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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation LIVE Coverage - Hard Justice

    13th Aug | 8 PM

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    Jeremy Borash and Christy Hemme hosted the pre-show live from Orlando, Florida. Alex Shelley interrupted them at one point, and said he had some "disparaging news". He informed us that Kevin Nash was injured while working on a "840-degree splash" and couldn't wrestle tonight. Shelley said that he would face Chris Sabin in the X-Division Number One Contender's Match tonight.

    Ron Killings vs. A-1

    The history between the two men was recapped as they made their entrances. Killings and A-1 exchanged leg kicks at the start, then broke into a dance number. Seriously. The dancing ended with Killings punching A-1 and hitting a headscissors before clotheslining A-1 over the top rope and to the floor. Killings teased a dive, then hit a baseball slide kick. Killings tossed A-1 back into the ring, but A-1 took over by catching a leapfrog attempt and dropping Killings throat first across the top rope. A-1 hit a neckbreaker for a two count. Killings came back with a flying forearm and a faceplant. Killings hit a gourdbuster for a two count, but ran into an A-1 elbow. A-1 got a two count with his feet on the ropes. A-1 went for a suplex, but Killings floated over it, kicked A-1 in the gut, and delivered an ax kick for the pin at the four minute mark.

    Winner: Ron Killings.

    Cassidy Riley & Sonjay Dutt vs. Jimmy Jacobs & El Diablo.

    Riley & Dutt were attacked as they came to the ring. Riley hit a standing moonsault on Diablo, but when he went for one off the top rope, Diablo got the knees up. Jimmy Jacobs tagged in and hit a top rope flying headbutt on Riley. Diablo and Jacobs worked over Riley, but Riley came back with a powerslam on Jacobs and made the hot tag to Dutt. Dutt hit Diablo with a springboard dropkick and a spinebuster for two when Jacobs broke up the cover. Riley tossed Jacobs out of the ring, and Dutt hit a standing moonsault on Diablo for the pin in about three minutes.

    Winner: Cassidy Riley & Sonjay Dutt

    The rest of the pre-show was made up of video packages hyping the Falls Count Anywhere three-way, the NWA World Tag Team Title match, and numerous packages chronicling the Sting-Jarrett feud.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    TNA Hard Justice PPV - 13th Aug 2006
    Location: Orlando, Florida
    Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West

    A video package airs highlighting the concept of "good and bad" showing various TNA stars. The main focus is about Sting's shot at the NWA World Title tonight against Jeff Jarrett.

    A graphic opening hits welcoming us to Hard Justice. We then go live to Orlando, FL at the Impact Zone at Universal Studios to see a shot of the crowd. A series of pyro goes off above the ring and in the entrance area.

    Johnny Devine's music hits to kick off the first match of the night.

    Johnny Devine vs Eric Young

    They showed a clip of how Jim Cornette added this match last week, and told Young that he better not lose. Young entered from outside the building, leading a group of fans around ringside that were chanting "Don't Fire Eric". Young had his "Don't Fire Eric"shirt on and got a good pop. Devine got on the mic and wondered why Young was sucking up to the fans. Devine said Young always chokes, because he can't handle pressure. Devine said Cornette will fire Young tonight because Young won't win.

    Devine poked Young in the eyes to start the match, but Young slid under his legs and poked him right back. Young tried to hug Devine and shake hands, but Devin slapped him and pounded him down in a corner. Devine hit a sitdown splash in the corner on Young for a two count. Devine applied a chinlock, and the fans chanted for Eric, who came back with a crucifix for a two count. Devine decked Young with a right hand, snap mared him and delivered a series of kneedrops to the head. Devine slapped Young, but Young came back with a slap of his own, only to be caught by a springboard DDT on Young.

    Suddenly, the whole ring filled with smoke. It turns out, some pyro apparently caused a fire above the ring and there were two fire extinguishers being used to put it out up on the catwalks. The place was filled with the white smoke from the extinguishers. It was like watching wrestling in a fog.

    Devine hit a suplex, and the fans chanted "You can't see us". At least they were good sports about it. Young came back with a powerbomb and went to the top rope. Devine tried to meet him up there, but Young shoved him back to the mat and hit a top rope elbow for a two count. Devine swept Young's legs out and tried to use the ropes for a two count. Young hit a sunset flip from the apron for a two count, then hit a neckbreaker variation for the win at the six minute mark.

