see him win. I like Sheamus and seems like something fresh for the WWE.

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