So lots of people here actually say that The Dashing One doesn't have a main event gimmick and basically will not be a main eventer because of the gimmick. I think they're all wrong. As seen with The Miz, he proved me wrong by showing me that you don't need in-ring skills or a good look to be a main eventer but you have to get over any way possible and The Miz used his almost above average mic skills to get there. Cody, on the other hand, has great mic skills, in-ring skills and an amazing/unique gimmick. So what's the problem with Cody getting to the main event? People "claim" it's the gimmick, but it's getting him over a lot. When his awesome theme "Smoke & Mirrors" hits, the crowd boos quite loudly and when he talks he gets even more heat (look at the promo he cut when SD! was in England). So even if people want to say that the gimmick isn't a "main event gimmick" he's still getting over which is apparently all that matters to reach the main event. Not to mention that Cody is one of the reasons that I have to watch SmackDown! on a weekly basis.