    Winner: Eric Young

    Earl Hebner, looking disheveled, jumped over the guardrails and attacked referee Slick Johnson. Security pulled him off, with Hebner screaming that he had cost him his job. Larry Zbyszko came out to calm Hebner, and Earl screamed "I'm not taking the fall alone. If I go down, you go down, and so does Jeff!". Zbyszko rushed Hebner off, as Mike Tenay & Don West discussed the card for the rest of the show.

    Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, Sting and Christian's arrivals at the building from earlier today was shown.

    A video package on the four-way tag team match was shown.

    Back live, they were still cleaning up from the fire extinguisher residue, and they replaced the ring mat. Don West & Mike Tenay gave credit to the fans for not letting the conditions dampen their enthusiasm or energy. West & Tenay then stretched for a while, discussing the tag match, then they went to a series of video packages on Sting.

    On the PPV broadcast, they temporarily put up a "Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By" graphic, followed by more video packages.

    Back live, we were outside with Mike Tenay & Jeremy Borash standing next to a fire truck. They explained that the building had been evacuated by the Fire Department, and that once they were allowed to return to the ring, the show would continue. They showed footage of the fire in the rafters, and the fire extinguishers putting it out. Don West joined them, and announced that the fans were being allowed back into the building. We saw a lot of shots of firefighters, as West and Tenay stretched for time.

    Tenay and West put over how well the fans behaved throughout all the problems. They showed a shot of the now-empty arena, and mentioned how fans were being allowed back in now. West pointed out that while some changes in the card would take place, he stressed that the title bouts and the Falls Count Anywhere match will take place tonight.

    Eric Young came up to West and Tenay and said that Jim Cornette needed to know that the fire wasn't his fault. Young left, then Monty Brown showed up and cut a promo about "blazing" everyone tonight. Brown ripped on Samoa Joe and Rhino. Brown just kept stretching and stretching, with Tenay throwing in comments and questions to keep the promo going. They showed footage of fans filing back into the building.

    Shane Douglas and the Naturals showed up with Tenay & West, and said that adversity and opposition like this is what makes champions. Douglas told the Naturals that tonight they had the chance to "rise up" to the challenge before them. The Naturals said they were ready.

    They went backstage, where Jeremy Borash interviewed Alex Shelley. Shelley had a "Kev" armband, and said that Kevin Nash would be risking paralysis if he wrestled tonight. Johnny Devine wheeled in Kevin Nash in a wheelchair, wearing a neckbrace. A somber Nash said it was the darkest day of his life. Nash took off his dog tags and gave them to Shelley, and told him to "go to war".

    Winner to receive an X-Division Title match
    Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley

    Nash was wheeled to ringside for the match. Shelley and Sabin exchanged some holds to start. There were audio problems, as the commentary faded in and out. They traded armdrags and counters, with neither man gaining an advantage. Devine handed Shelley a water bottle for a drink. Shelley rammed Sabin into a corner, then ran into a Sabin boot. Sabin was backdropped to the ring apron, but he came back with a springboard dropkick for a two count. Sabin hit a kick to the back and a running enzugiri for a two count. Sabin set up for a powerbomb, and mocked Nash, but then dropkicked Shelley instead. Sabin mocked Nash for having a neck injury.

    Shelley flipped over a Sabin back suplex attempt, but was hit by a forearm. Shelley grabbed a bulldog and hit a moonsault for a two count. Sabin hit a jawbreaker, but Shelley tripped him. Sabin hiptossed Shelley to the floor, then hit him with a tope, landing at the feet of Nash. Back in the ring, Sabin used a testicular claw and a dropkick on Shelley, but couldn't put him away. Sabin hit a running high kick in the corner, but Shelley came back with an armbar/crossface combo. Sabin made the ropes to force a break. Shelley slammed Sabin and went to the top rope, but Sabin crotched him and hung him in the Tree of Woe. Sabin hit a dropkick, then pulled Shelley off the ropes into a DDT for a two count. Sabin put Shelley on the top rope, but Shelley bit his head to break free. Shelley got behind Sabin and hit a backcracker. Shelley hit an Air Raid Crash while Devine distracted the referee. The referee then came over and made a two count. Devine then distracted the referee again (obviously, Devine had done it too soon the first time) and Nash slid a chair to Shelley. Shelley went to use it, but Sabin avoided it and gave Shelley the Cradle Shock for the win at the eight minute mark.

    Winner: Chris Sabin

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Jim Mitchell & Abyss. Mitchell said Brother Runt should have listened to his brothers and stayed out of trouble. Mitchell said he has heard rumors that Runt has been listening to Raven, and that Raven has convinced him that he has a chance against Abyss.

    A video package on Abyss vs Brother Runt was shown.

    Abyss vs Brother Runt

    Runt is now sporting a Mohawk and a tie-dye shirt. Runt slapped Abyss at the bell, ducked a clothesline and hit a series of forearms. Abyss blocked a whip and went for a press slam, but Runt floated over and hit two headbutts to the gut. Runt went for a bodyblock, and bounced off of Abyss. Abyss press slammed Runt out of the ring and into the crowd. The fans caught him.

    The fight continued on the outside, with Runt hitting an Acid Drop off the ring steps onto the guardrail and a top rope dive onto a standing Abyss on the floor. Raven was watching from an entranceway. Runt went for some chairs, throwing one in the ring. Referee Slick Johnson forced him to throw away the other chair he had, while Abyss wedged the first one in a corner. When the action continued, Abyss threw Runt head first into the wedged chair. Abyss hit some forearms to the back, then hit an avalanche. Abyss put Runt up on the turnbuckles, in the same corner where he had hung his chain earlier. Runt grabbed the chain and hit Abyss with it, then delivered a double stomp off the top rope for a two count.

    Abyss grabbed Runt by the throat, but Runt kicked him low and hit an Acid Drop. Abyss kicked out. Abyss went to charge Runt, and collided with the referee, knocking him down. Abyss gave Runt the backbreaker drop, laying him out. Mitchell tossed Abyss a bag, and Abyss spread thumbtacks across the mat. Abyss rubbed Runt's head into the tumbtacks, then stomped him in the back of the head. Runt screamed and hulked up, then started headbutting Abyss. Runt charged Abyss, and Abyss gave him a press slam, dropping him gut first into the tacks. Abyss gave Runt a Black Hole Slam into the tacks. Abyss covered Runt, and after a few seconds, the referee crawled back in to make the three count at the seven minute mark.

    Winner: Abyss

    Raven stared at Abyss, and did his crucifix pose. The showed some replays, then went back live where Runt walked out of the ring under his own power.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Rhino. Rhino said when everyone went crazy earlier, he wasn't one of them because he is already crazy. He said he didn't come to see a building burn down, he came there to destroy a building. He promised to take out Samoa Joe and Rhino in their Falls Count Anywhere match.

    A video package on the Three Way Falls Count Anywhere match was shown.

    Falls Count Anywhere
    Rhino vs Samoa Joe vs Monty Brown

    Rhino came out first, then Brown, who stayed on the floor. Joe rushed the ring when he came out and started brawling with Rhino, then Brown joined in. Rhino threw Brown to the floor, and then gave him a pescado. Joe then dove out with a tope on Rhino. Joe and Rhino brawled at ringside. Brown hit both men with a trash can. Joe got control of the can and kicked it in Brown's face. Joe sat Brown in a chair at ringside and hit the Ole kick. Rhino exploded with punches on Joe and threw him over the railing. Rhino hit Joe with a cookie tray, then took a kendo stick and followed Joe into the crowd. Rhino hit Joe with the stick and choked him with it. Joe got control of it and hit Rhino with it. Joe then gave Rhino a running kick, ramming Rhino's head into a wall, cracking it. The fans chanted "Holy S***".

    Monty Brown, from the floor, dove over the guardrail onto both men and got a two count on Joe. Rhino rammed Joe and Brown into a wall. Rhino charged Joe, but Joe sidestepped him and rammed him into the rapidly breaking down wooden wall. Brown ripped off a section of the wall and hit Joe with it. Brown went after Rhino, and Joe hit him with the wall. Rhino poked Brown in the eyes and dragged him into the bleachers. Brown and Rhino fought amongst the fans, but Joe showed up with a metal crutch and beat Brown down with it. Rhino poked Joe in the eyes, but Joe came back with a chairshot to the back. Brown ambushed Joe inthe bleachers and set up for a powerbomb, but Joe hit a lowblow and a savate kick on Brown. Joe headbutted Rhino and hit him with an umbrella as they made their way to the ramp.

    Rhino hit Joe with a trashcan lid. Brown threw a chair from the crowd and hit Rhino. Rhino hit Brown with a trashcan lid and suplexed him on the ramp. Rhino fought Joe on the stage and gave him a belly to belly suplex. Rhino went for a gore on Joe, but Joe kicked him. Brown gave Rhino a double underhook suplex on the stage for a two count. Brown dropkicked a charging Joe on the ramp for a two count. Rhino hit Brown with a trashcan lid and the fight went back to the ring with Brown and Rhino going at it. Brown hit a clothesline and went for a cover, but Joe came in and hit Brown with a trashcan lid. Joe gave Brown a reverse atomic drop, a running kick, and a backsplash with a trashcan lid. Brown rolled out of the ring. Rhino hit Joe with a chair to the gut, and gave him a spinebuster on the chair for a two count. Rhino put Joe on the top turnbuckle for a suplexplex onto a chair. Joe fought it, and gave Rhino a sunset flip powerbomb off the ropes onto the chair for a two count. Brown tripped Joe from the floor and yanked him outside. Brown rammed Joe into the announcers table and hit him with a trash can.

    Brown went under the ring and pulled out a table, which he set up next to the ramp. Joe hit Brown with a tray, but Brown hit some knees to the gut. Brown went for a suplex off the ramp through the table, but Joe blocked it and hit some chops. Joe dragged Brown to the stage, and they exchanged shots. Brown gave Joe a neckbreaker on the stage. Brown set up for the pounce, but Rhino ran up and hit both men with repeated trashcan lid shots. Rhino propped two tables against the side of the bleachers, a few feet away from the stage. Rhino went up to Gore Brown off the stage into the propped up tables, but Brown moved and Rhino went off the stage and headfirst through the tables. Brown, realizing Rhino was out, went to go down the ramp, but Joe grabbed him, and delivered an STO off the ramp and through the table that Brown had set up earlier. Joe pinned Brown in the table wreckage for the win at the fifteen minute mark.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    Joe grabbed the mic and said he didn't care if the building burned down, he was there for a fight, and he got one. Joe said they could do it again as he walked off triumphant.

    Jeremy Borash and referee Slick Johnson were questioning Larry Zbyszko about what Earl Hebner was doing here earlier, bringing up their past association together. Zbyszko said he had removed Hebner from the building. Zbyszko got flustered at all the questions, and said he would call Jim Cornette and try to get Slick Johnson fired.

    Gail Kim vs Sirelda

    Kim attacked Sirelda with a jumping knee as she entered the ring, but Sirelda quickly tossed Kim in a corner and hit a clothesline. Sirelda dropped Kim with a press slam and dropped an elbow for a two count. There was a "She's A Man" chant. Kim battled back and yanked Sirelda throat first across the top rope. It took Sirelda a second to remember to sell it. Kim shook her rear end at the crowd. Kim hit a kneedrop for a two count, then choked Sirelda against the middle rope. Kim kicked her in the gut, then yanked her to the mat by her hair. Kim hit Sirelda with some punches. Sirelda battled back with some shots, but Kim put her in a Tarantula. Kim went to the top rope, but missed. Sirelda hit some clotheslines and a powerslam for a two count. Kim tried a leapfrog, but Sirelda caught her and went for a powerslam, but Kim floated into a sleeper type move. Sirelda backed into a corner, and Kim got onto the second rope, then jumped off in a variation of the Blockbuster for the pin at the five minute mark.

    Winner: Gail Kim

    During this match, it was announced that the Four Way Tag Team match would not be taking place tonight due to the earlier fire

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Scott Steiner. Steiner said he and Jeff Jarrett thought Sting would pick someone to watch his back from his past like Ultimate Warrior, Lex Luger or Goldberg. Instead, he picked Christian, who Steiner said doesn't understand him. Steiner said he is from a place of higher education, and he already dumbs down his language for the fans. Scott Steiner noted that "Canadian White Trash" is lower than "American White Trash" and wondered how Christian felt being the "lowest form of homosapien in the world".

    A video package on the X-Division Title match was shown.

    X-Division Champion Senshi vs Jay Lethal vs Petey Williams

    Williams has new ring gear, no longer wearing his Team Canada stuff. All three men exchanged punches, chops and forearms at the start. Lethal hit Williams with a leg lariat. Senshi threw Lethal to the floor. Williams hit Senshi with a spinkick, then gave Lethal a slingshot rana on the floor. Senshi gave Williams and Lethal a Space Flying Tiger Drop. Lethal battled back on the floor, throwing Senshi in, but getting legdropped across the chest on the ring apron when trying to powerbomb Williams. Senshi kicked Williams back to the floor and squared off with Lethal in the ring. Senshi hit a running elbow on Lethal.

    Williams ran back in, but Senshi caught him with a rolling kick. Senshi charged Williams, but Williams dropkicked his leg out from under him. Lethal went for a moonsault on Williams, but Williams moved and hit a suplex, then applied a modified camel clutch on Lethal. Senshi broke it up with three kicks to the chest. Lethal went after Senshi, but he caught him with a flapjack into a double kick in the chest. Lethal dodged a senshi suplex, but ran into a boot by Williams. Senshi chopped Lethal, then invited Williams to do it. Williams chopped Lethal and hung him in a Three Of Woe. Williams stood on Lethal's groin and sang "Oh Canada". When he got down, Senshi chopped him.

    Senshi caught Williams with a kick to the gut, then one to the back of the head. Senshi went to the top rope, but Lethal stopped him. Lethal set up for a superplex, but Senshi stopped it. Senshi dove at Williams, but missed. Williams went for a suplex, but Senshi kneed out of it. Lethal came off the top rope, dropkicking both opponents. Lethal battled both opponents, hitting chops and elbows. Lethal hiptossed Senshi, slammed Williams, and dropkicked both men. Lethal hit Williams with a kick off the middle rope, then gave Senshi a bridging vertical suplex for a two count. Williams came back with a Russian legsweep on Lethal, then set up for the Canadian Destroyer. Lethal reversed out of it and hit a German suplex for a two count. Lethal chopped Senshi, then we went into a long segment of everyone grabbing rollups and small packages for two counts.

    Senshi double stomped Williams for a two count, but Lethal broke it up and suplexed Senshi. Williams grabbed Lethal and applied a Sharpshooter. Senshi went for a Shining Wizard, Williams ducked, and Senshi caught him with a back kick instead. Senshi did the Kobashi Chops in the corner on Lethal, but Lethal sidestepped a charge and hit a released Dragon suplex. Williams broke up the cover. Lethal gave Williams a buzzsaw kick and went to the top rope. Lethal missed the diving headbutt, and Williams gave Lethal the Canadian Destroyer. Senshi dropkicked Williams, and covered Lethal for the pin at the eleven minute mark.

    Winner: Senshi

    Williams, angry over Senshi getting the pin, argued with the champion as he left.

    LAX cut a promo (well actually, Konnan did all the talking) about Daniels & Styles being hand picked champions and being "afforded luxuries" that they weren't. Konnan said this was a revolution, and can't be stopped. Tonight, he said they would take what they want. A video package on the tag title match was then shown.

    NWA World Tag Team Champions Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles vs LAX (Homicide & Hernandez, with Konnan)

    Moody Jack Melendez did the introductions for LAX. Daniels started off with Hernandez, with Hernandez shoving Daniels to the mat repeatedly. Daniels tried a headlock, but Hernandez shoved him off and hit a shoulderblock. Hernandez slammed Daniels and went for a vertical suplex. Daniels floated out and dropkicked his leg, then hit a headscissors and a leg lariat, knocking him to the floor. Daniels spat at Homicide on the apron. Styles and Homicide tagged in. They wrestled on the mat, then Homicide went for some punches and Styles armdragged him. The two men then exchanged punches, with Styles getting the better of it. Styles leapfrogged Homicide, but Homicide came back with a rana.

    Styles did an off the mat rana, and Homicide rolled to the floor. Styles gave Hernandez a rana, and Daniels went for a top rope rana on him, but it fell apart and Hernandez rolled to the floor. Styles and Daniels gave Homicide a back suplex/clothesline combo. There was a "Let's Go Gringos" chant. Daniels and Styles gave Homicide a double powerbomb, then Styles dropped a knee on him for a two count. Homicide yanked Styles to the apron by the trunks and gave him a neckbreaker between the ropes for a two count.

    Hernandez tagged in and whipped Homicide into a clothesline on Styles. Hernandez followed with an avalanche for a two count, then applied a head vice. Styles battled back, but missed a kick and Hernandez hit a released overhead suplex. Homicide tagged in and put Styles in a reverse chinlock. Styles went to the ring apron and got a break from the hold, but Hernandez grabbed his leg, allowing Homicide to shove Styles off hte apron and to the floor. Homicide hit a tope con hilo through the ropes on Styles. Konnan and Homicide stomped Styles while Hernandez distracted the referee. Homicide rolled Styles in for a two count, then tagged in Hernandez, who put Styles back in the head vice. Homicide tagged in and went for a suplex, but Styles reversed it and hung Homicide on the top rope.

    Hernandez tagged in, but Styles kicked him and made the hot tag to Daniels. Daniels cleaned house on both opponents, then slammed Homicide and hit a springboard moonsault for a two count. Hernandez grabbed Daniels from behind, but Daniels drove him throat first into the top rope, then hit a springboard moonsault onto Homicide on the floor. As he got on the apron, Hernandez shoulderblocked him to the floor. Hernandez then dove over the top rope onto Homicide and Daniels, hitting his own partner as much as he did Daniels. AJ Styles then hit a springboard Shooting Star Press onto all three men on the floor. The fans chanted "This is awesome".

    Back in the ring, Styles gave Homicide a face plant for a two count. Daniels & Styles hit the Rockerplex on Homicide for two, but Hernandez broke it up. Styles was tossed out of the ring, and LAX hit the Steiner Bulldog on Daniels. Styles broke up the cover. All four men were in the ring. Styles went for a superplex on Homicide, but Hernandez got under Styles and powerbombed him to the mat as the superplex was taking place. Hernandez gave Daniels the overhead throat throw. Styles gave Hernandez the moonsault into a DDT. Homicide gave Styles a stunner. Daniels gave Homicide a spinning Powerbomb. Styles gave Hernandez a Pepe kick, and Daniels kneed him out of the ring. Homicide knocked Styles to the apron. Daniels powerbombed Homicide. Styles went to the top rope, but Konnan hit him with a low blow. Daniels went after Konnan, and Hernandez hit him from behind. Homicide and Hernandez set up Daniels and Styles for their finishers, but they were both countered and Homicide was thrown to the floor. Daniels and Styles hit Hernandez with a legsweep/clothesline combination for the pin at the fifteen minute mark.

    Winners: AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

    Homicide ran back in the ring with a bottle, but Styles and Daniels had already exited the ring.

    Backstage, Christian speculated that Jeff Jarrett tried to set the building on fire to avoid having to defend the title against Sting. Christian then made fun of Scott Steiner, saying if Steiner wants to impress him, he should try winning a fight. Christian said he was going to ensure that Sting wins the World Title, saying he deserves it for all that he has done for the business. Christian said Jeff Jarrett was a cancer, and that he is in wrestling for selfish reasons, while he and Sting are in it for the future of TNA. Christian said it was "Showtime".

    A video package on the main event was shown.

    NWA World Champion Jeff Jarrett, with Scott Steiner, vs Sting, with Christian Cage.

    They had three referees in the ring to keep the men apart while the ring introductions took place. There was a "Steroids" chant. Sting yelled to the crowd before locking up with Jarrett. Sting hit a shoulderblock and went for a Scorpion right away. Jarrett scurried away. Jarrett slapped Sting, and Sting shoved him down and went for the Scorpion again. Jarrett made the ropes and crawled to the floor. Sting went after him and tossed him over the announcers table. Sting grabbed a fan (as he pointed out to the announcers, an electrical one, not a wrestling fan) and hit Jarrett with it. Sting took Jarrett into the crowd and rammed him into a wall. Sting punched Jarrett around the building and up the bleachers. Sting crotched Jarrett on a railing and dragged him all the way to the top of the bleachers, then punched him back down it.

    Sting rammed Jarrett into another wall, then took him back to ringside. Throughout all this, Steiner and Christian followed them, but never got physically involved. Sting tossed Jarrett back into the ring. Sting went to the top rope, and Steiner hit him in the leg with a chair. The referee was trying to get Christian back in his corner at the time. Christian rushed Steiner on the floor, but Steiner gave him an overhead belly to belly suplex on the floor, then did some pushups. In the ring, Jarrett kicked Sting's leg out and stomped it, then dropped all his weight on it twice. Jarrett rammed Sting's knee into the mat, then dropped some elbows on it. Jarrett applied the figure four leglock. Jarrett slapped Sting while in the hold, and Sting hulked up and reversed the hold.

    Both men got up, and Sting was limping. Sting blocked some Jarrett punches and hit some of his own. Sting hit a pair of clotheslines, but missed a Stinger Splash. Jarrett went for the Stroke, but Sting reversed it into a Scorpion Death Drop. Steiner pulled the referee from the ring. Christian attacked Steiner, raking his eyes. Christian grabbed a chair, but the referee stopped him from using it. Meanwhile, in the ring, Jarrett hit Sting with a low blow. The referee was trying to get Christian back to his corner, so Scott Steiner tossed in the title belt. Jarrett went to use it, but missed, and Christian tripped him. The referee was now arguing with Steiner. Sting hit Jarrett with the belt and went for a cover, but Steiner kept the referee from getting back in the ring. When the referee did get back in, Jarrett got his foot on the ropes to break up the cover. Steiner hit Sting with a chair from ringside, but Sting fell forward and headbutted Jarrett in the groin. Christian came into the ring and hit Jarrett with a chair. The referee caught Christian with a chair, and ordered him to leave ringside. The referee then ordered Scott Steiner, who had gotten into the ring at this point, to leave ringside. This segment took a long time. The fans sang "Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye".

    Jarrett put Sting in a Scorpion Deathlock. Sting powered out of it, hulked up, and put Jarrett in a Scorpion. Jarrett made the ropes, and we had a ref bump. Scott Steiner came back in, carrying Jarrett's guitar. Steiner held Sting, and Jarrett went to the top rope with the guitar. Christian ran in with a baseball bat and attacked Steiner and Jarrett. Christian knocked Steiner out of the ring. Sting gave Jarrett a back suplex. Christian picked up the guitar. Sting went to the top rope, with Christian encouraging him to do so.... while holding the guitar. Sting dove off the top rope, and Christian hit him in the head with the guitar. Jarrett covered Sting for the pin at the fifteen minute mark, while Christian smirked on the rampway.

    Winner: Jeff Jarrett.

    Jarrett looked dumbfounded first, then smiled and celebrated with Steiner in the ring, while Christian slowly walked out, smirking. Mike Tenay noted that Christian has screwed Sting out of the NWA World Title as the show ended.

    Thankyou for joining us. Hope to see you next week for WWEs 'Party of the Summer' SummerSlams Play by Play.

    Please feel free to comment in this thread about the PPV.
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  3. #3
    On the bench! Neo Corey's Avatar
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    I Heard a rumour about WCW coming to the ppv

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I have to admit a big fire would have made it more exciting.

  5. #5
    Byarg! Nick, Your Indie Lover's Avatar
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    oh shit wtf is with the PPV?

    Former 1x TNA poster of the month/3x UOW Indy Poster of the Month


  6. #6
    On the bench! Neo Corey's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
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    lol @ lion

    the whole place on fire

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
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    bet Vince is loving all this lol .. love that comment - Cheap TNA pyros disupt PPV lol

  8. #8
    On the bench! Spawn's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
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    Ya i said that^^^^ lol

  9. #9
    On the bench! Ethan Hunt's Avatar
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    Mumbai, India
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    I won my vBookie bet placed on Joe!!!

  10. #10
    On the bench! Spawn's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
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    me to weeee

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